Moral Reflections On Economics March 2024

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Moral Reflections on Economics

Vol 4, Issue 3, March 2024

“It is He who has made the The Prophet (pbuh) said,

night dark for you so that you “Whoever does not give up
may rest in it, and the day a forged speech and evil
source of light. Surely, there actions, Allah is not in need of
are signs in this for a people who listen.” his leaving his food and drink (i.e. Allah
will not accept his fasting.)”
[Al-Qur’an, Younus: 67] [Sahih Bukhari, 1903]

Inside This Issue “People ‘over-produce’ pollution

because they are not paying for the costs
 Sustainability Lessons from Fasting 1
of dealing with it.”
 Ensuring Corporate Sustainability 3
 IEP Public Poll Results 4 Ha-Joon Chang
 Book Review 5
 Research Paper in Focus 8 23 Things They Don't Tell You About
 Reflections 10
 Market News 12
 Economic Indicators 15
 Call for Papers 20

Sustainability Lessons from Fasting

Salman Ahmed Shaikh

We are using up environmental resources If something is abundant, it is valued less.

beyond regenerative capacity. There is Water maybe precious for life. But, its
need for responsibility and restraint. value in exchange will not reflect it
Diane Coyle in his book “Economics of because of abundance in current time
Enough” talks about creating a period. However, this abundance needs to
sustainable economy, i.e. having enough be kept intact so that the future
to be happy without cheating the future. generations also inherit liveable planet.

UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 talks Exchange in market is done by living

about responsible consumption and human beings. If their decision horizon
production. FAO reports that one-third of concerns short term self-interest, then
the food produced for human their behaviour may not be compatible
consumption is lost or wasted globally, with what is suitable keeping in view the
which amounts to about 1.3 billion tonnes welfare of society at large and future
per year. generations. There is need for self-
responsibility and feeling conscious not
about self-survival, but survival and well-
being of our partners in environment as effects. A living experience transfers not
well, both within our own and other only information, but deep emotions.
species. Earth hour is an example of learning and
observing restraint, albeit for a very brief
Exchange in markets by firms is analysed period. But, lighting out still does not
through the solitary lens of profit touch deeply the emotion and state of
maximization. Nobel Laureate Milton how is it like to be not eating or drinking.
Friedman regarded profit maximization as FAO reports that one out of 9 people go to
not only a self-interested goal, but a bed hungry. Currently, in Gaza, 2 million
social responsibility. However, markets people are hungry and face the risk of
do not incorporate social costs. Prices death at any moment.
determined in the market do not reflect
negative externality costs. Social value Fasting in the full-month of Ramadan
creation or value lost does not feature in every year teaches restraint by
price. experiencing it for a considerable period.
An exercise of self-restraint over the
Moreover, efficiency loss in massive food whole month affects life style, habits and
waste is not incorporated in preferences. It brings humility, discipline,
microeconomic analysis of market restraint, self-control and social
exchange as efficiency is viewed from the consciousness about issues of hunger and
narrow perspective of loss in consumer deprivation. It is more powerful to share
and producer surplus in market exchange. a state of being for the whole month in
Economics is neutral between two restraint than an hour of lighting out. It
efficient outcomes, one egalitarian and encourages solidarity and pro-social
the other where there is zero consumer behaviour.
surplus in first-degree price
discrimination under monopoly. Fasting also encourages introspection. If
one is avoiding food intake and intimacy
Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen argues for on Allah’s orders even when alone, then
fostering commitment in choice everyone must recognize that he is also
behaviour. Commitment is central to his not alone at other times of day and night.
vision of an alternative to mainstream
rational choice theory. But, what can Allah is always watching all we do and
bring commitment? intend to do. Thus, even when there is no
law or binding force to keep us on the
A natural resource with intrinsic value right path, we should still choose the right
shall not be compared with receipt of path as our acts are always under the
little more fiat currency. Fiat currency surveillance of Allah.
does not have intrinsic value. An
illuminating, enlightening and Fasting also enhances the spirit of
informative book cannot be valued just by sacrifice and giving. This spirit requires
measuring the cost of printing and self-restraint and looking beyond self.
binding. Fasting enhances this restraint and makes
a person realize that what is needed for
Another important thing to consider is survival is not having plenty of things.
that experiential learning has deep Therefore, if Allah has blessed us with


plenty of resources than what we need,
then we should not forget the share of
others in our endowments.

