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Calculating Auloi – The Louvre Aulos Scale

Stefan Hagel

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG picion – not to mention the problems of transmis-

sion errors –, and while the tuning of stringed
Kann man aus den Funden antiker Auloi den für instruments has left no archaeological traces,
die einzelnen Instrumente intendierten Tonvorrat woodwind instruments could be hoped to pre-
ermitteln? Sowohl der experimentelle Ansatz als serve the scales they were intended to play within
auch die bisher verwendeten rechnerischen Metho- the arrangement of their finger holes. Nevertheless
den stoßen hier auf Probleme. Einen großen Schritt we are facing the paradoxical situation that, in
weiter kommt man mit speziell entwickelter Soft- spite of the fact that numerous fragments of auloi
ware, die es erlaubt, im Rahmen der verfügbaren and even complete pipes have been unearthed,
Parameter die Bandweite der unbekannten Werte, these findings have shed no light on ancient musi-
speziell der effizienten Rohrlänge zu erkunden und cal practice. There is no theory that inserts the
so zu Lösungen zu gelangen, die im Rahmen der archaeological evidence into our picture of ancient
antiken Musik und Skalenlehre sinnvoll sind. Bei- Greek music, and all attempts to interpret single
spielhaft ausgewertet wird das besterhaltene instruments are far from satisfactory.
Gesamtinstrument: der Louvre-Aulos. This obvious failure has sometimes led to a
Was war aber die übliche Spielpraxis auf dem pessimistic view1: on reed-driven woodwind
gedoppelten Instrument? Die Interpretation anti- instruments, the player can vary the pitch quite
ker Textpassagen stellt den Aulos in den Zusam- easily by means of embouchure. An accurate tun-
menhang einer intervallisch-heterophonen Musik- ing is by no means guaranteed by the proper
kultur, wie sie auch für den alten Orient bezeugt arrangement of finger holes (and this was well
ist, und die auch in Griechenland mit hoher Wahr- known in antiquity2). So we can never know
scheinlichkeit schon vor die klassische Zeit datiert. which scales were played on extant instruments.
However, this is true only in principle, as we learn
Auloi come in pairs. This at least is obvious to from comparison with modern instruments as
anyone who has seen some of the countless icono- oboes or clarinets. Certainly skilled players are
graphical representations of this major woodwind able to play scales on these for which they are not
instrument of antiquity. Weird as it seems to the designed, mainly by adjusting the pitch of the reed
Western musician of today, throughout antiquity by different lip pressure. But to do so, they have to
the Greeks have not abandoned the custom of play “against” the instrument. The same is true for
playing two double-reed pipes at once instead of ancient auloi, for which we have evidence that
exploiting the advantages of the extended range of they were designed in order to give a certain scale
and control over a single pipe; nor have other peo- no less than modern instruments. First of all, aulos
ples in their neighbourhood. To such an extent the finger holes are not spaced equally, nor in a way
pair of pipes was felt as a unity, that the instrument that fits the player’s hand best, but differently on
was more often than not called by the singular different instruments. And secondly, there are also
“pipe”, aulós. The type of instrument familiar to traces of fine-tuning by undercutting the rims of
us was not unknown, but it was perceived as a the holes, a procedure that makes sense only if the
deviation and was referred to by the explicit player did not intend to fine-tune each tone just on
notion of a “single pipe”, mónaulos. We will come playing.
to this instrument later.
As interest in ancient music increased during
the last decades, the aulos gained particular impor-
tance as a promising source of information on 1 Most prominently Landels 1981; Mathiesen 1999, 193. Cf.
early scales. While literary testimonies on this sub- also Becker 1966, 98–100.
ject are notoriously late and to be treated with sus- 2 Aristoxenus, Harm. 2.41–42, p. 52.9–21 Da Rios.
374 Stefan Hagel

So it is clear that the reed-control problem is double-pipe instrument, nor even that we find
not fatal to our primary assumption that aulos fin- them on any of both: the pitches that form the
ger holes may be guides to aulos scales. But unfor- concords might have been distributed between the
tunately, it is indeed fatal to the evaluation of these pipes. This touches the highly disputed matter of
scales by playing replicas3. It seems that we would ancient heterophony, and we will postpone the
need a skilled aulos player with a good original question for the moment, to examine the second
aulos reed to achieve an embouchure steady assumption:
enough for meaningful measurements. Modern 2. The pitch relations of woodwind finger holes
players are not only not familiar with the instru- are the same as the relation of their distance
ment; they are also subject to the danger of uncon- from the top of the instrument
sciously adjusting their embouchure to “correct” This is true only in a first approximation. The
the scale according to modern customs. And even statement may not be extended to the pipe with all
if the instrument would no doubt support the holes closed6; but this is not problematic with
player who knows the intended pitches, those who early auloi, which usually have a vent hole to
don’t are at a loss, and end up with the impression sound the lowest note. Because wall thickness as
(not unfounded, as we have seen) that they could well as hole diameters remain constant over the
play anything. length of an aulos, the intervals that one obtains
And still this is only the minor problem with between individual finger holes will not be so far
the practical approach. More serious is the fact off. Nevertheless there are mathematical means to
that in the majority of cases the upper end of the go well beyond the level of accuracy that is avail-
pipe is missing, and even if we possess the instru- able by this simple procedure, means which allow
ment in its whole length we do not a priori know also gauging not only the pitch relations but the
the effective length of the reed (nor its acoustical actual pitches. The extended calculations inherent
properties). Practical experiments with the contin- in the application of these more accurate formulae
uum of possible lengths are hardly possible; so in can be done easily by the help of the computer,
most cases one has to start from a theory of a scale and I will show below how this is most efficiently
to check it in experiment, facing at last the obsta- done.
cles described above. First we have to consider the question of con-
This leads us to the second approach, the math- cordant intervals, which depends on how the two
ematical one. Woodwind instruments follow the pipes of the aulos played together. The different
laws of physics, so it is in principle possible to pre- views taken by scholars on this topic need not be
dict their behaviour without building replicas. recapitulated here in full, nor need the arguments
J. G. Landels was the first to propose a simple pro- in favour of each of them7. Currently the older
cedure for finding the approximate pitches of an view, that there was a “melody” and an “accompa-
instrument with unknown effective length4: One niment”8, seems to be gaining territory again, after
needs a period during which it was more fashionable to
1. to find two finger holes which are likely to give believe in strict unison, both between the pipes
a certain concordant interval, preferably a and, if lyres or auloi accompanied vocal music,
fourth, because this is the basic interval of between instruments and voices. The latter view is,
ancient Greek scales, however, still held by Landels in his recent book.
2. to calculate the effective length of the pipe from Interestingly enough, it is not shifting evidence
the distance between these finger holes and the that has caused the changes in the scholars’ opin-
ratio implied by that interval, e.g. the ratio 4 : 3 ions; it seems rather to be a question of on which
for a fourth, type of sources one is inclined to rely most. Lan-
3. to calculate the pitches for the rest of the finger dels, for instance, makes it explicit, that for him9
holes from their positions, using the effective “the first, and by far the most valuable, is the
length obtained in step 2. pictorial evidence from vase-paintings. … the
This procedure has since been applied to a number
of early aulos fragments, however without con-
vincing results5. To find its possible weak points, it 3 Cf. Landels 1999, 272.
4 Landels 1963; Landels 1968; Landels 1999, 271–275.
is important to make explicit the assumptions that
5 Cf. Letters 1969; West 1992, 97–101.
lie behind these calculations: 6 As done by West 1992, 100 f. Given the relation of the
1. It is likely to encounter concordant intervals diameter of the bore to that of the finger holes, West’s cal-
on one pipe of an aulos. culations for the intervals from finger holes to the whole
This may seem obvious at first glance, just because pipes are off by more than a quartertone.
7 An excellent overview is given by Landels 1992, 41–46.
there is no doubt that concordant intervals played 8 In 1928, Winnington-Ingram could speak about “the
a vital role in Greek music. Yet it is not so clear orthodox theory of polyphony” (8).
that we find them necessarily on each pipe of a 9 Landels 1992, 42.
Calculating Auloi – The Louvre Aulos Scale 375

