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Specification for Pipeline Valves

(Gate, Plug, Bail, and

Check Valves)



American Petroleum Institute

1220 L Street, Northwest
Washington, DG 20005

2 American Petroleum Institute

POLICY ......................................................................................................................................... 3
FOREWORD................................................................................................................................. 5
SECTION 1 Scope.................................................................................................................... 6
SECTION 2 General................................................................................................................ 7
SECTION 3 Material............................................................................................................... 9
SECTION 4 Valve Types and Categories ... ........................... ..... ............... ............................ 13
SECTION 5 Tests ............................................................................................................. "..... 27
SECTION 6 Marking .......................................... ,. ................... ............... ..... .......... .......... ..... ... 29
SECTION 7 Quality Control Requirements .......................................................................... 31
SECTION 8 Storing and Shipping ......................................................................................... 32
APPENDIX A Purchasing Guidelines ....................................................................................... 33
APPENDIX B Metrie Conversions .. ....................... .......................... ......................................... 35
APPENDIX C Supplemental Test Requirements ..................................................................... 45
APPENDIX D Reference Specification & Standards................................................................ 46

This Standard (supplement) shall become effective on the

date printed on the cover but voluntary conformance to
the revisions may be used in whole or in part and either
in. lieu of or in conjunction with the curren.t specification
{rom the date of distribution to constitute conformance
with the edition applicable at the date of manufacture.
Attention Users ()f this Publicati()n: Portions of this
publication have been changed from the previous edition.
The locations of changes have been marked with a bar
in the margin, as shown to the left of this paragraph. In
sorne cases the changes are significant, while in other
cases the changes reflect minor editorial adjustments.
The bar notations in the margins are provided as an aid
to users as to those parts of this publication that have
been changed from the previous edition, but API makes
no warranty as to the accuracy of such bar notations.

This edition of API Spec 6D supersedes the Twentieth Requests for permission to reproduce or translate aU or
Edition dated January 1, 1991, and the July 15, 1993 any part of the mate rial herein should be addressed to the
Suppleml?nt 1 tn th/? TWi1n.tipth Rditinn.. lt indude.'l changes Director. American Petroleum Institute. Exploration &
adopted by letter ballot. Production Department, 700 North Pearl, Suite 1840,
Dallas TX 57201.
Spec 6D: Pipeline Valves (Gate, Plug. Bali. and Check Valves) 3



ULATIONS SHOULD BE REVIEWED. American Petroleum Institute (APl) Specifications are
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UJ.<' API PUHLICATlUN:::l AND MATEH.lAL8 18 to the applicable API Specification.

Asbestos is specified or referenced for certain com- Asbestos, 40, Code of Federal Regulations Sections
ponents of the equipment described in some API stand- 61.140 through 61.156; and the U.S. ~nvlronmental
ards. It has been of great usefulness in minimizing fire Protection Agency (EPA) labeling requirements and
hazards associated with petroleum processing. It has phased banning of asbestos products, published at 54
also been a universal sealing material, compatible with Federal Register 29460-29513 (July 12, 1989)
most petroleum tlu1d services. 40CFR763.160-179.

Certain serious adverse health effects are associated There are currently in use and under development a
with asbestos, among them the serious and orten fatal number of substitute materials to replace asbestos in
cArblin l'lpplicl'lt.ions. Manufadurers and users are en-
ùi:stll:l:se:s oflung cancer, l:I.:5bestos is, and mesothelioma (a
cancer of the chest and abdominallinings). The degree couraged to develop and use effective substitute mate-
of exposure to asbestos varies with the product and the rials which can meet the specifications for, and operat-
work practices involved. ing requirements of, the equipment to which they would
Consult the most recent edition of the U.S. Depart- SAFETY AND HEALTH INFORMATION WITH
ment of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Admin- RESPECT TO PARTICULAR PRODUCTS OR
istration (OSHA) Health Standard for Asbestos, 29 MATE RIALS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE
Cuùe ur Feùeral Regulatiuns Section 1910:1001; the U.S. EMPLOYER, THE MANUFACTUR~R. UR. t:iUPPLl.l!.:H
Environmental Protection Agency's National Emission OF THAT PRODUCT OR MATERIAL, OR THE
Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants concerning MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET.
Spec 60: Pipeline Valves (Gate, Plug, BaU, and Check Valves) 5

This Specification was formulated by the API Production Spec 6FC: Specification for Fire Test for Valve With
Department Committee on Standardization of Valves Automatic Backseats.
and Wellhead Equipment.
Other publications formulated by this committee are: Bul 6FI: Bulletin on Performance of API and ANSI
End Connections in a Fire Test According
Spec 6A: Specification for Wellhead and Christmas to API Specification 6FA.
Tree Equipment.
Bul 6AM: Bulletin on Material Toughness. Bul 6F2: Bulletin on Fire Resistance Improvemellts
for API Flanges.
Bul 6AF: Bulletin on Capabilities of API Flanges
Under Combinations of Load. Bul 6J: Bulletin on Testing of Oilfield Elastomers
Bul 6AFI: Bulletin on Temperature Derating of API - A Tutorial, First Edition.
Flanges Under Combination of Loading.
Dul 6AP2; Dulldin un CapabilitielS Qf API Integral Spec GH: Specification for End Closures, Connectore,
Flanges Under Combination of Loading. and Swivels.
Spec 6FA: Specification for Fire Test for Valves. Bul 6RS: Bulletin on Referenced Standards for
Spec 6FB: Specification for Fire Test for End Committee 6. Standardization of Valves
Connections. and Wellhead Equipment.
6 Americfln PAtrolAllm Tn"tit.lItf·

