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Exercise 1
1. minds, reflexes
2. positive frame
3. realistic
4. library
5. questions

Exercise 2
1. plan
2. agriculture
3. bows, arrows
4. third
- lose kilos and live a healthy life
- well-known
- stick to
- before we developed
- tend to regard meat as the best source of food
- are skilled with their weapons
- their energy from meat

II. VOCABULARY 1 (page 26-27)

Times, dates and numbers
2. March a word or expression from column A with one from column B that has a
similar meaning.
1-e 6-d
2-h 7-c
3-i 8-a
4-f 9-g

3. Complete the sentences

1. instant
2. a minimum of
3. Over a period
4. Meanwhile

Phrasal and prepositional verbs

5. Match the phrasal or prepositional verbs
1. created
2. continued
3. conducted
4. appeared unexpectedly
5. develop
6. understand
Compound nouns
7. Match a word from column A with a word from column B to make compound nouns.
sea level precious metal
guided tour steam engine
train journey fuel source
raw materials diesel engine

8. Now complete the following sentences with your own ideas.

1. Due to global warming, the sea level is rising.
2. A train journey in my country can take between a few hours for short distances
to several days for longer routes.
3. Manufacturing in my country needs raw materials such as metals, plastics, and


1. steam engine 6. rock
2. chemistry 7. constant
3. navigation 8.
4. 9. 19 years
5. glass 10. 50

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