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To complete this module, you will be required to submit Seven assessments. There is no

examination for this continuous assessment module. Assessments will be guided by the

following themes:

2.1 Purpose

Students who have completed this module successfully will be able to apply their own

viewpoints on information organisation and retrieval systems in diverse contexts, including the

African context. Students are expected to keep abreast of emerging technologies and

applications in information organisation and retrieval areas.

2.2 Outcomes

For this module, you will have to master the following specific outcomes:

Specific outcome 1: Students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of and engagement in

concepts and issues related to information organisation and retrieval.

Specific outcome 2: Students should be able to demonstrate understanding of the application

of appropriate theories and technologies in information organisation and retrieval.

Specific outcome 3: Students must be able to apply appropriate techniques in creating

information organisation and retrieval systems for specific user groups.

Specific outcome 4: Students must be able to demonstrate the ability to undertake a research

project on information organisation and retrieval system.

You are advised that in addition to the sources you consult to complete your assessments, read

broadly on ICTs and the impact of ICTs on the library and information sector (LIS).

The following are the recommended resources that you may need to access:

5.2 Recommended book(s)

Hider, P. 2018. Information resource description: creating and managing metadata.

Pennington, DR & Spiteri, LF. 2019. Social tagging in a linked data environment. London,

United Kingdom: Facet Publishing.

Stuart, D. 2016. Practical ontologies for information professionals. London, United Kingdom:

Facet Publishing.

Recommended books can be requested online, via the Library catalogue.

5.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)

There are no electronic reserves for this module.

5.4 Library services and resources

The Unisa Library offers a range of information services and resources. The library has

created numerous library guides, available at

You are welcome to forward all the problems you may experience regarding this letter to the

Primary Lecturer for clarity.

Kind regards

Prof M Dikotla

Department: Information Science

Telephone: 012 429 6701


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