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Optimal Reconfiguration of Power System

With Fuzzy ARTMAP Neural Networks

Shahram Javadi Mehrdad Setayesh Nazar Z. Tabatabaei Zadeh

Azad Islamic University Power and Water University Azad Islamic University
Central Branch of Technology Central Branch
Tehran-Iran Tehran- Iran Tehran-Iran

Abstract- Optimal Reconfiguration of power system is one of Every effective switching will generate a new state space with
the most important duties of control centers. It is an essential its new contingencies based on load variations and these new
task for power system management in normal and states cannot to be considered, by a standard SCOPF.
emergency conditions. Accuracy of this procedure is The present paper describes a novel approach to consider the
essential to overcome the subsequences of static and dynamic switching ability of system in SCOPF calculation and online
security constraints. However, because of limited time pattern recognition of the most secure condition of system after
between on line calculation procedure and implementation of occurrence of a credible contingency. In this paper, the
the optimization output results, speed of calculation is very mathematical formulation of scope is explained in section 2.
important. To overcome this problem, a shift from on line Section 3, 4 and 5 presents the computational flowchart and a
calculations to off line calculations can be considered and a genetic algorithm for topology optimization and the Fuzzy
pattern recognition procedure for online operation based on ARTMAP NN algorithm, respectively. Section 6 and 7
off line database may be used. It has been shown that back describes the simulation results and conclusions, respectively.
propagation neural networks can achieve the pattern
recognition goals for different conditions, but one of the most 2. SCOPF MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION
drawbacks of the mentioned method is their slow
convergence. This may reduce the effectiveness of ANN, Mathematical formulation of SCOPF can be presented as [3-5]:
because many ANN must be trained for different topology Min C = f ( x , u, z ) (1)
and load conditions of system. A neural network architecture S .t : g ( x , u, z ) = 0
that does not suffer from the above-mentioned drawbacks is h( x , u , z ) ≤ 0
the Fuzzy ARTMAP (Adaptive Resonance Theory- h j ( x , u, z ) ≤ 0
supervised predictive Mapping) neural network. In this j ∈ {1,..., n}
paper, implementation of the Fuzzy ARTMAP neural where f(x,y,z) is the system operational cost. x and u are state
network for defined problem has been proposed. In our space and control variables, respectively. z is discrete control
proposed algorithm, genetic algorithm optimization for vector, and n is the number of credible contingencies. g(x, u, z)
optimal reconfiguration has been used for off line stage. The and h(x, u, z) are the load flow and normal condition static
performance and the efficiency of proposed method have security constraint set of the system, respectively. h j ( x , u, z ) is
been investigated using the IEEE 30-bus test system. the contingency security constraint set of the system. If with
corrective actions for jth contingency, h j ( x , u, z ) is satisfied, that
Keywords: Reconfiguration, SCOPF, Fuzzy ARTMAP, topology is secure. The static security constraints of SCOPF in
Neural Networks, Optimization normal condition of operation can be explained as:
Vimin ≤ Vi ≤ Vimax i=1 to nb (2)
1. INTRODUCTION PGimin ≤ PGi ≤ PGimax i=1 to ng (3)
QG imin ≤ QG i ≤ QG imax i=1 to ng (4)
Static security assessment is one of the most important power Pi ≤ Pimax i=1 to nl (5)
system control centers functions [1]. A computational function t imin ≤ t i ≤ t imax i=1 to nt (6)
of security assessment is the feasibility study of power system The above formulas explain upper and lower limits of voltages,
operating point after occurring of the credible contingencies. In generator active powers, generator reactive power, transmission
this procedure, which is named n-1 secure point investigation, line and taps of transformer respectively. nb, ng, nl and nt are
