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 The ability of a conductor to hold the charge is When a dielectric ( polar or  Eo

called the capacity of a conductor. non-polar ) is placed in an
    
electric field , then the   EP 
 If Q is the charge present an a conductor and V 
material gets polarized and
is its potential then Q  V (or) Q  CV (or)   E  
the net dipole moment is   

Q induced in the direction of the
C  M 1L2T 4 I 2 
V  
external field.
Note: 1) The capacity of a conductor depends on
E  Eo  EP (or) E  Eo  EP
its shape and size.
When a dielectric material is placed between the plates
2) The capacity of a conductor does not depend on
of a capacitor (Keeping charge constant) the electric
the nature of the material of the conductor, but
field and hence the potential decreases by a factor K.
depends on the medium in which it is placed. Hence capacity increases by a factor K
Eo Vo
A dielectric is a solid insulating medium like glass,  E  And V
ebonite, wax paper, mica placed in between the two
Eo  1
metal sheets in order to increase its capacity. These   Eo  EP (or) E P  Eo  1  
K  K
do not allow the electric charges to easily pass
through them.  1  1
(or)  p   o 1   and q p  qo  1  
 Dielectric is a material in which all the electrons are Note:
tightly bound to the nuclei of the atoms. The 1. When a conductor is placed
electrical conductivity of a dielectric is zero. +
between the plates of a condenser, Eo +
+ K +
 In a non-polar molecule the centre of gravity of due to the motion of the free +
positive charges coincide with the c.g. of negative electrons towards positive plate +
charges. These have zero electric dipole moment in leaving the other side of the
the absence of the external electric field.
conductor negative an equal and opposite field is
 When a non-polar dielectric is subjected to electric
field, the positive charge of each molecule is shifted created inside the conductor .  K . The dielectric
in the direction of electric filed and negative charge in
constant of conductor is infinity since E  0
the opposite direction.
The maximum value of electric field intensity
Ex: H 2 , N 2 , O2 , CO2 , CH 4 , CCl4 etc.
(potential gradient) that can be applied to a dielectric
 In a polar molecule the c.g. of positive and negative without its electric breakdown is called dielectric
charges do not coincide.In an external electric field, strength.
the field tries to orient the positive charge centers in a. It is measured in KV/cm. Air has a dielectric
the direction of the field and negative charge centers
strength 30KV/cm = 3  106 V / m .
in the opposite direction).The polar molecule is an
b. Electric intensity, potential gradient and dielectric
electric dipole and has a permanent dipole moment.
strength are numerically equal.
Note: 1. A metal sphere of radius 1 cm can not hold a
Ex HCL, CO, H 2O, NH 3 etc. charge of 1 col.
1 q
 9  10 9 
 9  1013
Ex: A capacitor of 10  F is charge to a potential
4 o r

10  2  50V with a battery. The battery is now
Which is more then the dielectric strength of air. disconnected and an additional charge 200  C is
2. The radius of the sphere that can hold 1 col. of given to the positive plate of the capacitor. The
1 potential across the capacitor is
charge will be 3106  9109   r  54.77m
r2 q Q 200
Sol: V   50   50  10  60V
3. The maximum charge a metal sphere of r = 1 cm C 2C 2 10
can hold is 3  10 6  9  10 9  q  q  0.033  C . EQUIVALENT CAPACITY:
1 1 1 1
DIELECTRIC POLARIZATION Series combination:   
C C1 C2 C3
Dielectric polarization is defined as the dipole
moment per unit volume of the dielectric. 1. It two capacitors are connected is series, the
Lq1 q1  C1C2
Polarization P    i and  o  o E  p .n   equivalent capacity C 
LA A C1  C2
Here the term  E  p  is
o called electric 2. The effective capacity is less than the least in
the combination.
displacement vector  D  .
 C2   C1 
3. V1  V   and V2  V 
D   E  p  and    D  . n
o o  C1  C2 

 C1  C2 
Note: 1) In a dielectric medium, 4. For n identical capacitors, the effective capacity
o C
D o  E  k 0 E k 0 E  D  o E  p  is given by Cs 
 n
k 0 E o E   e E   e   k  1 o Parallel Combination: C  C1  C2  C3

PARALLEL PLATE CAPACITOR 1. If two capacitors of capacities C1 and C2 are in

o A K o A series, the effective capacity C  C1  C2
C  and C1 
d d
2. In parallel combination the effective capacity is
 Different values for D.C and AC. For AC the
greater than the greatest in the combination.
value of K varies with frequency of AC
 C1   C2 
Ex: The two plates of a parallel 200
200 3. q1  q  C  C  and q2  q  C  C 
capacitor are at potential 200V at –  1 2   1 2 