1.1 CoverilLge. Thi5 5pecification cover" flé1nged and Loeking Deviee; A part 01- aIl ëUTaUg~UIf:,.nt of .f:JarLs
butt-welding gate, plug, baIl, and check valves. providing a means to secure a valve in the open or closed
1.2 Codes, Specifications, and Standards. Each position.
code, specification, or standard referenced herein shaH NPS: Abbreviation for Nominal Pipfl Hizp. in inchp.!'1.
be the late9t edition or supplement in effect at the time
of manufacture of the product. Position Indicator: A device to show whether a valve
is in the open or closed position.
1.3 Definitions.
Prelillilure-Containing Parts: Those parts whose fail-
Hidirectional Valve: A valve designed tor sealing in
ure to function as intended would result in a release of
either direction. retained fluid ta the atmosphere such as bodies, bonnets,
Block Valve: Agate, plug or baIl valve that prevents and stems.
flow or leakage- into the- downstream conduit whe-n in the
closed position. Valves shall be single or double seated, Pressure-Controlling Parts: Those parts intended
bidirectional or unidirectional. U nidirectional valves shan ta control or regulate the movement of pressurized fluids,
be marked with a flow direction arrow. such as valve bore sealing mechanisms.
Closure Member: That part of a valve which is Raised Face; A flange face having a flat surface
positioned in the flow stream to permit, obstruct or protruding '/16 or 1/4 inch beyond the outer flange face.
regulate flow. Ring Joint Face: A flange face having a specially
Double Block and Bleed Valve: A valve with two shaped groove located between the holt holes ami the
seating surfaces which, in the closed position, provides flange bore.
blockage of flow from both valve ends when the cavity
between the seating surface is vented or drained. A Seating Surfaces: The contact surfaces of the closure
m(:>!lnl;! ~hl\ll be provided for draining or venting the member and seat which effect valve closure.
cavity between the seating surfaces. Support Ribs or Legs: A metal structure attached to
Edended Operating Gear: An operating means a valve body to provide a stable footing when the valve
located above its normal position on a valve, ta allow is ta be set on a fixed base.
above-ground access when the valve is installed below Unidirectional Valve: A valve designed for sealing in
ground. one direction only.
Handle Extension: A length of bar or pipe used to
rnanually operate a plug or baIl valve. The handle Venturi Plug Valve: A valve with a substantially
extension is sized ta fit the head. The handle extension reduced opening through the plug, in which the transi-
is separable from the head that is attached to the valve tion from each full opening end to the reduced opening
stem. is well streamlined.
Handwhtclel; A wheel consÎl:!ting of a rim cOllnected to W:çench; A device for manually operatiug <il plug or ball
a hub by spokes, which ie used to manually operate a valve consisting of a length of pipe or bar with one end
valve requiring multiple turns. prepared to fit the valve stem.
Spec 6D: Pipeline Valves (Gate. Plul/:. BalI. and Check Valves) 7


2.1 Valve Classes. Valve:s covered uy thi:s:specification 2.3 Sizes. AIl valves furnished to this specification
shaH be furnished in the following classes: shaH be identified by the nominal valve size as given in
Class 150 Class 900 Column 1 of Tables 4.1 through 4.5.
a. FlIll horp Vl'Ilvp!'l l':hl'lll be specified by the nom.inal
Class 300 Class 1500
valve size.
Class 400 Class 2500
b. Reduced opening valves with circular openings
Class 600 through the clos ure member shaH be designated as
NOTE: The class designations above are the same reduced bore valves and specified by two numbers.
as the rating designations for ANSI B16.5, and there- The first number shaH be the nominal valve size
fore indicate the applicable connecting (langes. corresponding to the end connections and determines
the end-to-end or face-to-face dimensions of the valve.
2.2 Ratings. The second number (except for 2" valves) shall be
a. Standard Flanged End and Standard Weld End the nominal valve size corresponding to the minimum
Valves. Valves constructed with flange materials bore of the clos ure member as listed in Table 4.0.
listed in Column 3 of Table 3.1, and weld end valves For 2" valves the second number shaH be the nominal
constructed from materials in Table 3.1 shaH conform bore of the closure member. (e.g., An NPS 16 valve
to the pressure/temperature limitations of Table 2.1, with a 13.25 inch diameter circular opening through
where the temperatures or those of the line fluid the clos ure member shaH be specified and marked
under operating condition15. "16><14")