the security constraints are considered in optimal power flow number of buses, generation buses, lines and transformers,
(OPF) calculations. This procedure is known as Security respectively. The above constraints can be summarized as h(x,
Constrained Optimal Power Flow (SCOPF). u, z). In the presence of a contingency the mentioned formulas
The optimal power flow can be used to optimize a certain group can be expressed as h j ( x , u, z ) , which j denotes jth contingency.
of objectives at planning or operational stage. The control Practically the SCOPF formulation is solved for a fixed z .The
variables may behave as continuous variables such as active and aim of this paper is encountering the z variable to manage the
reactive power or voltages of generating bus, or discrete system operating point to a secure point. For precise description
variables such as switching of bus couplers, capacitors, reactors of u control variables, we can describe these continuous
and lines. In normal condition, an OPF does not consider variables:
security constraints; however, in the presence of security • Changing of the terminal voltage of generators with
constraints the implementation of the OPF results can cause excitation system.
severe problems [2]. Practically, because of the huge number of • Changing of the phase of phase shifters.
security constraints, these constraints are simplified. On the • Changing of the active power of generators.
other hand, discrete control variables such as line switching can • Changing of the tap of transformer, which has a discrete
reduce many security constraints and generate a new state space behavior but can be formulated as continues variable and
for solving of an unsolvable SCOPF. The mentioned ability then rounded to its near discrete quantity.
cannot be studied in a standard SCOPF. • Changing of the operating point of synchronous condenser.
In addition, we can describe the following variables as discrete P = C 1 .ν (11)
variables: C 1 is weighting factor. The final optimization fitness function
• Switching of capacitor banks and reactors. can be proposed as:
• Switching of lines. Max Q = M − C 1 .ν (12)
• Switching of bus couplers. M = a great number.
Introducing discrete variables and the ability of changing them The optimization process is calculated for different load and
for a certain operating point, the state space of the optimization control availability levels (TPC) as shown in figure 1. The TPC
problem is very larger than a standard SCOPF. Therefore, the is proposed as [3]:
above formulation may not reach to a feasible solution for on m n
line computations and its full computations must be done at off TPC = ∑ PRC j + ∑ PPC j
j =1 j =1 (13)
line stage. Now we introduce an off line computation stage.
PRC = sum of available active controllers.
3. OFFLINE AND ONLINE COMPUTATIONAL STAGES PPC = sum of available reactive controllers.
m= number of available active controllers.
For off line computation stage, the following steps are n= number of available reactive controllers.
proposed: At off line computation stage, different level of PRC and PPC
• Determination of the number of the most probable is assumed.
system topology for different load conditions.
o Contingency ranking for that topology. 5. FUZZY ARTMAP NEURAL NETWORK
o Optimal switching for the most credible
contingencies of mentioned topology and The Fuzzy ARTMAP (Adaptive Resonance Theory-supervised
finding of SCOPF feasible solution. predictive Mapping) neural network is an architecture that can
• Identification of homogeneous topologies for different learn arbitrary mappings from analog or digital inputs of any
load conditions. dimensionality to analog or digital outputs of any
• Learning of fuzzy ARTMAP neural network for each dimensionality [6]. The architecture applies incremental
homogeneous optimal topology. supervised learning of recognition categories and
For online computation of system secure points, the following multidimensional maps in response to arbitrary sequences of
steps are proposed: analog or binary input vectors, which may represent fuzzy or
• Data acquisition from state estimation algorithm. crisp set of features [7-9]. The Fuzzy ARTMAP NN consists of