200V. If the distance between the V 4. For n identical capacitors, the effective capacity
plates is 4 cm the potential at a point B is given by C p  nc
at a distance 3cm from the position
5. If CS and C P are the effective capacities when
two capacitors are connected in series and in
V 200  200 400
Sol: E     100 V 1
r 4 4 m parallel. Then C  CP  CP2  4C P CS 
2  
Add 200 to both to get potential at positive plate.
o A d
Then Note: 1. Ceff  t
 1
d  t 1  
200  200 V  200  k
 and V = -100v
4 3 k
Effective distance between the plates decreases by 10. When the space between the plates is
 1 completely filled with metal, the capacity becomes
t 1  
 k o A o A
infinity. C     (Infinity)
2. In order to restore its capacity to its original d d d
value, the distance between the plates must be ENERGY STORED IN A CONDENSER
 1 1 q2 1 1
increased by t 1   Uo   C V 2  QV
 k 2 C 2 2
o kA o kA Note : a)Energy density (  ) = energy/ volume
3. C1  and C2 
t1 t2 t1 t2
A 2
1 CV 1 2  Ed 
 K1K 2  k1 k2   d  E 2
C o A   2 Volume 2 Ad 2
 K1t2  K 2t1 
1 1
t t1 t2   E 2  k  0 E 2
  2 2
k k1 k 2
(Where K in the dielectric constant of medium
t 2k1k2
If t1  t2  K Between the plates)
2 k1  k2
1. The charge transferred from the battery is q and
o K1 A1  K A kA1/ 2
4. C1  and C2  o 2 2 Ak1 the charge given to the capacitor is q   CV 
d d
k1 A1  k2 A2 k2 Hence energy supplied by the battery
k A2
A1  A2 = qV   CV  V  CV 2
k1  k2 1
If A1  A2  A / 2 , K Energy stored in the capacitor = CV 2
2 2
d /2 d
2k  1 2k  2k  2 Hence the remaining 50% of energy is dissipated
5. k 1   C1 C k
k 1 1 k 1k  Air as heat.

k1  1 2. Force between the plates of a condenser

6. k1  A/2
2 k q2 1
F Or F  0 E 2 A
 k 1 Air 2 o A 2
C1   C
 2  A/2
Note : 1) For an isolated charged capacitor
o k1 A  k A  k A Q2
7. C1  ; C2  o 2 ; C3  o 3 (F  )force does not depend on the
2d d d 2 0 A
C2C3 A/2 k1 separation between the plates.
C  C1 
C2  C3 2) For a capacitor having constant potential
d/2 d/2
o A  k1 k2 k3  difference across the plates the force
    k2 k3 2
d  2 k 2  k3  C 2V 2 20 A 2 V 2 1 V
F    F  0 2 A
2 0 A d 2
2 0 A 2 d
9. When a metal plate of thickness t is introduced
Q nq
 A 3) C1   2/3  n1/3C  C1  n1/3C
between the plates, then C  o V n V
d t
1 q2 1 n2q2 11. In mixed grouping
4) U1   1/3
 n5/3 U  U 1  n5/3U
2C 2 n C Number of capacitors in one row =
Here force depends on the separation between the Desired voltage
plates. Actual voltage
Loss of energy on sharing of charges between Desired capacity
Number of rows (m) = n
two conductors (or) capacitors: Actual capacity
Total charge Q  Q2 Total number of capacitors = mn  N
1) Common potential = = 1
Total capacity V1  V2
12. The field between the plates
C V  C2V2 rV rV of a condenser is uniform.
V 11  11 2 2
C1  C2 r1  r2 But the field may not be
1 C1C2 uniform at the edges of the
 Loss of energy U  V1  V2 2
2 C1  C2 plates, shown by curved
2. If the positive terminal of one capacitor is lines. This is called fringing and can be
connected to the negative terminal of another neglected when d  A.
capacitor then, 1 CV 2 1 Îo A E 2 d 2
13. Energy density = = ×
Q1  Q2 C1V1  C2V2 2 Vol 2 d Ad
Common potential V  
C1  C2 C1  C2 1 1 o V 2
 o E =
1 C1C2 2 2 d2
Loss of energy U  V1  V2 2
2 C1  C2 14. Capacitor works for both AC and DC.
3. The capacity of a spherical conductor (or) 15. Charge (Q) distribution on two spheres of radii
condenser C  4 o k R where R is its radius. r1 and r2 is given by
4. Capacity of Earth C  711  F .  r   r 
q1  Q  1  and q2  Q  2 
r1r2  r1  r2   r1  r2 
5. C  4 o k
r2  r1
r1 r2

6. C  4 o k r2
r2  r1 r1

7. The electrical resistance of an ideal capacitor is

8. Capacity does not depend on the charge on its
9. C1  3C
If there are n plates C1   n  1 C

If there are n plates in each set C1   2n  1 C

10. C1  2C
Effect of dielectric

Case V Q C U

Q = CV C1  kC 1
U kCV 2
Battery Constant Increases by k Increases by k Increases by k
Connected times times times

V q/c C1  kC 1 Q2
Battery Decreases by k Constant Increases by k 2 kC
disconnected times times Decreases by k

Effect of Plate separation (Separation increase)

Case V Q C U

Battery Constant Q  CV Decreases 1 1

C Decreases U  CV 2 Decreases
Connected d 2

Battery Q Constant Decreases 1 Q2

V Increases U Increases
disconnected C 2 C

Ex II:46,48,49,51,54,57,59,60,63,74,77,80,81,82,83,84,85
Ex III :30,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,43,47,43,50,54,

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