b. Alternate Flanged End Valves. Valves constructed c. Reduced opening valves with non-circular openings
with flange materials listed in Column 4 of Table 3.1 through the clos ure member shaH be designated as
shaH have ratings conforming with ratings for flanges reduced port valves and specified by the nominal
and flanged fittings in ANSI B16.5. valve size corresponding to the end connections
followed by the letter "R". (e.g., An NPS 16 valve
c. Alternate Weld End Valves. Valves constructed with a 15x12 inch rectangular opening through the
with materials listed in Column 5 of Table 3.1 shaH clos ure member shaH be specified and marked "16R".)
have ratings conforming with ratings for flanges
and flanged fittings in ANSI B16.5 and for valves in 2.4 Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions.
ANSI B16.34. Valves shaH be supplied with either the standard face-
to-face or end-to-end length conforming to 2.4 a or b, or
d. TP.Tnp"'....Atll'rP."1, Mpt.J:ll l':pJ:ltpcl VJ:llvpl': l':hJ:lll ('onform with face-to-face 01 euù-Lu-tmÙ hl11gLh llu1rk.~ù iu accurù-
to the ratings of 2.2a and 2.2b for the temperature ance with 2.4c.
range of -20·F to +250°F. Above 250°F, valves shaH
have ratings conforming with ratings for flanges a. Standard face-to-face and end-to-end dimensions
and flangod fittings in ANS! B16.5 and for valvos in shan be in conformance with the dimensions given
ANSI B16.34. Valves having nonmetallic seals shall in Tables 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 or 4.5.
conform to the ratings of Sections 2.2a and 2.2b for 'b. The length of valves having one weld end and one
the temperature range of -20°F to +100°F, or other flanged end are determined by adding halfthe length
ten~perature l"anges may be used in accordance with of a flanged-end valve to half the length of a welded-
manufacturers written specification. end valve.
c. Valves having face-to-face or end-to-end dimensions
TABLE 2.1 not listcd or not in conform.ancc with Tables 4.1,4.2,
MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE 4.3, 4.4 or 4.5 shan be marked with the designation
RATINGS FOR STANDARD FLANGED 6D4 and the face-to-face or end-to-end dimension on
Metric Table
2.5 End Flanges.
Class 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500
a. End flanges shall be furnished with raised face or
Temperature Rating, psig ring-joint face. Dimensions, tolerances, and finishes,
including drilling templates, flange facing, spot
-20 to 100 275 720 960 1440 2160 3600 6000 facing, and back facing for flanges for NPS 24 and
150 270 705 940 1415 2120 3540 5895 smaUer, but excluding NPS 22 shaH conform to ANSI
200 260 675 900 1350 2025 3375 5625 B16.5.
250 245 665 885 1330 1995 3325 5545
b. Standard end flange dimensions and tolerances for
NOTE: For temperatures below -20°F the rating shall NPS 22 and for NPS 26 and larger shaH conform to
be no greater than the rating shawn for -20·F. MSS-SP44.
8 American Petroleum Institute
SECTION 2.5 GENERAL (continued) SECTION 2.14

c. Alternate end flan~e dimensions and tolerances for position. Valves ofthis type shaH have accessible tappings,
NPS 26 and larger shan conform to ASME B16.47, NPS Y2" or larger. Valves of this type for liquid service
Series B. shaH also be provided with a pressure relief device.
d. Ring-joint end flanges shall be furnished either raised 2.11 Drain and Bypass Connections. Drain and
or full face. uy pa:;:;
t,;oflllet,;üUlls, if fuul.isheù, :;hall he drilleù and
tapped, using API line pipe threads or tapered pipe threads
e. Valve body designs requiring tapped holes on end conforming to ANSI B1.20.1, with minimum thread length
flanges shaH provide full effective thread engagement as specified in API Std. 5B, or tapered pipe threads
for a length equal to or greater than the nominal conforming to other national standards. Bypass connection
thread diameter. size shaH be according to Table 2.2.
2.6 Welding Ends. Welding ends shaH conform to the TABLE 2.2
desigl1f:l shown in Fig. 434.8.8 A&B in ANSI B31.4 and BYPASS CONNECTIONS
Fig. 14 and Fig. 15 in ANSI B3l.B. The purchaser shaH
specify the inside diameter of welding ends.
Valve Size Pipe-Tap Size,
2.7 Design Control. Design requirements used to NPS (DN) Inches
control the detailed plan of a product shaH be specified 2 thru 4 (50 thru 100) Y2
and documented. 6 thru 8 (150 thru 200) %
2.8 Design Verification. Design verification shaH be 10 and larger (250 and larger) 1
performed according to the manufacturer'::; wrltten 2.12 Randle Extensions. Wrenches for plug and ball
procedure and specification. valves shall be of integral design, or consist of a head
2.9 Design Documentation. which fits on the plug or ball stem, designed to take an
extended handle. The head design shaH provide for
a. General. Designs shaH be documented. Design permanent attachment of the extended section.
documentation media shaH be clear, legible, repro-
ducible, and retrievable. 2.13 Locking Deviees. Locking devices if furnished
for baIl and plug valves shan be designed for locking the
b. Review. Design documentation shall be reviewed valve in the open or closed position.
and verified by qualified personnel other than the
individu al who created the original design. 2.14 Position Indicators. Each gate, plug and baIl
valve, whether manually operated or furnished with a
2.10 Pressure Relief. The manufaoturer shaH power actuator, shall be furnished with a visible indicator
determine and document valve designs which permit to show the open and closed position of the fully assembled
pressure to be trapped in the body cavity at any clos ure valve.