• Calculation of load level and contingency severity two Fuzzy ART modules designated as Fuzzy ARTα and
index. Fuzzy ARTβ , as well as an inter Fuzzy ART module, as shown
• Optimal topology identification by fuzzy ARTMAP in Figure 2. Inputs are presented at the Fuzzy ARTα module,
neural network. while the outputs are presented at the Fuzzy ARTβ module. The
For on line calculation stage, load level and contingency Inter-Fuzzy ART module includes a MAP field, whose purpose
severity index can be calculated and finally these data are used is to determine whether the mapping between the presented
as the inputs of the Fuzzy ARTMAP neural network. input and output is the desired one. The F0α layer receives the
input vector α and produces the complement encoded input
4. GENETIC ALGORITHM WITH VARIABLE FITNESS vector I. The complement encoded vector I is created as:
FUNCTION FOR OPTIMUM RECONFIGURATION I = (α ,α c ) = (α 1 ,...,α Ma ,α 1c ,...,α Ma
) (14)
α ic = 1 − α i ,1 ≤ i ≤ M α (15)
For optimal reconfiguration of the system and finding of a Where M α is the dimensionality of the input vector α .
feasible solution of SCOPF, we propose a genetic algorithm Hence, the F0α layer acts as a preprocessor to the Fuzzy
(GA) optimization method. This method has the following ARTα architecture. The vector I is subsequently applied at the
abilities: layer. In most cases, the complement encoding is not necessary
• State space full search ability. for the output vector ο . F2α in addition, F2β are the layers
• Multi objective optimization with hard and soft limits. where compressed representations of the input patterns and the
The discrete variables are selected as: output patterns are established respectively. Index i is used to
Li = 1 if the ith line is used, else it equals 0 (7) designate the nodes in the F1α layer, index j is used to designate
Ci = 1 if the ith element shunt is used, else it equals 0 (8) nodes in the F2α layer, index k is used to designate nodes in the
BC i = 1 if the ith bus coupler is used, else it equals 0 (9) Fuzzy MAP layer ( Fαβ ) and the F2β layer, index l is used to
Direct coding of discrete variables to chromosomes will designate nodes in the F1β layer. Hence W jα = ( W1αj ,...,W(α2 Ma ) j ) is
produce a large number of impossible GA input data. For the vector of bottom-up weights emanating from node i in the
solving this problem, the coding procedure has the following F1α layer to node j in the F2α layer. The vector of top-down
assumptions: weights emanating from node j to node i is denoted as W jα =
• Bus coupler and transformer are special representation of ( W1αj ,...,W(α2 Ma ) j ).
line. Finally, W j = (W j1 ,...,W jβ ) is the vector of weights emanating
• Searching space of GA must not has any impossible coded from node j in F2α and converging to the nodes of the MAP
data, so any impossible generated data will be removed layer Fαβ . A vector whose components are the top-down
from search set. weights emanating from a single node in F2α / F2β is called a
For implementation of operational constraints in optimization template of the Fuzzy ARTα / β module.
process, they will be presented as penalty factors. For this An uncommitted template is defined to be the vector of top-
problem, we propose the following penalty factor: down weights associated with a node in F2α / F2β which has not
1. Deviation from normal voltages, which is calculated as: yet been chosen to represent an input/output pattern. Each of the
nvv components of an uncommitted template is equal to one. The
ν = ∑ (Vi − Vimin )2 (10) vigilance parameters, ς α / β constraints the maximum size of the
i =1
compressed representations of the input/output patterns. The
nvv = number of busses with unmoral voltage. range of the vigilance parameter is the interval [0,1].
If voltage drops exceeded from a threshold value, ν value will Small values of the vigilance parameter results in coarse
be set as M1, which is a great number. clustering of the patterns, while large values lead to fine
Now, we can propose the penalty factor as: clustering. The choice parameters τ α / β affect the choice of