literary evidence is much less satisfactory; in shown, this need not necessarily imply hetero-
fact, there is no explicit statement about the phonic playing. Yet it is much more likely to have
piping techniques of the Classical period.” been done deliberately, and thus a much stronger
We will have to concern ourselves with the ques- hint to non-unison playing than equal fingering is
tion of literary testimonies later. Let us first con- to unison playing.
sider for a moment the possible value of pictorial Literary evidence, on the other hand, has to
evidence for playing techniques. Evidence about fear none of these objections. Especially in music-
the pipes sounding different notes could be gained theoretical sources, we obtain information not just
from two possible features: either if different fin- by incidence: it is in the authors’ interest to make
gering is clearly shown, and if it can be made plau- things clear to their recipients. Often enough, it
sible that the painter has done so deliberately, or if must be admitted, matters remain dark to us,
the hands are depicted at different locations on because we do no longer know of things which the
both pipes, and again if this may not be accounted original readers were familiar with; but this will
for by purely artistic motifs. Landels argues that annoy, not deceive us. Only sometimes is it possi-
none of the criteria is met on any painting, even if ble that the theories brought forth are biased by
he admits that different hand positions are clearly ideology. But this is true almost exclusively for
depicted on at least one example. Interestingly Pythagorean sources; Aristoxenus (and his follow-
enough, an analysis of the same pictorial evidence ers) did not need to search for conformity with
can also come to the opposite conclusion10, which presupposed dogmatic views.
proves at least that extensive statistical data based A. Barker, in an admirably clear account of the
on clear criteria are needed in support of any state- available literary sources, has dealt with the ques-
ment on this issue. tion of “heterophonia” in ancient Greek music;
On the other hand, I would argue that any pic- that is, with the difference between the notes
torial evidence must be treated with the highest sounded by the melody and the accompaniment12.
degree of suspicion a priori. On the basis of vase On the basis of overwhelming evidence, he con-
paintings it has even been argued that the bore of cludes that already in early time music was per-
the aulos widened gradually from the mouthpiece formed in which a quite independent accompani-
to the main part, although a glance on the extant ment played a substantial role, not at last to sup-
fragments tells us for sure that the pipes had a con- port the perception of the rhythm. Though in
tinuously cylindrical bore11. The vase painters detail many uncertainties remain, I think we can
strove for elegance, and to maintain a “realistic” take Barker’s main conclusions for granted. To me,
impression within the limits of their technique, the most puzzling problem seems to be: how
they would have had to dispose of photographic could the very existence of ancient heterophony13
ideals, even if they could be assumed to have pos- be denied in modern scholarship, facing the evi-
sessed them (which they can not). Furthermore, dence cited by Barker? Curiously enough, this
when a musician is depicted in actually playing his blind spot seems to be connected with the most
instrument, we cannot tacitly assume that a snap- celebrated source for our knowledge of heteropho-
shot is given of his gestures at any given moment. nia, from Plato’s Laws, which I would like to
Instead, we have to expect traditional typical posi- quote in full. It forms part of a discussion about
tions: just as in images of lyre players we find the how and to which extent music shall be taught to
left hand usually in a typical “playing” position, the young:
with four fingers stretched out, or in a “holding” To¥tvn toºnyn de^i xårin to^iq fuøggoiq t^hq l¥raq
position, with fingers relaxed and bent: almost prosxr^hsuai, safhneºaq ’neka tvn^ xordvn,
^ tøn te
nothing of the more complex movements which kiuaristÓn kaÁ tØn paideyømenon, Ωpoidøntaq
we expect during playing. In aulos playing, more prøsxorda tÅ fu™gmata to^i q fu™gmasi? tÓn d|
often than not it is hard to tell if the painter „terofvnºan kaÁ poikilºan t^hq l¥raq, “lla m‚n
intended to depict any fingering at all. And if he m™lh t ^vn xord^vn eis^vn, “lla d‚ to^y tÓn
did, and both hands show the same fingering, this melÛdºan synu™ntoq poihto^y, kaÁ dÓ kaÁ pyknøth-
need not mean more than that he has indicated that ta manøthti kaÁ tåxoq bradyt^hti kaÁ πj¥thta
both pipes are being fingered. To infer unison
playing from iconography almost implies that the 10 Byrne 2000, 282; 285 fig. 10.
painters wanted to transmit information that 11 Najock 1996. Compare the difference between the kithara
would become relevant only for future musicolo- and its representation on vase paintings as analyzed by
gists. If we look at it from the artist’s view: the task Psaroudakes 2000.
12 Barker 1995.
is to paint two times the item “hand fingering 13 From now on I will use the English version of the Greek
aulos”. If in the painters mind there exists a tem- term heterophonia for the supposed technique of accompa-
plate with index finger raised, why not apply it nying a fixed melody with different notes, producing not
twice? If, on the other hand, different fingering is only unisons, but also concordant and discordant intervals.
376 Stefan Hagel

