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Culture teacher’s notes B1+ Unit

Art on stage
LEARNING ■ I can learn about performing arts in other cultures and make connections with my own culture.
OUTCOMES ■ I can talk about and discuss performing arts in my own culture and understand my own cultural identity.
■ I can make comparisons between cultures and use my own beliefs and values to improve my cultural
knowledge, leading to successful cultural communication.


1 F (There are actors in Kathakali, it’s Wayang that has no
acclaimed [adj]: admired
actors, but is also based on ancient storytelling.)  2 T
continental [adj]: from mainland Europe
3 T  4 F (It evolved from population changes long ago
cymbals [n]: musical instrument with two thin circular when migrants from continental Europe brought their
pieces of metal that are played by hitting them styles of dance with them; this grew into the Irish style
together of dance known today.)  5 F (It’s adapted from a
elaborate [adj]: with lots of extra detail or features that book.)  6 T  7 T  8 F (An orchestra plays the music
make it special in Wayang Puppet Theatre.)
gesture [n]: a movement that communicates a feeling
or instruction, usually using the hands, face or body 2c Students read the sentences and tick the correct
handcrafted [adj]: made by hand performances. Check answers as a class.
light-hearted [adj]: happy and not serious Answers
narrate [v]: to tell a story by speaking it or writing it 1 Kathakali, Musical  2 Irish dance, Kathakali
percussion [n]: musical instruments played by hitting or 3 Wayang, Kathakali, Musical  4 Irish dance, Wayang
shaking them, e.g. drums, cymbals 5 Wayang, Kathakali  6 Irish dance, Musical
puppeteer [n]: a person who performs shows using
puppets Gateway to culture
rapid [adj]: fast 3a Put students into pairs to discuss the questions. Then
shadow [n]: a dark shape made when light is blocked elicit their ideas as a class.
suspense [n]: excitement or worry felt when you are
waiting to find out what has happened or will happen PROJECT
tale [n]: a story
3b Explain to students that they are going to work in
tragedy [n]: a play/performance with a sad ending small groups to prepare a theatre programme to
UNESCO [abbr]: United Nations Educational, Scientific include three different styles of theatre performances
and Cultural Organisation from around the world. Try to ensure a good mix of
style of theatre across the class. At least one of the
WARMER performances should be a theatre style from their own
Write ‘Art on stage’ on the board and elicit from country. In Step 1, students research information for
students what they think it means. Write their ideas each of the bullet points listed. In Step 2, students
on the board for them to check later on in the lesson. decide how best they would like to design their theatre
programme to present the three performances. They
1 In pairs, students discuss the statistics about theatre in then write the texts to promote the performances and
London and answer the questions. include photos if possible.
3c Allow some time for class preparation and then
2a Ask students to read the theatre programme and find
display the theatre programmes around the
the answers in the text.
classroom. Students read about the other theatre
Answers performances and discuss them. Find out which ones
In 2003, Wayang Puppet Theatre was added to they prefer and why. Is there a particular style of
UNESCO’s World Heritage List as a masterpiece of theatre associated with certain parts of the world?
Indonesian cultural identity, and the musical Wicked first
opened on Broadway in New York City.

2b Students read the theatre programme again and decide

if the sentences are true or false. When students have
finished, elicit answers as a class.

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