node. The range of the choice parameter is the interval ( 0, ∞ ). a Pentium IV 2.4 GHz processor, which is suitable for real time
Realistically, the value should not exceed a value that is operation.
proportional to the numbers M α and M β respectively. At on line pattern recognition stage, total number of
recognitions is 246 cases and the fuzzy ARTMAP neural
6. RESULTS network recognition error is about eight cases or 3.24 percent,
which can be reduced by appropriate learning of the network.
For case study, we have modified the IEEE 30-bus as follow:
• Inserting of following lines for switching:
1. Line #42: R=0.09382, X=0.05917, Y=0.0264 8. CONCLUSIONS
2. Line #43: R=0.04699, X=0.19797,Y=0.0219
3. Line #44: R=0.05811, X=0.0187, Y=0.0187 In an earlier work [3], we used the CANFIS to recognize the
4. Line #45: R=0.05403, X=0.22304, Y=0.0246 optimum topology of system. In this paper, we applied the
5. Line #46: R=0.05693, X=0.17308, Y=0.0171 Fuzzy ARTMAP NN to the pattern recognition problem and
6. Line #47: R=0.06701, X=0.17103, Y=0.0173 conducted identical experiments. The results of the Fuzzy
7. Line #48: R=0.0671,X=0.17103, Y=0.0173 ARTMAP NN are better than the CANFIS results. In addition,
• The maximum line power limit is assumed as 1.25 per unit the training time required by the Fuzzy ARTMAP NN is a small
of Surge Impedance Load (SIL) of that line for SCOPF fraction of the CANFIS training time. Experiments have shown
calculations. that by using eight networks for recognition, the network’s
• C1, M1 and M are assumed 1EXP4, 1EXP3 and 40EXP4, performance is significantly improved compared to a single
respectively. network. Especially the fluctuations are significantly decreased.
Table 1 depicts genetic algorithm optimization results, and the By grouping homogenous topologies, the pattern recognition
parentheses show the optimal topology number. Based on GA performance is improved.
optimization stage, the number of homogenous topology equals For on line pattern recognition, total number of recognitions is
eight. 246 cases and the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network recognition
The Fuzzy ARTMAP network performance depends on the error is about 8 cases or 3.24 percent, which can be reduced by
values of the parameters τ α / β and ς α / β . In order to identify an appropriate learning of the network. Finally, the input parameter
“optimal” set of network parameter values for the problem at set has a significant effect on the performance of the network.
hand, we conducted a number of experiments. The training set
consists of all normal condition and first order contingencies for 9. REFERENCES
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Figure 1. Proposed algorithm flowchart for Fuzzy ARTMAP neural network learning stage.