Ensuring Corporate Sustainability

Hassan Al-Ahdal, FCMA
It is important for policymakers and
regulators to encourage corporations to Collaborative Initiatives and Educational
embrace sustainability in their production Outreach
processes, packaging, and logistics. This
can be most effectively achieved through Engage in collaborative efforts with
a multifaceted strategy. Following are the industry stakeholders to formulate
important options in this regard: sustainability standards tailored to
specific sectors. Emphasize education and
Integrated Enforcement Mechanism awareness campaigns to promote the
voluntary adoption of sustainable
Employ a balanced approach by combining practices.
mandatory reporting with penalties for
non-compliance. Additionally, incentivize It is crucial to customize these strategies
sustainable practices by offering tax according to each industry’s distinct
credits to companies that surpass the challenges, economic dynamics, and the
required sustainability standards. level of maturity of sustainable
alternatives within that sector.
Governmental Assistance
Moreover, cultivating a corporate culture
Extend financial support through subsidies centered on social responsibility and
aimed at fostering the development and sustainability, supported by heightened
integration of sustainable technologies. public awareness and consumer demand,
This financial aid can facilitate a can serve as a complementary force to
smoother transition for businesses regulatory measures and incentives.
towards eco-friendly practices.


IEP Public Poll

In February 2024, the Islamic Economics  Fines

Project held a public poll on its LinkedIn  Tax Credits
page. The question in the poll was “What  Subsidies
are the best ways to encourage
corporations in adopting sustainability More than 40 people voted in the poll.
practices in their production process, Answers are illustrated in the graph
operations, packaging and logistics etc?”. below. It is interesting to note that more
Options were: than 59% of the people voted for
mandatory reporting.
 Mandatory Reporting

IEP Poll Results

Subsidies 5

Tax Credits 9

Fines 3

Mandatory Reporting 24

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Nonetheless, 22% of the respondents think scrutinised by stakeholders at large,

that tax credits will be beneficial for chances are that such reporting would be
ensuring corporate sustainability. On the factual and not overstatement of
other hand, 12% of the people were in performance.
favour of subsidies, and 7% of the people
believed that fines are a better option. Problem with tax related approaches and
fines is that they require cost of
It seems that people still have trust in administering on the part of regulators
mandatory reporting. Such reporting and authorities. If subsidies and tax
would definitely be overseen and verified credits are given uniformly, they are
by internal and external auditors and also sometimes taken for granted. These could
seen by investment community including be the reasons why people seemed to
analysts. Thus, for the purpose of getting have less confidence in the effectiveness
noticed, corporations would be willing to of these options.
report and because such reporting will be


