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How strongDM Helps

with SOC 2 Compliance
SOC 2 is a f ramework developed by the American Institute of CPAs
(AICPA) that specifies how software vendors and other organizations

should manage customer data.

For organizations evaluating SaaS or cloud services providers, compliance with SOC 2 is a minimum

requirement as it confirms to the customer that the provider has implemented certain security policies

and procedures to protect customer data.

strongDM itself is SOC 2 Type 2-certified, and below are the specific requirements where strongDM can

help you achieve SOC 2 certification as well.

Logical & Physical Access Controls

Requirement Detail strongDM Features

The entity implements logical access security software, inf rastructure, and architectures over protected information assets
to protect them f rom security events to meet the entity's objectives.

Identifies and Auto-discovery of resources such as available

The entity identifies, inventories, classifies, and
Manages the Inventory databases, SSH nodes, and Kubernetes
manages information assets.
of Information Assets clusters.

Logical access to information assets, including

hardware, data (at-rest, during processing, or in Support for Role-Based Access Control

transmission), software, administrative authorities, (RBAC) and Attribute-Based Access Control

Restricts Logical Access
mobile devices, output, and offline system (ABAC) policies. Grant temporary or just-in-

components is restricted through the use of access time access, with least-privilege by default.

control software and rule sets.

Authenticate and/or provision users &

Persons, inf rastructure, and software are identified
Identifies and groups through your identity provider. Can
and authenticated prior to accessing information
Authenticates Users also authenticate through strongDM with
assets, whether locally or remotely.

In the strongDM architecture, resources do

not connect with each other. Users can only

Network segmentation permits unrelated portions of
Considers Network connect to what they are given access to
the entity's information system to be isolated f rom
Segmentation and are unable to elevate their privileges to
each other.
move horizontally through an organization's

inf rastructure.

To learn more a bout strongDM or to sign u p for a demo, visit

og c
L i al & Phy sci al Acce ss Co ntr o s (Co
l nt)

Requirement Detail s o g MF
tr n D eature s

Points of access by outside entities and the types of

Manage and audit all activities, whether
data that flow through the points of access are
Manages Point Access identified, inventoried, and managed. The types of
employees, contractors, or other third-

parties, regarding access to backend

individuals and systems using each point of access
inf rastructure.
are identified, documented, and managed.

Combinations of data classification, separate data

strongDM uses a combination of user

Restricts Access to structures, port restrictions, access protocol

identities, network segmentation (making

Information Assets restrictions, user identification, and digital

certificates are used to establish access-control rules

only gateways public), and roles/groups to

generate and enforce access control rules.

for information assets.

Identification and authentication requirements are Federate with your identity provider or use

Manages Identification established, documented, and managed for strongDM's native authentication, which

and Authentication individuals and systems accessing entity information, allows administrators to set minimum

inf rastructure, and software. password requirements.

New internal and external inf rastructure and

software are registered, authorized, and documented

Manages Credentials for prior to being granted access credentials and Store credentials in a hardened AWS vault or

Infrastructure and implemented on the network or access point. configure your own secret store to work with

Software Credentials are removed and access is disabled when strongDM.

access is no longer required or the inf rastructure and

software are no longer in use.

The entity uses encryption to supplement other

Uses Encryption to measures used to protect data at rest, when such

Protect Data protections are deemed appropriate based on

All connections are encrypted using TLS 1.2.

assessed risk.

Protects Encryption Processes are in place to protect encryption keys

All secrets and credentials are obfuscated

Keys during generation, storage, use, and destruction.

with encryption keys stored in a hardened


Prior to issuing system credentials and granting system access, the entity registers and authorizes new internal and

CC6.2 external users whose access is administered by the entity. For those users whose access is administered by the entity, user

system credentials are removed when user access is no longer authorized.

Credentials are never provided to the end

user. The gateway authenticates to the final

Controls Access Information asset access credentials are created resource in the last hop using stored

Credentials to Protected based on an authorization f rom the system's asset credentials, which are stored securely with

Assets owner or authorized custodian. strongDM or with an existing secrets

manager ( H ashiCorp V
ault, AWS Secrets

Manager, G
CP Secret Manager).

Removes Access to Instantly grant and revoke permanent or

Protected Assets When Processes are in place to remove credential access ust-in-time access to resources through the

Appropriate when an individual no longer requires such access. strongDM admin

I or through your identity

The strongDM admin U I maintains a list of

all users and resources they have access to.