bar¥thti s¥mfvnon kaÁ Ωntºfvnon parexom™noyq, to-note accompaniment was actually used in prac-
^ r\ yumvn
kaÁ tvn ^ ˜sa¥tvq pantodapÅ poikºlmata tised music. The speaker is simply not talking
prosarmøttontaq to^isi fuøggoiq t^hq l¥raq, pånta about playing music; he is discussing the use of an
o«n tÅ toia^yta mÓ prosf™rein to^iq m™lloysin instrument in the classroom. Today, he might say:
®n trisÁn ‘tesin tØ t^hq moysik^hq xr¸simon “One should also use the piano to teach the pupils
®kl¸cesuai diÅ tåxoyq. (812de) singing, because it helps greatly in finding the cor-
For this reason they have also to make use of rect note. But we will leave it at just playing the
the pitches of the lyre, just because of the melody, not improvising an accompaniment with
exactness of string notes, both the kithara- harmonic and rhythmic subtleties that might irri-
player and the novice, giving in unison (?) tate them.” To infer from such a prescription that
sound for sound. But the different and mani- the piano was traditionally not used to play poly-
fold playing of the lyre, when the strings emit phonic or harmonic music would, of course, be
one melody and another one the composer ridiculous. It goes without saying that this is not
who has put together the melody, and when to imply that the lyre played anything like modern
they set wide intervals against close ones, high piano music, or that it used harmony in the mod-
against slow tempo, and high against low pitch ern sense. But I think it is plausible that the elabo-
in concords and discords, and when they fit all rated style was the usual one, that one which
kinds of manifold rhythms to the sounds of the everyone deemed appropriate for really playing
lyre in the same way, all of that kind, I say, not the lyre, let alone the kithara. We cannot tell, on
to offer to those who shall grasp quickly in the the other hand, to which extent the note-to-note
course of three years what is useful in music. style was exploited for simple songs, performed on
Starting from this passage, traditional argument private occasions.
seems to proceed more or less as follows: “There The same phrase for accompanying note-to-
has been a style of heterophonic lyre-music, which note is also used in the Pseudo-Aristotelian Prob-
Plato deprecates. As a conservative philosopher, he lem 19.9, which is also essential to our discussion:
is oriented on the Classical age before the com- DiÅ tº Ìdion t^hq monÛdºaq Ωko¥omen, ®ån tiq prØq
posers of the New Music deteriorated everything. aªlØn ∑ l¥ran Üdë; kaºtoi prØq xordÅq kaÁ tØ
Thus real Greek music did not depart from uni- aªtØ m™loq Üdoysin Ωmfot™rvq?
son.” Consequently the artistic value of Greek Why is it that it is sweeter for us to listen to
music from the Classical period (from which we solo singing, if someone is singing to the aulos
possess no single melodic phrase) has almost never or the lyre15? And this in spite of the fact that
been doubted, while the earliest extant melodies, in both cases they sing note-to-note and the
dating from Hellenistic times, are not seldom met same melody (as the instrument?).
with disgust. This passage, taken as it is, indeed seems to indi-
A careful reading of Plato’s text, however, does cate that this type of accompaniment was the only
not justify these conclusions at all. Plato (or, more one known to lyre and aulos players. Still this is
exactly, his fictive Athenian) does not express his impossible in view of other evidence (as the pas-
disapproval of the style of music he is alluding to. sage from the Laws, cited above, and other pas-
We can infer so only if we take for granted that the sages discussed by Barker16), especially if we take
single items of his description bear a negative con- into account the relatively late date of the Prob-
notation in themselves; but that would be circular. lems, which were formulated in a time when pro-
Certainly other passages on music by Plato, espe- fessional music performed by star artists was more
cially the famous ones in the Republic have con- important than ever before. Given the extremely
tributed to a quasi-analogous interpretation of the compressed and often enigmatic language of the
statement in the Laws. But we have to keep in Problems, it is perhaps best to take the kaºtoi sen-
mind that even the Socrates of the Republic is not tence as distilling the essence of two thoughts into
so much contrasting contemporary music with one sentence: the text might in fact mean, „and this
older styles: most of the undoubtedly early modes happens even if they sing note-to-note and the
are expelled from the Ideal State (and, on the other same melody in both cases“, which was not easily
hand, the contemporary musician who does not to render within the traditional form of a kaºtoi
fall into the accepted categories is treated with the sentence, nor necessary to formulate in extenso for
utmost respect, even if not allowed to perform14).
Thus we have first to accept that we must not sup-
pose any chronological order between the two 14 Rep. 398ab: proskyno^imen •n aªtØn ˜q erØn kaÁ uaymastØn
ways of playing the lyre, the note-to-note accom- kaÁ Ôd¥n …
15 The meaning may be in fact “sweeter … if to the aulos than
paniment and the elaborated style, on the basis of to the lyre” (which is the meaning of the same sentence in
the passage from the Laws. Secondly, we may not 922a). Our argument is little affected by this ambiguity.
even conclude from Plato’s words that the note- 16 Cf. note 12.
Calculating Auloi – The Louvre Aulos Scale 377

readers familiar with the practices alluded to17. But clear that heterophony was certainly employed
another observation is interesting in our context: between the strings and the voice, and that we can-
The author of the problems finds it necessary to not preclude its existence between strings even
double the expression: prØq xordÅq and tØ aªtØ from the earliest times on, what follows for the
m™loq18. Why would one not suffice? Perhaps the playing technique of the aulos? Certainly that we
phrase prøsxorda/prØq xordÅq does not exactly must reckon with at least the same amount of het-
imply the doubling of the melodic line. Literally erophony between singer and instrument, when
translated, it means “to (each) string/note”, and I the aulos was used for accompaniment: for here
suggest that this applies to the rhythm as well as to two musicians are involved, while the kitharist
the melody, or, since melody is accounted for sepa- accompanied himself. Besides, from early times on
rately, primarily to rhythm. This interpretation is there were occasions when lyres and auloi played
in perfect accord also with the Plato passage, together24. Lyres then had not more than seven
where the opposite of prøsxorda are both melodic strings, and thus seven notes; but they covered the
and rhythmic embellishments and contrapuncts. range of a seventh or an octave. Auloi, on the other
Indeed it may even shed new light on Plato’s hand, with both pipes sounded in unison, would
phrase Ωpodidøntaq prøsxorda tÅ fu™gmata to^iq hardly reach the ambitus of a seventh; but due to
fu™gmasi. Here the two notions are usually taken half-covering the holes, they would be able to play
as pleonastic, the latter explaining the first. But the more notes, at least eight “meaningful” notes in
sense may be more definite, prøsxorda providing the context of a Greek scale25. When playing
rhythmical unison, which is the basis for melodic together, both instruments would probably have
unison, Ωpodidønai tÅ fu™gmata to^iq fu™gmasi. This had to give up their particular advantages, if
takes us to another passage from Pseudo-Plutarch, played in unison. Is it really likely that musicians
where the “unison accompaniment”, prøsxorda sacrificed the usual facilities of their instruments
kro¥ein, is contrasted with the “accompaniment just for the sake of unison, and this for centuries, if
below the song”, kro^ysiq ÊpØ tÓn üd¸n, which is not millennia? If we are ready to reject such an
said to have been invented by Archilochus19. If we assumption, we are ending up with ancient het-
apply our new, primarily rhythmic interpretation erophony again, this time between different types
of the term to this information, we can no longer of instruments.
infer that pre-Archilochean (lyre) accompaniment
was invariably just the replication of the vocal
melody. Both melodic heterophony and intervallic 17 We can, but need not, alter the text to arrive at the same
play might have been employed, only that seem- sense, e. g.: kaºtoi 〈symbaºnei kaÁ to^iq〉 prØq xordÅq kaÁ tØ
ingly every syllable of the song was accompanied aªtØ m™loq Üdoysin Ωmfot™rvq.
18 Barker 1984, 191 (“they sing the same tune with unison
by not more than one strum on the instrument. accompaniment”) understands the second expression of the
For the authors of our literary sources this style Greek text as describing the relationship between the two
lay centuries back, and another quotation by Pseu- ways of singing, the first between voice and instrument in
each case. But this is not the natural order, and accordingly
do-Plutarch shows that even the development of
he exchanges the two expressions in his translation. If
the most elaborated styles of heterophonic accom- Barker is right, the following argument is obsolete; but at
paniment was then musical history20: while con- least our interpretation of the omitted “if” is confirmed:
temporary (which must mean, fourth century) certainly the Greeks did not always sing the same melody.
19 Ps.-Plutarch, De musica 1141a. The subject of the sentence
music loved melodic diversity (poikilºa) – obvi- is not entirely clear. From a strict grammatical viewpoint it
ously gained through frequent modulations21 –, might be the 5th century composer Crexus, and West 1992,
the Classical style used manifold rhythms and 359, takes it so. But the mention of Crexus was just an
sophisticated accompaniment22. afterthought to a specific innovation of Archilochus, who
is the subject of the paragraph, and it would seem more
The remains of Aristoxenian rhythmical theory than awkward to continue about Crexus’ inventions in that
contain some features that are hard to account for context (at least we would expect the sentence to make
within the framework of our current knowledge. clear the change of the general subject, by a sentence-initial
One especially enigmatic point is the notion of the demonstrative: to†ton d‚ o¬ontai …). This is the view of
Barker 1995, 45.
possible extensions of rhythmic schemes, which 20 Ps.-Plutarch, De musica 1138b.
do not fit into the metrical schemes of our texts23. 21 Cf. Hagel 2000, 115–119.
We cannot go into detail here, but I suggest that Cf. Barker 1995, 53 f.
23 Aristoxenus, Rhythmics, Psell. 12, p. 24.11–19 Pearson;
these reflect Aristoxenus’ efforts to describe such
Frg. Neap. 14, p. 28.21–29.6 Pearson (for both passages see
rhythmical subtleties as Plato mentions and which Pearson’s commentary).
are reported to have started in the time of 24 To give just a few examples from vases: Berlin Antikenmu-
Archilochus. There, and in dance, the conception seum 31573 (ca. 700 B.C.), Berlin 1686 (6th cent. B.C.),
Athens 16464 (6th cent. B.C.), Harvard 1960.236 (ca. 500
of rhythmic movements contained within other
rhythmic movements makes good sense. 25 E.g. e-e*-f-g-a-b-b*-c, and ten notes if we add a*-b L from
So much about lyre playing. Now that it is the modulating synēmménon tetrachord.
378 Stefan Hagel

