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Muscle Hypertrophy Response to Range of Motion in Strength Training: A

Novel Approach to Understanding the Findings

Article in Strength & Conditioning Journal · August 2022

DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000737


3 3,606

6 authors, including:

Charlie Ottinger Matthew H Sharp

Barton College Applied Science and Performance Institute


Matthew W Stefan Raad H Gheith

The Applied Science and Performance Institute Applied Science and Performance Institute


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Muscle Hypertrophy
Response to Range of
Motion in Strength
Training: A Novel
Approach to
Understanding the
Charlie R. Ottinger, Matthew H. Sharp, Matthew W. Stefan, Raad H. Gheith, Fernando de la Espriella,
and Jacob M. Wilson
Research Division, Applied Science and Performance Institute, Tampa, Florida

ABSTRACT of motion studies in various muscles variables in a planned fashion specific

have corresponded to each muscle’s to the goals of the athlete or team
One resistance training variable that may
length-tension curve; muscles that are performing the program. Common
be altered to achieve desired outcomes
active on the descending limb of the training variables used in resistance
is the range of motion used in training.
curve appear to garner greater hyper- training programs include repetition
Generally, the strength and conditioning ranges (61), training intensity (39,61),
trophy from using larger ranges of
field has accepted that using a greater training frequency (63), contraction
motion. Conversely, muscles that are not
range of motion in strength training speed emphasized (52,62), loading pat-
active on the descending limb exhibit
exercises results in more substantial terns (33,70), and even the joint range
similar adaptations despite alterations in
muscle hypertrophy outcomes. How- of motion used (5,19,32,38,55,59,68) in
range of motion. A novel hypothesis for
ever, this theory has proved to be resistance training exercises.
applying this information to resistance
inconsistently supported in the literature,
training programs will be presented and The range of motion used during resis-
and to date, no sufficient explanation
discussed. tance training exercises is a unique train-
exists to explain this phenomenon. This ing variable in that it affects long-term
review article seeks to outline a novel adaptations but is also influenced by the
approach for potentially describing the inherent biomechanics and abilities of
disparities seen in range of motion INTRODUCTION
the trainee. Indeed, unique individual
esigning safe and effective
research with respect to hypertrophy
outcomes by applying the unique length-
tension curve of each muscle being
examined. As will be discussed in the
D strength and conditioning pro-
grams requires careful and
purposeful institution of appropriate
anthropometry largely determines the
mechanical challenge imposed by resis-
tance training exercises because these
training variables for the desired out-
review, virtually all the results from range
come. Given that resistance training KEY WORDS:
adaptations are specific to the mode range of motion; length-tension curve;
Address correspondence to Charlie R. Ot- or variable of training performed (20), hypertrophy; muscle length
tinger, it is necessary to implement these

