Food Resources

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Food Revolutions in India

S.No. Revolution Objective Father

1. Green Increase in production of food grains M.S. Swaminathan
specially wheat and rice
2. Blue Increase in production of fish Arun Krishnan
3. White Increase in production of milk Dr Verghese Kurien
4. Yellow Increase in production of oil Sam Pitroda
5. Golden Increase in production of pulses -

Check Point 01

Q1. Why do we need food?

Ans1. We need food for growth of body, development & maintenance of health . Food
supplies us with proteins , carbohydrates, fats , vitamins & minerals .Plants & animals are
major sources of food for us .
Q2. Why we need improvement in food resources ?
Ans2. India is a populous country (more than 1 Billion) & its population is increasing day by
day. So, demand for food is also increasing but area for cultivation is limited. So, to meet the
increasing demand of food we need improvement in food resources.
Q3. What is Yield in Terms of Agriculture ?
Ans3. It is measurement of the amount of agricultural production harvested per unit of land
Pr oduction Harvested
Yield =
Area Of Land
Q4. What is Agriculture & Integrated Agriculture?
Ans4.Agriculture: Growing of crops in fields for obtaining food (wheat ,rice) is called
Integrated Agriculture: It implies a combination of agriculture with other forms of culture
such are pisciculture(fish culture), apiculture (bee-keeping), sericulture(silk worm culture) ,
poultry farming ,piggery, livestock production(animal husbandry ) etc.

Q5. What is Sustainable Agriculture ? What is it’s need?


Ans5: It can be defined as successful management of resources required for agriculture to
satisfy changing human needs while maintaining quality of environment & conserving
resources. Also, it is required to meet the needs of future generations. Sustainable agriculture
is needed to fulfil the needs of growing population with great increase in population with
natural resources depleting day by day.

Q6. What do we get from plants ?

Around 2000 species of plants are cultivated for food . Main foods obtained are:

1.Vegetables : They are edible parts of herbaceous plants .

(i)Roots : of carrot , radish , turnip , sweet potato & beet root are eaten as vegetables.
Modified roots are also eaten as vegetables e.g. sweet potato.

(ii)Stems: Stems of plants such as mustard ,banana, bamboo are used as vegetables.

Modified stems of certain pants are also eaten e.g. potato, onion, garlic ,ginger etc.

(iii)Leafy vegetables : These include leaves of spinach, lettuce , turnip, mustard , methi ,
curry -leaf etc.

(iv)Inflorescence vegetables : These include broccoli , cauliflower etc.

(v)Fruit vegetables : They include tomato , pumpkin, jack fruit, brinjal , tamarind etc.
Note: All vegetables with seeds inside it are technically vegetables.

They provide us with wide range of vitamins and minerals alongwith small amounts of
proteins , carbohydrates and fats.

2.Seeds :Not all seeds are edible . For example, apple seeds are poisonous. Edible seeds
include Cereals, Pulses, Oil seed crops , Nuts or dry Fruits.

(i)Cereals :like Wheat , Rice , Maize(Corn), Sorghum(Javar), Millets(Bajra) etc. These

provide us with carbohydrates.

(ii)Pulses: like pea(matar), gram(chana) , black gram(urad),green gram(moong), pigeon

pea(arhar), lentil(masoor) etc. They provide us with proteins.


(iii)Oil Seed Crops: like groundnuts , soyabean , olive, sesame, sunflower ,groundnut, castor
, mustard etc. They provide us with fats.

(iv)Nuts or Dry Fruits: Almonds ,cashew nut , walnut are examples. These are rich in fatty
acids & proteins and thus are considered energetic food items

3.Fruits : Include Apple , mango, grapes , dates etc. Good source of vitamins , minerals.

They provide us with wide range of vitamins and minerals alongwith small amounts of
proteins , carbohydrates,roughage and fats.

