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Characteristics of Successful Leaders
A leader needs to understand? 5
7 habits of highly effective people
Ethics? Causes of unethical behavior? 15
Ethics management program 16
Quality council? Typical structure of QC? Quality council activities? 22 23 24
Quality statements? How many types? 25
Strategic quality planning 31

Chapter Objectives
Understand the definition of a leader and the
characteristics of a quality leader.
‘TQM Leadership’ Concepts
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Appreciate and understand Deming’s philosophy
and 14-points as a framework for TQM
Importance of commitment and leadership in TQM

▪ Top management must realize the importance of quality.
▪ Quality is a responsibility of everybody, but ultimate
responsibility to be carried by the leader.
▪ “A great leader is one who is not only good in creating vision,
creating the big picture, but also ensuring that he goes into the
nitty-gritty, into the details of making sure that his vision is
actually translated into reality through excellence of execution. In
other words, great leaders have great vision, great imagination,
great ideas but they also implement these ideas through hard
work, commitment and flawless execution. In doing so, they
motivate thousands of people.”
▪ Narayana Murthy, Chairman and Chief Mentor of Infosys

[Leadership is the ability to guide, inspire, and influence others

towards achieving a common goal or vision.
Characteristics of Successful Leaders
1. Give attention to external and internal customers

2. Empower, not control subordinates.

Provide resources, training, and work
environment to help them do their jobs

3. Emphasize improvement rather than maintenance

4. Emphasize prevention

5. Encourage col_laboration rather than competition

12. Encourage & recognize team effort.

11. Establish organizational systems that supports quality efforts

6. Train and coach, not direct and supervise

7. Learn from problems – opportunity for improvement

8. Continually try to improve communications
9. Continually demonstrate commitment to quality
10. Choose suppliers on the basis of quality, not price

TQM Leadership Concepts
In order to become successful, leadership requires an intuitive
understanding of human nature.
▪ People, paradoxically, need security and independence at the same time
▪ People are sensitive to external rewards and punishments
and yet are also strongly self-motivated
▪ People like to hear a kind word of praise

▪ People can process only a few facts at a time

▪ People trust their gut reaction more than statistical data
▪ People distrust a leader’s rhetoric if the words are inconsistent with the leader’s

Having a worthwhile cause such as total quality management is

not always enough to get employees to participate. People, (and,
in turn, employees) follow a leader, not a cause.
{ Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
•Mental Creation & Physical Creation= Leadership & Management
•Based on Personal philosophy
➢Remember the people
➢Positive attitude
➢Exercise daily
➢Sense of humor
➢Do not fear mistakes
➢Encourage subordinates
➢Read Books for leadership developments}

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind*

The most fundamental application of this habit is to begin each day with an image, picture, or
of the end of your life as your frame of reference

All things are created twice—

there’s a mental or first creation and a physical or second creation to all things.
You create a speech on paper before you give it.
If you want to have a successful organization you begin with a plan that will pro-duce the
appropriate end; thus leadership is the first creation, and management, the second. Leadership
is doing the right things and management is doing things right.

In order to begin with the end in mind, develop a personal philosophy or creed.

Start by considering the example items below:

Never compromise with honesty.
Remember the people involved.
Maintain a positive attitude.
Exercise daily.
Keep a sense of humor.
Do not fear mistakes.
Facilitate the success of subordinates.
Seek divine help.
Read a leadership book monthly.

Habit 3: Put First Things First*
Habit 3 is practicing self-management and requires Habits 1 and 2 as prerequisites.
It is the day-by-day, moment-by-moment management of your time.
The Time Management Matrix is diagrammed on the following page. Urgent means it requires
immediate attention, and important has to do with results that contribute to your mission, goals,
and values.
Effective, proactive people spend most of their time in Quadrant II, thereby reducing the time
spent in Quadrant I.

while bottlenecks are specific points of constraint within a system that limit overall productivity,
TQM is a comprehensive management approach that aims to improve quality, customer
satisfaction, and overall organizational performance. Addressing bottlenecks can be a part of
the broader TQM efforts in identifying and resolving issues that impact productivity and quality.

The term "bottleneck" is metaphorically derived from the narrow neck of a bottle, which restricts
the flow of liquid. In a similar way, a bottleneck in a system or process represents a point where
the flow of work or information is constrained, causing a slowdown or limitation in overall

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