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Muscle Hypertrophy Response

inherent kinesthetic traits largely dictate muscle length (25,68), this tool is rarely groups adapt uniquely to different ranges
the overall range of motion performed at used in strength and conditioning set- of motion which warrants further theo-
each joint involved in an exercise (9). In tings. One important distinction is that retical investigation to explain this phe-
addition, training experience in both the specific joint degrees used in various nomenon. Therefore, the purposes of
stretching and resistance training can ranges of motion are not interchange- this article were to (a) review the process
improve joint flexibility (41,65) which able. Indeed, moving from 0 to 508 of of muscle hypertrophy and how muscle
leads to an improved ability to withstand elbow flexion involves the same absolute length can affect hypertrophic adapta-
a greater range of motion in strength range of motion as 50–1008 elbow flex- tions, (b) analyze previous findings
training exercises. Finally, the intrinsic ion; however, the 0–508 range would related to range of motion and muscle
or trained flexibility of a given muscle certainly be considered a longer length hypertrophy, and (c) introduce a novel
can also influence its optimal length for than the 50–1008 range. Regardless, in theory for explaining these occasionally
force production, thus adjusting the many applied strength and conditioning contrary findings.
length-tension curve of the muscle (75). studies, the terms “range of motion” and
In applied settings, this affects exercise “muscle length” are almost used inter- MUSCLE HYPERTROPHY
selection and/or modification as well changeably in which greater ranges of Because muscle hypertrophy is a pri-
as the ranges of motion used. motion refer to greater muscle lengths mary outcome in many range of
Researchers can measure strength and vice versa. motion studies, a brief review of this
training range of motion through a With this application in mind, Bloomquist phenomenon is necessary. Muscle
small variety of tools. The primary mea- et al. (5) and McMahon et al. (38) found hypertrophy is the procedure through
surement method has centered on assess- that greater ranges of motion at the knee which a muscle fiber undergoes a re-
ing the degrees of rotation performed at a were more effective at inducing muscle modeling process which, in turn,
specific joint (5,19,32,38,55,68). In addi- hypertrophy in the quadriceps muscle results in a larger muscle fiber. Muscle
tion, resistance implement displacement group; however, Pinto et al. (55) discov- hypertrophy can occur through at
has also been used in research (26) albeit ered that partial range of motion elbow least 3 unique morphological pro-
to a lesser extent. Ultimately, joint range flexion training was just as effective at pro- cesses, including sarcoplasmic hyper-
of motion is likely the most common moting muscle hypertrophy in the biceps trophy, myofibrillar hypertrophy, and
method of measurement because this cal- as full range of motion training. It is gen- longitudinal hypertrophy.
culation is more relevant to the training erally accepted that full range of motion Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is typically
stimulus a given muscle may receive in an training is likely optimal for muscular referred to as an increase in cellular sar-
exercise. This is due to the relationship development, but this paradigm has been coplasm or sarcoplasmic components
between the range of motion performed met with contrary findings from Pinto which results in the expansion of the
at a joint and the concomitant length et al. (55) and both Goto et al. (19) and overall volume of the muscle fiber
change of each muscle that interacts with Stasinaki et al. (68) who found similar lev- (22,58). Previously, it was believed that
the joint (51). els of triceps hypertrophy after training endurance or interval training had a
Indeed, previous studies have consis- with full or partial elbow extension ranges greater association with sarcoplasmic
tently used greater ranges of motion or of motion. Furthering the confusion, hypertrophy because of an increase in
deeper positions of joint flexion to assess recent research from Maeo et al. (37) muscle glycogen storage; however,
muscles at “long” lengths, whereas short- uncovered that seated knee flexion train- recent research from Haun et al. (21)
er ranges of motion or more shallow ing produced greater hypertrophic adap- uncovered that resistance training can
joint angles represent “short” muscle tations in the hamstrings compared with also induce sarcoplasmic hypertrophy,
lengths (19,37,38,47,55,57,59). Certainly, prone knee flexion training. Because the even to a disproportionate rate with myo-
the change in joint angle does not per- hamstrings are a biarticulate muscle group fibrillar hypertrophy which is more often
fectly correlate with a change in muscle that crosses both hip and knee joint, the associated with resistance training.
length because this relationship can be seated knee flexion variation lengthens the Although the exact mechanism that pref-
affected by muscle activation (48,64), hamstrings to a greater degree (36), thus erentially induces sarcoplasmic hypertro-
contraction/movement velocity (43), imposing a greater range of motion for the phy over myofibrillar hypertrophy is
and muscle pennation angle and resul- hamstrings. unclear, sarcoplasmic hypertrophy plays
tant architectural gear ratios (64). How- Although the aforementioned research at least a minor role in hypertrophic
ever, the pursuit of ecological validity into the range of motion used during adaptations to resistance training (58).
reigns supreme in the field of applied resistance training exercises has pro- Myofibrillar hypertrophy is the most
strength and conditioning, and joint duced unclear results, the mechanism common type of muscle hypertrophy
range of motion remains the primary through which these adaptations take associated with resistance training.
way of dictating training with “long” or place may not be as simple as previously This is seen in both acute studies in
“short” muscle lengths. Because ultraso- believed. The weight of the research has which myofibrillar protein synthesis
nography is necessary to truly measure begun to show that different muscle rates increase after resistance training

2 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

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(13) and longitudinal studies in which fully understood, it is well accepted signaling molecules, but the end process
trained subjects exhibit higher levels of that mechanical tension is likely the of this signaling cascade results in protein
myofibrillar proteins than untrained primary driver of myofibrillar and lon- remodeling that ultimately leads to mus-
individuals (72). Myofibrillar hypertro- gitudinal hypertrophy (74). Mechani- cle hypertrophy (35). A second distinc-
phy occurs through an increase in cal tension is detected by tive factor of titin is that its resultant
myofilament packing density, or more mechanoreceptors within the muscle signaling cascade is likely greatest during
simply put, an increase in the abun- that, in essence, measure muscular muscle contractions performed in a
dance of contractile proteins within force production through deformation stretched or lengthened position (42).
the myofibril (58). Ultimately, this of their plasma membrane. After detec- This unique aspect of titin has been the-
structural adaptation increases the tion of sufficient force, mechanorecep- orized to be a determinant of the greater
overall diameter of the muscle fiber. tors create electrical and chemical hypertrophic adaptations occasionally
It is posited that myofibrillar hypertro- signals that begin the protein remodel- seen with longer range of motion train-
phy is mostly associated with resis- ing process that results in muscular ing (31) because these ranges will impose
tance training because it is highly hypertrophy (6,74). However, the greater length changes on the muscle.
related to the force producing ability route of mechanical tension detection However, this theory is highly related
of a muscle (69). Therefore, the most that stimulates longitudinal hypertro- to the next topic worthy of discussion:
prominent mechanism through which phy may be unique. the length-tension curve.
myofibrillar hypertrophy occurs is
In 1954, Huxley and Niedergerke (27) The length-tension curve visualizes the
likely resistance training.
published the first ever report that relationship between tension (or force)
Longitudinal hypertrophy is displayed detailed findings related to microscopic and sarcomere length (36) as shown in
through a lengthening of the myofibril. analysis of living muscle fibers. This Figure 1. Sarcomeres are the individual
Previously, researchers understood this article was shortly followed by a similar contractile units within a single myofi-
change in length to be a result of an article from Huxley and Hanson (28). bril; muscle lengthening or shortening
increase of sarcomeres in series, which The combination of these articles led is dictated by the collective change of
would effectively lengthen the muscle to the birth of the sliding filament the- length of the sarcomeres within a sin-
fiber (15). However, more recent ory, which suggested that muscles con- gle fiber. Practitioners often use this
research has highlighted that an tract using 2 proteins, actin and myosin, length-tension curve in tandem with
increase of sarcomeres in series is not “sliding” past one another. However, the working range of motion of the
necessary to elicit longitudinal hyper- this theory did not explain every aspect primary joint a muscle acts on (56).
trophy (54), so further research is cer- of muscular contraction; factors such as
tainly needed to further understand residual force enhancement and passive The length-tension curve contains 3
this form of muscle hypertrophy. force production were difficult to unique components: the ascending limb,
Regardless, this unique adaptation is explain through this model (34). More the plateau portion, and the descending
believed to be preferentially induced recent research has proposed an update limb. The plateau portion of the length-
during eccentric contractions or even to the sliding filament theory: the wind- tension curve is associated with sarco-
active and passive stretching in which a ing filament theory. The winding fila- mere lengths near the resting value.
muscle experiences tension at long ment theory builds on the sliding The ascending limb, then, represents
muscle lengths. Mechanistically, longi- filament theory but fills the gaps shorter sarcomere lengths, whereas the
tudinal hypertrophy may be a protec- through the inclusion of the giant pro- descending limb depicts longer sarco-
tive adaptation to better produce force tein, titin. As the theory’s name sug- mere lengths. As shown in Figure 1,
at long muscle lengths (16,40); how- gests, titin “winds” itself around the the ascending and descending limbs of
ever, further research is needed to ver- contractile protein, actin, during length- the length-tension curve are generally
ify this theory. Moreover, the visual ening contractions and then releases associated with increasing and decreas-
microscopic representation of longitu- stored energy like a spring during short- ing force production, respectively. How-
dinal hypertrophy can be difficult to ening contractions (16,45,46,66). ever, the plateau portion of the length-
quantify (29), thus increasing the need tension curve displays the optimal force
for further exploration into this topic. Intriguingly, titin in and of itself is a type
producing length for a muscle (36).
of mechanoreceptor that detects
mechanical tension. Owing to the Therefore, the astute practitioner would
LENGTH-TENSION CURVE AND spring-like action of titin, various aspects theoretically be correct in assuming that
RESISTANCE TRAINING of its winding and unfolding process training a muscle near its resting length
sense mechanical loading much like would be optimal for muscle hypertro-
LENGTH-TENSION CURVE the aforementioned mechanoreceptor phy because of peak force production
Although the relationship between (31). Titin’s mechanosignaling process occurring near this position.
potential hypertrophic stimuli and differs from mechanoreceptors through However, the simple length-tension
observed muscle hypertrophy is not unique pathways and downstream curve does not account for passive

