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Instruction Legal or Illegal Offset Result or number

MOV BX, [BX] Legal 0x1000 0x1BAC
MOV CX, [SI] Legal 0x2000 0x20FE
MOV BX, [AX] Illegal - -
ADD [SI], [DI] Illegal - -
INC [DI] Illegal - -

Ans .2 Calculate the physical memory address generated by the following segment offset
a. 1DDDh:0436h = 1E206
b. 1234h:7920h = 19C60
c. 74F0h:2123h = 77023
d. 0000h:6727h = 06727
e. FFFFh:4336h = 04326
f. 1080h:0100h = 10900
g. AB01h:FFFFh = BB00F

Ans .3

0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0

Ans .4
There are two types of wraparounds. One is within a single segment and the other is
inside the whole physical memory. Segment wraparound occurs when during the
effective address calculation a carry is generated. This carry is dropped giving the effect
that when we try to access beyond the segment limit, we are actually wrapped around to
the first cell in the segment.

As SI+BX=FFFEh= offset address

Physical address= segment x 10H +offset address

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