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Marriage Planning &

Wedding Preparation

March 2023
N total = 1,087

Respondent Area

14% Other Islands
In this report, we are focusing on singles,
with the majority working, having a
middle-to-high SES, and Gen Z.

Gender Male Female

50% 50%

Marital Status Single SES Occupation

Worker Entrepreneur

Age 52% 11%

Gen Z 69%
Upper Middle Lower Student Looking for a job
Millennial 30% 34% 41.5% 24.5% 29% 8%
Gen X 1%

Personal Income Education

Above IDR 10,000,000 7% Bachelor/Master/ Professional Senior High School
IDR 6,000,001 - IDR 10,000,000 15.5% 41% 51%

IDR 4,000,001 - IDR 6,000,000 17%

IDR 2,500,001 - IDR 4,000,000 19% 3rd Diploma Junior High School
7% 1%
IDR 1,250,001 - IDR 2,500,000 16%
IDR 750,001 - IDR 1,250,000 9%
Below IDR 750,000 16.5%

1 – 3 February 2023
Marriage Plan

March 2023
N total = 1,087

Ideal Marriage Age Base

Total Gen Z Millennials

People generally think 25-30 years old is the 1,087 750 329
ideal marriage age. However, few Gen-Z aspire
< 20 years old 0% 0% 0%
to marry younger, while Millennials think 30+
years old is still a perfect age to get married. 20-25 years old 30% 31% 28%

25-30 years old 61% 62% 60%

30-35 years old 7% 6% 10%

> 35 years old 2% 1% 2%

Marriage Plan Base

Total Gen Z Millennials

1,087 750 329

More than half don’t want to get married
soon, but they intend to do it in the future. I plan to get married in the near future 19% 18% 19%
Meanwhile, less than a quarter does not want
I have a plan to get married,
to get married. but not in the near future
58% 61% 55%

I have not planned or have no

23% 21% 26%
plan to get married

Q3. What do you think is the ideal age to get married? (Choose one answer)
Q1. Which of the following statements regarding marriage plans suits you the most? (Choose one answer) 4
N total = 1,087

Among those who don’t have marriage plans…

Self-focus is the main reason why people do not want to get married, and their inner circles are
mostly singles too.

Total Gen Z Millennials Total Gen Z Millennials

Base Base
247 159 85 247 159 85
Reasons of Not Having a Plan Yet Marital Status Among Inner Circles

Want to focus on my career 57% 56% 58% Single 63% 63% 63%

Want to focus on the other parts of my life Married with kids 19% 20% 18%
53% 51% 58%
outside my career (hobbies, family, etc)
Married without kids 11% 11% 12%
Have not found the right partner 44% 45% 40%
Widowed/Divorced with kids 4% 4% 4%
Pretty satisfied with my life right now 11% 12% 8%
Widowed/Divorced without kids 3% 3% 3%
Others 4% 4% 5%

Q2. Why have you yet to plan to get married? (Select all that apply)
Q2.4. Think about all your friends/family in your inner circles, and please estimate the proportion of them based on their marital status. (Short answer) 5
N total = 1,087

Among those who don’t have marriage plans…

On average, they get four invitations per month but can only attend 3 of them. The interesting part
is that Millennials have fewer invitations; hence, they attend fewer weddings.

Total Gen Z Millennials Total Gen Z Millennials

Base Base
247 159 85 247 159 85
Average Monthly Wedding Invitation Received Average Monthly Wedding Invitation Attended

No invitation 10% 8% 12% No wedding attended 17% 14% 22%

1 invitation 16% 15% 18% 1 wedding attended 28% 28% 27%

2 invitations 19% 19% 19% 2 weddings attended 19% 19% 19%

3 invitations 14% 16% 9% 3 weddings attended 11% 13% 6%

4 invitations 3% 3% 2% 4 weddings attended 2% 3% 0%

5 invitations 17% 16% 18% 5 weddings attended 13% 11% 18%

> 5 invitations 22% 23% 22% More than 5 weddings attended 11% 12% 8%

Mean Score 3.92 3.99 3.86 Mean Score 2.64 2.72 2.51

Q2.2. On average, how many wedding invitations did you receive every month in the past year? (Short answer)
Q2.3. On average, how many wedding invitations did you attend each month in the past year? (Short answer) 6
Wedding Preparation