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Muscle Hypertrophy Response

(5) found that deep squat training (0–

1208 knee flexion) led to greater
hypertrophy in the quadriceps muscle
group (4–7% increase in CSA vs. 0%)
than shallow squat training (0–608 knee
flexion), whereas Pinto et al. (55) found
no significant difference in biceps
hypertrophy (9.65 6 4.4% increase in
muscle thickness vs 7.83 6 4.9%) after
training programs with either a full (0–
1308 elbow flexion) or partial (50–1008
elbow flexion) range of motion,
respectively. Although these findings at
first seem contradictory to the general
theory of full range of motion training,
they may be explained rather simply.

Figure 1. Length-tension curve. From Lieber et al. (36).

The quadriceps is primarily active on
the descending limb of the length-
tension curve (67) as shown in Figure 3.
elements, such as titin, that can also range of motion will induce the great- Therefore, using a greater range of
contribute to muscle force production. est overall length change in the mus- motion at the knee during quadriceps
Thus, an adjusted length-tension curve cles acting on the joint (50,56). The exercises will likely result in greater
is shown in Figure 2 in which passive practice of continually maximizing ten- hypertrophic adaptations because this
elements, such as titin, muscle fascia, sion through using a full range of muscle group experiences greater ten-
and tendons, also contribute to the motion, then, should lead to greater sion at longer lengths. However, the
total tension developed by the mus- hypertrophic gains over a long-term biceps brachii is only active on the
cle (24). training program (5,32,38). ascending portion of the curve (30) as
shown in Figure 4. Therefore, the
A perusal of the adjusted length- However, a proverbial speed bump biceps is not active on the descending
tension curve now allows the practi- appears when attempting to generalize portion of the length-tension curve and
tioner to theorize that long sarcomere this theory to all the major muscle receives no additional tension-related
lengths are associated with the highest groups used in sport or fitness training. benefits from developing force at
muscle forces because the combination Intriguingly, not every muscle is active longer muscle lengths.
in active and passive force likely sur- on all portions of the length-tension
passes the peak of the plateau region curve. Therefore, training adaptations Owing to the potential relationship
(24). This unique finding has likely to differing ranges of motion and asso- between the length-tension curve and
driven the strength and conditioning ciated muscle lengths are likely unique adaptations to differing ranges of
field to generally accept that a larger to the muscle group being trained. motion in strength training, it is worth
range of motion is more effective for This can explain the discrepancy in reviewing how altering the range of
optimal muscle development than a findings between Bloomquist et al. (5) motion used in an exercise has been
shorter range because a large joint and Pinto et al. (55). Bloomquist et al. shown to affect long-term hypertro-
phic adaptations in a variety of muscle

Kubo et al. (32) examined 17 young
men (20.7 6 0.4 years) performing deep
squat (0–1408 knee flexion) or half squat
(0–908 knee flexion) training for 10
weeks. Both groups trained 2x/week
during this period and followed a linear
program in which training intensity
increased each week. After the 10-week
training program, the authors used MRI
technology to assess the change in
Figure 2. Adjusted length-tension curve. From Herzog (24), with permission. quadriceps, adductor, hamstrings, and