Book Review

Women, West and Islam ( ‫عورت مغرب‬

‫)اور اسالم‬

Author: Sarwat Jamal Asmai

Publisher: IPS Press

Islam grants equal rights to all humans in exceeds the average of middle-income
almost all matters irrespective of gender. countries. In 17 Muslim majority
On the other hand, Islam identifies countries, legislation for ensuring equal
certain natural differences which entail remuneration has been made. In 16
that there can be effective Muslim majority countries, legislation for
institutionalization of the family system ensuring non- discrimination in hiring has
by having specialization of roles. It does been made.
not mean that the roles remain
completely non- overlapping. Furthermore, except in Suriname, there
has been legislation to provide maternity
Islam provides generous rights to women leave in all OIC countries. Such legislation
in many matters and Muslim societies do can ensure a long-term stay in labour
not need to look beyond their faith when force as well as re-entry into the labour
it comes to providing women human, civil force. In 38 Muslim majority countries,
and socioeconomic freedoms [1]. legislation for ensuring no child marriage
has been made [4]. Nonetheless, in other
It also needs to be understood that Muslim countries where such legislation is yet to
countries are not a homogeneous group. be made, it is not due to Islam. Rather,
Muslim countries show tremendous Islamic principles are favourable to equal
political, economic and cultural remuneration to the same quantity and
heterogeneity [2]. Thus, distinction quality of work, non-discrimination in
between religion and culture can provide hiring and providing personal and social
a flexible basis of legal and cultural freedoms to women.
changes in Muslim society [3].
The institution of family is highly
For OIC countries where data is available, respected in Islam. Women are an
there are 16 out of 52 OIC countries whose indispensable part of this institution. As
proportion of women parliamentarians per Islamic worldview, mental and
physical capabilities that we enjoy are the The mother must be respected three
blessings of Allah and we hold them as a times more than the father according to a
trust. Therefore, based on the differences Hadith (Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book of
in these mental and physical capabilities Manners, Hadith 5971).
alone, no one is superior and powerful in
the eyes of Allah. In another Hadith, it is said that ‘paradise
lies beneath mother’s feet’ as a symbolic
As per Islam, following is a brief summary representation to highlight the
of women rights. importance of how critical one’s attitude
towards mother really is for having
Muslim women must educate themselves eternal success in the life hereafter.
like men. Education is not only allowed, (Source: Sunan Al-Nisai, Book of Jihad,
but it is also compulsory for women like Hadith No. 3106)
for men (Source: Sunan Ibn-e-Majah, Book
of Sunnah: Hadith No. 224). As per a Hadith, best men are considered
those who are best to their wives.
Women can choose an occupation and (Source: Jam-et-Tirmizi, Chapters on
earn their livelihood. They are allowed to Suckling, Hadith 1162)
do that. But, they are not made
responsible for it. Men are made No man is allowed to have extra-marital
responsible for it in the Islamic family relationships with any other woman.
Adultery and prostitution is a severe
Women have the right to own property crime in Islam and can lead to capital
and engage in trade. The first wife of Holy punishment.
Prophet (pbuh) was a businesswoman. It
was not until the late 1870s onwards in In fact, one of the arguments of non-
Europe that married women achieved the believers was to say how we can accept
right to enter into contracts and to own this religion which gives such generous
property through Married Women’s rights to women. Prophet Muhammad
Property Act 1870. Also, women got the (pbuh) Himself married an old widow who
right to vote in the USA 100 years ago only was a businesswoman. Several non-Muslim
through Nineteenth Amendment to the historians, for this reason, hold the view
United States Constitution which was that Islam modernized the Arab world at
passed in 1919 and adopted in 1920. that time in terms of human rights and
especially the women rights. Gustave Le
Women have the right to choose their Bon says in his book Arab Civilization
husbands and the right to separate from writes:
their husbands.
“The principles of inheritance which have
Married women are entitled to ‘Mehr’ been determined in the Qur’an have a
(wealth at the start of marriage) as well great deal of justice and fairness. The
as ‘Wirasat’ (prescribed share in wealth at person who reads the Qur’an can perceive
the death of husband, children and these concepts of justice and fairness in
parents). terms of inheritance through the verses I
quoted. I should also point out the great


