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BOGUSLAW LIPINSKI. Vascular Laboratory, Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston,
Ma. 02 130. USA. (Present address: St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Boston, Ma. 02135.)

Piezoelectric properties of biological macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids and mucopolysaccharides are reviewed
in this paper. It is indicated that the structural elements of the human body composed of these piezoelectric substances are
capable of transducing a mechanical energy into an electric current. Such a transduction may be brought about by move-
ments of an acupuncture needle, osteopathic manipulations, Hatha Yoga postures or action of negatively charged air irons. It
is postulated that electric current induced by stimulation of the specific sites on the surface of human body flows towards the
internal organs along the semiconductive channels of biologic macromolecules. Electric current induced either by the piezo-
electric transduction or directly applied from an external source may in turn stimulate individual cells in the target organ.
Involvement of electrical phenomena in regulatory mechanisms on cellular and molecular levels is discussed.

INTRODUCTION orientation of intra- and extra-cellular macromolecules.

“ . . . in nature what is absurd, according to our theories, is migratory and proliferative activity of cells, contractility
not always impossible.” and permeability of cell membranes and energy transfer.
Claude Bernard. Introduction to the Study of Experimental Fukada (27) stated that: “Many problems in bioelectricity,
Medicine. mechanical deformation and physiological activity might be
Piezoelectricity is a phenomenon which can be defined as associated with piezoelectric properties of biological
the appearance of electric charges on the opposite faces of substances”. The same author postulated a relationship
a crystal of low symmetry when it is subjected to a mech- between piezoelectricity of biopolymers and receptor
anical strain. The inverse effect, that is a deformation or a potentials particularly in the functioning of senses of
strain, is obtained when an electric field is applied to the hearing and touch (20). According to Fukada (27) healing
crystal. In other words, piezoelectricity links mechanical of the injured blood vessel wall may also be controlled by an
strain and electrical polarization. The piezoelectric effect is electric current due to the piezoelectric polarization. This
not restricted to crystalline substances but occurs also in a postulate finds support in well documented findings of
number of organic polymers (l-4). Sawyer et al. (28,29,30,31) showing that formation of
In the last three decades the piezoelectric effect has also thrombus on the injured vessel wall can be prevented by an
been found to occur in numerous biological substances and application of a polarized electric current. Moreover, wound
materials such as wood (5), silk fibres (6), bone and tendon healing and carcinoma regression have been reported to
(7- 1l), skin (12), nucleic acids (13), fibrin (14), collagen occur as a result of electric stimulation (23,31). A current
(15,16), myosin and actin (17) and hyaluronic acid (18). of electrostatically produced ions was found by Gostkowski
Extensive reviews on the biologic significance of piezo- et al (32) to be effective in treatment of thrombophlebitis
electricity were written by Bassett in 1968 (19) and more and certain other diseases. It has also been reported that
recently by Fukada (20) direct electric current promotes endosteal and periosteal
It is of interest that all the biological substances and callus as well as primary osseous healing (33). The stimu-
materials listed above possess both piezoelectric as well as latory effect of a weak current on the formation of new bone
semiconductive properties. Electronic conductivity operat- led to the hypothesis that piezoelectricity may influence the
ing in biological systems was verified for a number of pattern of bone growth (27). The hypothesis of Dolowy on
biopolymers such as components of cell membranes (21, cell behaviour based on the electric phenomena of cell
22), proteins (23) and nucleic acids (13). The existence of membranes, may also bear arelationship to the piezoelectric
piezoelectricity and semiconductivity in many types of effect (34).
biological macromolecules raises the question of their This article is an attempt to explain certain unorthodox
significance in accomplishing the physiologic functions of therapeutic approaches such as acupuncture, osteopathic
an organism. That the piezoelectric effect may play a very manipulations, Hatha Yoga exercises and the effect of air
important role, particularly in homeostasis, was already ions, in terms of piezoelectricity.
postulated by Shamos and Lavine in 1967 (12). A piezo-
electric transducer model was proposed to be operating in
phosphorylation in photosynthetic membranes (24), nerve ACUPUNCTURE
conduction (25) as well as in the functioning of enzymes The rationale of acupuncture is based on a belief that
(26). According to Bassett (19) piezoelectricity present in disease can be treated by puncturing, warming or massag-
many biological systems may theoretically control cell ing specific points (loci) on the skin, to reestablish an
nutrition, local pH. enzyme activation and inhibition, allegedly disturbed “energy circulation” (35). According to
the Peking Acupuncture Anesthesia Coordinating Group it may be speculated that in acupuncture the following
(36) there are 300-600 different sites located on the surface sequence of events takes place. When a needle is inserted
of the body in which “the energy of meridians and anasto- and twirled in the acupuncture loci the strain produced by
moses and the hollow and solid organs is transported, this mechanical movement is transduced into an electric
retained, collected and centralized”. Meridians are believed current due to piezoelectric properties of biopolymers of
to be vertical channels and anastomoses horizontal skin and connective tissue. Electrons generated in such a
branches showing specific conductive characteristics (36). way are then conducted into the distant sites of the body by
In the Western World acupuncture is used mainly in the means of specific channels composed of proteins and
relief of pain (37,38,39,40). Analgesic effects of acupunc- mucopolysaccharides endowed with semiconductive
ture have been ascribed by some researchers to hypnotic or properties. When this stimulus reaches cells in a distant
psychosomatic factors. It has been demonstrated by means organ the electric current is transduced, due to the inverse
of telemetric ECG data that acupuncture analgesia during piezoelectric effect, into the mechanical or chemical energy
surgical operations did not induce drug-like narcosis, needed to restore normal physiological functions on a
sedation or depression of reflexes (41). Moreover, cases are molecular or cellular level.
