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Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Density Problems

1. What is the velocity of a rocket that travels 9000 meters in 12.12 seconds?

V=d/t d = 9000 m t = 12.12 sec

V = 9000 m / 12.12 sec
V = 742.6 m/s

2. What is the speed of a jet plane that travels 528 meters in 4 seconds?

V=d/t d = 528 m t = 4 sec

V = 528 m / 4 sec
V = 132 m/s

3. The space shuttle Endeavor is launched to altitude of 500 km above the

surface of the earth. The shuttle travels at an average rate of 700 m/s. How
long will it take for Endeavor to reach its orbit?

t = d /v v = 0.7 km/s d = 500 km

t = 500 km
0.7 km/s
t = 714 sec

4. A trip to cape Canaveral, Florida takes 10 hours. The distance is 816 km.
Calculate the average velocity.

V=d/t d = 816 km t = 10 hours

V = 816 km / 10 hrs
V = 81.6 km/hr

5. How far (in km) will you travel in 3 minutes running at a rate of 6 m/s?

D=vxt v = 6 m/s t = 180 sec

D = (6 m/s) (180 sec)
D = 1080 m
D = 1.08 km

6. A meteoroid changed velocity from 1.0 km/s to 1.8 km/s in 0.03 seconds.
What is the acceleration of the meteoroid?

A = (vf – vi) Vf = 1.8 km/s Vi = 1.0 km/s t= 0.003 sec


A = (1.8 km/s – 1.0 km/s)

0.03 sec

A = 26.67 km/s2
Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Density Problems

7. In 0.5 seconds, a projectile goes from 0 to 300 m/s. What is the acceleration
of the projectile?

A = (vf – vi) Vf = 300 m/s Vi = 0 m/s t= 0.5 sec


A = (300 m/s – 0 m/s)

0.5 sec

A = 600 m/s2

8. A dragster in a race accelerated from stop to 60 m/s by the time it reached

the finish line. The dragster moved in a straight line and traveled from the
starting line to the finish line in 8.0 sec. What was the acceleration of the

A = (vf – vi) Vf = 60 m/s Vi = 0 m/s t= 8.0 sec


A = (60 m/s – 0 m/s)

8.0 sec

A = 7.5 m/s2

9. What force is required to accelerate an object having a

mass of 3 kg at 5 m/s2?

F=mxa m = 3 kg a = 5 m/s2
F = (3 kg ) (5 m/s2)
F = 15 N
10. What is the mass of an object which is accelerated at 10 m/s2 due to a force
of 75 newtons?

m=F F = 75 N a = 10 m/s2

m = 75 N
10 m/s2

m = 7.5 kg
Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Density Problems

11. What would be the acceleration of an object with a mass of

20.0 kg when hit with a force of 100. N?

a=F F = 100 N m = 20.0 kg


a = 100 N
20.0 kg

a = 5 m/s2

12. What is the volume of a tank that can hold 18 754 Kg of methanol whose
density is 0.788g/cm3?

V=m m = 1.8754 x 107 g D = 0.788 g/cm3

V = 1.8754 x 107 g
0.788 g/cm3

V = 2.38 x 107 cm3

13. What is the density of a board whose dimensions are 5.54 cm x 10.6 cm X
199 cm and whose mass is 28.6 Kg?

D=m/V m= 2,8600 g v = 1.17 x104 cm3

D = 28,600 g
1.17 x104 cm3

D = 2.4 g /cm3

14. What is your favorite color?

15. When is your date of Birth?

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