As soon as we allow for any kind of het- that additional intermediate quarter-tone. Certain-
erophony in early Hellenic music, it becomes ly it is not plausible that the same melodic scale
more than plausible that heterophony took place had now changed to the voice while the auletes
also between the pipes of the aulos. Why should had disposed of the restrictions, which were char-
the auletes have ever restrained themselves from acteristic of the spondeîon. And indeed we are told
intervallic effects that were in common use else- that in Aristoxenus’ times one could sometimes
where, especially as they played an instrument so listen to auletes playing in an archaic style, with-
obviously singing with two voices? We are not out the divided semitone. So obviously others
sure whether the aulos was in continuous use in played the spondeîon less archaically, and did use
Greece during the dark ages (though I do not the melodic scale connected with the “trópos spon-
doubt it) or rather re-imported from Asia Minor deiázōn”. The difference cannot have been very
in Homeric times; but in any case its art was hand- great, since Aristoxenus’ wording indicates that it
ed down to archaic and Classical Greece through was not so easy to discern whether the semitone
millennia. The stability of its major design during was actually divided or not30.
all this time, namely the separation of the pipes, So I suggest that the view that the terms “spon-
might almost suffice on itself to prove its hetero- deîon” and “trópos spondeiázōn” denote different
phonic use to the unprejudiced mind: if both pipes types of music, or even different steps in the devel-
had played the same melody, it would have been opment, cannot be upheld, and that the latter is
much more efficient to fix the pipes side by side used as a mere variation of the former by Aristox-
and cover adjacent holes with just one finger26, enus. There was just one spondeîon, which was in
thus gaining at least three extra holes to extend the the fourth century usually played with one melod-
range of the instrument27. ic enharmonic pyknón in the melody, while the
Finally there is a passage from Pseudo-Plutarch other one occurred only in the accompaniment.
that provides most valuable information as it is Although an older style was still heard sometimes,
derived almost certainly from Aristoxenus28. the differences were rather minute. Consequently
There we are clearly told about differences this type of music belonged to the aulos alone, and
between the notes employed in the “melody”, the Pseudo-Plutarch passage does indeed prove
m™loq, as opposed to those used in the accompani- that a fourth-century author did not perceive het-
ment, kro^ysiq. The time envisaged is almost as erophonic aulos music as a novelty at all. We have
early as one might wish: not the time of the half-
legendary piper Olympus, but of his successors up
to the Classical period at latest. The trópos spon-
26 As with the modern zummara, cf. e. g. Landels 1999, 43.
deiázōn, the playing technique of which is under
Keeping the pipes separate only to facilitate the adjustment
investigation, is only one step further in a develop- of the tiny pitch difference between them is certainly not
ment starting with the very archaic spondeîon necessary with double reeds.
27 The thumbs might not be able to cover two holes, so we
scale, attributed to Olympus: one of its enharmon-
arrive at 4+4 instead of 5 holes.
ic pykná, so we are told, was divided into quarter- 28 Ps.-Plutarch, De musica 1137d. For a discussion of this
tones, while the second one was still undivided — passage see Winnington-Ingram 1928; Barker 1984,
in the melody, that is. There we would possess the 255–257. The whole passage shows all signs of a quotation
most striking evidence for early heterophonic word by word. Aristoxenus has been criticized on making
up a wholly implausible story about the origin of the
aulos playing, if we just could be sure if “melody” enharmonic. Against this it must be said that Aristoxenus
might not mean “vocal melody:” with hetero- himself is only citing earlier authorities, and that he makes
phonic accompaniment, but only in respect to the it clear that these offer only suppositions (Êpønoo^ysi, which
voice, not within the aulos. Again it must be cannot stem from Ps.-Plutarch, who would have used the
singular according to his introductory ˜q |Aristøjenøq
emphasized how unlikely it is that a double instru- fhsin). But this applies only to the origins: for the scalar
ment played in unison in a style of music that structure and the accompaniment he draws on his own
made use of heterophony. Even the traditional experience.
29 Barker 1984, 256 f. has once argued for aulodic music sim-
presupposition of Classical Greek unison would
ply on the ground that there is melody and accompani-
more easily accept the assumption of unison ment; but he has since suggested an auletic performance:
between voice and aulos melody with a certain 1995, 50. This is also West’s interpretation: 1992, 359 note
admission of heterophony in the second pipe. But 13.
30 How the ambiguity arose is easily understood as the inter-
how likely is it at all that Pseudo-Plutarch is talk-
mediate note was executed by half-covering (or three-quar-
ing about vocal (“aulodic”?), not about purely ter-covering?) a finger hole, which happened also during
instrumental (“auletic”) music29? The older “spon- covering or uncovering a hole while continuously sound-
deîon” is doubtlessly auletic, but we are not told if ing the instrument. This is, however, possible only when
proceeding from one of the boundary notes of the semi-
it had heterophonic accompaniment. The later
tone to the other, and we can conclude that even the more
style, however, employed almost exactly the same developed style did not use the quarter-tones except in this
notes in the melody as the older one, only with context.
Calculating Auloi – The Louvre Aulos Scale 379

