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Math Department

second Semester 2022/2023

Summative Assessment Reflection

Student name: Mustafa Grade: 9 Unit title: Another Dimension

Section: A

Criteria : C & D Level achieved: 7-7

 To what extent are you satisfied with your Summative assessment?

I am well satisfied with the mark I achieved in criterion C & D as I have
achieved 7 levels out of 8 , yet this satisfaction is into an extent , were the full
satisfaction will be achieved by achieving 8 levels out of 8 levels in the
 What strategy did you use to prepare for this Summative assessment?
I revised the formative assessment we previously solved together in class and
review the topics in the chapter, focusing on the topics I found challenging .
All of this went hand in hand to achieve the mark I have gained , so this
strategy played a role by developing my information that resulted in being
well prepared .
 Highlight all that apply:
[ ] I gave myself plenty of time to prepare for this exam
[ ] I looked after myself in the lead up to this exam (food, water, sleep, exercise)
[ ] When I sat down to begin this exam, I felt well-prepared
[ ] On reflection, I was well-prepared for this exam

 Next time I will….

(Consider the strategies you will use as well as how you manage your time and wellbeing)
I will be focused into solving unfamiliar equations, questions and topics. Moreover, I
will read the questions carefully next time and take the context into considerations
when solving. Which will result in gaining a higher mark and achieving that highest
mark possible to raise my GPA as an overall , which will help me achieve the High
Honor certificate instead the certificate of Honor Roll .

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