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31/03/2024, 11:53 Getting Started with Room Database in Android | by Amit Raikwar | Medium

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Getting Started with Room Database in

A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing Room Database

Amit Raikwar · Follow

3 min read · Aug 8, 2023

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Local data storage is crucial for many Android applications, allowing them to store
and retrieve data efficiently. In this guide, we will explore Room, a powerful library
that simplifies database management in Android apps. We’ll cover everything from
setting up Room to performing database operations and handling migrations. 1/13
31/03/2024, 11:53 Getting Started with Room Database in Android | by Amit Raikwar | Medium

Structure of using the Room data base in android MVVM project

Section 1: Setting Up Room Database

Step 1: Add Dependencies
Open your app’s `build.gradle` module level file and add the necessary
dependencies for Room and Kotlin Coroutines (for asynchronous operations):

dependencies {
def roomVersion = "2.4.0" // Check for the latest version
implementation "$roomVersion"
kapt "$roomVersion"
implementation "$roomVersion"
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:1.5.2" // Add


For latest android and jetpack compose if its failing with some error we might have
to add ksp() {Kotlin symbol processing}.

Add below dependencies and plugin in build.gradle(Module level). 2/13
31/03/2024, 11:53 Getting Started with Room Database in Android | by Amit Raikwar | Medium

plugins {
id ""


// Room dependency
val room_version = "2.5.2"

// To use Kotlin annotation processing tool (kapt)

Add below class path for the ksp in build.gradle(app level).

plugins {
id "" version "1.8.10-1.0.9" apply false

Step 2: Create Entity Class

Define your entity class with annotations to represent a table in the database. For
example, let’s create a `User` entity(Basically consider it as a table in which each
data member are column name):


@Entity(tableName = "users")
data class User(
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) val id: Long = 0,
val username: String,
val email: String
) 3/13
31/03/2024, 11:53 Getting Started with Room Database in Android | by Amit Raikwar | Medium

Step 3: Create DAO (Data Access Object) Interface

Create a DAO interface for defining the database operations. For instance, let’s
create a `UserDao`:


interface UserDao {

@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun insertUser(user: User)

@Query("SELECT * FROM users")

suspend fun getAllUsers(): List<User>

Step 4: Define Database Class

Create an abstract class that extends `RoomDatabase` to define the database
instance and include the entities and DAOs:


@Database(entities = [User::class], version = 1)

abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun userDao(): UserDao

Step 5: Initialise Database Instance

In your `Application` class or a relevant entry point, initialize the Room database


class MyApp : Application() { 4/13
31/03/2024, 11:53 Getting Started with Room Database in Android | by Amit Raikwar | Medium

companion object {
lateinit var database: AppDatabase

override fun onCreate() {

database = Room.databaseBuilder(

Section 2: Performing Database Operations

Step 1: Insert Data
To insert a user into the database, you can use the `insertUser` method defined in
the `UserDao`:

val newUser = User(username = "JohnDoe", email = "")


Step 2: Retrieve Data

To retrieve all users from the database, use the `getAllUsers` method from the

val userList: List<User> = MyApp.database.userDao().getAllUsers()

Please check the demo project for setting up the injectable room database object.

Link to demo project:

GitHub - raikwaramit/RoomDatabaseModule
Contribute to raikwaramit/RoomDatabaseModule development by
creating an account on GitHub. 5/13
31/03/2024, 11:53 Getting Started with Room Database in Android | by Amit Raikwar | Medium

Implementing a Room Database in your Android app can significantly simplify your
data storage needs. With its intuitive setup and powerful features, you can
efficiently manage your app’s local data. By following this guide, you’ve learned how
to set up Room, define entities and DAOs, perform database operations, and handle

This guide covered the basics of Room. As you become more comfortable with the
library, you can explore its advanced features, such as database relationships,
LiveData integration, and complex queries.

With Room, managing local data in your Android app has never been easier. Happy

Android Android Development Room Database Android Storage Sql


Written by Amit Raikwar


Software engineer with a passion for exploration. Learning new things and sharing engaging articles. Join me
on a journey of learning, growth, and innovation.

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