Figure 2. Block diagram of Fuzzy ARTMAP neural network

Figure 3. Input layers of Fuzzy ARTMAP architecture for learning and recognition stages.

Figure 4. Output layers of Fuzzy ARTMAP architecture

Table 1. Genetic algorithm fitness function optimized results and optimal topology patterns for different load levels and controller
Contingency Load factor=1 Load factor=1 Load factor=0.8 Load factor=0.8 Load factor=0.6 Load factor=0.6
Max. Optimum Max. Optimum Max. Optimum
1 3.53E4 0.2067E4(7) 2.559E4 0.351E4(1) 1.328E4 2.037E3(6)
2 1.118E4 0.723E4(5) 1.257E4 0.481E4(4) 4.763E3 1E3(5)
3 4.159E3 1.005E3(3) 7.81E3 4.22E3(4) 2.49E3 1.01E3(2)
4 1.0297E4 0.1181E4(3) 1.2E4 0.376E4(4) 4.46E3 9.954E2(3)
5 1.725E4 0.2364E4(7) 1.576E4 0.426E4(1) 7.275E3 2.336E3(6)
6 6.54E3 2.55E3(1) 8.77E3 4.36E3(4) 3.65E3 2.56E3(1)
7 6.4E3 2.34E3(1) 7.08E3 3.8E3(1) 3.639E3 2.42E3(1)
8 2.99E3 1.87E3(4) 7.07E3 3.85E3(1) 1.79E3 2.15E3(-)
9 7.12E3 1.67E3(4) 9.55E3 3.95E3(1) 3.24E3 1.948E3(4)
10 2.506E3 1.138E3(4) 7.21E3 3.71E3(1) 1.5E3 1.57E3(-)
11 3.87E3 2.239E3(4) 6.67E3 4.29E3(1) 2.63E3 2.24E3(4)
12 3.81E3 2.69E3(4) 7.05E3 4.11E3(1) 2.38E3 2.12E3(4)
13 3.34E5 0.0576E3(5) 2.66E5 0.0249E5(5) 3.13E6 0.0046E6(4)
14 9.83E3 2.53E3(4) 9.04E3 3.87E3(1) 4.57E3 2.36E3(6)
15 6.11E3 0.8999E3(2) 7.9E3 3.96E3(1) 3.24E3 0.894E3(4)
16 3.024E5 0.086E5(6) 1.65E6 0.0041E6(7) 9.88E4 0.256E4(2)
17 2.31E3 0.7059E3(7) 7.29E3 4E3(1) 1.18E3 0.555E3(2)
18 4.36E3 2.402E3(6) 7.8E3 4.17E3(1) 1.985E3 1.73E3(5)
19 2.927E3 1.23E3(4) 7.07E3 4.15E3(1) 1.835E3 1.17E3(1)
20 2.17E3 0.75E3(-) 7.095E3 3.67E3(1) 1.39E3 0.705E3(4)
21 2.885E3 1.289E3(6) 6.87E3 3.678E3(1) 1.88E3 1.28E3(5)
22 2.689E3 1.251E3(7) 7.01E3 3.675E3(1) 1.65E3 1.29E3(4)
23 2.67E3 1.296E3(2) 6.97E3 3.671E3(1) 1.709E3 1.2902E3(6)
24 3.26E3 0.9954E3(2) 6.53E3 4.12E3(1) 1.8E3 0.995E3(6)
25 3.93E7 1.304E3(6) 6.61E 4.121E3(1) 1.92E3 1.14E3(2)
26 2.098E3 0.74E3(-) 7E3 4.02E3(1) 1.297E3 0.905E3(5)
27 4.057E3 1.31E3(3) 8.42E3 4.16E3(1) 1.63E3 1.733E3(-)
28 2.37E3 0.966E3(4) 7.38E3 3.7E3(1) 1.56E3 1.32E3(4)
29 2.342E3 1.466E3(6) 7.07E3 3.8E3(1) 1.53E3 1.69E3(-)
30 3.82E3 1.263E3(4) 7.39E3 4.19E3(1) 1.704E3 1.162E3(4)
31 3.75E3 0.951E3(5) 7E3 3.996E3(1) 1.819E3 1.16E3(4)
32 2.726E3 0.898E3(5) 7.16E3 3.83E3(1) 1.28E3 0.875E3(5)
33 2.31E3 0.8146E3(4) 7.69E3 4.11E3(1) 0.568E3 1.0413E3(4)
34 1.68E15 0.81E3(4) 2.69E14 4.123E3(4) 1.513E14 1.02E3(4)
35 3.199E3 1.645E3(3) 6.92E3 5E3(1) 2.04E3 1.69E3(3)
36 1.033E4 0.278E4(4) 1.07E3 0.47E4(1) 4.97E3 1.86E3(4)
37 2.97E3 1.224E3(3) 7.68E3 4.31E3(1) 2.14E3 1.54E3(4)
38 3.14E3 1.663E3(4) 7.86E3 4.46E3(1) 1.992E3 1.9927E3(5)
39 2.388E3 1.262E3(3) 7.12E3 4.28E3(1) 1.709E3 1.53E3(4)
40 2.71E3 2.327E3(4) 7.29E3 5.55E3(1) 1.708E3 2.67E3(5)
41 3.352E3 1.968E3(6) 7.42E3 4.36E3(1) 2.04E3 2.19E3(6)

Table 2. Fuzzy ARTMAP neural network pattern recognition of system optimum topology for load factor 0.9 and 0.7 and different
levels of controller availability.



Load Factor=0.9 Load Factor=0.7

Max Max Normal Normal Min Min Max Max Normal Normal Min Min
1 7 7 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 6 6
2 5 5 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 5 5
3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 3 3
4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 3 3 1 1 3 3 4 4 1 1 1 1
8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
9 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4
10 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
11 4 4 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 1 1 1
14 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1
15 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 1
16 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 1 3 1 3 3
17 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 1 1 1
18 6 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
22 6 6 1 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1
23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4
27 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
28 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1
29 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
30 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1
31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
33 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
34 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
35 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
36 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
38 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
39 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
40 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4
41 6 6 1 1 1 6 - 1 1 1 1 1


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