3.1 Body, Bonnet, Cover, End b'lange, and Welding d. The test temperature for welds and heat affected
End. Bodies, including end flanges and welding ends, zones shall be at or helow the minimum design
bonnets, and covers of valves shan be made of materials temperature.
conforming to one or more of the specifications shown in e. Impact values from the wcld and heat affected ;z;one
Table 3.1. specimens shall meet the requirements of Table 3.7.
3.2 Bonnet and Cover Bolting. Bonnet and cover 3.5.3 Hardness Testing. AlI fabrication and repair
holting shaH he of material in accordance with the welding of pressure containing and pressure controlling
manufacturers written specification. parts required to meet NACE Standard MR-01·75 shall
3.3 Non-Metallic Parts. Non-metallic parts and be done in accordance with written procedures with a
clements, which usually include such items as packing, Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) documenting
injectable material and lubricants, shaH be of material hardness test results that are in compliance with NACE
in accordance with the manufacturer's written MR-Ol-75. The manufacturer shall specify the hardness
specifications. testing locations on the weld test specimen. Hardness
3.4 Other Parts. Metal parts, which usually include testing shaH be performed on the weld and base metai
such items as yokes, yoke nuta, 5tem5, glandl!l, gland heat affected zone.
bushings, gates, balls, plugs, discs, handwheels, gearing, 3.6 Components to Resist Sulfide Stress Cracking.
pipe plugs, and motor drive attachments, shaH be of Materials shan comply with NACE MR-01-75.
material in accordance with the manufacturer's written 3.7 Special Test ReCluirements for Pipeline Valves.
ISjJtldfil:è!!,lunlS. Having a Minimum Design Temperature Below -20"F
3.5 Welding (-29°CJ.
3.5.1 Qualifications. All fabrication and repair a. AlI materials for the sheH or pressure containing
welding of pre:5:5ure containing and pressure controlliu.g :olruclul-tl, :;Ul:h a:; ùoùies, bonnets, end flanges, and
parts shaH he conducted in accordance with written welding ends as weIl as aIl bolting materials for
procedures qualified in accordance with Section IX of the metaI temperatures below -20°F (-29°C) shaH be
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Welders and tested in accordanee with the impact test provisions
welding operators making such welds shaH be qualified of the latest revision of ASTM A;j'/U, Mechamcal
in accordance with Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Testing of Steel Prod ucts, using the Charpy V notch
Pressure Vessel Code. technique.
3.5.2 Impact Teding. Ail fl'lhrÎcl'Itinn l'Incl r"pl'lir h. A miniml1m of on!'> impQct t!'>st (three specimens)
welding of pressure containing parts for metal shaH he conducted on a representative test bar on
temperatures below -2QoF (-29°C) shan be done in each heat of the material in the final heat treated
accordance with written procedures with a Procedure condition. This heat qualification test may be
Qualification Record (PQR) documenting impact test performed prior to actual manufacturing providcd
results of the weld and base metal heat affected zone as that the heat treatment is performed in actual
follows: production equipment. Except for holting material,
a. A set ofthree (3) weld metal impact specimens shaH the results of the test shall conform to Table 3.7.
Bolting material shaH be teste;:ù in i;t\;Ç\Jrùauœ wiLl!
be taken across the weld with the notch in the weld
metal. Each specimen shaH be oriented so that the ASTM A320 and the results of the test shaH be 20
notch is normal to the surface of the material and ft-lb (27 J) minimum charpy V notch impact energy
one face of the specimen shall be within 1;4 T from value based on the average of three specimens.
the surface of the material, where T is the thickness c. Test coupons shan he eut from a separate or attached
of the test weldment. Refer to Figure 3.1. black; taken from the same heat; ceduced hy forging,
h. A set ofthree (3) heat affected zone impact specimens where applicable; and given the same heat treatment,
shaH he taken acroas the weld to locate, after etching, including stress-relieving, as the product materials
the notch in the heat affected zone. The notch shan they represent; except that:
be cut approximately normal ta the material surface (i) pressure-containing parts stress-relieved at or
in such a manner as to include as much heat affected below a previous stress-relieving or tempering
ZUlltl mat.t:rial aIS VUlSlSiùlt: iu Lht: !'t:lSuHiug fcaduce. temperature need not be retested.
One face of the specimen shaH he within l,4 T from TABLE 3.7
the surface of the material. Refer to Figure 3.2. CHARPY V NOTCH
Where the base materials heing joined are of a IMPACT REQUIREMENTS
different P·number and Group-number, or where at Actual Ultimate Strength Minimum Charpy V Notch
least one of the base materials being joined is not of the Material Impact Energy
listed in an ASME Section IX P-number grouping, KSI (kPa) (Average of Three Specimens)
heat affected zone impact tests shall be conducted (J)
tor each of the materials being joined.
85 or less (586 or less) 15 (20)
c. Impact testing shaH he performed in accordance 86 - 100 (587-689) 20 (27)
with ASTM A370 using the Charpy V-Notch Over 100 (Over 689) 25 (34)
American Petroleum Institute

(li) retesting i5 not required after I!tre:l:l-relieving material specifications shan contain thc following
if the actual toughness of the part is at least minimum information with accept/reject criteria.
three times the value specified in Table 3.7. ft. Mechanical property requirements.
d. The manufacturers written specification for metallic b. Chcmical composition requil'cmcnts.
materials shaH define the charpy test temperature.
c. Qualification test requirements.
S.8 Alternate Metallic Materials. Alternate metallic
materials not listed in Table 3.1 may be used as follows: 3.8.2 Composition Limits. AU alternate metallic
mat.~rials shaH have compositions with a minimum of
3.8.1 Specifications. AlI alternate metallic materials 50% by weight of any combination of iron, nickel or
shaH have written specifications. Alternate metallic cobalt and a maximum of 0.45% by weight of carbon.



