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Artificial Intelligence(3170716) COMPUTER ENGINEERING


Write a program to implement Tic-Tac-Toe game
1 problem. 1

Write a program to implement BFS for 8 puzzle

2 problem. 7

Write a program to implement DFS for 8 puzzle

3 problem. 11

Write a program to implement Single Player Game

4 (Using Heuristic Function) 14

Write a PROLOG program that list four addresses in a

5 label form, each address should list a name, one-line 37
address, city, state &ZIP code.

WAP to Create Database for Hobbies of Different

6 Person. 38

Write a PROLOG program for diagnosis the childhood

7 diseases. 39

Write a PROLOG program for Family Relationship.

8 40

Write a PROLOG program Checking for Password.

A) Give an opportunity to user to re-enter the password
‘n’ no. Of Times, on entering wrong password.
9 42
B) Give an opportunity to user to re-enter the password
three (03) Times, on entering wrong password.

Write a PROLOG program based on list:-

A) To find the length of a list.
B) To find whether given element is a member of a list.
10 45
C) To Append the list.
D) To Reverse the list.
E) To find the last element of a list.

Artificial Intelligence(3170716) COMPUTER ENGINEERING

F) To delete the first occurrence of an element from a


Write a PROLOG program to implement Tower Of

11 Hanoi Problem. 51

Write a PROLOG program to solve Water-Jug Problem.

12 52

Write a PROLOG program to demonstrate the effective

13 use of Cut and Fail. 54

Write a PROLOG program for Traveling Salesman

14 Problem. 55

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