4.Spices : Cumin, fenugreek, cardamom, fennel cinnamon. They enhance the palatability of
They provide us with wide range of vitamins and minerals alongwith small amounts of
proteins , carbohydrates and fats.

5.Fodder Crops : Oat, berseem or sudan grass . They provide green fodder to cattle.

6.Other Crops : Tea , Coffee .

Q7. Name an oil which is not edible . What are its uses ?

Ans7: Castor oil is not edible. It is mainly used as a lubricant .Also used in manufacture of
transparent soaps ,inks paints etc.

Q8. Name two categories of crops based on seasons?

Ans8. .Kharif crops :- These crops are grown in rainy season. During the month of June –
July & harvested in September – October e.g.- paddy, maize , cotton , groundnut ,sugarcane
Rabi crops :-These are grown in winter season : these are grown in winter season from
October- November & harvested in March – April , For e.g. pea, gram , wheat etc.

Q9. What do we get from cereals , fruits pulses and vegetables?

Ans9. Cereals like wheat and rice provide us with carbohydrates for fulfilling body’s energy
requirement. Pulses like gram and peas provide us with proteins. Fruits and vegetables


provide us with a range of vitamins and minerals in addition to some proteins, carbohydrates,
roughage and fats.


S.No. Kharif Crops Rabi Crops

1. They are monsoon or rainy season They are non-monsoon season

crops. crops.
2. The crops grow in hot & wet The crops grow in cold & nearly
conditions. dry conditions.
3. These crops are sown in beginning of These are sown in October-
rainy season June-July & harvested in November when monsoon has
September – October . retreated & harvested in
March – April before very hot
season arrives.
4. For example Rice, Maize, Cotton, For example Wheat, Barley,
Groundnut, Soyabean, Green gram , Gram, Mustard, Linseed , Pea.
Black Gram, Sugarcane etc.

In India there has been a four times increase in production of food grains from 1960 to 2004
with only 25% increase in cultivable land area. This has been due to the following factors.

1. Crop variety improvement

2. Crop production improvement
3. Crop protection management

Check Point 02
Q1. List & explain different factors of Crop Variety Improvement.

Ans1. Factors of Variety Improvement:

(a)Higher Yield : To increase the productivity of crop per acre.

(b)Improved quality : Quality consideration of crop products varies from crop to crop like
baking quality of wheat, protein quality in pulses , oil quality in oil seeds & preserving quality
of fruits & vegetables. Better quality brings good market price.


(c)Biotic & Abiotic resistant : Crop production can go down due to biotic stresses (insects,
diseases, nematodes) or abiotic stresses (drought, salinity, water logging heat, cold, frost etc.).
If we develop crop variety which are resistant to theses stresses , then we can significantly
improve crop production .

(d)Change in maturity duration : The shorter the duration of the crop from sowing to
harvesting ,the more economical is the variety. In some of the short duration crops , early
maturing varieties are desirable. Such short duration crops allow farmers to grow multiple
rounds of crops in one year. Short duration also reduces the cost of crop production . Uniform
maturity makes the harvesting easy & reduces losses during harvesting.

(e)Wider adaptability : Developing varieties for wider adaptability will help in stabilizing
crop production conditions. One variety can be grow under different climatic conditions like
drought or high-moisture conditions in different areas.

(f)Desirable agronomic traits: If we develop those varieties of crops which contain desired
agronomic traits it will help in setting higher yield and production. Tallness and profuse
branching are a desirable characters for fodder crops. Dwarfness is desired in cereals so that
these crops will consume less nutrients . Thus developing varieties of desired agronomic
characteristics will give higher productivity.

Q3. How is Crop Variety Improvement achieved

Explain the mechanism of crop Variety Improvement.

Mechanism of Crop Variety Improvement :It is achieved by manipulation of crop plants for
improving their yields , improving quality , suitability to varied conditions and resistance to
abiotic and biotic stresses. It is carried out through introduction , hybridization , mutation,
breeding & DNA recombination technology.