March 2023
N total = 1,087

Wedding Preparation Preparation Needed

Create special savings for the wedding 83%
In general, people think six months is the
ideal time to prepare for a wedding. Choose a wedding date that is agreed upon by all parties 69%
Budget and agreement from both sides Decide the wedding concept 64%
of the family are a must, including when
deciding the wedding date. Conduct research related to weddings 63%

Do premarital counseling 62%

Time to Prepare a Wedding Do premarital check-up 59%

< 3 months 9% Buy or rent a place to live 56%

3 - 6 months 51% Attend wedding fairs to find the perfect vendors 37%

6 - 12 months 30% Buy a vehicle 26%

> 12 months 10%

Considerations in Choosing
the Wedding Date
Agreement with certain parties 85%

It’s a good date according to my custom/religion 61%

Availability of the wedding venue 47%

Availability of certain vendors 38%

It’s a notable date for me and my partner 36%

Q4. In your opinion, how long is the ideal time to prepare for a wedding? (Choose one answer) | Q5. What preparations do you think need to be made before the wedding? (Select all that apply)
Q6. What are your considerations in choosing a wedding date? (Select all that apply) 8
N total = 1,087

Wedding Preparation - By Break

Similar opinions are also shared among Gen-Z and Millennials.

Total Gen Z Millennials Total Gen Z Millennials

Base Base
1,087 750 329 1,087 750 329
Time to Prepare a Wedding Preparation Needed

< 3 months 9% 8% 10% Create special savings for the wedding 83% 84% 81%

3 - 6 months 51% 51% 51% Choose a wedding date that is agreed

69% 70% 66%
upon by all parties
6 - 12 months 30% 31% 29%
Decide the wedding concept 64% 65% 62%
> 12 months 10% 11% 10%
Conduct research related to weddings 63% 63% 62%
Considerations in Choosing the Wedding Date
Do premartial counseling 62% 63% 58%
Agreement with certain parties 85% 87% 81%
Do premartial check-up 59% 58% 61%
It’s a good date according
61% 62% 60% Buy or rent a place to live
to my custom/religion 56% 57% 55%

Attend wedding fairs

Availability of the wedding venue 47% 48% 44% 37% 37% 39%
to find the perfect vendors
Availability of certain vendors 38% 39% 34%
Buy a vehicle 26% 26% 25%
It’s a notable date for me and my partner 36% 36% 34%

Q4. In your opinion, how long is the ideal time to prepare for a wedding? (Choose one answer) | Q5. What preparations do you think need to be made before the wedding? (Select all that apply)
Q6. What are your considerations in choosing a wedding date? (Select all that apply) 9
N total = 1,087

The Dream Wedding

Most singles wish to have 50-300 guests come in person in a ballroom. They want to have
a modern wedding, and not so much on traditional or religious concepts.

Invitation Plan Type of Wedding Venue

All invitations come in person 80% Ballroom/Function room 44%

Some invitations come online (Hybrid) 9.5% Park/garden 30%

All invitations come online, except for the next kin 8.5% Hotel 10%

Others 2% Villa 7%

House 5%

Estimated Total Guests Restaurant 3%

Under 50 people 7% Others 1%

50-100 people 30%

Wedding Concept
100-300 people 34%
Modern wedding 41%
300-500 people 16%
Traditional wedding 30%
500-1,000 people 10%
Religious wedding 20%
Above 1,000 people 3%
Destination/holiday wedding 8%

Others 1%

Q9. What kind of wedding arrangement are you planning to have? (Choose one answer) | Q10. What is the approximate number of guests you will invite to your wedding? (Choose one answer)
Q11. What kind of wedding venue do you want? (Choose one answer) | Q12. What kind of wedding concept are you planning to have? (Choose one answer) 10
N total = 1,087

The Dream Wedding - By Break

Gen-Z and Millennials also share similar opinions.

