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GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This test questionnaire contains 100 test items. Shade
only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes
shaded will invalidate your answer. AVOID ERASURES.

1. A midwife desiring to work abroad may be allowed to register in a foreign

country based on reciprocity which means the following except:
a. The Philippine grants the citizen of that country the same privilege
b. The proof of reciprocity must be confirmed by the DFA
c. Both countries have the same registration requirements for midwife
d. None of these

2. The primary objective of the Midwifery profession is for its members to render
service within the scope of their legitimate function, having in mind that their
patients, of whatever religion and social or economic status, deserve respect
as human beings. A midwife should endeavor to deserve the confidence of the
patients under her care by rendering to each of them a dedication and service
to the full extent of her skill and competence is stated in what regulatory
a. RA 9173
b. BOM resolution no. 557
c. BON resolution no. 220
d. RA 7164

3. A newly registered midwife inquired from the PRC when she must renew her
professional license. She was told that she have to renew her e registration?
a. After three years
b. On her birthday next year
c. Every couple of years
d. Anytime within the next 3 years

4. The following are crimes involving destruction of the life of fellowmen except:
a. Abortion
b. Parricide
c. Infanticide
d. Suicide

5. Which is not a pre-requisite for licensing as R.M.?

a. Must pass the midwifery licensure
b. Must be at least 21 years old
c. Payment of required dues
d. Must be citizen of the Philippines

6. When a midwife and a patient verbally agrees that the midwife will attend the
home delivery for a fee, this contract is called:
a. Implied
b. Informal
c. Formal
d. Expressed

7. A newly registered midwife is qualified to work as a:

a. Staff midwife of a lying in center
b. Private duty nurse
c. Clinical instructor of a midwifery school
d. Nursing attendant in Dr. Jose Fabella Hospital

8. A marriage contract is an example of:

a. Formal contract
b. Expressed contract
c. Implied contract
d. Void contract

9. Which of the following is an example of exempting circumstances?

a. husband surrenders after killing his wife
b. kidnapping for ransom
c. 14 years old is an accessory in conspiracy
d. a 17 years old snatched the bag of a a lady

10.When the board prepares examination questions , it is exercising its:

a. Discretional power
b. Ministerial power
c. Dispensing power
d. Corrective power

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