4 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
5% vs. 10 6 2%; p , 0.05) and 75%
femur length (19 6 3% vs. 11 6 2; p
, 0.05), both of which favored the long
range of motion training group. Owing
to the quadriceps position on the de-
scending region of the length-tension
curve, these results are not surprising.
Moreover, these data may present fur-
ther evidence for longitudinal hypertro-
phy because both training groups
exhibited significant increases in muscle
fascicle length. However, the long range
of motion training group experienced
even greater changes in fascicle length
than the short range of motion group.
Another more current study per-
formed by Pedrosa et al. (53) sought
Figure 3. Length-tension relationship of the vastus lateralis. Adapted from Son et al. to examine the effects of multiple
(67) with permission. ranges of motion in the knee extension
exercise on quadriceps adaptations.
The authors used 45 untrained women
gluteus maximus cross-sectional area therefore, hypertrophy in the quadriceps; and split these subjects into 4 groups: a
(CSA). Intriguingly, increases in quadri- however, further investigation is certainly full ROM (100-308 knee flexion), an
ceps CSA were similar between groups warranted to confirm this theory. initial partial ROM (100-658), a final
(4.9 6 2.6% in full squats vs 4.6 6 3.1% McMahon et al. (38) used 26 untrained
partial ROM (65-308), and a varied
in half squats), whereas increases in ROM which alternated the initial and
and healthy subjects aged 19.0 6 3.4
adductor CSA were significantly greater final partial ROM conditions. Similar
years in an investigation seeking the
in the full squat group than the half to other investigations, rectus femoris
effects of full training programs involv-
squat group (6.2 6 2.6% vs. 2.7 6 (RF) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscle
ing either a long range of motion (0–
3.1%; p 5 0.026) as were changes in hypertrophy adaptations were mea-
908 knee flexion) or a short range of
gluteus CSA (6.7 6 3.5% vs 2.2 6 sured at 70, 60, 50, and 40% femur
motion (0–508 knee flexion) quadriceps
2.6%; p 5 0.008). length. Intriguingly, the initial ROM
exercises. Participants performed their
At a glance, (32) the findings of Kubo group exhibited the greatest RF and
respective training programs 3x$wk21
et al. regarding quadriceps hypertrophy VL hypertrophy at 70% femur length
for 8 weeks, and muscle CSA of the
in half squats seem at odds with the (32% & 19%, respectively, vs. 24% & 1
quadriceps was measured before and
results from Bloomquist et al. (5) in and 19% & 12% for final partial and full
after the training program at 25, 50, ROM, respectively) and presented with
which partial squats were shown to and 75% of femur length. The long
not induce hypertrophy in the quadri- greater hypertrophy at 60% (24% & 15
range of motion group exhibited sig- vs. 6% & 5.5 and 18% & 13%) and 50%
ceps. Both studies used untrained sub- nificantly greater increases in vastus
jects; however, Bloomquist et al. (5) (28% & 16 vs. 13% & 11 and 13% &
lateralis CSA at 75% femur length as 14%) of femur length relative to the
had participants squat to a knee flexion
opposed to the short range of motion final partial ROM and full ROM
angle of 608, whereas Kubo et al. (32)
group (59 6 15% vs 16 6 10%; p , groups. An even more interesting note
used a knee flexion angle of 908 in the
0.05) after the 8-week training pro- is that the final partial ROM group dis-
half squat group. In addition, the study
tocol. Intriguingly, both groups made played similar changes to a nontraining
by McMahon et al. (38), discussed in
similar (p . 0.05 between groups) control group about RF and VL hyper-
further detail below, used a knee angle
increases in vastus lateralis CSA at 25% trophy at 60% (6% & 5.5 vs. 2% & 2%)
of 508 in short range of motion training
and found that this range of motion was (33.83 vs. 19.04% long range vs. short and 70% (24% & 1 vs. 1% & 2%) femur
less effective for promoting quadriceps range, respectively) and 50% femur length. This study further emboldens
hypertrophy than using a knee angle of length (18.00% for both groups). the theory that the quadriceps muscle
908. Because the quadriceps is primarily In addition, muscle fascicle length was group responds more favorably to
active on the descending portion of the measured at 25, 50, and 75% of femur training at long muscle lengths when
length-tension curve (67), it would length. Significant differences between hypertrophy is the desired training out-
appear that 908 of knee flexion is suffi- groups were found for fascicle lengths come. Again, this theory is likely
cient for increasing total tension and, measured at 50% femur length (23 6 dependent on the length-tension curve

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Muscle Hypertrophy Response

Figure 4. Length-tension relationship of the biceps brachii. Adapted from Koo et al. (30), with permission.

