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Commereial Circular Dear Sirs, We have the honor to inform yous company denominated SAINT \ LOUHS HOSPITAL S.A.L is a joint-stock registered before the commercial reg) Baabda under no. on 12022 Its capital amounts to /30,000,000/1.bp (thirty million Lebanese pounds), its head office is located in Baabda and it undertakes the following activities: “cual Balu Blaad) Sb gh Saba gf Ley eet cas cls Va Ss SAINT LOUIS HOSPITAL S.A.L as las gd Giletll Jeu! Go Uae ales 2022/ TU \aBC TERR at pile O88). /30,000,000/ eds tetany Ago) Je Yi bbe Saas Its Object: = Establishing, investing, leasing and 2 hospitals, medical centers, laboratories, dialysis centers, radiology and magnetic imaging centers, plastic surgery centers and all similar centers, in addition to its subsidiary projects in Lebanon and abroad. It is also entitled to trade in everything related to medical devices and to the financing of medical institutions of all kinds, specializations and activities - Applying the modern technologies of pregnancy and childbirth and depositing patents for such techniques and the related equipment, and leasing, investing and granting them for investment or lease directly or through thirds. ~ Developing medical studies, providing medical consultations and conducting all types of research. ~ Establishing, owning and managing commercial institutions and their exploitation directly or indirectly, owning real estate and constructing buildings on it, and equipping such real estate with machines and equipment, in order to carry out all works relating to the hospitalization, medical treatment and ‘medical research. = The company also carries out medical activities such_as_plastic surgeries, in cR (Al Hila] AgsLisdl 58a) MS, Abani! dala Ag US .gylally Olid ob Ugie de ytid gL! syihy Ayla) Gps) Glee go Le JS LY! J gle Ah Caaagall gills LgiloLtily gly GlasYly deal Qysall Glee gus gp Aaa! colacal bell UDisaly Ayla leeagall slaty allay clas - sylhy Cl hy ite eg! Sythe yeas pill elldy YY, Claes Uajagats Lule Lu! Cull, lita, Md lee Quan Aublt Clay ‘addition to the establishment of @ beauty tourist resort and the business and trade of cosmetics. - The company may own movable or immovable funds, and lease and invest buildings, floors, stores or real estate and commercial institutions, provided that they are dedicated for its business needs only, while abiding by the provisions of the law on the acquisition of real estate rights by foreigners in Lebanon, and may hire workers and employees, purchase basics and other works, and this enumeration is for example but without limitation, The company is entitled also to have interests in any other company and to manage it. = Purchasing and/or renting _ medical machines, equipment and supplies of all types and investing them or investing any parts thereof, directly or through thirds, or leasing them to third parties for investment, and this inside or outside the institutions owned by the company. — The company may participate or engage, any way whatsoever, in companies or institutions that have a similar or complementary object to its object, and to provide a capital for each company it establishes or it merges with. All such activities can be carried out inside or outside Lebanon. It also has the right to participate in tenders and solicit proposals whose object is partially or wholly related to the company’s object in Lebanon and abroad. hee eal Aphll Glee VL AS ago LS pies alee gale ols) I La} Jel Aalsill hpeaatuuall Slay Jlely gis ye gi gis ipl alla asa Ls SF Dally Gulphlly AWA GU) laitaly Os Oh bok Aleit Glaagally abil plSal Slelys ge bid Ugllecl ciple! dorede Gsisll oustidll 4s GuASl Bhdal Oil Ot gs Dee on, dane oe be a iss ou 45a 4) 4 lated! US . JWhall ae Cjagailly Gilanaly GY slot Vy eb eal gh Uylatily Lgelgsl GGA! cle lal Aausls gh saad baulys 3! Sythe ogi oludl L) cell auajall Ja ly Vy ltia Sail Ge slgasld sh AS cdl SLs SS CIS SE oh pals sf Aas G) ASA, Vgegutagal aaa sf ctlen Epuinge lel Glaje sf signs geen J} Width AS,4 JSS Yul pat oy gud bid 4d CLL ode JS 88 Gy! Say chsialy GLatlill ob AS Utell Ugh LS gid i ay Jay gill ayy Tis Board of Directors is composed of Messrs.: - Marwan Joseph ABI SEMAAN - Christa Maria Marwan AB] SEMAAN ~ Clarissa Rita Marwan AB] SEMAAN - Jolina Theresia Marwan ABI SEMAAN Cae il lee Li Libya aa f a A The Chairman of the Board- the General Manager is Mr. Marwan Joseph ABI SEMAAN and has all the powers stipulated in the Articles of Association of the company and the Code of Commerce. The right of signature on behalf of the company is entrusted to the Chairman of the Board- the General Manager Mr. Marwan Joseph ABL SEMAAN who have all powers stipulated in the Articles of Association of the company and the by Law. Knowing that in the event of a separation between the Chairman of the Board and the General Manager, all the privileges and the right to sign on behalf of the company are ‘entrusted to the General Manager only, and the latter shall have all the privileges stipulated in the Articles of Association and the Law. Respectfully, Ole apa a pla) goal SLYT Gide Gay caput CilaDLicall ques dy eee oil ise Sie Gs ASA Ul Lge See = BV) Gane outs | gl a dal ay gest aly clea ol Guise lye sued gla cA 9 AS lls 8 ule Gergen! Ciba eat scald Vint! dade (batty cK ae rry oe Ve \

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