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1. How did Jerry prove that Cly was still alive?

Jerry told them that the funeral was not real and there was nobody in the box .They
wanted to hide Cly's presence in London because people wanted to hurt him because he was
a spy for the government and told against people for money.

2. What was Carton's game against Barsad to get him under his
He played against Barsad as he used him as a card to win his battle against the law and
the French patriots. He threatened Barsad that he would tell the French revolutionaries
that Barsad worked for the British Government against them as he was an old spy for the
prime minister of England and he had another English spy, Cly working with him. So
Barsad gave up and agreed to help Carton.

3. Darnay was lucky to take after his mother, not his father or his
uncle. Explain / How was Charles' mother different from her
Darnay's mother was a kind woman who hated the wrongs her husband and his brother
did. She was always worried about her son and that he would pay for the cruelty of his
family. She asked Dr. Manette to help her to find the little girl whose family was destroyed
by The Evrémondes. She brought up her son Charles to be kind to poor people and correct
the wrongs the Evrémondes did. Darnay grew up to be a real kind gentleman. He hated the
oppression and the injustice of his father and uncle against the poor people. He thought
that his family's name was the most hated in France because of their cruelty. He hated
their wealth because it was collected out of the poor people's blood and misery. He left his
wealth and earned his living by teaching the French language in London. He lived in
London using his mother's family name 'Darnay' but he came to France to obey his
mother's last wish to correct the wrong his father and uncle did.

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