of the quadriceps which favors (p , 0.05 between groups) which fascicle lengths from 44.2 6 5.9 to 51.3
increased tension at longer muscle could certainly have affected hypertro- 6 4.8 mm. Fascicle length was deter-
lengths. phic adaptations. However, these mined to be statistically different (p ,
components may not be the only 0.05) between groups which certainly
TRICEPS mechanisms influencing this outcome. aids in the theoretical applicability of
Investigations from Goto et al. (19) Stasinaki et al. (68) also examined this study’s findings.
and Stasinaki et al. (68) found differing unique triceps training methods, albeit Ultimately, the length-tension curve
results from Bloomquist et al. (5), in a group of 9 untrained women aged still seems to apply in both the Goto
McMahon et al. (38), Kubo et al. 19.3 6 0.4 years. Each participant et al. (19) and Stasinaki et al. (68) stud-
(31), and Pedrosa et al. (53) when as- trained one arm with a long muscle ies. Previous research has found that
sessing ranges of motion used in train- length range of motion (70–1508 the triceps is primarily active in the
ing the triceps brachii. Goto et al. (19) elbow flexion) and the other with a plateau region of the length-tension
split 44 resistance trained men aged short range of motion (10–908 elbow curve (44). Therefore, the triceps pro-
21.6 6 1.3 years into 2 groups, one of duces similar levels of force regardless
flexion). Participants performed the
which performed partial (45–908 elbow of muscle length and, thus, would the-
training protocol 2x/week for 6 weeks,
flexion) elbow extension training and oretically experience similar hypertro-
and both protocols involved perform-
the other performed full (0–1208 elbow phic adaptations in either short or long
ing 6 sets of 6 repetitions at 85% 1RM
flexion) elbow extension training. Each ranges of motion.
in the assigned range of motion. After
group trained their respective range of
the training period, both arms experi-
motion 3x/week for 8 weeks while
following a protocol of 3 sets of 8 at enced significant, but not different (p 5 GLUTEUS
their 8RM load. Curiously, triceps CSA 0.618), changes in muscle thickness in Recent research from Barbalho et al.
increased to a greater extent (p , 0.05) which the long length arm increased (3) sought to examine the hypertrophic
after partial range of motion training by 13.7 6 9.0% and the short length adaptations of the gluteus maximus
(48.7 6 14.5%) as opposed to full range arm increased by 10.7 6 15.3%. A key after either deep squat (0–1408 knee/
of motion training (28.2 6 10.9%). aspect of this particular study is that hip flexion) training or barbell hip
Goto et al. (19) theorized that the ultrasonography was also used to val- thrust training (90-08 hip flexion)
greater hypoxia experienced during idate the ranges of motion used with which inherently includes less hip and
partial range of motion training may be respect to muscle length of the long knee range of motion compared with
the mechanism at work because the head of the triceps. In the long muscle the deep squat. The authors split 22
authors reported a correlation of length condition, subjects performed trained women into 2 different training
r 5 0.70 between an increase in CSA overhead triceps extensions which groups that trained 2x$wk21 for 6
and time spent under the oxygen- produced a range of fascicle lengths weeks. After the training intervention,
hemoglobin dissociation curve. Intrigu- from 60.1 6 7.7 to 66.5 6 4.8 mm. average gluteus maximus muscle
ingly, muscle activation was also higher Conversely, the short range of motion thickness increased by 9.4% in the deep
in the partial range of motion condition training condition generated a range of squat group and 3.7% in the hip thrust

