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Here's a curated list of resources ranked based on their comprehensive coverage and usefulness for

Chemistry Olympiad preparation, including insights from gold medalists and experienced mentors:

1. **American Chemical Society (ACS) Olympiad Exams**: The ACS provides past exams for practice,
webinars, and other resources specifically tailored for Olympiad preparation. This is a highly
recommended starting point for anyone looking to get involved at both the national and international
levels【23†source】 :

2. **RSC Education**: Offers various resources to help prepare for the Chemistry Olympiad. While the
site focuses on the UK Chemistry Olympiad, the practice materials and guidance offered can be
beneficial for students preparing for Olympiads in other countries as well【24†source】:

3. **Decoding of Chemistry Olympiad**: Created by Dr. Chen, an experienced chemistry competition

coach, this website offers test analysis, self-evaluations, study resources, and mentorship. It's especially
useful for students looking for a structured preparation approach【25†source】.

4. **ChemWOOT by Art of Problem Solving (AoPS)**: A 7-month Olympiad preparation program

designed to train students for the highest levels of national and international chemistry competitions.
This resource is ideal for those looking for rigorous preparation【26†source】.

5. **CODS (Chemistry Olympiad Discord Server)**: A student-run organization where previous Olympiad
participants and medalists share mock exams, host informal tournaments, and offer practice tests. This
community-driven approach can provide unique insights and strategies【27†source】.

6. **Edward’s and Anugrah’s websites**: Websites created by IChO gold medalists, offering practice
exams and resources. Their personal experiences and success in the competition lend valuable
perspectives to their materials【27†source】.

These resources provide a mix of practice materials, theoretical knowledge, and community support,
catering to various aspects of Olympiad preparation. Utilizing a combination of these resources can help
build a solid foundation and enhance problem-solving skills necessary for the Chemistry Olympiad.

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