Total Gen Z Millennials Total Gen Z Millennials

Base Base
1,087 750 329 1,087 750 329
Invitation Plan Type of Wedding Venue

All invitations come in person 80% 81% 77% Ballroom/function room 44% 45% 43%

Some invitations come online (Hybrid) 9.5% 9% 10% Park/garden 30% 29% 30%

All invitations come online, Hotel 10% 9% 12%

8.5% 8% 10%
except for the next kin
Villa 7% 7% 7%
Others 2% 2% 2%
House 5% 6% 4%
Estimated Total Guests
Restaurant 3% 3% 2%
Under 50 people 7% 8% 6%
Others 1% 1% 2%
50 - 100 people 30% 29% 35%
Wedding Concept
100 - 300 people 34% 34% 33%
Modern wedding 41% 42% 40%
300 - 500 people 16% 17% 15%
Traditional wedding 30% 29% 31%
500 - 1,000 people 10% 10% 9%
Religious wedding 20% 20% 19%
Above 1,000 people 3% 3% 3%
Destination/holiday wedding 8% 7% 8%

Others 1% 1% 2%

Q9. What kind of wedding arrangement are you planning to have? (Choose one answer) | Q10. What is the approximate number of guests you will invite to your wedding? (Choose one answer)
Q11. What kind of wedding venue do you want? (Choose one answer) | Q12. What kind of wedding concept are you planning to have? (Choose one answer) 11
N total = 1,087

The Wedding Budget

People are preparing a seemingly low wedding budget of about IDR 10–100 million. With this budget,
they think that they can self-suffice their wedding.

Estimated Budget Budget Source

Below Rp10,000,000 6% Myself 80%

Rp10,000,000 - Rp50,000,000 37% My partner 61%

Rp50,000,001 - Rp100,000,000 35% My parents 31%

Rp100,000,001 - Rp200,000,000 12% My partner's parents 28%

Rp200,000,001 - Rp400,000,000 7% My extended family 20%

Above Rp400,000,000 3% My partner's extended family 14%

Q7. What is the budget range you will prepare for your wedding? (Choose one answer) | Q8. Who will be responsible for providing the funds for your wedding? (Select all that apply)
N total = 1,087

The Wedding Budget - By Break

Similar opinions are also shared among Gen-Z and Millennials.

Total Gen Z Millennials Total Gen Z Millennials

Base Base
1,087 750 329 1,087 750 329
Estimated Budget Budget Source

Below Rp10,000,000 6% 5% 7% Myself 80% 79% 83%

Rp10,000,000 - Rp50,000,000 37% 37% 38% My partner 61% 60% 62%

Rp50,000,001 - Rp100,000,000 35% 36% 34% My parents 31% 31% 32%

Rp100,000,001 - Rp200,000,000 12% 13% 12% My partner's parents 28% 28% 27%

Rp200,000,001 - Rp400,000,000 7% 7% 6% My extended family 20% 21% 17%

Above Rp400,000,000 3% 3% 3% My partner's extended family 14% 15% 12%

Q7. What is the budget range you will prepare for your wedding? (Choose one answer)
Q8. Who will be responsible for providing the funds for your wedding? (Select all that apply) 13
N total = 1,087

Setting Up The Priority

People prioritize to secure the wedding officiant and prepare their dowry as the most
essential parts of wedding preparation.

26% 21% 9% 7% 6%

Wedding Dowry Venue Wedding Makeup

Officiant Planner/Organizer Artist

25% 28% 21% 19% 10% 8% 8% 7% 6% 6%

6% 5% 4% 4% 3%

Catering Wedding Dress/Attire Documentation Marriage Wedding

and Accessories Offerings Invitation

5% 7% 5% 7% 4% 4% 3% 5% 3% 3%

Gen Z Millennial

Q15. From the list of items below, please put them in order, where 1 means the most important and 5 means the least important.
N total = 1,087

Plans in Hiring Wedding Organizer

The majority would like to hire a wedding organizer as long as the price is within the
budget. Social media and word-of-mouth are the primary sources of information for
finding the perfect wedding organizer.