level of efficiency in terms of general laws additional responsibility since husbands
and rules derived from these verses. I are made primarily responsible for their
have compared British, French and Islamic family’s financial sustainability. In Muslim
Laws of inheritance and found that Islam societies, low labour force participation
grants the wives the right of inheritance, by women is not because of strict
which our laws are lacking while prohibitions by Islam. The economic and
Westerners consider them to be ill- social role of women had remained
treated by the Muslim men. [5]” important, especially in building social
capital. The primary contribution and
But, in reality, we also see things like expected responsibility of women as
honour killing and discouragement of mothers is to inculcate the right values as
education and social mobility of women in first nursery and learning institution for
some parts of the Muslim world. their children. Undocumented labour that
Moreover, we also see strong women provide in agrarian economies
encouragement for complete body understates their economic role in some
covering in some Muslim societies. Muslim countries where agriculture is still
a significant contributor to the national
Briefly, we give an answer to these issues. income. As Muslim economies become
Honour killing has nothing to do with more knowledge- based and industrialized
Islam. It is to do with ignorance and in the future, the labour force
especially about Islam. Education is a participation of women will further
religious responsibility for all Muslims, increase in non-agricultural occupations.
men and women included. Regarding
social mobility, there is no strict The institution of family brings social
restriction, but a set of etiquette. capital into existence. It ensures empathy
and responsibility. It brings a very lasting
The etiquette is also prescribed for men and durable social safety net. Islamic
(An-Nur: 30). Women are also prescribed injunctions about how to treat orphans
to cover themselves modestly in public foster social security for individuals with
(An-Nur: 31). With this modesty, they play special circumstances. Furthermore, the
socio-economic and even political roles as Islamic inheritance laws ensure that the
well in most parts of the Muslim world. wealth of the deceased is distributed
Regardless of how much the Muslim widely among the members of the family
societies conform or do not conform to of the deceased and this permanently and
Islamic ideals, the Islamic standpoint does systematically ensures reducing
not negate the socio-economic mobility of concentration of wealth in every
women. Islam asks both men and women generation.
to lead their lives virtuously and it is only
God-consciousness and good actions Empirical evidence shows that more
which make one person more successful crimes happen against women in societies
than the other in the grand purpose of this where the family institution had been
life in the Islamic worldview. ignored or established with different
norms. The frequency of unwed mothers
The Islamic family system makes husbands has risen significantly, especially in West.
financially responsible as head of the Since 1970, out-of- wedlock birth rates
family. This also means that they have an have soared from 24% in 1965 to 64% in


1990 for black infants and 18% from 3.1% 4. Shaikh, S. A. (2020). “Women in OIC
for white infants during the same period Countries: State of Participation,
in USA alone [6]. Moreover, reported Freedom and Supportive Legislation” In
crimes against women are more in ‘Economic Empowerment of Women in
numbers in regions with less Muslim the Islamic World: Theory and Practice
population [7]. The 2016 National Crime (Eds.)’ by Azid, T. & Ward-Batts, J. L,
Victimization Survey (NCVS), which UK: World Scientific Publishing
measures sexual assaults and rapes that Company.
may not have been reported to the police,
estimated that there were 431,840 5. Le Bon, Gustave (1974). “The World of
incidents of rape or sexual assault in USA Islamic Civilization”. New York: Tudor
in 2015 alone [8]. Publishing Company.

Therefore, authors argue that these facts 6. Akerlof, G. A. & Yellen, J. L. (1996).
explain the reasons why despite “An Analysis of Out-of- Wedlock Births
propaganda, women in West embrace in the United States”, Brookings
Islam and more in number than men. Report.

References 7. Harrendorf, S., & Heiskanen, M. (2010).

“International Statistics on Crime and
1. Hashim, I. (1999). “Reconciling Islam Justice”. S. Malby (Ed.). European
and Feminism”, Gender & Institute for Crime Prevention and
Development, 7(1), 7 – 14. Control.

2. Spierings, N., Smits, J., & Verloo, M. 8. Truman, J. L.; Morgan, R. E. (2015).
(2009). “On the Compatibility of Islam “Criminal Victimization 2015 Report”.
and Gender Equality”, Social Indicators Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Research, 90(3), 503- 522. Washington DC.

3. Warren, C. S. (2008). “Lifting the Veil:

Women and Islamic Law”. Cardozo JL &
Gender, 15, 33 – 65.

Research Paper in Focus

Paper Title: Does PLS in Islamic banking limit excessive money creation?

Author: Khoutem Ben Jedidia, Hichem Hamza

Publisher: Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 15(3), 422 – 442.

