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Aging ...

and staying young

> Do you know what "ageism" is ? ...predudice towards others based on age
...globally- one intwo people are ageist against older people ...

> Is a person's age important in your culture ? ... or is age important to you ?

> what can a person's age tell us ?

>what do we know about a 60yr old that's different from a 30 yr old ?

> WHose the olderst person you know ? >>How is their view of the world different
from yours ?

> Are there benefits of getting older ?

> Is aging more difficult for men or women ? why? income, health, relationships.

> do you ever think how old you'd like to live until ?
> do you think humans will ever be able to stop aging ?
> do you think society has placed to much importance on youth and beauty?
>>>How has that outlook changed over time ? ...years ago vs nowadays ...
before looked to elders with respect for knowledge/ wisdom... now look to the
younger generations for fresh innovative ideas.

> How do you plan on maintaining your health and lifestyle while aging ?

> Has you ideas about aging changed over the course of your life ?

> do you think it's important to embrace & accept aging ...or try fighting it?

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