not even found a hint in the direction that playing monauloi played simultaneously by two instru-
in intervals was anything but the usual auletic mentalists? Although this is not entirely impossi-
technique, just as we could not exclude intervallic ble, I know of no representation, neither in art nor
lyre music from the earliest times on. in literature, which tells of such a practice; so we
Let us now return to the question of aulos should exclude this possibility if any other option
scales in the light of the foregoing considerations. is available.
First, the notion of “an aulos scale” itself becomes Indeed we have to go even further and draw
ill-defined if we take intervallic play into account. the monaulos theory in general into question.
There is the old hypothesis that in Greek music What is our evidence for this type of instrument35?
the lower of two notes formed always the melody, It has left almost no traces in the visual arts, and
while the higher was perceived as accompaniment, almost all of the few Greek literary testimonies are
but it is not very well founded, and seems to have known just from one source, namely the Deip-
lost much of its reputation today31. Above all, this nosophistae by Athenaeus. These have not always
theory would reduce the possible compass of aulos been seen in their context: in the course of the dis-
melody again to that of one, namely the lower cussion Ulpianus makes mention of the monaulos
pitched, pipe. Still, it is true that the examples of just to tease the Alexandrinean Alcides:
accompanying notes mentioned in the Pseudo- … kaÁ oªx ˜q ∏ par| Êm^in to^iq |Alejandre^ysi
Plutarch passage are all above the respective polÂq ∏ mønayloq Ωlghdøna m^allon to^iq
melodic notes. Ωko¥oysi par™xvn ˚ tina t™rcin moysik¸n.
In the design of an aulos pair it must have been (Athenaios, Deipnosophistae 174b, p. 391.10–12
of primary importance to have concordant finger Kaibel)
holes distributed between both pipes. Concords “… and not as with the instrument heard so
within one pipe would arise merely as a side effect frequently in your Alexandria, the monaulos,
of unisons and distributed concords. Thus it is that gives the listeners more pain than any
confirmed that the traditional major assumption musical joy.”
for the evaluation of single pipe scales must be met Alcides counters with a list of quotations from
with suspicion. It might well prove even impossi- Greek authors that mention this instrument36. The
ble, except maybe sometimes on the ground of list is not so very long, and we can be sure that
comparisons with extant pairs. Athenaeus did not pass over sources he was aware
Our theoretical considerations so far have of. In some of the fragments that have thus come
equipped us with the necessary confidence to pro- to us the monaulos is explicitly connected with
ceed to the evaluation of the best preserved pair of foreign (or alternatively rustic) culture or seems
pipes, which is also that one whose pipes belong chosen to invoke non-Greek connotations37. The
together most obviously: the Louvre aulos. This tube of the instrument seems usually to have been
instrument has been described by A. Bélis, who made of reed.
has also tried to interpret the musical relationships If we turn to the interpretation of aulos find-
inherent in its finger holes32. Although her view ings, we will be surprised how many of the extant
that the two pipes of unknown date and prove- ancient pipes, and especially of the better pre-
nance form a pair has been accepted by West33, it served instruments, are supposed to be monauloi,
has met severe criticism by Landels34, so that we given the scarce attestation of the latter in ancient
have to ponder the arguments brought forth by sources against the omnipresent two-pipe aulos.
both sides. The appearance of the two pipes cer-
tainly leads to the immediate impression of a pair:
both pipes are equal in length and of exactly the 31 Cf. West 1992, 206 note 41; Barker 1995, 56; Landels 1999,
same shape, differing only in the disposition of 45.
finger holes. Of these there are nine on one and 32 Bélis 1984.
seven on the other pipe, so none of them could be West 1992, 100 f.
34 Landels 1999, 279 notes 19 and 30.
played with one hand without some mechanism 35 For the following cf. Howard 1893, 12–14; 18; West 1992,
such as the well-known rotating sleeves, which we 92 f. note 58; Barker 1984, 159 f. note 3; 264 f. note 20. Why
find on some other extant pipes. There remain, Mathiesen 1999, 195, assumes Athenaeus to have equated
however, no traces of such a mechanism as we the monaulos with the Pan-pipes escapes me, especially as
would expect. Moreover Landels points out traces he cites in full a passage in which it is referred to by the sin-
gular “reed-stem”.
of shaping especially around the thumbholes, 36 Deipn. 175e–176e, p. 394.12–396.10 Kaibel. The monaulos
which seem to make no sense beneath a wrapping is also mentioned by Pollux, 4.75 (as Egyptian and Carian);
of metal. He concludes that the Louvre pipes must Pliny, Historia Naturalis 7.204 (as Pan’s invention); Martial
be monauloi, single pipes. Still their exact resem- 37 The monaulos is associated with Egypt, with foreign
blance as well as their preservation as a pair indi- instruments, and also with Pan. Cf. also the African play-
cates a deeper connection. Have they been ing the monaulos in Plutarch, Biogr. Caesar 52.7.4 f.
380 Stefan Hagel

There have been interpreted as single pipes: at least of the fundamental frequency of the note pro-
one of the Castellani pipes38, the fragments glued duced from a hole. The pitch of the actual note,
together into one pipe in the Karapanos however, is determined not only by its fundamen-
collection39, and now even the Louvre pipes. tal frequency, but also by the regimes of the higher
None of them is, of course, made of reed, and their modes. So it was necessary to carry out the same
highly elaborate and expensive design makes an calculations for some of the first modes, too47.
odd contrast with the rustic instrument that we After some experiment I decided to include the
should expect. In the light of the sources, I think it first 10 modes, which should suffice for all practi-
is clear that any identification of a find as “monau- cal requirements.
los” should be met with suspicion. The next step was less easy to take: I had to
Thus I agree with Bélis and West that we must define to which extent the single modes should
try to interpret the Louvre pair as one aulos. To do contribute to the resulting frequency. It is clear
so, it has to be proved, however, that the design of enough that the influence of the first mode should
both pipes fits together musically40. So we finally be the greatest, and lessen with the number of
arrive at the necessity of undertaking exact calcula- mode. On the other hand, one should not underes-
tions to find the pitches and intervals, which were timate the presence of the higher modes on a reed
most probably played on the instrument. For this instrument with such an exciting sound as the
task I have developed special software, which aulos is credited with48. It was not possible for me
allows experimenting with different effective to measure the impedances of a replica; a spectrum
lengths of reeds. I have started from the following taken from the note of a mid-range finger hole of a
parameters: pipe that corresponds in length to the Louvre
– The positions of finger holes as given by Bélis, aulos has to suffice to give an impression of the
corrected in one case by 1 mm according to my influence of higher modes49. After some experi-
own computer-aided measurements on her pho- menting I have decided to apply a very simple for-
tographs41. mula, and to assign to every mode a weight recip-
– The length, diameter and wall thickness of the rocal to its number: wn=1/n.
instrument as given by Bélis, allowing for addi- For a given finger hole, however, not all the
tional 2.5 mm for the metal wrapping with its higher modes can build up their regime, only those
rotating sleeves42. whose frequency lies below the respective cutoff
– A temperature of air inside the instrument of frequency. The value of this was calculated using a
T=27°C, which gives a free space velocity of sound formula that applies to modern instruments, but
of c=346.9 m/s43. can be assumed to give usable results for pipes of
The calculations were then carried out as fol- the aulos type, too. So it was ensured that only
lows, for each finger hole and for the whole pipe
with all holes closed:
– A starting frequency was assumed in a first
guess, based on the actual physical length (just as
in the inaccurate approach described above). 38 Howard 1893, 58.
– The end correction was calculated that arises 39 Masaraki 1974.
40 Bélis 1984, offers an interpretation by setting the distances
from the additional volume of closed holes fur-
between the upper end (without any reed!), and the finger
ther up the tube, which volume contributes to holes in relation to each other. This did, of course, not
the effective length of the vibrating columns of result in meaningful scales, nor even in playable intervals
air44. (except perhaps by playing the pipes as end-blown flutes or
– A second end correction was calculated for the trumpets). The results of West 1992, 100s are much better
but still not precise, due to the methodical shortcomings
open hole itself, taking into account, if necessary described above.
the lattice of open finger holes below it45. 41 Hole II on pipe A, according to Bélis’ nomenclature:
– The velocity of sound inside the bore was calcu- 15.55 cm instead of 15.65 cm.
42 Cf. e. g. Masaraki 1974. From the 3.5 mm found by her we
have to subtract a certain amount for reasons of corrosion.
– From the results, a corrected value for the fre- 43 As we have to search for the optimal reed extrusion, differ-
quency was obtained. ences in air temperature will have certain effects on
– Bearing in mind that this frequency was based on absolute pitch, but virtually none on the intervals, so this
a wrong initial assumption, this corrected frequen- parameter does not affect our study very much.
44 Benade 1960, 1597 equation 22a.
cy was again fed into the same formulae, gaining a 45 Benade 1960, 1601 equation 34; 1602 equation 38.
further corrected value. This process was reiterat- 46 Fletcher/Rossing 1991, 177 equation 8.14. Cf. also Byrne
ed until the difference between the results became 2000, 280.
47 For cylindrically bored reed-driven instruments, the higher
modes are represented by the odd partials: fn=f0(2n–1).
The process described so far can be assumed to 48 Cf. e. g. West 1992, 105s.
give quite accurate values for the oscillating regime 49 See Diagram 1.
Calculating Auloi – The Louvre Aulos Scale 381