Common Methods of Genetic Improvement

(a)Introduction (b)Selection (c)Hybridisation

(a)Introduction : The process of introducing new plants from their growing place to a new
region with a different climate is called plant introduction . For example tea, tobacco , coffee
have been introduced to India from other parts of the world.


(b)Selection: The process involves selection of most desirable off spring of a variety of plant
for controlled propagation.

(c)Hybridisation :Crossing of two different plants resulting in formation of new plant having
characteristics of parent plants is called hybridization. For example, when a disease resistant
plant is crossed with high yielding plant then new plants are disease resistant as well as high

Q4. What are various types of Hybridisations?

Ans4. Types of hybridisation :

(a)Inter varietal cross -breeding : Crossing between two different varieties.

(b)Inter specific cross breeding : Crossing between two different species of same genes.

(c)Inter generic cross breeding : Crossing between two different genera. For example
triticale is a intergeneric cross between wheat & Rye. In this cross wheat is referred as
Female parent and rye as male parent.

The most common type of breeding in inter varietal.

Q5. What due to understand by GMO or genetically modified organisms?

Ans5. One more way of improving the crop is by introducing a gene that would provide the
desired characteristics like higher yield , improved quality etc.. This results in genetically
modified organisms(plants, animals etc.) or genetically modified crops or GMO crops.

(b) Crop Production Management: There is a direct correlation between higher inputs &
higher yields. Due to various conditions like less land, more land, less money , more money ,
access to information & technologies etc. production practises can be at different levels as

Types of Production Practises:

1.No Cost Production

2.Low cost Production
3.High Cost Production
Nutrient Management: Just as we need food for our development, growth & well-being
plants also require nutrients for growth.


Nutrients: The food required by plants is composed of certain chemicals which are known as
plant nutrients.
These are supplied by air ,water & soil. Plants get these from
(i)Air : Carbon , Oxygen
(ii)Water : Hydrogen , Oxygen
(iii)Soil: Nitrogen , Phosphorus ,Potassium etc. Details as below

Check Point 03
Q1. What are Macro & Micro Nutrients?
Ans1: Macronutrients: The nutrients required by plants in large quantities are known a
macronutrients. For example carbon , hydrogen , nitrogen,phosphorous etc.

Micronutrients : The nutrients required by plants in smaller quantities are known as

micronutrients. For example iron , zinc , boron etc.
Q2. How does deficiency of plant nutrients affect the plants?
Ans2. Deficiency of nutrients affects physiological processes in plants including reproduction
, growth and susceptibility to disease.

Q3. How can we Increase Yield by Nutrient Management?

Ans3.To increase the yield , the soil can be enriched by supplying these nutrients in form of
Manure & Fertilizers.

Manures: Substances prepared by decomposition of animal excreta and plant wastes are called
manures. They contain small amounts of nutrients and large quantities of organic substances.
They increase soil fertility and enrich soil with nutriments and organic matter.


Types of Manures:

(a)Compost: The process in which farm waste materials like animal excreta, vegetable waste
, animals refuse , domestic water , sewage waste ,eradicated weeds are decomposed in pits is
called composting. The manure thus formed is known as compost. The compost prepared in
such a way is rich in organic matter & nutrients.
(b)Vermi Compost: The compost prepared by using earthworms to hasten the process of
decomposition of plant & animal waste is called vermicompost.

(c)Green Manure: Prior to sowing of crop seeds some plants like seeds sun hemp or guar are
grown & then mulched by ploughing them into the soil . These green plants thus turn into
green manure which helps is enriching the soil in Nitrogen & Phosphorous.

Check Point 04

Q1. How do manures Affect the Soil?

Ans1. They affect the soil is 3 ways:

They enrich the soil with Nutrients & organic matter . Thus they increase the soil fertility &
soil structure.
They add organic matter to soil which
Increases the water holding capacity of sandy soils.
In clayey soils , the large quantities of organic matter help in drainage & in avoiding water
It provides food for soil organisms which help in making nutrients available to the plants by
process of decomposition.

