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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the award of degree
Computer Engineering


1. Yashashri Shankar Ghadage

2. Vrushali Anil Shine
3. Sneha Vilas Bhapkar
4.Gayatri Tukaram Jadhav


Mr. A. S. Bhatlavande

The project report entitled “ChatGPT”

Submitted by

1. Yashashri Shankar Ghadage

2. Vrushali Anil Shine
3. Sneha Vilas Bhapkar
4.Gayatri Tukaram Jadhav
Is approved for the Diploma of Engineering in Computer from SVERI’S College of
Engineering (Polytechnic), Pandharpur.

Name of Guide Name of H.O.D

(Mr. A. S. Bhatlavande ) (Ms. P. S. Bhandare)
Department of Computer Engineering Department of ComputeEngineering
SVERI’S COE (Poly), Pandharpur. SVERI’S COE (Poly), Pandharpur.

Examiner Principal
(Prof. ) (Prof. N.D. Misal)


Place: Pandharpur

Annexure II
Evolution sheet for Micro Project
Academic Year: - 2023-24 Name of Faculty: -Mr. A. S. Bhatlavande

Course: - Computer Engineering Course code: - CO3I

Subject: -Software Subject Code: -22319

Semester: -4th Scheme: - I

Title of Hostel Management System E-R Diagram

Project: -

COs addressed by the Micro Project:

A: - Design Normalized Database on Given Data.

B: - State the importance of DMS over while processing in the given situation.

C: - Draw the ER diagram of the given database and identify relationship between entities.

Major Learning Outcomes achieved by students by doing the Project:

(a)Practical Outcomes: ● Design E-R Diagram & Create Normalized Databases

On Given Data

● Draw the E-R Diagram of Given Database &Identify

Relationship Between the Entities
(b) Unit Outcomes in Cognitive
domain: ● Describe the Overall Structure Of DBMS

(c) Outcomes in Affective Domain: ● Select appropriate E-R Diagram Notation & Normal Form

Comments/Suggestions about teamwork/leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)

Roll No Marks out Total marks

Marks out out of 10
of 6 for
of 4 for
Name of student
performance in
ce in group

19 Swapnali Haridas Navale

26 Vaishnavi Dadasaheb Ghodake

36 Diya Dnyaneshwar Pawar

Name & Ms.V.B.Maskar

of faculty

I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude to my guide,
Ms. V.B.Maskar mam for her constant support, motivation, valuable guidance and immense help
during the entire course of this work. Without her constant encouragement, timely advice and
valuable discussion, it would have been difficult in completing this work. I would also like to
acknowledge Computer Engineering department who provided me the facilities for completion of the
project. We are thankful to her for sharing her experienced in research field with me and providing
constant motivation during entire project work.


⮚ Rationale:
By automating certain tasks and providing quick access to information,
ChatGPT helps project managers save time and reduce manual effort. This can
lead to cost savings by increasing overall project efficiency and reducing the
risk of errors or rework.
⮚ Aim/Benefits of the Micro-project:

Improvement communication and collaboration

Think of ChatGPT as a virtual assistant, facilitating communication and

collaboration within your project team. It can help answer questions and
resolve (minor) issues, ultimately—fostering efficient and effective teamwork
and contributing to building a better project culture.

⮚ Course Outcomes Achieved:

● Design and normalize database on given data.
● State the importance of DMS over while processing in the given situation.
● Draw the ER diagram of the given database and identify relationship between entities.

ChatGPT is a natural language processing chatbot driven by generative AI technology that allows you to
have human-like conversations and much more. The AI tool can answer questions and assist you with tasks,
such as composing emails, essays, and code.ChatGPT was created by OpenAI, an AI and research
company. The company launched ChatGPT on November 30, 2022.

ChatGPT is primarily used for natural language understanding and generation, making it valuable for tasks
like content creation, chatbot development, language translation, and more. It can be used for a variety of
tasks, and largely depends on how each user chooses to use it.