l FIGURE 3.2

2 3 4 5

General Bodies. Bonnets Standard Valve Alternate Valve AU

Castings ASTM A216 Gr WCB ASTM A216 Gr WCB Materials ASTMA216Gr

ASTM A216 Gr WCC ASTM A216 Gr WCC conforming ASTM A216 Gr WCC
ASTM A217 Gr Wc1 ASTM A352 Gr LCC to specifications ASTM A217 Gr WC!
ASTM A217 Gr CAl5 ASTM A352 Gr LC2 listed in ANSI ASTM A352 Gr LCB
ASTM A35l Gr CF8M ASTM A352 Gr LC2.! Bt6.5. Table lA ASTM A352 Gr LCC
ASTM A351 Gr CF8C ASTM A352 Gr LC3 ASTM A487 Gr IN
ASTM A351 Gr CF3N ASTM A217 Gr CAl5 ASTM A487 Gr lQ
ASTM A::!oll;r LCC ASTM A487 Gr IQ ASTM A 757 Gr A2Q
ASTM A352 Gr LCI ASTM A487 Gr 2N
ASTM A352 Gr LC2 ASTM A487 Gr 2Q
ASTM A352 Gr LC2.1 ASTM A487 Gr 4N
ASTM A352 Gr Le3 ASTM A487 Gr 4Q
ASTM A487 Gr IN ASTM A487 Gr 4QA
ASTM A487 Gr lQ ASTM A487 Gr CA6NM
ASTM A487 Gr 2N ASTM A487 Gr CAl5M
ASTM A487 Gr 2Q ASTM A757 Gr A2Q
ASTM A487 Gr 4N ASTM A 757 Gr B2N
ASTM A487 Gr 4Q A STM A 757 Gr B2Q
ASTM A487 Gr 4QA ASTM A757 Gr B3N
ASTM A 757 Gr A2Q ASTM A757 Gr DIQ1
ASTM A757 Gr B2N ASTM A757 Cr DIN2
ASTM A757 Gr B2Q ASTM A 757 Gr D1Q2
ASTM A757 Gr B3N ASTM A757 Gr DIN3
ASTM A757 Gr B4Q ASTM A757 Gr DIQ3
ASTM A757 Gr D1Nl ASTM A757 Gr E2Ql
ASTM A757 Gr D1N2 ASTM A 757 Gr E2Q2
ASTM A7fi7 r.,. nlQ? A~'1'M A757 Gr E2N3
ASTM A 757 Gr DIN3 ASTM A757 Gr E2Q3
ASTM A757 Gr DIQ3 ASTM A757 Gr E3N
ASTM A757 Gr E2Ql
ASTM A 757 Gr E2Nl
ASTM A 757 Gr E2Q2
ASTM A 757 Gr E2N3
ASTM A 757 Gr E2Q3

Forgings ASTMAI05 ASTM AI05 Materials ASTMAI05

ASTM Al81 Gr l & II ASTM Al81 Gr II conforming ASTM Al81 Gr II
ASTM AIB2 Gr FI ASTM A350 Gr LF2 to specifications ASTM A182 Gr FI
ASTM Al82 Gr F316 ASTM A350 Gr LF3 listed in ANSI ASTM A350 Gr LFI
ASTM A182 Gr F316L ASTM Al82 Gr FU B16.5. Table lA ASTM A350 Gr LF2
ASTM A182 Gr F347 ASTM Al82 Gr F12
ASTM A3fiO rrr LFI ASTM A1~? Gr F2
ASTM A350 Gr LF2 ASTM A707
ASTM A350 Gr LF3
ASTM Al82 Gr FIl
ASTM Al82 Gr F12
ASTM A182 Gr F2
ASTM Al82 Gr F6
MATERIAL (continued)

TABLE 3.1 (Continued)

2 3 4 5

General Bodies. Bonnets Standard Valve Alternate Valve Ail


RoIJed Plates ASTM A36 ASTM A293 Gr E ASTM A36

and Shapes ASTM A203 Gr E ASTM A537 CLI & CL2 .. ASTM A255 Gr B
ASTM A225 Gr B ASTM A515 GR 70 ASTM A242 for welding
ASTM A240 Gr 316 ASTM A516 Gr 70 ASTM A441
ASTM A240 Gr 3I6L ASTM A515
ASTM A240 Gr 347 ASTM A516
ASTM A242 for welding ASTM A537 CL! ..
ASTM A285 Gr B & C ASTM A533 Gr A and B
ASTM A441 ASTM A633 Gr C
ASTM A515 ASTM A 737 Gr B
ASTM A516 ASTM A737 Gr C
ASTM A537 CL! and CL2'"
ASTM A:533 Gr A and B
ASTM A633 Gr C
ASTM A633 Gr D
ASTM A 737 G,· B
ASTM A737 Gr C
Pipe ASTM A3S1 ASTM Aa81
ASTM A106 Gr A & B ASTM AI06 Gr B only
APl5L U ASTM A333 Gr 1. 3 & 6
'" Steel plate thicker than 2lh in. (63.5 mm), but having ail other properties indicated in the ASTM specification, is acceptable.
*'" Only acarolc"" or aubroerged are-welded pipe ~hall be allowed. Cold expanded aml101 cuuLLUll",ù LUll",ù l'il'''' "'::llluiriIlg h",al
treatment, including stress-relieving, shall have the final mechanical properties of the material determined by testing control
coupons from each heat.
NOTE 1: The grades of steel indicated for welding ends represent materials which are generally suitable for field welding into
pipe line s.vstems. These grades do not necessarily possens equal dt?.grel'.~ nf weldahility: th,prPforp, th.. p1J""hn.S:i>" .~h()1I1rl
establish for himself a suitable welding procedure.