6 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
group (p 5 0.001 between groups), with the findings from Kubo et al. insufficiency in the biceps and impaired
thus suggesting that the gluteus max- (32) in which the gluteus maximus dis- hypertrophic adaptations, whereas the
imus responds well to training at longer played significantly greater hypertro- 50–1008 range used by Pinto et al. (55)
muscle lengths. As previously men- phic adaptations to training with may not. Certainly, more evidence is
tioned, the Kubo et al. (32) squat study longer muscle lengths. Future research needed to verify this theory.
found that deep squat training is warranted to truly uncover the
A related, but unique, study from
enhanced gluteus muscle volume by length-tension relationship of the glu-
Nunes et al. (49) examined the effect
6.7 6 3.5%, whereas half squat training teus maximus because these findings
of maximal load placement with
only increased gluteus volume by 2.2 6 are of great interest to sport athletes
respect to muscle length, rather than
2.6%. Moreover, Nakamura et al. (45) and physique athletes alike.
altering the range of motion in an exer-
investigated subjects performing fly-
cise. The authors examined 35 healthy
wheel squats to 90 degrees of knee
BICEPS adults aged 23.7 6 5.3 years perform-
flexion 2x/week for 5 weeks and found
A recent project from Sato et al. (59) ing either free weight preacher curl or
no significant changes (p . 0.05) in
slightly mirrored that of Pinto et al. cable preacher curl training. Both
gluteus maximus muscle thickness,
whereas Yasuda et al. (76) found that (55) in which elbow flexor muscle thick- groups performed full range of motion
full ROM leg press (90-08 knee flexion ness was assessed before and after 2 training; however, the free weight
and 125-708 hip flexion) training for 12 unique biceps training programs. Sato training group, because of the inherent
weeks resulted in a 4.4% increase in et al. (59) recruited 32 male and female biomechanics of the exercise, would
gluteus muscle thickness. university students and divided them achieve peak tension at longer muscle
into 3 groups: a control group, a long lengths, whereas the cable training
Although the length-tension relation- muscle length group (0–508 elbow flex- group would attain the highest tension
ship of the gluteus maximus is currently ion; full elbow extension was considered with the muscle in a shortened state.
unknown, the above findings from Bar- 08 flexion), and a short muscle length After 10 weeks of thrice weekly train-
balho et al. (3), Kubo et al. (32), Naka- group (80–1308 elbow flexion). Both ing, it was found that both groups
mura et al. (45), and Yasuda et al. (76) training groups performed preacher curls experienced similar increases in biceps
would suggest that the gluteus is likely for 3 sets of 10 repetitions in a pro- muscle thickness (7% for cable; 8% for
active on the descending portion of the gressive loading fashion specific to free weights; p 5 0.346), thus strength-
length-tension curve and that a greater maximal isometric strength at the joint ening the theory that the biceps need
hip flexion angle will likely induce position trained by each group. Training no emphasis on training at longer mus-
greater hypertrophic adaptations than sessions were performed twice per week cle lengths to maximize hypertrophy.
a shallow hip flexion angle. In addition, for 5 weeks and outcome measures
Contreras et al. (11) discovered that the Another curious study from de Vas-
consisted of eccentric, concentric, and concelos Costa et al. (14) compared 2
gluteus exhibits maximal activation in isometric torque as well as muscle
the top region of the barbell hip thrust groups of untrained men performing
thickness at 50, 60, and 70% of the either a nonvaried or a varied exercise
exercise which suggests that the gluteus humerus length between the lateral ep-
likely is not active on the ascending program 3x$wk21 for 9 weeks. The
icondyle and the acromion. researchers then investigated changes
portion of the curve. Muscles that are
active on the ascending portion of the Although Pinto et al. (55) found similar in MT at the proximal, medial, and dis-
curve often exhibit a trait known as muscle hypertrophy adaptations tal sites of the major muscle groups
“active insufficiency” in which they between ranges of motion for the biceps, trained throughout the intervention.
shorten to a degree in which little force Sato et al. (59) reported that the long A key difference between groups about
production is taking place (60). This is muscle length group made significantly biceps training was that the nonvaried
exhibited in studies in which the gas- greater average gains in muscle thickness group solely performed traditional bar-
trocnemius, a biarticulate muscle well- than the short muscle length group (8.9 bell curls, whereas the varied exercise
known to experience active insuffi- 6 3.9 vs. 3.4 6 2.7%; p , 0.01). At first, group performed barbell curls,
ciency, displays a reduction in muscle these results may seem at odds with the preacher curls, and incline dumbbell
activation during ankle plantar flexion findings of Pinto et al. (55). However, curls, which could certainly increase
with a flexed knee (23). subjects in the short muscle length group the trained muscle length of the biceps
designed by Sato et al. (59) performed because of slight shoulder extension
Worthy of mention, the results of the biceps curls from 80 to 1308 of elbow during the incline curl. Both groups
Barbalho et al. (3) study are currently flexion, whereas the subjects in the Pinto exhibited significant changes in biceps
under scrutiny in a white paper sub- et al. (55) study used an elbow flexion MT from pre to post for both the
mitted by Vigotsky et al. (73) to the range of 50–1008. Therefore, it is plau- medial (2.2 vs. 3.1%; nonvaried vs. var-
journal, SportRxiv. Although the article sible that training the biceps in the ied, respectively) and distal sites (3.5 vs.
by Barbalho et al. (3) faces potential shortened range seen in the study by 3.7%); however, only the varied exer-
retraction, its results do not disagree Sato et al. (59) may result in active cise group displayed a significant

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Muscle Hypertrophy Response

Figure 5. Length-tension relationship of the latissimus dorsi. Adapted from Gerling and Brown (18), with permission.

increase in proximal biceps MT (2.1 vs. 23.5 6 1.6 years. Participants performed (14 vs. 9%; p # 0.010). Intriguingly,
4.5%). Intriguingly, there were no sig- seated leg flexions on one leg and prone both groups exhibited a similar
nificant between groups differences for leg flexions on the other. Both exercises increase in the monoarticulate biceps
any of the sites measured, even the involved a knee range of motion from femoris short head muscle (10 vs. 9%;
proximal biceps (p 5 0.15). These 0 to 908; however, the seated leg curl p 5 0.190). Because 3 of the 4 heads of
results suggest that there may be sup- also included a position of 908 of hip the hamstrings are biarticulate (semite-
porting evidence for the inclusion of flexion, whereas the prone leg flexion ndinosus, semimembranosus, and
biceps exercises with greater shoulder condition involved 308 of hip flexion. biceps femoris long head), these mus-
extension angles; however, further
After the intervention, it was found cles are active on the plateau and de-
research is needed.
that the leg performing seated knee scending regions of the length-tension
HAMSTRINGS flexion training experienced a greater curve (37,75), and thus, they likely
Maeo et al. (37) investigated the effects increase in muscle volume in 3 of the respond greater to training at long
of 12 weeks of seated or prone knee 4 hamstrings muscles than the group muscle lengths. However, the biceps
flexion training on 20 healthy adults aged performing prone knee flexion training femoris short head is a monoarticulate

Figure 6. Length-tension relationship of the pectoralis. Adapted from Garner and Pandy (17), with permission.

