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wo Max. Marks: 50 Oy Answer to questions carrying @ a : = ving T marks may be from one we d {i Answer to questions carrying 3 marks may be from to ee (0 one sentence, Gi) Answer t questions carrying 4.5 masts may be about 150 wenn (i) Answer to questions carrying 6 my 0 words. arks may be about 29 (9) Atempt all parts of a question together ie Machines was ar 1. ie wackine a De cally sewing machine since 1960. Mr. Suresh, the ouner of < ‘ring the last three month. Hle directed the lanager ordered the different supervisors to ee er ction Manager that is related to one of the oceans Q.2. Define controlling. ai 9.8. Why isit said that ‘controlling is looking back? n Q4. “Madhav Ltd.” manufactures steel utensils. Mr Rajesh Khanna is its production manager. Work in production department has been divided into several small parts, Each small part of the work has been entrusted to a group of 5 workers. Production target of each group has been determined at 1000 units per month. Besides, it has also been decided that if the actual production of @ group ranges between 50, then this deviation will be looked after by the departmental manager. However, if the deviation is beyond this limit, then it will be brought to the notice of General Manager. (a) Which step of controlling process has been shown in the above paragraph? (b) Also state on which particular concept the attention has been focused? [4+] Q 5. ‘Ekta Motors’ had set an objective of selling 1200 cars per year. Mrs Ekta Chawla is the Managing Director of this organisation. With a view to achieving this objective, she worked hard to formulate plans. But at the end of the year it came to light that hardly 870 cars could be sold. She compared expected and actual results and began to seek the causes ofthis deviation. She arvived atthe conclusion that the goodwill of the organisation had suffered because of the negligence of the Service Division. She then took a firm decision to improve the performance level of the service division at all costs. joned in the above article. ty Identi ction of management mentione Q6. Give all mn wine the term mena as used in the control function of management. ir) oe leaning o! 7. State any one advantage of ‘Critical-point Control’ and ‘Management by Exception’. itt] ocanned with camscanner 428 [xem idea Business Studies-Xl and “Ensuring order ayy (3 13) sities, the entire organization suff, eMeplain the statement with a sui jars” racy of stand: Q.8. How does controlling help in “Judging #6 sive function Es I. hie performance of K vation should focus on th , * 1 exampl i hing.” Comment. r ontrolling not! (3) 11, "An effort to control everything may end up contre Ce al 12, Mica joka ia sole mpreor in Nicobar. He has started ie of BU a ‘Manning ia i fly familiar with all the functions of managene'. He stats is In ns effet he hs adap! svanagement. He desies that al his actities shoul (ee em 0 etd Sytem tha Keps a eonstant watch on al atts a te eel gue a Pay aoe ein ata inca, therefore, be sad ta this method SECT TN eves aswell sl id paragraph. that this method applies not only to any one level of a the afore ; fener referred to in the a . {@) Identify the function of manager F the functions of management as identifeg (b) Describe the above mentioned two features @ i under point (a) above. i ). 13, Write main standards to be used in va . ager of Swastie Limited” He is lye emploee ofthe cmp 14, Mr Sidharth Pandey is the Marketing Mav si ° He makes all possible efforts to enhance the public image of aad ’s Lipps Jus ba ren of " 1 he determines, sales en continuous rise in company’s sales. Whatever sales target te ey time, It means that pase i there occurs positive me eA ee could yaaa ‘with ie ndeavours that the products of the company be of high quality. On Production Manager. He always endeavow ce compos ea Maree ‘account of maintaining high quality ofthe products, he is al : oe also, fists price afeompany' producis. While fixing the price he takes special care to ensure tha ‘prices should have no adverse impact on the budget of the consumers. His main aim is to present true image of the company and its products in advertisement. {a) Which step of controlling process has been referred to in the above paragraph? Clarify () Identify any two values directed to the society by Mr Pandey: (243) Q.15. What factors have to be considered while deciding standards? 4] Q.16. Explain any five points which highlight the importance of ‘controlling’ function in 5] management. Q.17. Describe briefly the re Q.18. A company was manufacturing LED bulbs’ producing 300 bulbs a day was not met by the employees. at fault. Due to electricity failure and shortage of workers, and allernative arrangements were needed. To meet the increased demand, the company assessed that approximately 88 additional workers were required out of which 8 would work as heads of different departments and 10 would work as subordinates under each head. The required qualifications and job specifications were also enlisted. It was also decided that necessary relaxation should be given to encourage women, persons from backward and rural areas and persons with special abilities to assume responsible positions in the organisation, AUl efforts were made to match the abiliy of the applicants with the nature of work. (a) Identify the functions of management discussed above. (b) State the two steps in the process of each function discussed in the above para. (c) List any two values which the company wants to communicate to the society. Jationship between controlling and planning. 3] which were in great demand. It was found that the target of On analysis, it was found that the workers were not the company was not able to achieve the set targets Scanned with CamScanner

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