Q2. How do manures help in protecting our Environment?

Ans2. By using manures we use biological waste which is advantageous in protecting our
environment from chemicals like fertilizers , pesticides etc. Using biological waste is also a
way of recycling farm waste thus protecting our environment.

Q3. What are Fertilizers? What are its types?

Ans3. The commercially prepared plant nutrients used to maintain soil fertility and to increase
crop yield are called fertilisers. They contain higher amount of nutrients than manures.


Types Of Fertilizers

(a)Nitrogenous Fertilizers: Fertilizers which supply Nitrogen are called nitrogenous

fertilizers. For example Urea.
(b)Phosphatic Fertilizers: which supply phosphorous for example super phosphate.
(c)Potassic Fertilizers: These supply potassium for example potassium sulphate .
(d)Complex Fertilizers: Those fertilizers which contain 2 or more nutrients are known as
complex fertilizers. For example NPK, Nitro phosphate etc.

Q4. Although fertilizers increase crop production yet they are to be used in limited amount
Ans4. (i)High dose of chemical fertilizers increase the crop production but when excess of
these chemicals are used, then they are washed off through irrigation , rainfall etc. causing
water pollution vide Algae bloom & eutrophication.
(ii)Continuous use of fertilizers can destroy soil fertility because organic matter in the soil is
not replenished.
(iii)Fertilizers may also harm microorganisms which are helpful in increasing soil fertility.
(iv)They may also make soil too acidic or too basic.

Q5. What is Organic Farming ?

Ans5. It is the farming system with minimum or no use of chemicals such as fertilizers,
pesticides & herbicides . Maximum input is of organic manure recycled from farm waste like
straw & livestock excreta. Use of bio agents such as culture of blue -green algae in preparation
of bio – fertilizers ,neem leaves & turmeric specifically in grain storage as bio pesticides .
Healthy cropping systems are used in organic farming like mixed cropping , inter cropping &
crop rotation etc. to maintain the fertility of the soil . These are beneficial for pest & insect
control beside providing nutrients.

Q6. Why Fertilizers should be applied scientifically in terms of proper dose , time ,pre & post
Ans6.Sometimes due to excessive use of fertilizers these get washed away & do not get fully
absorbed by plants. These unused fertilizers create problems in water bodies & deoxygenate
them by processes like algae bloom & eutrophication.

Comparison between Manures & Fertilizers

S.No. Manures Fertilizers

1 Prepared in Rural Areas Prepared in Factories


2 Bulk source of Nutrients Concentrated source of Nutrients
3 Required in large quantities Required in small quantities
4 Insoluble in water so not easily Soluble in water so easily absorbed by
absorbed by plants plants.
5 Provide organic matter to Soil Do not provide Organic matter to Soil
6 These are not Nutrient specific These are nutrient specific

Irrigation: Different Types of Irrigation Systems available in India

(a)Wells : These are of two types namely Dug wells & Tube Wells. In dug wells water is
collected from upper strata of ground & in Tube wells it is collected from deeper strata of
ground. From these wells water is lifted by pumps for irrigation

(b)Canals: This is usually an extensive irrigation system. In this system canals receive water
from reservoirs or rivers and is used for irrigation.

(c)River lift System: In areas where canal flow is insufficient or irregular , the lift system is
more rational. Water is directly drawn from rivers for supplementing irrigation in areas close
to rivers.

(d)Tanks: These are small storage reservoirs which intercept and store the run-off of smaller
catchment areas.

Check Point 05

Q1. What are fresh initiatives for increasing availability of water?