In this paper, authors argue that bank expansion. They agree that bank-led
lending is the major source of monetary money creation is a key issue in both


conventional and Islamic financial linked with ex-post actual productivity of
systems. Authors investigate the the particular asset in particular project.
involvement of profit and loss sharing
(PLS) in money creation and especially Using conventional interbank rates to
how can PLS limits money creation “out of determine rentals and deferred price in
nothing.” advance with prior unilateral undertaking
mimics the conventional structure. It does
Authors argue that Islamic banks create not bring any meaningful egalitarian
money differently compared to system.
conventional ones. Especially, by avoiding
a purely financial intermediary, money Even with the use of PLS nomenclature,
creation under the PLS principle sustains Islamic banks follow the same BASEL rules
a strong relationship with the real and fractional banking system. Where
economy and leads to a lower money Islamic banking solutions have
multiplier. Therefore, PLS mechanisms shortcomings, central banks have the dual
allow financing through real assets and banking system to keep the system going
not credit assets “out of nothing.” This as is. With the use asset light structures,
could prevent excessive money creation Bai Inah and Tawarruq, even the nominal
from causing harmful effects on and structural differences become less
indebtedness and financial instability. distinct.

Authors thinks that PLS offers a valuable Therefore, there is a need to ensure
resolution for banking system money proper PLS system. The issues of moral
creation through the optimization of hazard, adverse selection and perverse
Islamic bank financing by facilitating the incentives need to be handled to promote
separation of the monetary function from PLS.
the credit one. This reform thought
reinforces the stability value of money Plain vanilla PLS may not work. But, by
allowing it to fully perform its functions adding covenants, multi-tier profit
with reference to the directives of Sharia. sharing ratio, innovative expense sharing
This especially allows the integrity and arrangements and bringing liquidity in the
purchasing power of money, the reduction secondary market, PLS can work. After
of the gap between the evolution of both all, equity markets work and they have
real and financial economies and, huge investor and capital base.
consequently, the indebtedness and
crisis. Authors recommend to promote PLS The right covenants need to be in place
financing by reforming institutional and and Islamic banks have to think more in
regulatory constraints. terms of VC and investment banks if they
want their claim of having close link with
Nonetheless, the issue needs to be looked real economy realize in true letter and
at more deeply. In practice, close link spirit.
with the real economy has to go beyond
just involving asset as a showpiece.
Pricing and returns have to be directly


