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The impact of Covid-19 pandemic in our lives.

Covid-19 has brought many changes in our lives and

what are these? First of all, changes in our daily living such as
the freedom to go out without wearing mask, socializing with
classmates and friends, and celebrating different gatherings. To
the people and to the students that are here with us I am sure
that you have your own experiences of the impact of covid-19
in your lives. It’s not just in our health but think twice, because
it has affected our economy, religion, and politics. The
pandemic has shown how vulnerabilities in health systems can
have profound implications for health. Covid-19 has put some
health system under immense pressure and stretched others
beyond their capacity. Community quarantines alongside
transport and border restrictions have universally impacted
health service access and delivery effecting patients requiring
specialist care the most. The covid-19 pandemic will have a
long- term impact on healthcare systems that should be
addressed by political and healthcare authorities as soon as

possible. The economic social disruption caused by the

pandemic is devastating, tens of millions of people are at risk of
falling into extreme poverty. Industries such as travel and
hospitality, felt the pandemic’s impact most directly. Shops and
restaurants closed their doors altogether or opened with low
seating capacity and low demand to dine in. Nonessential travel
evaporated, causing massive lost revenue for not only airlines
and cruise ships operators but also smaller businesses that rely
on tourism dollars. Covid-19 has also affected religion in various
ways, including the cancellation of the worship services of
various faiths and closure of Sunday schools, causing people to
stay at home and listen to their pastor’s preaching via Facebook
live. Political impact of covid-19 both international and
domestic, by effecting the governing and political systems of
multiple countries, causing suspensions of legislative activities,
isolation on deaths or multiple politicians and rescheduling of
elections due to fears of spreading the virus. Many changes
happen because of the impact of covid-19, but we must
remember to lend a helping hand and above all always trust the
most powerful, the creator of the world, the author and
finisher of our faith, the living Lord Jesus Christ.

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