8 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
muscle because it only crosses the knee basis for application and provide optimal to train this muscle group at
joint. Therefore, although the biceps routes for future research. longer muscle lengths because the pecto-
femoris short head is also active on Previous research has uncovered that rals may experience active insufficiency at
the plateau and descending regions of the latissimus dorsi is active on both shorter muscle lengths; however, these
the length-tension curve (37,75), hip theories require further validation in
the plateau and descending regions of
flexion (as occurs in seated knee flexion research settings. The length-tension
the length-tension curve (18) which
training) would have little influence on relationship of the pectoralis is shown
would suggest that the latissimus dorsi
the length change in this muscle. in Figure 6.
is best trained at long muscle lengths;
however, further research is needed to It is known that the deltoid muscle
OTHER MUSCLE GROUPS group contains 3 unique muscle heads,
verify this theory. The length-tension
Although a small number of previous and intriguingly, the posterior head
relationship of the latissimus dorsi is
studies have endeavored to explore the displays a unique length-tension curve
shown in Figure 5.
unique adaptations to altering the compared with the other 2 heads of
range of motion used in strength train- Previous research from Garner and the deltoid. Indeed, research from Gar-
ing exercises, not every major muscle Pandy (17) indicates that the pectoralis ner and Pandy (17) suggests that all 3
group has been examined. Thus, this major is active on all portions of the heads of the deltoid muscle are active
section serves to create a theoretical length-tension curve. Thus, it is likely in the ascending and plateau region of

Figure 7. Length-tension relationship of the deltoid major. Adapted from Garner and Pandy (17), with permission.

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Muscle Hypertrophy Response

Figure 8. Length-tension relationship of the trapezius major. Adapted from Garner and Pandy (17), with permission.

the curve; however, only the anterior descending portion (17). Although Research from Chen and Delp (8) found
and lateral deltoid reach the descend- purely theoretical, it is certainly plausible that the soleus is only active on the pla-
ing portion of the curve. Therefore, it is that the trapezius group need not be teau and descending regions of the
likely that the posterior head of the trained at longer muscle lengths to length-tension curve. Conversely, previ-
deltoid need not be trained at longer achieve optimal hypertrophic adapta- ous studies have reported that the gas-
muscle lengths for optimal hypertro- tions, but this theory remains undis- trocnemius is only active on the
phy because its length-tension curve turbed in the research field. The
ascending and plateau portions of the
is similar to that of the biceps brachii length-tension relationship for the trape-
curve (25). The position of the gastroc-
(30). Similar to nearly every other mus- zius major is shown in Figure 8.
nemius on the length-tension curve likely
cle group, further research is needed to The final major muscle group that is of explains its active insufficiency during
verify this hypothesis. The length- interest to both fitness enthusiasts and combined knee flexion and ankle plantar
tension relationship of the deltoids is athletes alike is the triceps surae. The flexion movements (23). These data
shown in Figure 7. triceps surae consist of the biarticulate would suggest that the soleus muscle
Research has uncovered that all regions gastrocnemius and monoarticulate responds more favorably to using larger
of the trapezius muscle are active on the soleus muscles. Owing to their inherent ranges of motion, whereas the gastroc-
ascending and plateau regions of the differences in anatomy, each muscle dis- nemius should be primarily trained
length-tension curve but not the plays a unique length-tension curve. through heel raise variations without

10 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
simultaneous knee flexion. The length- as important a training variable as optimizing muscular hypertrophy. Cer-
tension relationships of the soleus and other overload strategies. Conversely, tainly, the relationship between joint
gastrocnemius are shown in Figure 9. research investigating the quadriceps angle and muscle length needs further
(5,38) and hamstrings (37) shows that validation (and is influenced by a vari-
PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS both muscle groups display a more sig- ety of factors), but the strength and
Although research investigating the nificant hypertrophy response to train- conditioning professional has limited
long-term hypertrophic effects of using ing with larger ranges of motion. resources for pursuing an applicable
different ranges of motion in strength Because both muscle groups are active method of measuring muscle lengths
training exercises is limited, a clear on the descending portion of the during strength training exercises.
trend is certainly appearing that length-tension curve, these muscles Therefore, it is plausible that practi-
matches a muscle group’s long-term likely experience greater tension at tioners may prescribe greater joint
adaptations with its length-tension long lengths, thus increasing the hyper- ranges of motion to induce longer mus-
curve with respect to the ranges of trophic stimulus from training with cle lengths and optimally develop mus-
motion used to train it. Indeed, neither larger ranges of motion. cle groups that are active on the
the biceps (55) nor triceps (19,68) gar-
This connection between concepts is descending portion of the length-
nered additional benefits from using
certainly preliminary and requires fur- tension curve. Unfortunately, the above
greater ranges of motion in strength
ther research; however, it provides studies are the only inquiries into range
training. Given that neither muscle
group is active on the descending support for using a muscle’s known of motion and long-term hypertrophic
region of the length-tension curve, it length-tension properties and its rela- adaptations in resistance training.
is plausible that the range of motion tionship with joint ranges of motion to The theoretical connection between con-
used for training these muscles is not design resistance training programs for cepts presented in this article is

Figure 9. Length-tension relationships of the soleus and gastrocnemius. Adapted from Chen and Delp (8) and Hoffman et al. (25),

