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Calorie and Protein Formula for gaining muscle mass:

Based on the metabolism of fast, medium and slow, each will have an assigned value to
them in conjunction with the current body weight.

Fast: 20, Medium: 15 and Slow: 10

For an individual with the body weight of 75kg with a fast, medium or slow metabolism, the
calorie formula would be calculated as follows: first we need to get our bodyweight from kg
converted into pounds: 75kg x 2.2 = 165 pounds

Fast: 165 x 20 = 3300 calories/day

Medium: 165 x 15 = 2475 calories/ day

Slow: 165 x 10 = 1650 calories/day

Next step is to divide it by 4(for four meals a day, with 3 hours between meals).

Fast: 3300/4 = 825 calories/meal

Medium: 2475/4 = 619 calories/meal

Slow: 1650/4 = 413 calories/meal

Now that the daily calorie intake has been sorted, it will be important to calculate the daily
protein, carbohydrate and fat requirements per meal.

Carbohydrates: 50%, proteins 35% and fats 15%. To do the calculation correct we need to
remember that approximately 4 calories of energy = 1gram of carbohydrate. The same
energy value constitutes for protein as 1 gram of protein = 4 calories of energy. Fats contain
9 calories of energy for every 1 gram of fat.

Fast metabolism: 825 calories/meal = Carbohydrates: 412cal/4 =103g carbs per meal
protein 289/4 =72 grams/meal and fats 124 calories/9 = 14 grams per meal.

So to round it off, the example of an individual with a fast metabolism weighing 75kg. Daily
calorie intake will be 3300 calories, with 4 meals a day each with a total value of 825 calories
per meal. The carbohydrate intake will be 103 grams per meal, protein 72 grams per meal
and fats 14 grams per meal. The fat intake will be in the form of omega 3 fatty acids and
other forms of polyunsaturated fats. I am aware most other sources out there will probably
argue by saying the protein intake should be 2.2 grams per every 1kg body mass which
brings us to a value of around 41.2 grams per meal. I absolutely disagree! This formula for
the amount of protein is perfect for building muscle. Take note that for a person weighing
75kg taking in an amount of 72 grams of protein is quite a lot and close to merely impossible
for most. It is recommended and advised that 50% of your protein and calorie intake should
be in supplement form. With that said, for someone with a fast metabolism an anabolic
mass builder would be recommended over a whey shake and for those who you who fall in
the category of medium to slow a 100% whey shake is recommended and a mass builder
shake should be avoided even directly after post workout.

Some of you might be asking how do I know if my metabolism is slow, medium or fast? Well
for that you have to wait until the next article in which it will be covered. Enjoy your

Author: Charl Moses B.Sc Honours Biotechnology

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