4.1 Valve Types. size in Table 4.0 (less the tolerance), except that the
end preparation of weld-end valves may require a
4.1.1 Gate Valves. smaller bore at the weld end to mate with the pipe.
a. A gate valve shaH have a closure member (gate) b. There lS no restriction on the upper limit of valve
whieh maves in a plane perpendieular to the direction bore sizes.
of flow. The gate shaH he constructed of one piece
Ci.e., wedge or slab) or constructed of two or more 4.2.2 Reduced Opening Valves. A reduced opening
pieces (i.e., double dise). valve iB any valve with an internaI opening that is too
sman to pass a sphere no sm aller than specified for the
b. Gate valves shan have dimensions in accordance applicable nominal size in Table 4.0 (less tolerance).
with Table 4.1.
4.2.3 Cumluit Vul ves. A l'onduiL valve ilS a full bore
c. AlI gate valves shall be provided with a secondary valve with a circular hale in the closme member that
stem sealing capability or back seat in addition to will pass a sphere no sm aller than specified for the
the primary stem seal. applicable nominal size in Table 4.0 (less the tolerance),
4.1.2 Plug Valves. except that the end preparation of weld-end valves may
require a sm aller bore at the weld end to properly mate
a. A plug valve shaH have a cylindrieal or eonical closure with the pipe.
member which rotates about an axis which is
perpendicular to the direction of flow.
b. Plug valves shaH have dimensions in aecordance DIAMETERS
Tolerance ... -'ho in. (Ref 4.2.1.b)
c. Loose wrenches are not considered a part of a plug
Nominal Pressure Class
4.1.3 BaU Valves. Valve
Size 150 900 1500 2500
a. A baIl valve shaH have a spherical closure member t
which rotates about an axis which is perpendiculal'
to the direction of flow.
2 2 2 2 1.7G
b. BalI valves shall have dimensions in accordance with 2112 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.125
Table 4.3. 3 3 3 3 2.5
4 4 4 4 3.5
c. Loose wrenches are not considered a part of a ball 6 6 6 5.75 5.25
valve. 8 8 8 7.625 7.125
4.1.4 Check Valves. 10 10 10 9.5 8.875
12 12 12 11.375 10.5
a. A check valve shall have a clos ure member(s) which 14 13.25 12.75 1~.5
rotates about a hinge and responds automatically to 16 15.25 14.75 14.25
the fluid flow permitting fluid to flow in one direction 18 17.25 16.75
only. 20 19.25 18.625
22 21.25 20.625
b. Check valves shall be of the flanged-end or welding- 24 23.25 22.5
end types shawn in Figures 4.5 (reduced bore) and 26 25 24.375
4.6 (full bore), or ofthe wafer type shawn in Figures 28 27 26,25
4.7 (smgle plate, long pattern), 4.8 (dual plate, long 30 29 28.125
pattern), and 4.9 (single plate, short pattern). 32 30.75 30
c. Check valves shaH have dimensions in accordance 34 32.75 31.875
with Tables 4.4 or 4.5. 36 34.5 33.75
38 36.5
4.2 Valve Categories. 40 38.5
42 40.25
4.2.1 Full Opening Valves (full bore valves). 4R 46
a. Full opening valves shall he unohstructed in the 54 51.75
fully opened position and capable ofpassing a sphere 60 57.5
no sm aller than specified for the applicable nominal tValve Ilize is same as nominal pipe size.
14 American Petroleum Institute


- --~~---<D

1--------- - - - - - ------®

~ ______________ ~4




I - - - - - - - - A 1=I.o.iSFO FACE

GATE VALVE (For illustration purposes only)
(For illustration purposes only) PARTNAMES
PARTNAMES 1. Stem indicator 9. Relief valve
1. Stem indicator 9. Relief valve 2. Stem enclosure 10. Bonnet
2. Stem enclosure 10. Bonnet 3. Handwheel 11. Bonnet bolts and nuts
3. Handwheel 11. Bonnet bolts and nuts 4. Yoke nut 12. Gate
4. Yuke nul 12. Dise guide 5. Yoke 10. Seat ring
5. Yoke 13. Dise assembly 6. Stem 14. Body
6. Stem 14. Seat ring 7. Yoke bolts and nuts 15. Support ribs or legs
7. Yoke bolts and nuts 15. Body 8. Stem packini!
8. Stem packing 16. Support ribs Of legs
'TAY,TV l''J'''V"DOQ AlIiIo.Tf"\ l''1A''''E'l'"''nOTPC! , ___ 4..! ____ ...1\

Face-to-Face (Ai, and End-to-End (R and C) Dimensions.