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Muscle Hypertrophy Response

Table 1
Summary of L-T relationship for major muscle groups

Muscle group Ascending Y/N Plateau Y/N Descending Y/N Applications References
Gastrocnemius Yes Yes No May not necessitate training at longer (23,25)
lengths. Experiences active insufficiency
at short lengths.
Soleus No Yes Yes Likely experiences greater hypertrophy at (8)
longer muscle lengths.
Quadriceps No Yes Yes Research has demonstrated greater (5,32,38,53,67)
hypertrophy at greater lengths. Cutoff
may be at 908 knee flexion.
Hamstrings No Yes Yes All hamstrings muscles likely experience (37,75)
greater hypertrophy at longer muscle
Gluteus No* Yes* Yes* Research has demonstrated that the (3,32,45,76)
maximus gluteus maximus responds more
favorably to large ROM training. True
length-tension relationship unknown.
Latissimus No Yes Yes Likely experiences greater hypertrophy at (18)
dorsi longer muscle lengths.
Pectoralis Yes Yes Yes Likely experiences greater hypertrophy at (17)
major longer muscle lengths. May also
experience active insufficiency.
Deltoid group Yes Yes Yes/No All 3 heads likely experience greater (17)
hypertrophy at longer lengths but may
also experience active insufficiency.
Posterior deltoid is not active on
descending portion.
Trapezius Yes Yes No May not necessitate training at longer (17)
lengths. May experience active
insufficiency at short lengths.
Biceps Yes Yes No May not necessitate training at longer (14,30,49,55,69)
lengths. Likely experiences active
insufficiency at short lengths.
Triceps No Yes No Muscle length likely irrelevant for (19,44,68)
maximizing triceps hypertrophy.

undoubtedly preliminary and requires muddying the oft-accepted theory that length-tension relationship to the
further research. However, it provides greater range of motion will result in joint ranges of motion used in resis-
support for using a muscle’s known superior muscle hypertrophy relative to tance training programs may opti-
length-tension properties to design resis- smaller ranges of motion. Despite these mize hypertrophic adaptations. At
tance training programs for optimizing setbacks, research into the length-tension the very least, this strategy could
muscular hypertrophy. Unfortunately, relationship of nearly every major muscle improve exercise selection for a
group has been performed and Table 1 given muscle group and reduce time
minimal studies have been performed
summarizes these findings.
investigating the effects of range of spent on emphasizing ranges of
motion on muscle hypertrophy out- motion that may be inconsequential
comes. Moreover, these studies have been CONCLUSION to long-term outcomes. This senti-
performed on different muscle groups Although preliminary, it is conceiv- ment is underscored by research
with unique length-tension curves; thus, able that applying a given muscle’s from Baroni et al. (4) in which full

12 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
range of motion elbow flexion train- well-established that adaptations to
Matthew H.
ing was found to induce more muscle training differ greatly between trained
Sharp is the Vice
damage in the biceps than partial and untrained individuals (1,2) which
President of
range of motion training. Muscle can reduce the applicability of a study’s
Research at the
damage and the resultant soreness results. Furthermore, contradictory
Applied Science
can negatively affect recovery and findings, such as seen between Bloom-
and Performance
future training session quality, but quist et al. (5) and Pinto et al. (55), can
the preliminary theory presented add to the general confusion of the field
here suggests that there is no hyper- when appropriate connections between
trophic benefit to using a full range of muscle properties and their influence on
motion when training the biceps. To adaptations are not made.
the strength and conditioning profes- It is difficult to identify holes in the Matthew W.
sional limited by time or scheduling research when it comes to strength Stefan is a
constraints, using these potential training ranges of motion, associated Research Scien-
findings may offer useful insight that muscle lengths, and long-term adapta- tist at the
aids in program design. tions because the topic itself is a hole Applied Science
Importantly, the practitioner may also in the research and requires further and Performance
need to consider the inherent alter- investigation. Future research should Institute.
ations in muscle and joint moments endeavor to perform varying range of
when modifying the range of motion motion training with all the major
used in resistance training exercises. muscle groups to assess the veracity
It is generally accepted that for most of the theory presented herein. In addi-
muscles, increasing the flexion angle tion, using trained subjects in these Raad H. Gheith
of a joint will result in a greater inter- investigations offer more valid insights is a Research
nal moment, and thus, larger levels of for the practicing strength and condi- Scientist at the
tension experienced by the target tioning professional. Finally, investiga- Applied Science
muscle. Indeed, preliminary research tions such as Stasinaki et al. (68) may and Performance
would suggest that increasing the be considered a gold standard in this Institute.
range of motion (and resultant inter- realm in which ultrasonography was
nal moment) enhances hypertrophic used to measure muscle fascicle
adaptations in some muscles but not length which validated the joint range
others, which may embolden the of motion used in the training proto-
practical usefulness of the length- col. Until the appropriate literature
tension curve in this aspect. Although has been established, the theory pre- Fernando de la
the concept of joint and muscle sented in this review may serve as Espriella is the
moments likely interacts with the pre- the proverbial bridge between science Director of Crea-
sented theories relative to the length- and application for the strength and tives at the
tension curve, further research is war- conditioning practitioner and fitness Applied Science
ranted to ascertain the independence enthusiast alike. and Performance
of each stimulus about hypertrophic Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: Institute.
outcomes. The authors report no conflicts of interest
Relative to the other hard sciences, and no source of funding.
exercise and strength training
research is a relatively new endeavor
Charlie R. Jacob M.
(20). New findings and theories are
Ottinger is the Wilson is the
published virtually every day, often-
Director of Chief Executive
times with inconclusive results that
Human Perfor- Officer at the
warrant further research. Unique
mance at the Applied Science
training methods and theories are
Applied Science and Performance
occasionally met with resistance
and Performance Institute.
from practitioners, especially because
of the common use of untrained sub- Institute.
jects in strength training literature. It is

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Muscle Hypertrophy Response

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