1. Purpose
The purpose of ChatGPT is to facilitate natural language communication and provide assistance across

various domains and topics. As an AI language model developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT aims to:

​ Assist and Support: ChatGPT can provide information, answer questions, offer explanations, and assist
users with tasks or problems they encounter.
​ Enhance Communication: ChatGPT can enhance communication by generating human-like responses,
engaging in conversations, and understanding context to provide relevant information.
​ Educate and Inform: ChatGPT can educate users by providing explanations, definitions, and insights
on a wide range of topics, helping users expand their knowledge and understanding.
​ Improve Efficiency: ChatGPT can help improve efficiency by automating certain tasks, providing
quick answers, and reducing the time and effort required to find information or solve problems.

Overall, the purpose of ChatGPT is to leverage artificial intelligence to create a more accessible and

interactive way for users to engage with information and receive assistance.

2. Scope of the Project

●The scope of the ChatGPT project encompasses several key areas, reflecting its capabilities and
intended applications:

3. Natural Language Understanding (NLU): ChatGPT is designed to understand and interpret

human language in a wide range of contexts.
4. Conversational AI: ChatGPT is capable of engaging in human-like conversations across
various topics.
5. Information Retrieval: ChatGPT can retrieve and provide information on diverse subjects,
including factual knowledge, explanations, definitions, and procedural guidance.
6. Language Generation: ChatGPT can generate text based on given prompts, making it useful
for content creation, writing assistance, summarization, and paraphrasing tasks.
7. Education and Learning: ChatGPT can be used as an educational tool to provide
explanations, answer questions, deliver learning materials, and support interactive learning
8. Customer Support and Assistance: ChatGPT can be integrated into customer support
systems to handle inquiries, resolve issues, provide product information, and offer assistance
to users.

9. Overview of Project
10. Architecture: ChatGPT is built on a transformer architecture, which is a deep learning model
designed to handle sequential data efficiently, making it well-suited for natural language
understanding and generation tasks.
11. Capabilities: ChatGPT possesses a broad range of capabilities, including natural language
understanding, conversational dialogue generation, information retrieval, text summarization,
sentiment analysis, and more. It can engage in meaningful and contextually relevant
conversations with users, provide answers to questions, offer explanations, and assist with
various tasks.
12. Deployment: ChatGPT can be deployed in various applications and environments, including
chatbots, virtual assistants, customer support systems, educational platforms, content
generation tools, and more.
13. Continual Improvement: The ChatGPT project is subject to ongoing research, development,
and refinement. OpenAI continuously updates and enhances the model to improve its
performance, address limitations, incorporate new features, and expand its capabilities.
Actual Methodology Followed:

● Problem Statement:

Understood within the broader context of natural language processing (NLP) and
human-computer interaction. The primary challenges and objectives that ChatGPT aims to
address include:

The vision of the ChatGPT project encompasses several key aspects that outline its purpose
and potential impact on the field of artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction:

1. Advanced Natural Language Understanding

2. Conversational Excellence
3. Knowledge Enrichment and Generation
4. Empowering Task Automation
5. Ethical AI and Responsible Deployment
6. Enabling Seamless Human-AI Collaboration

● Bounded scope of the ChatGPT project:

​ Domain-Specific Knowledge: ChatGPT's knowledge is primarily derived from its training data,
which includes a wide range of topics but may not cover highly specialized or niche domains
​ Contextual Understanding: While ChatGPT excels at understanding context within
conversations, its ability to maintain long-term context or remember specific details across
extensive dialogues is limited.
​ Limited Real-Time Learning: ChatGPT's learning is primarily based on its pre-training and
fine-tuning processes. It doesn't have the capability for real-time learning or continuous
adaptation during conversations based on new information unless explicitly designed and
implemented in its deployment environment.
​ Specific Use Cases: ChatGPT's effectiveness and applicability can vary depending on the
specific use case and user interactions. While it can handle a wide range of tasks and
inquiries, there may be scenarios where specialized AI systems or human intervention are
more suitable or necessary.
​ Performance and Scalability: While ChatGPT offers impressive performance, its scalability
and efficiency can be bounded by computational resources, model size, and response times,
especially in real-time or high-throughput applications.
● Process model:

Functional Requirements:
● Natural Language Understanding (NLU):
○ The system should accurately interpret and understand user queries and inputs in
natural language.
○ It should be able to extract intents, entities, context, and sentiment from text inputs.
● Conversational AI Capabilities:
○ ChatGPT should engage in coherent and contextually relevant conversations with
○ It should maintain conversation context, remember previous interactions, and adapt
responses accordingly.
● Information Retrieval and Knowledge Generation:
○ The system should retrieve relevant information from its knowledge base and external
○ It should generate informative and accurate responses, explanations, definitions, and
● Task Automation and Assistance:
○ ChatGPT should automate tasks such as answering FAQs, providing
recommendations, and assisting users with tasks.
○ It should support workflows for task completion, decision-making, and
● Multi-turn Dialogues:
○ The system should handle multi-turn dialogues, where users may ask follow-up
questions or provide additional context within the conversation flow.
○ It should maintain coherence and relevance across multiple exchanges.
● Integration with External Systems:
○ ChatGPT should integrate with external systems, APIs, databases, and applications to
access additional data and functionalities.
○ It should support seamless data exchange and communication with external services.

Non-Functional Requirements:
● Performance:
○ The system should respond promptly to user queries, with minimal latency and
○ It should handle concurrent users and high traffic loads efficiently.
● Scalability:
○ ChatGPT should be scalable to accommodate growing user demand and increased
data volume.
○ It should scale horizontally or vertically based on resource requirements.
● Accuracy and Reliability:
○ The system should provide accurate and reliable responses, minimizing errors and
inaccuracies in language understanding and generation.
○ It should have mechanisms for error handling, fallback responses, and validation
● Security:
○ ChatGPT should ensure data security, privacy, and confidentiality of user interactions
and information.
○ It should implement encryption, access controls, authentication mechanisms, and
data protection measures.
● Ethical Considerations:
○ The system should adhere to ethical guidelines, avoiding biased or discriminatory
○ It should promote fairness, inclusivity, transparency, and responsible AI use.
● Usability and User Experience:
○ ChatGPT should have a user-friendly interface and intuitive interactions for users.
○ It should provide clear feedback, guidance, and assistance to users during
● Maintenance and Updates:
○ The system should be maintainable, allowing for updates, patches, and enhancements
without disrupting service.
○ It should have version control, documentation, and change management processes in
● Use cases:
● Activity diagram
Decision Table

ER diagram:

Level 0 DFD :

Level 1 DFD:
Level 2 DFD :
Term attributes:
1. Input Attributes:
a. User Query: The text input provided by the user to initiate a
conversation or request information from ChatGPT.
b. Intent: An attribute that represents the user's intended meaning or
purpose behind the input, identified through natural language
understanding (NLU) techniques.
c. Entities: Attributes or parameters extracted from the user input, such
as dates, locations, product names, etc., used to provide context and
generate relevant responses.
2. Processing Attributes:
a. NLU Analysis: Attributes related to the natural language understanding
process, including intent recognition, entity extraction, sentiment
analysis, and context understanding.
b. Response Generation: Attributes used in generating responses, such as
content relevance, coherence, clarity, and informativeness.
3. System Attributes:
a. Model Configuration: Attributes that define the configuration settings of
the underlying AI model used by ChatGPT, such as model version,
training data, hyperparameters, etc.
b. Performance Metrics: Attributes related to the performance evaluation
of ChatGPT, such as response time, accuracy, scalability, and resource
4. User Interface Attributes:
a. Display Format: Attributes defining the format and presentation style of
responses in the user interface, including text formatting, media
embedding, and interactive elements.
b. Feedback Mechanisms: Attributes related to collecting user feedback,
sentiment analysis of user reactions, and improving the user
experience based on feedback.
5. Ethical Attributes:
a. Fairness: Attributes related to ensuring fairness and inclusivity in
ChatGPT's responses, avoiding biases, stereotypes, or discriminatory
b. Transparency: Attributes that promote transparency in how ChatGPT
operates, including disclosure of AI usage, data privacy policies, and
handling of sensitive information.
6. Maintenance and Monitoring Attributes:
a. Logging and Monitoring: Attributes related to logging system activities,
monitoring performance metrics, error tracking, and debugging.
b. Versioning and Updates: Attributes associated with version control,
model updates, patching, and maintenance processes to ensure
c. ChatGPT's reliability and adaptability.
Class diagram:
Sequence diagram:

Collaboration diagram:

State transition diagram:

Test cases:
● Input Validation Test Case:
○ Objective: To verify that ChatGPT properly handles invalid input.
○ Test Steps:
■ Enter an empty query or no input.
■ Press the "Send" or "Submit" button.
○ Expected Result: ChatGPT should display an error message indicating
that the input is invalid.
● Intent Recognition Test Case:
○ Objective: To verify that ChatGPT correctly identifies the intent of user
○ Test Steps:
■ Enter a query related to product information (e.g., "Can you tell
me about product X?").
■ Press the "Send" or "Submit" button.
○ Expected Result: ChatGPT should recognize the intent as a request for
product information and provide relevant details about product X.
● Entity Extraction Test Case:
○ Objective: To verify that ChatGPT correctly extracts entities from user
○ Test Steps:
■ Enter a query containing specific entities (e.g., "Book a flight
from New York to London on [date]").
■ Press the "Send" or "Submit" button.
○ Expected Result: ChatGPT should extract the departure city (New York),
destination city (London), and date from the query and process the
request accordingly.
● Response Generation Test Case:
○ Objective: To verify that ChatGPT generates accurate and relevant
○ Test Steps:
■ Enter a query requiring a detailed response (e.g., "Can you
explain how [concept] works?").
■ Press the "Send" or "Submit" button.
○ Expected Result: ChatGPT should provide a comprehensive and
informative response explaining the requested concept or topic.
● Performance Test Case:
○ Objective: To evaluate ChatGPT's performance under varying load
○ Test Steps:
■ Simulate multiple concurrent user queries.
■ Measure ChatGPT's response time and system resource
○ Expected Result: ChatGPT should maintain acceptable response times
and handle concurrent queries without significant performance
● Error Handling Test Case:
○ Objective: To verify that ChatGPT handles errors gracefully.
○ Test Steps:
■ Submit a query that triggers an error condition (e.g., invalid API
response, network timeout).
■ Press the "Send" or "Submit" button.
○ Expected Result: ChatGPT should display an error message indicating
the issue and offer options for recovery or assistance.

● RMMM plan
The Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, and Management (RMMM) plan for ChatGPT
outlines strategies to identify, assess, mitigate, monitor, and manage risks
throughout the project lifecycle. Below is an example of an RMMM plan for ChatGPT:

Risk Identification:
1. Technical Risks:
a. Lack of scalability in handling concurrent user requests.
b. Integration issues with external APIs or databases.
c. Performance bottlenecks during peak usage.
2. Data Risks:
a. Data privacy and security vulnerabilities.
b. Inaccurate or outdated information in the knowledge base.
c. Data loss due to system failures or backups.
3. Operational Risks:
a. Insufficient resources (hardware, software, personnel) for maintenance
and support.
b. Inadequate training and documentation for system administrators.
c. Regulatory compliance challenges related to data handling and user
4. Ethical Risks:
a. Bias or discrimination in AI-generated responses.
b. Misinterpretation of user intent leading to inappropriate responses.
c. Lack of transparency in AI decision-making processes.

Risk Assessment:
1. Impact Assessment:
a. High impact risks: Data privacy breaches, system downtime during
peak usage.
b. Medium impact risks: Integration issues with external APIs,
performance bottlenecks.
c. Low impact risks: Lack of scalability for future growth, minor data
2. Probability Assessment:
a. High probability risks: Technical failures due to system complexity, data
security breaches.
b. Medium probability risks: Integration challenges with third-party
services, performance issues.
c. Low probability risks: Regulatory changes affecting compliance, minor
operational disruptions.