those modes enter into the final weighted average tal notation for each pitch (as a “standing note”58),
that lie below cut-off50. assuming a pitch of 352 Hertz for the Hypolydian
But how great is the actual difference between mésē (a major third below modern a)59.
our accurate formulae and the rule of the thumb – All intervals within one pipe or between both
employed in earlier studies? Let us compare the pipes that are in tune within a definable range. The
frequency values for one aulos, namely the Brau- intervals displayed can be chosen from a set of
ron aulos, studied and later re-evaluated by Lan- mostly superparticulars, from 2/1 (octave) down
dels. In Table 1 I print Landels’ pitches together to 10/9 (minor whole tone), plus the unison and
with the “accurate” ones. To ensure comparability, the ancient concords of an octave augmented by a
I have chosen a reed length that gives a lowest note fifth and a forth.
identical with that of Landels. It turns out that up – The portion of the pitches that corresponds best
to the highest finger hole the difference grows up to one of a set of predefined scales (such as diaton-
to 75 cents, three quarters of a semitone51. ic and chromatic in different ancient tunings, tetra-
If we are not concerned about absolute pitch, it chordal, pentatonic, etc.).
is still possible to arrive at a set of notes with As any change in effective length in a pipe is
roughly the same structure as Landels’ proposed immediately reflected in all of these categories, it is
approximate pentatonic tuning over an octave, just very easy to determine the most plausible relation-
somewhat below: 253 – 290 – 331 – 374 – 429 –
506 Hz. But, apart from the octave (by which I
have defined the reed extrusion), none of the inter-
vals in this scale is in tune within 20 cents, not even 50 I have tested the accuracy of the predictions of these algo-
a major or minor third. Viewed against a pentaton- rithms against the average of 10 series of measurements on
ic tuning in fifths and fourths there are deviations an aulos of the length of the Louvre pipes (although with
of ±37 cents. finger holes not so near the mouthpiece as on the higher
If we want to get a scale out of the Brauron Louvre pipe). Each measurement included the pitches from
6 finger holes as well as the pipe with all holes closed. Some
pipe, we have to extend it to an effective length of came from staccato, some from legato playing. The predict-
over 45 cm. There we find two fifths and three ed frequencies lay usually within one standard deviation
fourths, building a scale with an ambitus of a sixth, from the measurements, while the average amount of dif-
which is per se far more plausible than Landels’ ference between prediction and measurements was not
more than 11 cent.
octave. The errors against Didymus’ diatonic scale 51 These values are based on an air temperature of 27°C. If we
with great and small whole tones are ±21 cents. substitute the somewhat implausible “18°C from the play-
The arrangement of tones and semitones runs as er’s lungs” assumed by Landels 1999, 273, the maximum
follows: TTSTT, with the highest note as mésē 52. difference based on the same lowest note amounts to 100
A tentative matching of the pitch of this mésē with 52 Here I agree with Byrne 2000, 281 with note 14 (even if I
the later notation system53 leads us to the Hypoae- find the tuning not so “familiar”). I hesitate, however, to
olian or Hypophrygian key, the former of which accept his general rule of distances: it cannot apply to
instruments of any size, since both the maximum and the
we can exclude as belonging to those introduced
minimum distance of finger holes are naturally limited.
by Aristoxenus. The Hypophrygian key, however, 53 See below. When Landels 1999, 273–275, discusses the
fits well for an aulos54. Still, the arrangement of notational signs which might have been used for the notes
notes is hard to understand in (Hypo-)Phrygian proposed by him he seems to ascribe modern pitch equiva-
lents to those modern note names that are traditionally
context55, and so this one-pipe solution remains as used for transcribing ancient notation (mistaking the struc-
unsatisfactory as earlier attempts. turally equivalent notes, in which unaltered ancient note
I have to add a brief account of the software signs are rendered by unaltered modern note names, for
surface that I have designed to use the algorithms “the traditional pitch equivalents”; cf. also 227). But these
are to be taken about a third lower. Thus his proposed
described above most effectively56. It consists pitches actually fall out of his supposed original range of
mainly of tools to select different pipes for evalua- the ancient notational system.
tion and to experiment with different effective In Aristoxenus, Harm. 37.26, p. 47.6 f. Da Rios, the manu-
lengths just by tracking handles on the screen. A scripts give tØn Êpofr¥gion aªløn, where we would expect
tønon. If this is the correct reading, it testifies the most inti-
large area is reserved for displaying the results of mate connection between the Hypophrygian key and the
the current choices: aulos.
– The calculated absolute pitches, in Hertz. For Hypophrygian we would expect something like
– The calculated pitches as intervals from the low- TSTTST; cf. West 1992, 183; Hagel 2000, 172 Abb. 23; 178
Abb. 25; 184 Abb. 27.
est one, in cents. 56 See Diagram 2.
– The intervals between adjacent finger holes, in 57 These pitches are not printed in Diagram 2.
58 These are the bounding notes of each tetrachord, and those
with clearly defined pitch in relation to each other in the
– The modern pitch equivalents as note names and
ancient notation. The pitch of the “movable notes”, on the
the deviations from these notes, in cents.57 other hand, depended on the tuning.
– The ancient note symbol in vocal and instrumen- 59 Cf. West 1992, 273–276.
382 Stefan Hagel

ships for which the instruments have been bored. I Of the eight diatonic tunings transmitted by
have also included an algorithm that performs a ancient scholars our scale matches best Ptolemy’s
search for the constellation of effective lengths that “tense diatonic”, with tetrachords of the form
give the greatest number of intervals out of a cho- 16 : 15 – 9 : 8 – 10 : 9. Viewed against this tuning,
sen set, but it is hardly necessary to use this tool, the average deviation of our scale amounts to not
except for confirmation. more than 9.7 cents63.
To make the scales and intervals audible, I have So far we have passed over an additional para-
also provided audio output: the holes on each pipe meter that we are not able to get hold of by means
can be accessed by a row of keys on the keyboard, of mathematics: the behaviour of the reed.
so that it is possible to explore the tunings by actu- M. Byrne stresses that its effective length must not
ally “playing” both pipes together60. be treated as a constant, and gives measurements
In the case of the Louvre aulos the optimal to prove this fact64. Unfortunately we are not told
effective reed extrusions can be determined with the exact layout of his experiment.65 According to
great confidence as about 4.6 cm on the lower and my experience only high finger holes are affected
4.2 cm on the higher pipe. It has to be noted, how- noticeably, given that the diameter of the circular
ever, that reed cavities tend to have an effective lower opening of the reed equals that of the main
volume considerably higher than their physical bore. The reed insert in ancient auloi is obviously
volume, so the real extrusion might have been designed to insure such a smooth connection66. In
somewhat smaller. Since we know that the reeds of any case we have to reckon at least with a certain
both pipes differed slightly in their acoustical flattening of the highest note67. In our mathemati-
properties61, and since we have found that the cal reconstruction, the topmost note lies about 30
“lower” reed is needed on the lower pipe, we will cents too high to sound a concord fourth or fifth
perhaps not go wrong to attribute the calculated with the respective lower holes. About half of this
4 mm of effective difference between both reeds to deviation is accounted for by our assumption of
their different properties rather than to an actual the “tense” tuning, which does not include con-
different extrusion: the slacker reed, per se more cords at this point of the scale. The other half, at
apt for playing low notes, was used on the lower least, will be due to the flattening effect of the reed;
pipe, and at the same time made up for the addi-
tional finger hole cavities on the other pipe. Thus
an irritating mismatch between the positions of
both pipes in regard to the player’s mouth was 60 For sound programming the Windows MIDI API func-
avoided. tions have been used. To achieve the exact pitches, I have
With such reeds and all finger holes closed, qualified the notes by ‘pitch wheel’ commands, on separate
channels for each pipe.
both pipes have sounded a lowest note of about 61 Theophrastus, Hist. plant. 4.11.7. Cf. Barker 1984, 189 note
178 Hertz, a bit above modern F. Table 2 gives a 12.
62 The significance of this result can be guessed to about
list of the consonant (in the ancient definition)
p = 0.029.
superparticular intervals between both pipes that 63 With reed lengths of 4.82 cm and 4.24 cm we come even
are less than 20 cents off. It is significant that in slightly closer to the equally tempered scale of Aristoxenus
this table unisons, octaves, fifths and fourths dom- (which is also our modern diatonic), with an average devia-
inate clearly over the minor intervals (given only tion of 7.5 cents. In this setting, however, the intervals are
much less well tuned.
for the sake of argument), which we would expect 64 Byrne 2000, 280; 184 fig. 2.
to be much more prominent in a random scale: 65 Especially the relation of reed diameter and bore diameter,
while we encounter 22 intervals of the category of and the nature of their junction, would be of interest.
66 In the Louvre pipes, for instance, there is a step of approxi-
those four that are relevant for the scalar structure,
mately 0.85 mm at the end of the insert which presumably
there are not more than 13 instances of the four reflects the wall thickness of the reed at its lower end; cf.
smaller ones62. The major consonances within Bélis 1984, 114 fig. 7. This may well be the wall thickness of
each pipe, which cannot be played simultaneously a length of arundo donax of suitable diameter once the pith
but only melodically, are listed in Table 3. has been scooped out.
67 In my experiments with auloi bored according to calcula-
Still more important than the existence of a tions this problem was always present, and I had to sharp-
fairly large number of concordant intervals, en the highest note either by means of embouchure or by
although related with it, is the question of an inter- widening the finger hole or both. Curiously enough, the
pretable scale. And here we find that the notes on highest finger hole on the Louvre aulos is also wider than
the rest. I can only assume that this was done to decrease
both our pipes work together nicely to build a dia- the necessary span of the fingers; for the hole positions
tonic scale ranging over an octave and a fourth. If were certainly not based on calculations but on centuries of
we put aside absolute pitch for a moment, the scale experience: simple Pythagorean mathematics would not
have led to playable results. When we read that the manu-
runs from A to d’, or, in ancient terms, from
facturers of auloi use simple ratios (Ps.-Aristotelian Prob-
proslambanómenos to paranétē diezeugménōn, the lems 19.23), this is probably derived from a superficial
latter being at the same time also nétē synēmménōn. inspection of their results, or reflects Pythagorean claims.
Calculating Auloi – The Louvre Aulos Scale 383