The Ultimate Creator has to be uncreated watchmaker, mathematician, master
since it is necessary for the universe to be equation and a pilot who starts engine but
created in the first place. We find cause turns the machine to autopilot, it is
or creator for something that is created important for us to be consistent with our
and that begins to exist at some finite curiosity to seek God. We should not avoid
point in time like the universe which came it simply because of not willing to have
into existence 13.7 billion years ago. The responsibility.
Ultimate Creator did not come into
existence at some finite point in time. It As per monotheistic religions, Allah, the
is ever-existing. This God is not the Supreme Being, created all living and non-
‘scientific conjecture of god of the gaps’ living things in the universe. This universe
which fits in the novel for pages that are had a beginning and this is a fact which is
not found in the novel. endorsed by physics. This universe cannot
be its own creator since it began to exist
This God is the author of the whole novel at some point in time. It cannot create
and the programmer of nested loops itself into existence while being in
within loops. He is not the pixel of the existence already at the same time. As
painting or a brush or a colour or the part of the cosmos, are we our own
painting itself. It is the painter. It is not creators?
the laws of physics or theorems of
mathematics alone. It is the source of James Clarke Maxwell who formulated the
these laws and theorems. Isaac Newton classical theory of electromagnetic
aptly said that gravity explains the radiation is quoted to have said: “Science
motions of the planets, but it cannot is incompetent to reason upon the
explain who sets the planets in motion. creation of matter itself out of nothing.
We have reached the utmost limit of our
Even many of the scientists who present thinking faculties when we have admitted
themselves as atheists or agnostics are that because matter cannot be eternal
comfortable with a non-intervening and self-existent, it must have been
concept of deity which brought the laws created [1]”.
of physics and primordial inputs in
existence in the first place. It is the Prof. Lawrence Krauss writes: “The
concept of god espoused by William Paley, declaration of a First Cause still leaves
Voltaire and Spinoza. Nonetheless, this open the question, ‘Who created the
line of thinking is inconsistent with human creator?’ After all, what is the difference
curiosity. If we believe that there is a between arguing in favour of an eternally
God, then we should seek Him. As a existing creator versus an eternally
matter of fact, God has communicated to existing universe without one? [2]” Big
us through His messengers and the last Bang has proved that this universe had a
two messengers, Jesus (pbuh) and beginning 13.7 billion years ago.
Muhammad (pbuh) have lived in the
daylight of history. Qur’an is the God’s It is not an eternally existing universe.
words with us which explains the purpose The lifeless matter cannot be conceived
of creation. Instead of assuming God as a as creating itself independently. We use
matter and reshape it into different forms Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the
to make aeroplanes, rockets, spaceships, University of Oxford, John Lennox
skyscrapers and expansive gardens. We, succinctly answers this naïve counter
humans, having the power to form and question as to who created god. Making a
deform matter through construction and remark on Prof. Dawkin’s book ‘God
destruction can also not be our own Delusion’, he said that God Delusion
creators and this universe. We have barely argument is that, if God created
come to exist since few hundred thousand everything, we would have to ask who
years ago on this planet. created God. But the very asking of this
question reveals at once that Dawkins has
We know and recognize by experience and in mind a created god: ‘Who created
observation our physical limits and God?’ Created gods certainly are a
fallibility. Our behavioural contradictions delusion [4]. He further says:
and fallacies are so much well “Furthermore, if Dawkins’s question is
documented that the busiest field in valid, it can be turned back on him. He
economics these days is behavioural believes that the universe created him.
economics. Herbert Simon writes: Therefore, we are justified in asking him:
who created your creator? [5]”.
“The capacity of the human mind for
formulating and solving complex problems References
is very small compared with the size of
the problems whose solution is required Kragh, H. (2004). “Matter and Spirit in the
for objectively rational behaviour in the Universe: Scientific and Religious
real world -- or even for a reasonable Preludes to Modern Cosmology” (Vol. 3).
approximation to such objective London: Imperial College Press.
rationality. [3]”
Krauss, L. M. (2012). “A Universe from
The question of who created the Ultimate Nothing: Why There is Something Rather
Creator is not valid since the Ultimate than Nothing”. New York: Atria Books.
Creator is not a creature and needs not to
be created. For someone to be the Simon, H. (1957), “Models of Man”, New
Ultimate Creator, He has to be someone York: Wiley.
beyond the constraints of this world and
nature. If the premise is that the Ultimate Lennox, J. C. (2009). “God's Undertaker:
Creator created everything and nothing Has Science Buried God?”, Oxford: Lion
exists independent of His will, then, the Books.
logical conclusion would be that He has to
be an independent personality outside of Lennox, J. C. (2011). “Seven Days that
the universe and have no constraints of Divide the World: The
laws governing this universe. Beginning According to Genesis and
Science”. Michigan: Zondervan.


Market News
 Islamic financial institutions must comply with AAOIFI standards: SECP (Business
Recorder, Feb 03).

 KIB: Manal Al-Rubaian is globally recognized as one of the top ‘500 Influential
Women in Islamic Business and Finance’ (ZAWYA, Feb 04).

 Meethaq Shari’ah Supervisory Board members discuss the plans for better delivery
of services (Times of Oman, Feb 18).

 Saudi Arabia closes the savings round of its SAH bonds for February at over $229
million (ZAWYA, Feb 15).

 The President of Somaliland will inaugurate the 11th African Islamic Finance Summit
(ZAWYA, Feb 26).