Ans1. These include:
Rain Water Harvesting & watershed management :This involves building a small check dam
which leads to increase in ground water levels. The check dams stop rain water from flowing
away . They also reduce soil erosion

Cropping Patterns

Different Cropping Patterns:

A. Mixed Cropping : It means growing two or more crops simultaneously in the same field.
e.g. wheat+gram , wheat +mustard, groundnut + sunflower etc.



(a)No risk of crop failure: Due to uncertain monsoon or abnormal weather conditions , total
failure of crop does not occur.
(b)Variety of Product: At the same time variety of crops are produced to meet varying
(c)Increase in yield : Due to complementary effect of two crops , yield is increased
We get Improved soil fertility in Mixed Cropping

Basic Objective of Mixed cropping is minimizing the risk & insurance against crop failure due
to abnormal weather conditions

B. Intercropping: It is growing of two or more crops simultaneously in same field in a

definite row pattern.
Example Soybean +Maize , Finger millet + cowpea(lobia) etc.
Crops are selected such that their nutrient requirement is different
(a)Growing two crops with different Nutrient requirements ensures maximum utilisation of
nutrients supplied.
(b)It prevents pests & diseases from spreading to all the plants belonging to crop in the field.
(c)It maintains soil fertility.
(d)It helps in increasing the yields of crops.

Q2. What are the differences between Mixed and Intercropping.



Differences Between Mixed & Intercropping

S.No. Mixed Cropping Inter Cropping

1. The basic target is to minimise the It is done to increase productivity per unit
risk of crop failure area
2. Before sowing seeds of two crops Before sowing seeds are not mixed
are mixed
3. There is no definite row pattern Seeds are grown in a definite row pattern.
4. It is difficult to supply fertilizers to Fertilizers can be applied as per need of
individual crops crop
5. Harvesting and threshing of crops is Both crops can be easily harvested
separate is not possible separately & threshed

Q3. What criteria is followed to select crops during intercropping ?

(a)Duration of Crops: One crop must be of long duration & other short duration .
(b)Growth height : One should be tall growing & other should be short growing.
(c)Root Pattern: One should be deep rooted & other shallow rooted.
(d)Nutrient Demand: They should have different nutrient requirements
(e)Water Need: One crop should need more water & other less.

Q4. What is Monoculture?

Ans4. Growing of same crop in same piece of land season after season in known as
monoculture . Due to utilization of same kind of nutrients soil loses its fertility & crop yield
decreases in monoculture.

Q5.What is crop rotation ?

Ans5.Growing of different crops on a piece of land in a preplanned succession is known as
crop rotation. Depending on duration it is done for different crop combinations. For example
wheat & barley , wheat and mustard etc.

Q6. On what factors choice of crops for crop rotation depends

Ans6.Choice of crops for crop rotation depends upon
(i)Moisture condition – where moisture is limited millets are grown
(ii)Length of rainy season with enough rainfall area: Rice is grown
(iii)Type Of Soil- In Clayey soil sorghum is grown.


Q7. What is the significance of crop rotation ?

Ans7.(a)Soil fertility is retained as different crops require different types of nutrients

(b)It will discourage diseases and insect & pests to grow in the soil and infect the crops
(c)It increases crop yield .
(d)If crop rotation is done properly two or even three crops can be grown in a year with good

(c)Crop Protection Management: Field crops are infested by a large number of weeds ,
insect pests & diseases.

Check Point 06

Q1. What are Weeds? How are they Harmful? Give some examples to Control them .
Ans1. These are unwanted plants in the cultivated fields . For example Xanthium(gokhroo),
Parthenium(gajar ghas) & Amaranthus(cholai),cyperinus rotundus(motha) . They are harmful
(a)They compete with the main crop for food, light & space.
(b)They germinate and mature earlier than the cultivated crop, so they take up all nutrients &
reduce the growth of the plant.
(c)They are responsible for spreading diseases by acting as alternate hosts for the pests.

Q2.What is Weeding How is it achieved?