Willingness to Hire Considerations in Choosing a Wedding Organizer

a Wedding Organizer consider hiring a wedding organizer N = 1,017

Price offered 80%

Vendor’s experience 69%


Packages provided 66%

Communications with the vendor 58%

Recommended by friends/family 49%

Recommended by influencer 15%


6% Source of Information about Wedding Organizer

will hire a wedding organizer N = 673

Social media 77%

Recommendations from friends/family 72%

? ?? Don’t know yet

Wedding sites/apps 52%

Wedding fair 39%

Recommendations from influencers 29%

Q13. Are you planning to work with a wedding organizer on your wedding? (Choose one answer) | Q16. What are your considerations in choosing a wedding organizer? (Select all that apply)
Q17. Where do you find information about wedding organizers? (Select all that apply) 15
N total = 1,087

Plans in Hiring Wedding Organizer - By Break

Most Gen-Z would like to hire a wedding organizer if the price is within the budget, while millennials
also consider the packages offered. Social media and word-of-mouth are the main sources of
information in looking for a wedding organizer.

Total Gen Z Millennials Total Gen Z Millennials

Base Base
1,087 750 329 673 471 196
Willingness to Hire a Wedding Organizer Source of Information about Wedding Organizer

Yes 62% 63% 60% Social media 77% 78% 76%

No 6% 6% 7% Recommendations from friends/family 72% 71% 76%

Don’t know yet 32% 31% 34% Wedding sites/apps 52% 51% 55%

Wedding fair 39% 39% 38%

Total Gen Z Millennials

Base Recommendations from influencers 29% 29% 28%

1,017 704 307
Considerations in Choosing a Wedding Organizer

Price offered 80% 80% 80%

Vendor’s experience 69% 70% 67%

Packages offered 66% 64% 70%

Communications with the vendor 58% 59% 56%

Recommended by friends/family 49% 49% 48%

Recommended by influencer 15% 15% 14%

Q13. Are you planning to work with a wedding organizer on your wedding? (Choose one answer) | Q16. What are your considerations in choosing a wedding organizer? (Select all that apply)
Q17. Where do you find information about wedding organizers? (Select all that apply) 16
N total = 1,087

Reasons for Not Hiring Wedding Organizer

Less than 10% would not hire a wedding organizer, driven mainly by budget constraints, and they
think they can handle it themselves. Gen-Z are mostly price sensitive, while millennials are more
experienced at organizing weddings.

Willingness to Hire
a Wedding Organizer


62% Total Gen Z Millennials

70 46 22
Reasons for Not Hiring Wedding Organizer

Don’t feel the need for a wedding organizer 36% 30% 50%

6% Limited budget 29% 33% 18%

Feel able to organize it without 29% 28% 27%

a wedding organizer

Bad experiences or reviews from other people 7% 9% 5%

? ?? Don’t know yet


Q13. Are you planning to work with a wedding organizer on your wedding? (Choose one answer)
Q14. Why are you not planning to work with a wedding organizer? (Select all that apply) 17
N total = 1,087

Wedding Crasher
Budget and parents' expectations are the top two obstacles that both Gen-Z and Millennials
will likely face when planning their wedding.

64% 60% 45%

Difficulty finding agreement

Limited Have different
with spouse (where to live after
budget expectations from parents
the wedding, wedding budget, etc)

63% 64% 60% 61% 47% 43%

45% 35%

Difficulty finding agreement

with vendors (mismatched
preparation time
availability dates, prices, etc)

45% 45% 36% 33%

Gen Z Millennial

Q19. What challenges might you face when preparing for your wedding? (Select all that apply)
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