 National Shari’ah finance industry continuing to grow: Ministry (ANTRA News, Feb

 UAE’s new Islamic digital bank ‘Ruya’ set for launch, headquarters in Ajman (Gulf
News, Feb 29).

 Qatar Islamic bank rolls out an e-commerce platform on its mobile app (IBS
Intelligence, Feb 06).

 Islamic banking industry likely to record 100% profit growth in 2023 (ProPakistani,
Feb 05).

 Faisal Islamic Bank Egypt’s standalone profit was down 9.35% YoY in 2023 (ZAWYA,
Feb 06).

 Saudi Tadawul Group secures $133.33 million loan from Al Rajhi Bank (Zawya, Feb

 Meezan Bank’s profit is up nearly 91% in 2023 – Business & Finance (Business
Recorder, Feb 15).

 Raqami Islamic Digital Bank in Pakistan partners with Codebase Technologies for the
Digibanc platform (FinTech Futures, Feb 26).

 Qatar Central Bank issues treasury bills and Islamic Sukuk worth $ 412 million
(ZAWYA, March 2).

 Bahrain’s $2 billion Sukuk and bond issuance reaps over $14 billion windfall
(Economy Middle East, Feb 07).


 Budgetary requirements: Ijarah Sukuk funding to help government save Rs 32 billion
per year (Business Recorder, Feb 01).

 ICDPS launches $ 500 million Sukuk at 4.950% yield (ZAWYA, Feb 07).

 SECO’s fresh Sukuk offers 35 bps of new issue premium (GlobalCapital, Feb 06).

 Saudi electricity announces sale of Dual-Tranche Sukuk worth $2.2 billion (Forbes
Middle East, Feb 07).

 Govt to raise Rs 150 billion via Islamic bonds auction at PSX (The News International,
Feb 18).

 PSX collaborates with NCCPL, and CDC for the GoP Ijarah Sukuk awareness session
(Mettis Global, Feb 12).

 Saudi Arabia closes its February Sukuk issuance at $2.10 billion (Arab News, Feb 14).

 ESG Sukuk growth to be catalyzed by investor mandates and funding diversification:

Fitch (Arab News, Feb 08).

 Saudi Middle East Healthcare Co begins the sale of riyal-denominated Sukuk at 7.20%
(ZAWYA, Feb 12).

 Qatar Central Bank issues $686 million treasury bills and Sukuk (ZAWYA, Feb 03).

 Outstanding ESG Sukuk surges to $36.1 billion amid sustainability drive (ZAWYA, Feb

 Dubai Islamic Bank successfully prices $1 billion sustainable Sukuk (ZAWYA, Feb 28).

 Jazz, EFU life introduce Takaful to broaden financial inclusion (Daily Times, Feb 26).

 Amana Takaful Insurance sets a new standard for motor insurance with its cutting-
edge app (The Island. IK, Feb 18).

 Zakat contributions: SECP issues new accounting standards for NPOs (Business
Recorder, Feb 28).

 RM6.5mil in zakat being distributed to over 10,000 recipients in Melaka (The Star,
March 02).

 Jakim Enhances Support for Muslim Converts with RM 14.7 Million Zakat Allocation
in Malacca (BNN Breaking, March 02).


 Qatar’s Islamic Fintech market to grow to $4 billion by 2027 (Economy Middle East,
Feb 16).

 Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank digitizes cross-border services with Progress Soft (FinTech
Futures, Feb 22).