Ans2. The process of removal of weeds is called weeding. It can be done by following
(a)Mechanical Methods: Uprooting weeds with Khurpa, Plough etc .
(b)Cultural Method: Proper seed bed preparation , timely sowing of crops , intercropping,
crop rotation etc.
(c)Chemical Methods/; Spraying of some chemicals like herbicides , pesticides , weedicides
is done in case of heavy infestation
(d)Biological Method: It involves introducing some living organism into the field which
exclusively feed on weeds.

Q3 How pest attack the plants?

(a)Insect pests attack the plant is three ways:
(b)They cut root ,stem & leaves
(c)They suck cell sap of various parts of the Plants.
(d)They bore into stem & fruits.


Q4 How can insect pests be controlled ?
(a)By using pesticides , insecticides & fungicides .These chemicals are sprayed on the crop
plants or used for treating seeds & soil .
(b)By growing disease resistant varieties
(c)By summer ploughing in which field are ploughed deep in summer to destroy weeds &

Q5. Why excessive use of pesticides is harmful?

Ans5. Excessive use of pesticides can create problems because they can be poisonous to
many plant & animal species and cause environmental pollution

Q6. How is disease caused in plants?

Ans6. In plants diseases are caused by bacteria, fungi & viruses
There are three ways of transmission of Pathogens
(a)By seed & Soil
(b)By water
(c)By Air

Q7. What are the factors which can spoil stored food grains?
Ans7.(a) Biotic Factors like insects, rodents, birds, fungi, microbes etc
(b)Abiotic Factors; i.e. non-living factors for example moisture content, temperature etc.

Q8.What are effects of infestation of stored food grains ?

(a)Degradation of quality of food
(b)Loss in weight
(c)Poor germinability
(d)Discoloration of produce
(e)Poor marketability
Preventive Measures used before Storing Food Grains:
(a)Strict cleaning of produce before cleaning
(b)Proper drying of produce first in sunlight then in shade
(c)Fumigation in which chemicals are used which form vapours in a concentration sufficient
to be lethal against the pests.
(d)Using chemicals so they can kill the pests
(e)Maintenance of hygiene i.e. proper cleaning of godowns & stores
(f)Removing all sort of dust , dirt webbing etc or refuse of previous grains


Animal Husbandry : It is a scientific term of keeping animals which include feeding,
breeding & disease control etc.

Animal Husbandry: Significance

(a)To improve breeds of domesticated animals.

(b)To increase yield of food stuff.

Check Point 07

Q1. Why we have to increase animal production?

Ans1 The population of India is increasing so demand for food is increasing. To meet the
increasing demand of growing population we need improvement in animal production.
Q2. What are two purposes of cattle husbandry?
Ans2 (a)For milk production.
(b)Draught labour for agricultural work like tilling, irrigation and pulling carts.
Q3. Give scientific name of cow &buffalo?
Ans3. Cow-BOS indicus
Buffalo-BOS bubalis
Q4. What are milch and draught animals?
Ans4 Milch Animals: The animals which are domesticated for the purpose of milk
production. For e.g. cow, buffalo
Draught Animals: The animals for farm labours. For e.g.bulls, oxen
Q5. On what factor milk production depend?
Ans5: It depends on duration of lactation period means period of milk production after birth
of a calf so, milk production can be increased by increasing lactation period.
Q6. Give scientific name of local &foreign breeds of buffalo?
Ans6. Local: Red Sindhi, Sahiwal
Foreign Breeds: Jersey, Brown Swiss
Q7. What is cross breeding?
Ans7. The process in which two varieties are cross bred to get a variety with desired qualities
of both the parent organisms. For eg. When a local breed which is disease resistant is cross
bred with foreign breed which is high yielding ,new variety obtained is disease resistant as
well as high yielding.

Q8. What are various management practices for the animals?

Ans8. They should be regularly brushed to remove dirt and loose hair.


2. Their shelter should be well ventilated.
3. Their sheds should be covered to protect them from rain, heat &cold.
4. The floors of their shed should be sloping so as to stay dry & to facilitate cleaning.