Reviews Appropriateness The appropriateness of access credentials is reviewed Admins can define and enforce the

of Access Credentials on a periodic basis for unnecessary and

inappropriate individuals with credentials.

appropriate access policies based on a user's

role or a resource's attributes with

comprehensive permissions auditing


To learn m o
re a bo ut s o g Mo osg
tr n D r t i p fo
n u r a d
em o, v s
i it
Requirement Detail strongDM Features

Logical & Physical Access Controls (Cont)

Requirement Detail strongDM Features

The entity authorizes, modifies, or removes access to data, software, functions, and other protected information assets

’ j
CC based on roles, responsibilities, or the system design and changes, giving consideration to the concepts of least privilege

and segregation of duties, to meet the entity s ob ectives.

User access privileges are derived f rom their

assigned roles with the exception of

Creates or Modifies Access Processes are in place to create or modify access to
“temporary access” and “no role assigned.”

to Protected Information protected information assets based on authorization
The strongDM AccessBot can also be used to
Assets f rom the asset s owner.
grant temporary access within applications

like Slack and Microsoft Teams.

Removes Access to Processes are in place to remove access to protected strongDM enables admins to revoke access

Protected Information information assets when an individual no longer instantly or on a time-bound basis (i.e.,

Assets requires access. temporary access).

Uses Role-Based Access Role-based access control is utilized to support strongDM admins grant access based on

Controls segregation of incompatible functions. roles (i.e., role-based access control).

The appropriateness of access roles and access rules Administrators can use the strongDM CLI to

is reviewed on a periodic basis for unnecessary and view users, roles, and access at any time over
Reviews Access Roles and
inappropriate individuals with access and access the past 13 months, providing both current
rules are modified as appropriate. and historical "point in time" access details.

CC 6.6 The entity implements logical access security measures to protect against threats f rom sources outside its system


Configuring a data source with a particular

The types of activities that can occur through a driver restricts the communication over that

Restricts Access communication channel (for example, FTP site, connection to that specific driver protocol.

router port) are restricted. SSH cannot be tunneled through a port set

up for MySQL, for instance.

Identification and authentication credentials are All connectivity between strongDM

Protects Identification and
protected during transmission outside its system components (Client, Gateway, API) are
Authentication Credentials
boundaries. encrypted in transit.

Requires Additional Additional authentication information or credentials As an additional layer of security, strongDM

Authentication or are required when accessing the system f rom supports MFA through an organization's

Credentials outside its boundaries. identity provider or via Duo in strongDM.

Boundary protection systems (e.g., firewalls,

By deploying strongDM gateways and relays,
Implements Boundary demilitarized zones, and intrusion detection systems)
customers can make all of their resources
Protection Systems are implemented to protect external access points
"internal-only" and not visible through their
f rom attempts and unauthorized access and are
system boundary.
monitored to detect such attempts.

CC6.7 ’ j
The entity restricts the transmission, movement, and removal of information to authorized internal and external users and

processes, and protects it during transmission, movement, or removal to meet the entity s ob ectives.

Uses Encryption Encryption technologies or secured communication

All connectivity between strongDM
Technologies or Secure channels are used to protect transmission of data
components (Client, Gateway, API) are
Communication Channels and other communications beyond connectivity
encrypted in transit.
to Protect Data access points.

To learn more about strongDM or to sign up for a demo, visit

stem Op erations

Requirement Detail strongDM Features

CC7.1 To meet its objectives, the entity uses detection and monitoring procedures to identify (1) changes to configurations that

result in the introduction of new vulnerabilities, and (2) susceptibilities to newly discovered vulnerabilities.

By logging all of the commands that are run

Monitors Inf rastructure
The entity monitors inf rastructure and software for
on target systems and exporting strongDM
and Software

noncompliance with the standards, which could

logs to a SIEM, customers can detect
threaten the achievement of the entity's objectives.
potential areas of noncompliance.

The entity monitors system components and the operation of those components for anomalies that are indicative of

CC7.2 malicious acts, natural disasters, and errors affecting the entity's ability to meet its objectives ; anomalies are analyzed to

determine whether they represent security events.