Economic and Financial Indicators

Islamic Banking Statistics 2023

Gross Net Profit Cost to

NPF Margin Income
Bahrain 19.5 0.8 0.8 10.2 37.3 54.1

Bangladesh 21.2 1.2 0.5 11.1 34.4 54.8

Brunei 16.6 2.2 2.1 16.9 59.0 44.5

Egypt 19.81 2.53 3.38 40.15 68.94 23.99

Indonesia 25.4 2.4 2.8 19.6 37.5 68.2

Jordan 21.1 1.9 1.7 18.2 54.5 45.4

Kuwait 17.1 1.8 1.4 11.2 56.7 38.8

Malaysia 17.8 1.6 1.0 13.9 38.9 42.7

Morocco 20.0 0.3 -1.5 -17.3 -63.3 159.6

Nigeria 13.53 6.02 2.31 54.40 31.82 60.3

Oman 13.53 6.02 2.31 54.40 31.82 60.3

Pakistan 21.6 4.3 4.6 82.5 57.5 36.4

Palestine 15.0 4.1 0.8 9.7 19.4 61.5

Qatar 19.1 1.8 1.5 16.2 40.1 13.3

Saudi Arabia 19.6 1.0 1.77 13.6 49.0 38.8

Sudan 8.60 4.68 3.01 34.1 37.5 50.0

Turkey 21.5 1.0 4.7 59.7 52.8 28.1

UAE 18.4 2.0
15.3 35.7 54.4

Source: IFSB Data


SUKUK Investments (Source: SP Dow Jones)
S&P Europe 350 ESG Shariah S&P 500 ESG Shariah Index
Index (EUR) TR (USD) TR
3900 750

3400 650
1900 250
1400 150

S&P Developed LargeMidCap S&P Emerging LargeMidCap

Shariah (USD) TR ESG Shariah Index (USD) TR
540 2300
490 2100
440 1900
390 1700
340 1500
290 1300
240 1100
190 900
140 700

S&P Asia Pacific LargeMidCap S&P Global 1200 ESG Shariah

ESG Shariah Index (USD) TR Index (USD) TR
2600 5400
2400 4900
2200 4400
2000 3900
1800 3400
1600 2900
1400 2400
1200 1900
1000 1400


Global Economic Perspectives June 2023
Projections for Real GDP Growth for 2023, 2024 and 2025

Country 2023f 2024f 2025f

Algeria 1.7 2.4 2.1
Bahrain 2.7 3.2 3.1
Bangladesh 5.2 6.2 6.4
Benin 6 5.9 6.1
Burkina Faso 4.3 4.8 5.1
Chad 3.2 3.4 3.1
Comoros 2.8 2.9 3.6
Côte d'Ivoire 6.2 6.5 6.5
Djibouti 4.4 5.4 5.9
Egypt 4 4 4.7
Gambia 5 5.5 5.8
Guinea 5.6 5.8 5.6
Guinea-Bissau 4.5 4.5 4.5
Iran 2.2 2 1.9
Iraq -1.1 6 3.7
Jordan 2.4 2.4 2.4
Kenya 5 5.2 5.3
Kuwait 1.3 2.6 2.4
Lebanon -0.5
Maldives 6.6 5.3 5.9
Mali 4 4 5
Mauritania 4.5 5.6 6.8
Morocco 2.5 3.3 3.5
Mozambique 5 8.3 5.3
Niger 6.9 12.5 9.1
Nigeria 2.8 3 3.1
Oman 1.5 2.8 2.6
Pakistan 0.4 2 3
Qatar 3.3 2.9 3.1
Saudi Arabia 2.2 3.3 2.5
Senegal 4.7 9.9 5.2
Sierra Leone 3.4 3.7 4.4
Suriname 2.4 3.2 3.1
Syrian Arab Republic -5.5
Tunisia 2.3 3 3
United Arab Emirates 2.8 3.4 3.4
West Bank and Gaza 3 3 3
Yemen -0.5 2

Source: World Bank Global Economic Perspectives, June 2023


Call for Papers
Special Issue, Emerald Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting

ICSD 2024: 12th International Conference on Sustainable Development

European Center of Sustainable Development
September 11-12, Rome, Italy

Annual Conference of the British Association for Islamic Studies

University of Leeds, Monday 20 - Tuesday 21 May 2024

3rd International Conference on Islamic Economics 2024 (3rd ICONIE 2024)

24th – 25th April 2024 (Physical & Online), Hotel Holiday, Sarajevo, Bosnia

NACIF 2024 Conference

'Tapping The Untapped Islamic Financial Market in North America'

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