Q9. On what factors does food requirement of dairy animals depend?

Ans9. Food requirement of dairy animals depend on-
1. It is the food required to animal to live healthy life.
2. Milk producing requirement: It is food required during lactation period.

Q10. Name two broad categories of food provided to animals?

Ans10: Animal feed consists of two types of substances
(a)Roughage- It mainly consists of fibres such as green fodder, hay etc. It adds bulk to the
(b)Concentrate- It is low fibrous containing high amount of proteins & nutrients. It includes
grains of maize, oats, gram etc. & their by-products wheat bran, rice bran, oil seed cakes etc.
Q11. What is ration?
Ans11 .Amount of food given to animals during 24 hour period.

Q12. Why dairy animals need balanced ration?

Ans12. Because it contains all nutrients in appropriate amount.

Q13. How do animals suffer from diseases & how they can be prevented?
Ans13. Animals can suffer from diseases in following ways-

(a)By external parasites which live on the skin and cause skin diseases.
(b)By internal parasites like worms which effects stomach and intestine
(c)By bacteria and viruses.

-To prevent bacterial and viral diseases vaccinations is done to the farm animals.

Q14. What are symptoms of healthy and sick animals?

Ans14. A healthy animal feeds regularly &has a normal posture.

Sick Animal
1. Does not feed properly.
2. Walks lamely.
3. Has watery eyes & nose
Q15. What does poultry farming include?
Ans15. Poultry farming includes duck, geese, pigeons, hens etc.


-Poultry farming is undertaken to raise domestic foul for egg production & chicken meat.

Q16. Name local and foreign breed of poultry?

Ans16. Local breed/indigenous
Foreign or exotic breed.

Q17. What are desirable traits for which improved varieties are developed? By crops
breeding b/w local &foreign breeds?
Ans17. (a)Number and quality of chicks.
(b)Dwarf broiler parent for commercial chick production
(c)Summer adaptation capacity i.e. tolerance to high temperature.
(d)Low maintenance requirement.
(e)Reduction in size of egg lying birds with ability to utilize more fibrous and cheaper diet.

Broilers Layers
1. These are the chickens for meat. 1. These are chickens used to produce eggs.
2.There feed is protein rich with adequate 2. They are feed with vitamins and minerals
amount of fat with high level of vitamin A &micro nutrients.
&Vitamin K.
3.They have low mortality rate(death rate) 3. They have high mortality rate.

4. Have fast growth & are ready to used much4. Lays eggs at the age of 20 weeks.
5. Do not require much space &light to grow.5 .Require enough space & proper lightening.

Q18. What precautions should be taken to prevent diseases in poultry?

1. Proper cleaning of shed.
2. Sanitation should be proper.
3. Spraying of dis infectants at regular intervals.
4. Appropriate vaccination at regular intervals.

Q19. What are management practices undertaken for good production of poultry


1. Maintenance of temperature.
2. Hygienic condition in housing.
3. Proper food.
4. Prevention and control of diseases &pests.


Q1. What does fish production include?

(a)It includes fin fish eg. True fishes.
(b)Shell fish eg. Prawns, molluscs.

Q2. Give some varieties of fresh water fish &marine water fishes?
(a)Fresh Water- Catla, Labio, Barbus


(b)Marine Water- Hilsa, Catfish, Flying Fish

Q3. How are fishes obtained?

Ans3 Fishes are obtained by two methods-
(a)By catching them from natural resources such fisheries are called capture fishery.
(b)While cultivating various cultural system, such fishery are called cultural fisheries.

Q4. What are marine fishery resources?

Ans4 They include 7500 kilometre of coastline &the deep sea beyond it.

Q5. Name the sea fish varieties consumed as food?

Ans5. Pomphret, Tuna, Sardine, Bombay Duck etc.