AlI dimensions in inches.
~~f. Metric Table B4.1)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Class 150 Class 300
Nominal 1\
Size Raised Welding Raised Welding Ring and
t Face End Groove Face End Groove

2 7 8 1/2 71(2 8 1/2 8 1/2 9 1/8

21f2 7% 91J2 8 9112 9 1/2 10 1/s
3 8 111/8 8 1/2 111/S 111/s 11%
4 9 12 9 1/2 12 12 12%
6 101f2 15 7(8 11 15% 15% 16 1/2
8 1P/2 161/2 12 161J2 161/2 171fs
10 13 18 13lf2 18 18 18%
12 14 193/. 141fz 193/. 19% 20 3/.
14 15 22 1/ 2 15 1/ 2 30 30 30%
16 16 24 16 1/2 33 33 33%
18 17 26 17 1/ 2 36 36 36%
20 18 28 18 1/ 2 39 30 303!.
22 43 43 43 7/8
24 20 32 20 11z 45 45 45%
26 22 34 49 49 50
28 24 36 53 53 54
30 24* 36 55 55 56
32 28 38 60 60 611/s
34 30 40 64 64 65 1/s
36 28** 40 68 68 6~'/"

Class 400 Class 600

Nominal ..
Valve Ring
Size Raised Welding and Raised Welding Ring and
t Face End Groove Face End Groove

2 1/2 13 13 13 1/s 13 13 13 1/ 8
3 14 14 14 1/8 14 14 14 1/8
4 16 16 16 1/8 17 17 17 1/8
6 19 1/2 191/2 19% 22 22 22'/s
8 23 1/2 23 1/2 23% 26 26 26 1/8
10 26lf2 261f2 26% 31 31 311/s
12 30 30 301/8 33 33 33 1/8
14 32lf2 3211z 32% 35 35 35 1/8
16 35lf2 35 112 35% 39 39 39 1/8
18 38 1/2 381f2 38% 43 43 43 1/8
20 4111z 41 112 4P/4 47 47 47 1/4
22 45 45 45% 51 51 51%
24 481f2 48 1/2 48% 55 55 55%
26 5P/z 51 1/ 2 52 57 57 57 1/2
28 55 55 551f2 61 61 61 1/2
30 60 60 60 1/2 65 65 65 1/2
32 65 65 65% 70 70 70%
34 70 70 70% 76 76 76 5/ 8
74 74 82 82 82%
Tolerance: ±1I16 in. on sizes 10 in. and smaller. ±1/8 in. on sizes 12 in. and larger.
tValve size is same as nominal pipe size.
"'Conduit valves shallbe 26 inches.
*"'Condujt valves shall be 32 inches.
16 American Petroleum Institute

TABLE 4.1 (ContÎnued)


1 2 3 5 6 7
Class 900 Class 1500
Nominal "
Si:t-I:l Raii:3eù Welding Raised Welding Ring and
t Face End Groove Face End Groove

2 14.1/2 14.1/. 14% 14,1/0 14 1/2 11(/1)

2 1/2 161/2 161/2 16% 16 1/ 2 16 112 16%
3 15 15 15% 18]/2 181f2 18%
4 18 18 18 1/8 2Fh 21 1/ 2 21%
6 21 21 24% 27 3/. 27% 28
8 29 29 29 1/8 323/4 32% 33Vs
10 33 33 33% 39 39 39%
12 38 38 381/8 441/2 44 1/2 45 1/8
14 40'/~ 40'/~ 40'/8 49'Iz 49 ' 12 50 ' /4
16 44 1/2 44 1/2 44% 541/2 541J2 553/8
18 48 48 48% 60 12 60 1h 61%
20 52 52 52 1/2 65 1/2 65 1h 66%
24 61 61 61% 76 1/2 76 11z 77%

Class 2500
Valve Ring
Size Rniaed Welding and
t Face End Groove

2 17 3/4 173/4 177/R

2 1/2 20 20 20 1/4
3 22 3/4 223/4 23
4 261f2 26 1h 267/8
6 36 36 361J2
8 40 1f 4 40 1/4 40 7/8
10 50 50 50%
12 56 56 56%
Tolerance: ±1/16 in. on sizes 10 in. and smaller. ±1/8 in. on sizes 12 in. and larger.
tValve size is same as nominal pipe size.
Spec 6D: Pipeline Valves (Gate. Plulr. BalI. and Ch .."k V"l"PR)