Detection policies and procedures are defined and

implemented and detection tools are implemented

on inf rastructure and software to identify anomalies

Implements Detection in the operation or unusual activity on systems. strongDM captures every action, including

Policies , Procedures , and Procedures may include (1) a defined governance every user, authentication, q H
uery, SS , and

T ools
process for security event detection and RDP command as well as administrator

management that includes provision of resources ; (2) actions such as permissions changes.

use of intelligence sources to identify newly

discovered threats and vulnerabilities ; and (3) logging

of unusual system activities.

Detection measures are designed to identify

anomalies that could result f rom actual or attempted

(1) compromise of physical barriers ; (2) unauthorized

; (3)
actions of authorized personnel use of strongDM's audit logs can be automatically
Desi ns Detection
compromised identification and authentication streamed to a SIEM of your choice to

; (4)
credentials unauthorized access f rom outside the facilitate anomaly detection.

system boundaries ; (5)compromise of authorized

external parties ; and (6) implementation or

connection of unauthorized hardware and software.

The entity evaluates security events to determine whether they could or have resulted in a failure of the entity to meet its
CC7.3 objectives ( security incidents ) and, if so, takes actions to prevent or address such failures.

Detected security events are communicated to and

Communicates and
reviewed by the individuals responsible for the Centralized audit logs enable easy, fast
Reviews Detected Security
management of the security program and actions investigations of security incidents.
are taken, if necessary.

strongDM provides robust audit logs for all

Develops and Implements
Procedures are in place to analyze security incidents access to configured data sources, which
Procedures to Analyze
and determine system impact. can assist in evaluations and investigations
Security Incidents
of security incidents.

The entity responds to identified security incidents by executing a defined incident response program to understand,

contain, remediate, and communicate security incidents, as appropriate.

strongDM enables admins to immediately

Procedures are in place to contain security incidents
Contains Security Incidents revoke access to systems data sources for
that actively threaten entity objectives.
accounts that may be compromised.

g O g g
strongDM enables admins to immediately

Miti ates n oin Security Procedures are in place to contain security incidents
revoke access to systems data sources for
Incidents that actively threaten entity objectives.
accounts that may be compromised.

T o learn more a b out strongDM or to sign u pfor a demo ,v isit

System Operations (Cont)

Requirement Detail strongDM Features

Procedures are in place to end the threats posed by

strongDM enables admins to immediately
Ends Threats Posed by security incidents through closure of the vulnerability,
revoke access to systems/data sources for
Security Incidents removal of unauthorized access, and other remediation
accounts that may be compromised.

An understanding of the nature (for e ample, the
method by which the incident occurred and the
Obtains Understanding of affected system resources) and severity of the security strongDM provides comprehensive audit
Nature of Incident and incident is obtained to determine the appropriate logs for all access to configured data
Determines Containment 1
containment strategy, including ( ) a determination of sources, which are critical in security
Strategy 2
the appropriate response time f rame, and ( ) the incident investigations.
determination and e ecution of the containment

Periodically review audit logs and session

Evaluates the Effectiveness The design of incident-response activities is evaluated recordings to identify potential gaps in
of Incident Response for effectiveness on a periodic basis. your incident response plan and adjust
accordingly to enhance effectiveness.

Periodically, management reviews incidents related to

Review audit logs and session recordings
Periodically Evaluates security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality,
to identify opportunities to improve
Incidents and privacy and identifies the need for system changes
security posture.
based on incident patterns and root causes.

CC7.5 The entity identifies, develops, and implements activities to recover f rom identified security incidents.

strongDM provides session recordings and

Determines Root Cause
audit logs for all access to configured data
The root cause of the event is determined.
sources, which are critical for identifying
of the Event
root cause in security incidents.

Improves Response and Lessons learned are analyzed and the incident-response Use audit logs to analyze incidents and to
Recovery Procedures plan and recovery procedures are improved. develop appropriate responses.

Change Management

Requirement Detail strongDM Features

The entity authorizes, designs, develops or ac quires, configures, documents, tests, approves, and implements changes to
CC .
inf rastructure, data, software, and procedures to meet its objectives.

Grant temporary or just-in-time access,

with least-privilege by default. Integrate
your PagerDuty on-call schedule with
A process is in place for authorizing, designing, testing,
Provides for Changes strongDM to automatically grant
approving, and implementing changes necessary in
Necessary in Emergency strongDM users access to additional
emergency situations (that is, changes that need to be
resources during their on-call shifts. The
implemented in an urgent time f rame).
strongDM AccessBot can also be used to
grant temporary access within applications
like Slack and Microsoft Teams.

To learn more about strongDM or to sign up for a demo, visit

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