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Exam June 2015, questions

HIGHWAY ENGINEERING (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)

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SKAA 2832 1






DATE : JUNE 2015


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SKAA 2832 2

Q1. (a) PG is the new grading system used to specify the grade of asphalt binder.
Explain the PG grading system and why it was introduced?
(6 marks)

(b) Figure Q1 shows the road sections built by the famous road designers in 18th
century. Based on the figure answer the following questions:

Figure 1 Pavement

FIGURE Q1 Road sections

(i) Give the road builder’s name of the given road section.
(5 marks)

(ii) Discuss the importance highlights of the design characteristics which were
adopted in the road sections.
(9 marks)

Q2. (a) Drum Mix and Batch plant are two types of premix plant currently operating
in Malaysia. Sketch and describe details on how the Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)
was produced in one of the plant of your choice.
(10 marks)

(b) Table Q2 (a) shows data obtained from laboratory Marshall Mix design of an
AC14 mix. Table Q2 (b) shows the requirements as stated in JKR/SPJ/2008.
Determine the optimum bitumen content for the mix based on Figure Q2.
(15 marks)

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SKAA 2832 3

Table Q2 (a): Marshall Test result

Specific Gravity Voids (%)

% Stability Flow
Bitumen Max. Filled Total (kN) (mm)
Bulk Aggregate
Theory (Bit) Mix
4.0 1.66 2.49 19.50 50.48 7.55 15.77 2.33
4.5 1.77 2.68 18.75 60.00 6.70 17.58 2.50
5.0 1.87 2.71 17.33 65.50 5.85 17.95 3.62
5.5 1.94 2.76 18.29 70.50 4.50 16.39 4.20
6.0 1.84 2.48 16.78 75.80 4.10 14.43 5.02

Table Q2 (b): Test and analysis parameters

Parameter Wearing Course Binder Course

Stability, S >8000N >8000N
Flow, F 2.0 – 4.0 mm 2.0 – 4.0 mm
Stiffness, S/F >2000N/mm >2000N/mm
Voids in Total Mix (VTM) 3.0 – 5.0% 3.0 – 7.0%
Voids in Aggregate Filled with
70 – 80% 65 – 75%
Bitumen (VFB)

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SKAA 2832 4

FIGURE Q2: Marshall Parameters

Please return this figure with your answer book

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SKAA 2832 5

Q3. (a) Table below shows raw data of field density test carried out on road-base layer
using sand replacement method.

Mass of sand in the bottle (before test) 8165 g

Mass of sand in the bottle (after test) 4997 g
Mass of soil from test hole 3150 g
Moisture content sample of this soil (original mass) 295 g
Moisture content sample of this soil (final mass) 235 g

Knowing the density of sand is 1250 kg/m3, and mass of sand in cone 1270g,
determine the field dry density of the soil. If the maximum dry density is 1860
kg/m3, and the optimum moisture content is 13%, was the compaction work
performed adequate?
(15 marks)

(b) A 15km asphaltic concrete road will be built with a width of 7.5m, thickness
(50mm) and 2.33mg/m3 of density. As an engineer,

i) Determine the minimum quantity of material required for wearing course

layer if the specification ≥98%.
ii) If the price of material is RM180.00/ton, calculate the total material cost
for the proposed project.
(10 marks)

Downloaded by 6. Hafiq Hafifi (


SKAA 2832 6

Q4. (a) Stress and strain are two important factors that could result distress to the
pavement structure. Using a proper sketch explain the strains that are critical
to pavement performance.
(10 marks)

(b) As an engineer, you have been assigned to design the pavement thickness for a
two lane highway using ArahanTeknikJalan 5/85 (Pindaan 2013) based on the
following data and tables:
Average commercial vehicle per dayper direction (2013) = 1500 (which is
25% of total traffic)
Traffic growth rate = 5%
Design life = 20 years
Flat terrain
Subgrade mean modulus = 155 MPa
Standard deviation = 25 MPa
Probability 85% (Normal deviate = 1.000)
Project is expected to complete and open to traffic in 2015.
(15 marks)

ESALY1 = ADT x 365 x PCV x LEF x L x T

ESALDES= ESALY1 x [(1 + r)n - 1] / r
Vx = Vi(1+r)x
Subgrade Modulus = Mean – ND x SD
Please state all the assumption used.

Table Q4(a):Lane distribution factor, L

Number of Lanes Lane distribution

(in one direction) factor, L
One 1.0
Two 0.9
Three and more 0.7

Table Q4(b):Terrain factor, T

Type of terrain Terrain factor, T

Flat 1.0
Rolling 1.1
Mountainous/steep 1.3

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SKAA 2832 7

Table Q4(c): Load equivalence factor

Percentage of
selected heavy 0-15% 16-50% 51-100%
Type of road Local Trunk
Equivalence 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.7

Table Q4(d): Class of subgrade strength

Subgrade CBR, % Lane distribution factor, L

category Range Design input
SG1 5-12 50-120 60
SG2 12.1-20 80-140 120
SG3 20.1-30 100-160 140
SG4 >30 120-180 180

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SKAA 2832 8

Table Q4(e): Pavement structure

Subgrade Traffic category (based on million ESALs @ 80 kN

category, % 1 1-2 2.1-10 10.1-30 >30
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
BSC: 5 BSC: 14 BSC: 5 Subgrade Subgrade
SG1: CAB: 25 CAB: 20 BC: 13 improvement improvement
5-12 GSB: 15 GSB: 15 CAB: 20 is is
GSB: 20 recommended recommended
BSC: 5 BSC: 14 BSC: 5 BSC: 5 BSC: 5
SG2: CAB: 20 CAB: 20 BC: 13 BC/BB: 15 BC/BB: 19
12.1-20 GSB: 15 GSB: 15 CAB: 20 CAB: 20 CAB: 20
GSB: 20 GSB: 20 GSB: 20
BSC: 5 BSC: 12 BSC: 5 BSC: 5 BSC: 5
SG3: CAB: 20 CAB: 20 BC: 13 BC/BB: 15 BC/BB: 19
20.1-30 GSB: 10 GSB: 10 CAB: 20 CAB: 20 CAB: 20
GSB: 15 GSB: 15 GSB: 15
BSC: 5 BSC: 10 BSC: 5 BSC: 5 BSC: 5
SG4: CAB: 10 CAB: 20 BC: 13 BC/BB: 15 BC/BB: 19
>30 GSB: 10 GSB: 10 CAB: 20 CAB: 20 CAB: 20
GSB: 10 GSB: 10 GSB: 10

Designation Description Symbol

Sub-base course Crushed or natural granular material with GSB
maximum 10% fines
Crushed aggregate Crushed granular material with CAB
maximum 10% fines
Bituminous Coarse bituminous mix (AC28) BB
Binder Course Coarse bituminous mix (AC28) BC
Asphaltic Concrete Medium to fine bituminous mix (AC10 BSC
or AC14)

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SKAA 28332 9

Q5. a)) Theree are variouss types of ppavement diistress can bbe observed on the road.
Basedd on the ph hotos givenn in Figuree Q5(a), disscuss the problems
p annd
mmend suitab ble solutionss.
(15 marks

GURE Q5(a)): Pavementt Distress


b)) Basedd on your understanding,, discuss the photo givenn in Figure Q5(b)
Q on whaat
could possibly go wrong and lead to the road damage.
(10 marks

FIIGURE Q5(b): Road Damage

Downloaded by 6. Hafiq Hafifi (

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