and perhaps this effect was even larger, and con- often and it was sufficient to have it on just one
cords are intended. It is equally possible, however, pipe. In the light of the concurrent evidence it
that the larger hole was supplied for the “tense” seems now likely that the other tetrachords were
tuning, if needed, but that it could be reduced to indeed designed for “tense diatonic”, which how-
normal size by partially covering it with the help ever need not imply that this tuning was actually
of (for instance) the rotating sleeves, in order to employed most frequently. Its advantage was that
play in a more concordant tuning, which was cer- it implemented the highest tunings of both mov-
tainly needed for modulations68. Our conclusion able notes. Consequently all the other tunings
here depends on how great we believe the reed could be achieved on the aulos by partially cover-
effect to have been. If we assume a flattening of 30 ing the respective finger holes (e. g. by means of
cents, there was no “tense” tuning, which requires rotating sleeves) or even by cross fingering74.
a lowering effect of only 15 cents. The pitch of the Our calculations are further confirmed by the
note an octave below the highest one, however, surprising concurrence that we encounter an exact
seems also to point to “tense” tuning; but certainly unison of both pipes with all holes closed exactly
we cannot base conclusions on mathematically at the setting that gives the overall maximum of
reconstructed differences of 15 cents without addi- consonances: here it is most obvious that the dif-
tional evidence. ferences in behaviour between the two reeds are
At least we can be sure about the layout of the meant to balance the differently shaped bores with
diatonic scale itself. When we inspect it more their unequal number of finger holes. At the same
closely, we find that almost every note on the pipe time these low notes have their exact counterparts
with more finger holes has its counterpart on the at the octave. These represent the mésē, the central
other one. The only exception is the lowest finger note of the ancient system, from which all other
hole, which is unique on the lower pipe69. But not notes were perceived to derive their musical mean-
all respective holes are in unison with each other ing. As the mésē is the highest note that is present
within our limit of 20 cent. Nevertheless all the on both pipes, it is ensured that it can be sounded
“standing” notes, which build the tetrachordal together with every other note.
framework, are in unison, namely A – (D) – E – A Only one note is significantly out of tune
(D, the hyperypátē, being a standing note in the according to our calculations. It is the second low-
modulating neighbour keys70), but only one out of est note, the hypátē hypátōn, structurally equiva-
three “movable” notes (F). This might hint at a lent to our “B”, and labelled so in the diagram. It
design that provides for different tunings within appears to be 30 cents to high. As a “standing
one instrument; but admittedly, seven pairs of note” its position does not vary with the tuning, so
holes are too limited an evidence to draw statisti- another explanation has to be found. I suggest that
cally valid conclusions71. the corresponding hole, which is the lowest one,
The most obvious difference occurs between was drilled on a less remote place (about 7 mm
the two holes that give the likhanós mésōn, marked from the calculated optimal position, that is) to
as “G” in Diagram 2. Here the lower note poses a
special problem as it is not in the concord of a fifth
or fourth with any other finger hole. With this
“displaced” note (according to modern ears), its
tetrachord runs as follows: 107 – 167 – 230 cents. 68 If used as a diatonic paranē´tē, the required pitch depended
This resembles very much the ancient “soft” dia- on the tuning; if used as nē´tē, synēmménōn, a pitch a fourth
tonic tuning, which is given as 100 – 150 – 250 above mésē was indispensable.
69 If this needs explanation at all, it might be related to the
cents by Aristoxenus, and as 84 – 183 – 231 cents
fact that this note (“B”), unlike all other ones cannot build
by Ptolemy72. At the same time, the lowered “G” both a fifth and a fourth with other notes (the “F” can,
hole facilitates the production of a semitone above because there is a “C” both above and below it).
the note below, when playing a chromatic tetra- Lydian, Hypophrygian, Phrygian, that is, according to the
chord: all the chromatic likhanoí had to be following conclusions.
71 According to Sattherwaite’s approximative test for differ-
achieved by partially covering the diatonic ones. ences between the means of two sets of measurements with
Why then don’t we find a respectively lowered markedly different standard deviations, the significance
likhanós in the lowest tetrachord (likhanós level amounts to 0.349<p<0.384.
72 For lists of ancient tunings converted to cents, see West
hypátōn, “D”)? This might have to do with modu-
1992, 166–170.
lation: the diatonic likhanós hypátōn occupies a 73 According to the following interpretation, the Lydian
position that in the neighbour key becomes a proslambanómenos: the note most plausibly used as a
“standing” note, which was probably useful to drone – when playing with a drone, that is; cf. the fascinat-
ing considerations in Byrne 2002.
have available on both pipes73. The likhanós 74 Cf. Diagram 3. The effect of cross fingering on an aulos
mésōn, on the other hand, became a “standing with its relatively large finger holes in respect to the bore is
note” only one key further; thus it was needed less minute.
384 Stefan Hagel

