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Case Study: Urban Crafts - Transforming Handmade Art into Global Commerce


UrbanCrafts is an emerging e-commerce platform that specializes in connecting

artisans and craftspeople with a global audience. The platform focuses on
handmade, unique, and culturally rich products, ranging from traditional handicrafts
to modern art pieces. The company's mission is to empower artisans worldwide,
providing them with a platform to showcase their talents and sell their products


UrbanCrafts aims to create a seamless and engaging e-commerce experience for

both artisans and customers. The primary goals include:

1. Artisan Empowerment: Provide a user-friendly platform for artisans to easily

showcase and sell their products, offering them a fair and transparent marketplace.
2. Global Reach: Expand the reach of handmade crafts to a global audience,
fostering cross cultural exchanges and appreciation for traditional and contemporary
3. Customer Satisfaction: Enhance the overall shopping experience for customers,
ensuring a smooth and secure transaction process, personalized recommendations,
and reliable customer support.

Key Features:

1. Artisan Profiles: Each artisan has a dedicated profile highlighting their story,
craftsmanship, and a gallery of their products.
2. User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive and responsive website design for easy
navigation and product discovery.
3. Secure Transactions: Implement robust security measures to ensure safe and
secure online transactions.
4. Personalized Recommendations: Utilize machine learning algorithms to analyze
customer preferences and provide personalized product recommendations.
5. Global Shipping: Establish reliable shipping partnerships to enable worldwide
delivery, ensuring timely and secure transportation of products.
6. Community Engagement: Facilitate a community forum or blog where artisans
and customers can share stories, experiences, and feedback.


1. Pre-launch Phase:
● Conduct comprehensive website testing to ensure functionality,
usability, and security.
● Finalize agreements with artisans and partners for product listings and
shipping logistics.
● Develop marketing materials and strategies to generate anticipation for
the impending launch.
2. Launch Phase:
● Officially introduce the UrbanCrafts platform with a prominent opening
event to attract interest.
● Monitor website performance, user feedback, and sales data to
facilitate necessary adjustments.
● Initiate targeted advertising campaigns to engage a global audience
and allure artisans and customers alike.
3. Post-launch Phase:
● Regularly update artisan profiles and product listings to maintain fresh
and captivating content.
● Incorporate mechanisms for customer feedback to enhance user
experience and satisfaction.
● Expand global shipping partnerships to access new markets and
enhance delivery efficiency.
4. Long-term Growth Strategy:
● Pursue partnerships with influencers, artists, and cultural entities to
elevate brand visibility.
● Introduce new features and product categories aligned with market
trends and customer preferences.
● Continuously evaluate and optimize website performance, security
measures, and customer support systems to ensure scalability and



Welcome to our seamless web hosting plan where reliability meets affordability. Our
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ensuring our website's optimal performance. Enjoy robust security features and
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to empower your website and business growth.

A. Domain Name Registration: Register a domain name that is relevant and easy to
remember. Something like could work well. Secure online
identity effortlessly by registering unique domain names with ease and reliability.

B. Web Hosting: Choose a reliable web hosting service that can handle the expected
traffic and provide fast load times. Look for a host that offers: 99.9% uptime
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handle traffic spikes. Power your website with our reliable hosting plan – fast,
secure, and backed by customer support.

C. Content Management System (CMS): A CMS like WordPress or Joomla can make
it easy to manage the content of the case study. They also offer many plugins to
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D. Website Design: The website should be visually appealing and easy to navigate. It
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E. Security: Implement SSL to encrypt data between the server and the user’s
browser. Managing security in a web hosting plan involves implementing robust
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plugins to protect against security vulnerabilities. This includes employing firewalls,
encryption, regular security updates, and monitoring for suspicious activities.
Additionally, providing users with tools to enhance their website security, such as
SSL certificates and secure login mechanisms, is essential.

F. SEO: Optimize the website for search engines to increase its visibility. This
includes using relevant keywords, creating quality content, and building backlinks.
Boost visibility and rankings with our SEO management, integral to optimizing your
website on our hosting plan.

G. Analytics: Use tools like Google Analytics to track website traffic and user
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H. Maintenance: Regularly update the website content, fix broken links, and check
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our comprehensive hosting maintenance plan, tailored to keep your site running

4. Budget: The budget is to be finalized depending on your suggested hosting.

Kindly Indicate why the client needs that hosting plan

Domain Name Registration:

Registering a unique and relevant domain name is essential for establishing

an online identity and brand recognition. It ensures professionalism and
trustworthiness for the website visitors.

● 1,200 PHP per year

Web Hosting:

A reliable web hosting service is crucial for ensuring the website's availability,
speed, and performance. It provides the necessary infrastructure to handle website
traffic, maintain data security, and support business growth.

● 450 PHP per month

Content Management System (CMS):

A CMS simplifies website management and content updates, offering

flexibility and scalability. It enables easy customization and integration of features to
enhance the website's functionality and user experience.

● 10,000 PHP per year

SSL Certificate:

Implementing SSL encryption is essential for securing sensitive data and

building trust with website visitors. It ensures data integrity and protects against
cyber threats, enhancing website security and credibility.

● 6,000 per year

SEO Management:

SEO optimization is critical for increasing website visibility and attracting

organic traffic from search engines. It involves ongoing efforts to improve search
rankings, drive targeted traffic, and maximize ROI.

● 25,000 PHP or more per month

Analytics Tool:

Analytics tools provide valuable insights into website performance, user

behavior, and marketing effectiveness. They help track key metrics, measure ROI,
and make data-driven decisions to optimize website efficiency and growth.

● 30,000 PHP per month

Maintenance Plan:

Regular maintenance is essential for ensuring website functionality, security,

and performance. It involves tasks like content updates, security patches, backups,
and performance optimization to keep the site running smoothly and securely.

● 80,000 PHP

Overall, the total budget for the suggested hosting plan, including domain
registration, web hosting, SSL certificate, CMS, SEO management, analytics tool, and
maintenance plan, may range from 12,500 PHP to 500,000 PHP or more per year,
depending on the specific requirements and chosen providers.

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