Risk Mitigation Strategies:

1. Technical Risk Mitigation:
a. Conduct load testing and performance optimization to ensure
b. Implement robust error handling and fallback mechanisms for API
c. Regularly update and maintain system components to address
2. Data Risk Mitigation:
a. Implement data encryption and access control measures to protect
user data.
b. Regularly audit and validate the knowledge base for accuracy and
c. Establish data backup and recovery procedures to mitigate data loss
3. Operational Risk Mitigation:
a. Provide ongoing training and support for system administrators and
support staff.
b. Maintain contingency plans and disaster recovery protocols for
business continuity.
c. Stay informed about regulatory requirements and ensure compliance
with data protection laws.
4. Ethical Risk Mitigation:
a. Implement bias detection algorithms and fairness checks in AI models.
b. Develop guidelines and policies for handling sensitive topics and user
c. Provide transparency by disclosing AI usage and decision-making
processes to users.
Risk Monitoring and Management:
1. Monitoring Mechanisms:
a. Regularly monitor system performance metrics (e.g., response time,
b. Conduct security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify
potential threats.
c. Track user feedback and complaints to identify issues related to
AI-generated responses.
2. Risk Response and Contingency Plans:
a. Define escalation procedures and response protocols for critical risks.
b. Maintain a risk register to document identified risks, assessments, and
mitigation actions.
c. Establish communication channels for stakeholders to report and
address emerging risks.
3. Continuous Improvement:
a. Conduct post-implementation reviews and lessons learned sessions to
improve risk management processes.
b. Incorporate feedback from stakeholders, users, and experts to refine AI
algorithms and enhance system reliability.

By implementing the RMMM plan outlined above, ChatGPT can proactively identify,
assess, mitigate, monitor, and manage risks to ensure the successful development,
deployment, and operation of the system while prioritizing user privacy, data security,
performance, and ethical considerations.

Function Point Analysis (FPA) is a method used to measure the size of a software
project based on the functionality it delivers to users. It considers various factors
such as inputs, outputs, inquiries, files, and interfaces. However, determining the size
of the ChatGPT project using function points can be challenging because ChatGPT is
an AI-based conversational agent, and traditional FPA may not directly apply due to
its unique nature.

Nevertheless, we can make an attempt to estimate the size of the ChatGPT project
using function points by considering the functionalities it provides and the
complexity of those functionalities. Here's a rough estimation based on hypothetical

​ Inputs:
● User queries: 20 types (e.g., general questions, product inquiries,
troubleshooting, etc.)
​ Outputs:
● Responses generated: 20 types corresponding to the inputs.
​ Inquiries:
● User interactions: 50 inquiries per hour (assuming moderate
​ Files:
● Knowledge base files: 1000 entries (questions, answers, data).
​ Interfaces:
● User interface: 1 (for users to input queries and view responses).

Using the above information, we can calculate the unadjusted function points (UFP)
for the ChatGPT project using a simplified FPA method:

Assuming the following weights:

● Input Weight: 4
● Output Weight: 4
● Inquiry Weight: 5
● File Weight: 10
● Interface Weight: 7






Now, we need to adjust the function points based on factors such as complexity
and environmental influences (e.g., distributed development, performance
constraints, etc.). Let's assume an adjustment factor of 1.2 for moderate
complexity and environmental factors:





Therefore, based on these assumptions and estimations, the size of the ChatGPT
project in terms of function points is approximately 15,000 AFP (Adjusted Function
Points). Keep in mind that this is a simplified estimation, and actual FPA may
require more detailed analysis and consideration of additional factors.

6 Output Of The Micro-Project:

7 Skill develope /Learning outcome of micro-project:

It enables doctors and admin to view and modify appointments schedules if required. The purpose of this
project is to computerize all details regarding patient details and hospital details. The system will be used as
the application that serves hospitals, clinic, dispensaries or other health institutions.

8 Applications of the micro-project:

• Achieve good quality ratings. ...

• Better revenue management. ...

• Avoid errors and track every single detail. ...

• Improved clinical decision-making. ...

• Improve data security. ...

• Establish your hospital as technically advanced….

9 Actual Resource Used:

Sr.No Name of Recourse Specification Qty Remark
1 Laptop RAM: 8GB
Processor: i5
Graphic: 2GB

2 MySQL/ MariaDB Version 10.4.6 1

10 Conclusion:

The Hospital Management System has today become an indispensable part of any
hospital/clinic/healthcare facility. In order to create a differentiated, efficient, speedy, and
thoughtful healthcare model, it would make sense to invest in a comprehensive HMS.
To know more about this and other factors that will enable your facility to be a frontrunner,
connect with us and our experts will be happy to help.



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