Q6. Name the cultural fishes in seawater?

Ans6. Cultural fishes include finned fishes like mullets, Bhetki, Peare spots, Shell fishes
such as prawns mullets, oyster & sea weeds. These are fishes of high economic value.
Oysters are cultivated for pearls.

Q7. What is Brackish water?

Ans7. It is the water when sea water flows in & gets mixed with fresh water.
Brackish water resources can be estuaries & Lagoons.

Q8. What is paddy cum fish culture?

Ans8. When fish culture is integrated with agricultural farming then it is called paddy cum
fish culture. It is done so that fishes are grown in the water in the paddy field.
Q9. What is composite fish culture? What are its advanatages?
Ans9 It is the system in which the combination of 5 or 6 fish species are used in a single fish

1. These fishes do not compete for food among themselves as they have different types of
food habits.
2. Food available in all parts of the pond is utilised due to their different food habits. For eg.
6 species of fishes used in composite fish culture are catla, Rohu, Mrigal, Grass carp,
Common Carp & silver carp
Catla is a surface feeder, rohu feeds in a middle zone of pond, mrigal & common carp feed at
the bottom, grass carp and silver carp feed on the aquatic weeds in the pond.
3. This all increases yield of the fish from the pond.


Q10. What are major problem of fish farming earlier?
Ans10. Major problem in fish farming was unavailability of good quality seeds i.e. healthy
and pure seeds because for cultural purposes eggs and seeds were collected from nature but
they were used to be mixed with eggs of undesirable species.

Q11. How were scientists able to get quality seeds of fishes in desired quantities?
Ans11. To get quality seeds of fishes scientist successfully bred these fishes in ponds by the
use of hormones. These hormones were extracted from pituitary glands of carps as donor of
1.It’s the process of It’s the practice of culture of It’s the production of fish
obtaining fish from natural marine fish varieties in open from fresh water resources
resources like ponds, canals, sea. &brackish water resources.
rivers etc.
2. Fish can be located easily Fish can be located with the Fishes can be located easily
and are caught using fishing help of satellites .They can and are caught using fishing
nets. be caught easily using many net.
kinds of fishing nets from
fishing boats.

Q12. What is apiculture ?

Ans12. It is the practise of keeping bee hives & rearing honeybees to get honey & wax.

Q13. Why is the bee keeping undertaken on commercial basis as an enterprise ?

Ans13. Bee keeping requires low investments so farmers along with agriculture do bee
keeping as an additional income generating activity.

Q14. Name some local bee varieties for commercial honey production.
Ans14. Apis cerena indica (Indian bee)
Apis dorsata (Rock bee)
Apis florae(little bee)

Q14. Name an Itlaian bee variety . What are its characteristics?

Ans14. Apis mellifera
It good characteristics are (a)High honey collection capacity(b)Stings somewhat less .


(d)Stays in a given hive for long periods(e)Breeds very well.(e)Has ability to protect itself
from enemies
Q15 What is pasturage ? How it affects quality of honey?
Ans15. Pasturage means flowers available to the bees for nectar & pollen collection. In
addition to adequate quantity of pasturage , the kind of flowers available will determine taste
of honey.
Q16 .Why should preventive measures and biological methods being preferred to
protect crops?
These methods should be preferred because
(a)They are simple
(b)They are economic
(c)They minimize pollution without affecting soil quality
Q17 How is crossbreeding helpful in animals. ?
Ans17. It results in obtaining a new variety having most desired characteristics like disease
resistance & high yielding etc.
Q18. What management practises are common to poultry& animals ?
Ans18.(a)Shelter – Both require well ventilated & hygienic shelter .
Feeding: Both require proper feeding to get a good yield.
Caring for animals health : Both must be protected from disease like virus, bacteria &
Q19. How do good animal husbandry practises benefit farmers?

(a)improvement in breeds.
(b)Increasing yield of food stuff.
(c)Improves economic condition.


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