make it easier to reach with the little finger75. To ally Hypolydian, and we are confirmed by the fact
decrease its pitch, the metal wrapping could again that over half of the extant ancient melodies are
have been used. If the hole was indeed permanent- notated in the Hypolydian or its neighbour key,
ly partly blocked in this way, we must raise the the Lydian.
question why the aulos maker has not drilled a The lowest note of the aulos, sounded from the
smaller hole right away. If we do not want to take main bore with all finger holes closed, was called
our refuge to implausible theories such as tradition bómbyx78. On the Louvre aulos we have found
or lack of tools, I can offer only one suggestion. I that it has the scalar function of the proslambanó-
think it is possible that the art of aulos-making menos, and it is certainly not by chance that we
used templates (either working instruments or find both terms linked also in the Pseudo-Euclid-
tables derived from these) that gave not so much ean Division of the canon:
ready-made recipes for standardized instruments ‘stv to^y kanønoq mhkoq,
^ ^ xordhq,
¤ kaÁ thq ^ tØ AB,
but pitch structures in relation to numbers of fin- kaÁ diër¸suv e˝q t™ssara ¬sa katÅ tÅ G, D, E.
ger holes. The instruments themselves may have ‘sta “ra ∏ BA bar¥tatoq æn fuøggoq bømbyj.
varied considerably according to the players’ spe- o»toq d‚ ∏ AB to^y GB ®pºtritøq ®stin, ¯ste ∏ GB tÛ^
cial wishes76. The information a designer needed AB symfvn¸sei diÅ tessårvn ®pÁ tÓn πj¥thta.
was then, where to drill holes to give certain con- kaº ®stin ∏ AB proslambanømenoq …
cordances, if a certain number of further holes was (Sect. can. 19)
needed between or above these. The placement of Let there be the length of the canon, which is
these other holes does not affect those intervals also that of the string, BA, and let it be divided
very much. But it must have been known that into four equal parts in the points C, D, and E.
omitting a hole or changing its diameter consider- Thus BA, being the lowest note, will be the
ably may indeed distort the intervals (because it bómbyx. And the same AB is epitritic (4 : 3) to
changes the effective length of the tube). In the CB, so that CB will sound a concordant fourth
case of finger holes these distortions could certain- above AB. And AB is proslambanómenos …
ly have been mended with some playing skill. The The author is thinking about the division of a
lowest note, however, would have needed a greater string, and still he calls his lowest note bómbyx, by
length of tube for any missing finger hole, which a term that stems from the reed instruments. But it
was neither possible to add afterwards, nor possi- is clear that bómbyx is not just a synonym for
ble at all if equally shaped pipes were desired. So it “lowest note”; rather being the latter implies
was good advice to drill a standardized diameter of becoming the former. This can mean only that in
holes in any case, and to cover the cavity in a sec- the context of finding a tuning bómbyx has
ond step where necessary, with minimized effect become the technical term for the starting point in
on the effective length. In the case of our pipe, the relation to which the other notes have to be estab-
effect of a smaller hole would admittedly be lished. May we take this as a hint that in the time
minute, but it increases with decreasing distance to when the Division was written auloi usually
the mouthpiece. played the proslambanómenos as their lowest
It is now generally agreed that the ancient note? This would imply an immense effect of
notational system (in its evolved form, at least) music theory on instrumental practice. There was,
implies a notion of fixed pitch. It was even possi-
ble to relate the ancient notation to absolute pitch-
es with reasonable accuracy, and to establish the 75 This depends on how we think the lower pipe was fin-
central note “Hypolydian mésē” as about a major gered. I suggest to credit professional auletes with a bit
third plus/minus a semitone below our a of more skill than Bélis 1984, 115, does: the upper five holes
can be fingered simultaneously without much exercise, and
440Hz. This enables us to determine the key in so I believe can the lower four, if perhaps not with the fin-
which the Louvre aulos played. In Diagram 4 its ger tips. Given the relatively wide spacing between the sec-
mésē of about 356Hz is printed against the accept- ond and the third hole from the bottom of the instrument,
ed ranges of the mésai that might be applicable. Of however, it is a great relieve to have the distance between
ring finger and little finger decreased.
these we can rule out the Hypoaeolian, both 76 For the star performer ordering (or in this case cancelling)
because it is too low and because of its lack of special features cf. Ps.-Plutarch, De musica 1138a.
77 Moreover, the compass of the instrument speaks against a
importance as a scale. The Dorian cannot be
Dorian scale, especially if we assume it to be relatively
excluded with certainty, as far as pitch is con-
early: while the nē´tē diezeugménōn, which was typical for
cerned; but in spite of its famous name, its use is the old Dorian mode, is absent (at least in the first mode),
virtually not attested in the musical fragments, and the tetrákhordon hýpaton is very prominent, which is said
the Louvre aulos is most probably not so old that to have been completely alien to original Dorian aulos
playing (Ps.-Plutarch, De musica 1137d).
it could stem from a time when the Dorian was 78 Cf. Aristotle, De audibilibus 800b; Metaphysics 1093b;
still flourishing77. So we will not go wrong if we Theophrastus, Hist. Plant. 4.11.3; Barker 1984, 187 note 4;
conclude that the key of the Louvre aulos is actu- West 1992, 87 note 30.
Calculating Auloi – The Louvre Aulos Scale 385

at any rate, the mediating force of notation, which pipes belong to the same instrument81, and that an
reflected Aristoxenian theory but was without intervallic playing technique was standard at least
doubt used by instrumentalists. at the time when it was built82.
On the other hand, we wonder why on our
pipes the Hypolydian scale should have been
79 Cf. the tentative reconstruction of Aristoxenus’ scalar dia-
extended down to the lowest note of the scalar
gram in Hagel 2000, 184 Abb. 27.
system, at the expense of much more prominent 80 The only shortcoming is that it was not possible to insert a
notes at the top. In the light of its relation to other semitone above the highest note of the first mode, nē´tē
keys, we should expect the main range of the synemménōn, which modulations to the Phrygian (and per-
haps the Hypophrygian) scale might require.
Hypolydian to extend at least to nē´tē diezeug- 81 The complete lack of traces of metallic layers, if not
ménōn or some notes above79. This leads us finally explainable chemically, might be accounted for by the sug-
to the question of overblowing. I am convinced it gestion that the instrument was not completed. To the
is no coincidence that the ambitus of the Louvre question of the alleged shaping of the finger holes I can
contribute little, not having seen the instrument. In any
aulos is exactly an octave and a fourth: since the case, the rims of holes are especially subject to natural loss
cylindrical instrument overblows to the octave of substance. On the other hand, shaped finger holes were
plus fifth, its scale could be extended upwards certainly not less useful on metal-wrapped instruments;
seamlessly, just as on the modern clarinet80. This and if the thin inner metallic layer was meant to facilitate
fingering in this way, it could do so only by reproducing
was certainly no technical problem. When sound- the shape of the wooden corpus underneath. The oddly
ing high first-mode notes on one pipe, I have shaped additional minute cavity that results from closing a
sometimes found it more difficult to play low hole of this kind by means of a rotating sleeve (with its nec-
notes on the other pipe simultaneously than to essarily smooth inner surface) hardly affects tone produc-
tion, according to my experiments. Alternatively, unwant-
overblow them to the second mode. ed finger holes on this wooden instrument might have been
Thus we arrive at a coherent interpretation of closed by wooden pegs or even lumps of wax (cf. Becker
the Louvre aulos not only as an instrument but 1966, 137–143), which, however, could not have been
also as embedded in its context of the ancient changed without interrupting the performance.
82 The present paper is based on research supported by the
scalar system. I think that this coherence should Austrian Academy of Sciences through APART (Austrian
suffice to disperse the last doubts that the Louvre Programme for Advanced Research and Technology).
386 Stefan Hagel


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Calculating Auloi – The Louvre Aulos Scale 387

Diagram 1 External spectrum of aulos tone from mid-range finger hole.

Diagram 2 Louvre aulos scale.

388 Stefan Hagel

Diagram 3 Diatonic tetrachord tunings given by different

ancient authors: Ptolemy’s “tense diatonic” implements the
highest movable notes.

Diagram 4 Determining the key of the Louvre aulos.

Table 1 Differences between the usual and the accurate

prediction of aulos pitches.
Calculating Auloi – The Louvre Aulos Scale 389

Table 2 Unisons and major superparticular intervals between the Louvre pipes, up to an error of 20 cents (finger holes
numbered from the farther end, with 0 for the whole tube).
390 Stefan Hagel

Table 3 Octaves, fifths and fourths within each of the Louvre pipes, up to an error of 20 cents (finger holes numbered
from the farther end, with 0 for the whole tube).

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