described of open-heart surgery with acupuncture as the Moxibustion, another technique of ancient Chinese
only anaesthetic during which the patients were conscious medicine used to stimulate acupuncture loci by heating
for the entire time of the procedure (42). Acupuncture was them with slowly burning mixtures of herbs, can also be
also shown to be effective in producing a significant explained by the piezoelectric effect. It has been shown that
reduction of experimentally-induced hyperlipidemia in piezoelectric substances exhibit also pyroelectric effects, by
rabbits (43). which any change in their temperature modifies their length
In all the cases mentioned above acupuncture was per- thus altering their elementary dipole moment (54). There-
formed by a traditional technique of manual twirling and fore, the electric current flowing to distant organs of the
moving the needle in the specific loci. Recently a new body during acupuncture can be induced either by mechani-
technique has been introduced in which the needle is cal manipulation of the needle or direct heating of the
electrically charged. This method seems to produce more specific loci.
reliable results. For example, in 9 out of 12 patients electro-
acupuncture resulted in pain relief during childbirth with no
after effects (44). Electrical stimulation was also effective in HATHA YOGA
the induction of labor (45). Treatment by means of electrical The importance of physical exercises in preventing coron-
stimulation seems to be particularly effective in relieving ary diseases and in preserving good health becomes more
chronic pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis (46). The and more appreciated by modern man. Hatha Yoga
degree of pain relief was found to be independent of the represents certain types of physical exercise, the purpose of
location of needles (47), but polarity was important since which is not merely to develop physical fitness but to
only the negative electrode produced desirable effects (48). stimulate and regulate physiological functions of the body.
What is the relationship between traditional, manual Practitioners of Hatha Yoga claim that by bending, twisting
acupuncture and electro-stimulation? It has been postulated and stretching their bodies in a systematized fashion they
by Perlow (49) that the energy which is believed to flow attain not only good health but a harmony of body and
along the meridians and anastomoses is electrical in nature. mind as well. These claims have received some support
This hypothesis has been supported by few but significant from recent biochemical studies (55).
observation. Acupuncture loci on skin were found to Physiological effects of Hatha Yoga can also be ex-
possess concentrated electric conductance as measured with plained in terms of piezoelectricity. As it has been already
a Wheatstone bridge (50). In another study it was demon- discussed any strain applied to tendons, ligaments, muscles
strated that the loci have the least electrical resistance (the and bones such as that occurring during yoga exercise will
highest conductivity); microscopic analysis showed be converted into an electric current due to the piezoelectric
uniquely arranged collagen fibers and characteristic effect of thier biopolymeric constituents. This current trans-
patterns of blood vessels (51). Fleck and Spring (52) were mitted along the semiconductive channels of the body may,
able to record electric discharges during manipulations of similarly to electricity induced by acupuncture, affect and
needles in loci determined by minimal electric resistance on stimulate the physiological functions of the internal organs.
skin. It may be concluded that manipulation with a needle
at the specific point on the skin generates electric current,
and conversely application of the electric current to the OSTEOPATHIC THERAPY
same point produces the therapeutic effect brought about by A basic clinical method of treatment in osteopathic
acupuncture. It is, however, still a matter of speculation medicine is manipulative therapy. In essence it is similar to
how electric current induced by the needle manipulation or Hatha Yoga except that in this method a strain to ligaments,
applied from an external source causes physiological tendons and muscles is applied by a trained therapist.
