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Name : rabbannii fikryah dzakwaan

Class : 1c – Islamic banking

Nim : 11220850000054

My Great Mom

My mother is a native of Sumatra who was born in Toboali, Bangka

Belitung province. My mother is beautiful and her skin color is white even though

she is not too tall only about women in general. Her is now 49 years old and can

still do activities like a young adult who has just grown up.

There are 6 siblings in the family and my mother being the last child in

the family. in my mother's family there are 3 girls and 3 boys who are all my

mother's older brother and sister. But my mother and her older brother and sister

have a bit of an age gap.

My mother when hanging out with her brother and sister always behaved

politely like a sister even though sometimes she could be like a friend. Not only

with his family with his in-laws he is very good regardless of which family. Even

my mother can do anything that men do usually.

Not only good to the family I feel that my mother also treats friends like

family regardless of who she plays, walks, goes around town with her friends. My
mother is also active in community organizations and she is often a committee

member of various events at home, in the village and in the city.

Not only in the social department, my mother is very talented at the things

she wants, which she definitely does to the end. My mother is very skilled in

household matters such as cooking, cleaning the house, and doing other housework.

my mother is also a graduate of economics but strangely she can be a pharmacist

for 8 years.

I feel that imitating my mother is very important, because my mother is

great at various things. Ranging from individual things to group things. My mother

also has many friends scattered on the island of Sumatra and even Java.

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