Quick Start Guide TauRIS RaceCalc

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The Electronic Clocking System

Quick Start Guide

for TauRIS - Race Calculation

Rüter EPV-Systeme GmbH • Große Heide 39-41 • 32425 Minden, Germany

Tel.: +49 571 646900 • Fax: +49 571 6469020
eMail: mail@tauris.de • http://www.tauris.de
Rüter EPV-Systeme GmbH Quick Start Guide (Race Calculation)

© 2012 Rüter EPV-Systeme GmbH, Germany

Rüter EPV-Systeme GmbH cannot be legally responsible nor liable

for any false indications and the consequences thereof.

All rights reserved, also those of photomechanical reproduction and

those of memory in electronic media.

We are grateful for any suggestions of improvement and hints.

The company Rüter EPV-Systeme reserves the right of technical


October 2012

Rüter EPV-Systeme GmbH, Große Heide 39-41, 32425 Minden, Germany

Tel.: +49 571 646900, Fax: +49 571 6469020
eMail: mail@tauris.de, http://www.tauris.de

Rüter EPV-Systeme GmbH Quick Start Guide (Race Calculation)


The race calculation feature allows a club to do race calculation

based on the data that was imported from a TauRIS terminal using
the 'Get race data' function of the TauRIS Clubsoftware.
This guide gives step by step information to successfully use this

Preconditions that have to be fulfilled to do race calculation

• Enter the coordinates for the fanciers (s. 'Administration of

• Enter the coordinates for the race points (s. 'Administration of
race points') and/or
• enter the distances between the fancier and the race points (s.
'Enter distances')

Carrying out the race

• Carry out the race

• After the race has been finished import the flight data from the
terminal(s) to the PC (s. Communication -> get race data)
ATTENTION: The calendar week you type in here must be
identical with the calendar week you type in under Add race!
• Manually add the flight data for those fanciers who do not own an
electronic clocking system (s. Enter clocking times for manually
clocking fanciers)

Add race

• Select 'Race calculation' and then 'add race'

• Type in the race name (up to 30 signs)
• Type in the calendar week of the race
• Type in a race date or choose one
• Select a club
• Select a liberation place
• Enter the liberation time

Rüter EPV-Systeme GmbH Quick Start Guide (Race Calculation)

• If the race lasts more than one day enter the number of nights
• Enter the hours of darkness
• Enter the average distance
• Enter a header- and footertext
• Click the 'add' button to add the newly installed race or...
• Click the 'Save as template' button to save the input as a preset
for other races the club may carry out or...
• Click the 'Cancel' button to abort

Calculate a race

To calculate a particular race

• Select 'Race calculation' then select 'Calculate race'

• Select the desired race from the list
• Click the 'Calculate' button

The program now reads all necessary data and calculates the
result(s). Depending on the amount of data and the PC-hardware you
are using, this may take a few seconds.
After that the result list appears on the screen.

Show race results

• Select 'Race calculation' then select 'Show race results'

• Select the desired race from the list
• Click the 'Show race' button

After that a list/dialog appears on the screen showing the race

results. Within this dialog you can do the following

• If the number of pigeons exceeds the list, select the slider on the
right side of the list to discover the other parts of the list
• Click the 'Print' button to print the result list (using the default
printer) or...

Rüter EPV-Systeme GmbH Quick Start Guide (Race Calculation)

• Click the 'Close' button to close this window and get back to the
main window

Print race results

To print out an existing race do the following:

• Select 'Race calculation' and then select 'Print race result'

• From the list select the desired race
• Click on the 'Print race' button

After that your race results are directed to the (default) printer

Additional options

Alter race

To change the settings of an existing race

• Select 'Race calculation' and then select 'Alter race'

• Select the desired race from the list
• Click the 'Alter race' button
• Within the dialog change the desired fields
• Click the 'Alter' button to accept the changes and alter the
existing race or...
• Click the 'Cancel' button to abort

Delete a race

To delete a race

• Select 'Race calculation' and then select 'Delete race'

• From the list select the desired race
• Click the 'Delete race' button
• Click 'Yes' to unrecoverably delete the race or...
• Click the 'No' button to abort the process

Rüter EPV-Systeme GmbH Quick Start Guide (Race Calculation)

Enter distances

If you decide not to use coordinates or if the coordinates for a

particular fancier are not available you can manually enter distances
between liberation points and fanciers.

Enter distances between all fanciers of a club and a particular

liberation place

• Select 'Race calculation' then select 'Enter distances'

• Within the upcoming dialog select the desired club
• Select the desired fancier
• Select the desired liberation place
• Check the 'auto increment fancier' checkbox by clicking on it
• Type in the desired distance
• Click the 'Save distance' button (the 'fancier' list box is
automatically advanced to the next fancier)
• Repeat the last two steps until the distances for all fanciers have
been entered
• Click the 'Close' button to close the dialog and to get back to the
main window

Enter distances between one fancier and all the liberation places
you have installed

• Select 'Race calculation' then select 'Enter distances'

• Within the upcoming dialog select the desired club
• Select the desired fancier
• Check the 'auto increment liberation place' checkbox by clicking
on it
• Type in the desired distance
• Click the 'Save distance' button (the 'liberation place' list box is
automatically advanced to the next liberation place)
• Repeat the last two steps until the distances for all liberation
places have been entered
• Click the 'Close' button to close the dialog and to get back to the
main window

Rüter EPV-Systeme GmbH Quick Start Guide (Race Calculation)

Enter distances between a particular fanciers and a particular

liberation place

• Select 'Race calculation' then select 'Enter distances'

• Within the upcoming dialog select the desired club
• Select the desired fancier
• Select the desired liberation place
• Enter the distance
• Click the 'Save distance' button
• Click the 'Close' button to close the dialog and to get back to the
main window

Enter clocking times for manually clocking fanciers

• Select 'Communication' and then select 'manually enter clock

• Within the upcoming dialog select the desired race
• Select the desired fancier
(Attention: Only fanciers who have been installed as 'manually
clocking' (s. Administration of fanciers) appear in the list
• Type in the date/time for 'clock set at'
• Type in the date/time for 'clock control at'
• Type in the time for 'clock shows'
• Select a pigeon from the pigeon list of the fancier
• Type in the date/time the pigeon was registered
• Click the 'add' button to add the pigeon to the race (the text '/ OK'
is added to the pigeons foot ring showing that this pigeon has
been added)
• Repeat the last three steps until all desired pigeons have been
• Click the 'Close' button to close the dialog and get back to the
main window.

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