responses in distant sites of the body. A physical theory of Andrew Taylor Still, the founder of osteopathic medicine,
acupuncture anaesthesia has recently been proposed by insisted that with 60 percent of the total body mass being
Chiang (53) according to which analgesic effects are musculoskeletal system, its role could not be excluded from
produced by blocking transmission along nerves, possibly any consideration of health and disease. Disturbances in the
by pressure, electrostatic or piezoelectric effects. musculoskeletal system are claimed to affect the functions
On the basis of the data and hypotheses discussed above of other body systems through the integrative effect of
neural involvement (56). According to Northup (56) the The influence of negatively charged air ions, particularly
nervous system is a bridge between the musculoskeletal that observed in vivo, bears some similarity to effects of
system and the structure-function of the cell. acupuncture, Hatha Yoga and osteopathic manipulations,
It is generally agreed amongst practitioners of osteo- but are less specific indicating that the target of air ions is
pathic medicine that manipulations affect physiologic not confined to any particular site of the body. If we assume
reactions which serve to enhance the body’s return or main- that acupuncture loci are composed of piezoelectric bio-
tenance of normal homeostatic balance. Measurement of polymers extending into channels transferring electrons to
the vascular response by plethysmography indicates that various parts of the body, then one may speculate that
osteopathic manipulations stimulate the sympathetic system negative ions directly stimulate such electrical receptor sites
and increase vasomotor tone (57). Perhaps the most signifi- on the skin surface. Since the action of negatively charged
cant finding pertaining to the concept of piezoelectricity ions is random, their effect will lack apparent therapeutic
involvement in osteopathy, are those reported by England specificity of acupuncture and osteopathic manipulations.
and Deibert (58). They found, by recording evoked potentials
using surface electrodes, that osteopathic therapy changed
an electromyographic pattern. Along the same line is the CONCLUSIONS
study using the liquid crystal technique, which demon- In our modern times Western medicine tends to concen-
strated temperature variations in the related paraspinal trate on treating the disease rather than the patient. How-
areas prior to and following osteopathic manipulative ever, the ancient holistic approach towards man may not be
therapy (59). so irrational as we think. The concepts of Chinese medicine
It may be concluded that in osteopathic therapy, as in and yoga philosophy of “life energy, energy that we inhale
Hatha Yoga, a mechanical strain is transduced into electric with air and energy circulation within the body” may
current due to piezoelectric properties of biopolymers to perhaps represent a flow of electrons through the body.
which the strain is applied. Electricity generated in such a Albert Szent-Gyorgyi in his paper on Electrons, Molecules.
way is conducted to other parts of the body to exert effects Biology and Cancer (73) states: “Charge transfer, hitherto.
on distant cells, tissues and organs. has been looked upon as a rare reaction with little biological
importance, more or less a chemical curiosity . . . is one of
the most frequent and fundamental biological reactions with
close relationship to very nature of life”. The flow of
electrons (charge transfer) can be initiated by negative ions
As defined by Krueger (60) an air ion is a group of 4 to
of air, acupuncture, osteopathic manipulations or yoga
12 gaseous molecules randomly clustered around an elec-
exercises through the mechanism of piezoelectric trans-
trically charged atom or molecule of gas. It has been
duction as well as by an application of polarized electric
demonstrated that gaseous ions can induce definite and
current. In all these methods of induction of electron flow
quantitatively reproducible physiological changes. Observ-
there is one common factor, namely electrons flowing from
ations on excised tracheal strips and exposed tracheas of
outside towards distant parts of the body. This can
anaesthesized animals have indicated that exposure to
theoretically cause an increase in net negative charge of
positive ions produces decreased ciliary activity, constric-
constituents of internal organs. It is known that cell mem-
tion of the posterior tracheal wall, exaggerated vulnerability
branes and most proteins, particularly those in blood, are
to trauma, vasoconstriction and an increased rate of
negatively charged under physiological conditions,
respiration. These effects were reversed by negative air ions
Reduction of this charge may result in cell and protein
(6 1,62). Negative ions were also shown to increase negative
aggregation. Aspirin, in addition to inhibiting prostaglandin
charges of erythrocytes and plasma proteins thus preventing
synthesis is known to acetylate proteins and nucleic acids
their aggregation (63).
thus rendering them more negative under physiological
It has been postulated by Krueger (60) that positive air
conditions (74). If this is the mechanism by which aspirin
ions are serotonin releasers and that negative ions reverse
exerts its so unspecific therapeutic effects, it depends on
this effect by speeding up the rate at which serotonin is
reaction with a chemical agent, whereas acupuncture,
oxidized. In addition, negative air ions were shown to have
Hatha Yoga, osteopathic manipulations and negative air
a direct effect on cytochrome oxidase and to accelerate the
ions may produce their desirable effects without introducing
cytochrome-linked conversion of succinate to fumarate
foreign substances into the body.
(60). Studying the effect of air ions with use of in vitro
Finally, it seems unwise and uneconomical to disregard
systems some researchers reported negative results which
thousands of years of experience in improvement of man
were reviewed by Krueger (64). It is noteworthy that by
well-being on the basis of being unable to explain it. The
contrast to the in vitro experiments those conducted in vivo
present hypothesis of a piezoelectric effect being mediator
in animals (65,66), plants (67) and human subjects (68,69,
of physiological reaction induced by acupuncture, yoga
70) all revealed beneficial effect of air ions. For example it
exercises, osteopathic manipulations and exposure to
has been reported that exposure of burned patients to
negatively charged air ions may help towards its under-
negatively ionized air resulted in prompt relief of pain (71).
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