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Sub CreateCopywritingPresentation()

Dim pptApp As Object

Dim pptPres As Object
Dim slideIndex As Integer

' Create PowerPoint application

Set pptApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
pptApp.Visible = True

' Create a new presentation

Set pptPres = pptApp.Presentations.Add

' Slide 1: Title Slide

slideIndex = slideIndex + 1
AddTitleSlide pptPres.Slides.Add(slideIndex, ppLayoutTitle), "Copywriting
Skills on"

' Slide 2: Introduction

slideIndex = slideIndex + 1
AddContentSlide pptPres.Slides.Add(slideIndex, ppLayoutText), "Introduction",
"Welcome to the world of freelance copywriting on"

' Slide 3: What is Copywriting?

slideIndex = slideIndex + 1
AddContentSlide pptPres.Slides.Add(slideIndex, ppLayoutText), "What is
Copywriting?", "Copywriting is the art of creating persuasive and compelling
content to drive action."

' Continue adding slides for different topics...

' Save the presentation

pptPres.SaveAs "Path\to\your\presentation.pptx"
End Sub

Sub AddTitleSlide(slide As Object, titleText As String)

slide.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = titleText
End Sub

Sub AddContentSlide(slide As Object, titleText As String, contentText As String)

slide.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = titleText
slide.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = contentText
End Sub

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