~ ____________ A~AI~S~~~____~


)-____________ B "ft


(For illustration pur poses only) (For illustration purposes only)
1. Lubricator screw 7. Stem packing 1. Indicator 5. Seat ring
2. Gland studs and nuts 8. Lubricant check valve 2. Stem 6. BalI
3. Gland 9. Plug 3. Stem packing 7. Body
4. Cover studs and nuts 10. Body 4. Body nuts and boIts
5. Cover 11. Stop collar
6. Cover gasket
18 American Petroleum Institute
Face·to·Face (A) and End-to-End CE and C) Dimensions.
AlI dimensions in inches.
See Figure 4.3.
(Ref. Metric Table B4.2)
2 3 4 Q 6 1- 8 9 1Q 11 12 13
Short Pattern Kegular Venturi Kound-Port, Full-Bore
\, 'f ~:,
Valve '
Size Raised Welding Ring and Raised Welding Ring and Raised Welding Ring and Raised Welding Ring and
t FIl~e End Groove Face End Groove Face End Gl'oove Fa.ce End Groove
IIl~h!ilS ~ B e: .cl B c: d-
Class l!;iO
B. e: .:1 B. C
2 7 1Oy:! 7y:! 1oy:! 11
2\1, 7\1, 12 8 11% 12%
3 8 13 8y:! 13Y:! 14
4 9 14 9y:! 17 17y:!
6 1072 18 11 1572 16 21 y:! 22
8 1172 2oy:! 12 18 1872 24 72 25
10 13 22 13 72 21 21 72 21 22 21 72 26 26 72
12 14 25 14 72 24 24 y:! 24 25 24 y:! 30 30Yz
14 27 27 27Y:!
16 30 30 30l!:;
18 34 34 34 1;';
20 36 36 36 72
24 42 42 42Y:!

2 8y:! 1072 9Ys Il Ys Il Ys 11%
2y:! 9y:! 12 10Ys 13 13 13%
3 11 Ys 13 11% 15% 15% 15%
4 12 14 12% 18 18 18%
6 163~ 18 16)~ 16% 16~ 16% 18 16)~ 22 22 22%
8 16 y:! 20y:! 17Ys 19% 20% 16y:! 20 y:! 17Ys 27 27 27%
10 18 22 18% 22% 23 18 22 18% 32 y:! 32 y:! 33 Ys
12 19% 25 20% 19% 25 20% 38 38 38%
14 30 30 30%
16 Ha aa aa%
18 36 36% 36 36 36%
20 39 39% 39 39 39%
22 43 43% 43 43 43%
21 15 15% 15 15 15%
26 49 50 49 49 50
28 53 54 53 53 54
30 55 56 '55 55 56

4 22
6 19y:! 19y:! 19% 24 28
8 23Yz 23Y, 23% 29 33~~
10 26 72 26 72 26% 35 35
12 30 30 30Ys 40 40
14 32 y:! 32Yz 32%
16 35 y:! 35 y:! 35%
18 38\1z 381'2 3~%
20 41Yz 41Yz 41%
22 45 45 45%
24 48 72 48%
26 51Yz 52
28 55
30 60
32 65
34 70

Tolerance: ±1/16 in. on sizes 10 in. and smaller. ±1/8 in. on sizes 12 in. and larger.
tValve size is same as nominal pipe size.
Valves (Gate, Plug, BaH, and Check Valves) Hl
TABLE 4.2 (Continued)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Regular Venturi Round-Port. Full-Bore
Valve Ring Ring Ring
Size Raised Welding and Raised We1ding and Raised Welding and
t Face End Groove Face End Groove Face End Groove
lnches A B C A B C A B C
Class 600
2 llY2 llY2 11% 13 13Ys
2Yz 13 13 13Ys 15 15Ys
3 14 14 14Ys 177Î! 17%
4 17 17 1718 20 22 20Ys
6 22 22 22Ys 22 22 22 Ys 26 28 26Ys
8 26 26 26Ys 26 26 26Ys 31~ 33~ 31%
10 31 31 31Ys 31 31 31Ys 37 40 37Ys
12 33 33 33 Ys 42 42 42Ys
14 35 35 35Ys
16 39 39 39Ys
18 4::l 4::l 4::lYs
20 47 47 47~
22 51 51 51%
24 55 55 55%
2G G7 G7 57 72
30 65 65 65Y2
32 70 70 70%
34 76 76 76%
36 82 82 82%
Class 900
2 14% 14% Hl lfi1/g
2Y2 16Y2 16% 17 177(;
3 15 15 15Ys 18Y2 18%
4 18 18 18Ys 22 2218
6 24 24 24Ys 24 24 24 18 29 29Ys
8 29 29 29 18 29 29 29 Ys 32 32 18
10 33 33 33Ys 33 33 33Ys 38 38 Ys
12 38 38 38Ys 44 44 Ys

2 14% 14% 15% 15 11,

2Y2 16Y2 16% 17% 18
3 18Y2 18Y2 18% 20% 20%
4 21Y2 21Y2 21% 24% 24%
6 27o/.i 27o/.i 28 27% 27% 28 31 31t;,;
8 32% 32% 33Ys 32% 32% 33Ys 35 35%
10 39 39 39% 39 39 39% 42 42%
12 44Y2 44Y2 45Ys 44Y2 44Y2 4518 48 48%
Class 2500
2 17% 17%
2Y2 20 2014
3 22% 23
4 26Y2 26%
6 36 36Y2
8 40% 40Ys
10 50 50%
12 56 56%
Tolerance: ±1!16 in. on sizes 10 in. and sm aller. ±1/8 in. on sizes 12 in. and larger.
tValve size is same as nominal pipe siz:e.
20 American Petroleum Institute
Face-to-Face (AJ, and End-to-End (B and G) Dimensions.
AlI dimensions in inches.
See Figure 4.4.
CHef. Metric Table B4.3)

Full Bore & Reduced Bore Short Pattern, Full and Reduced Bore
Size Welding Ring and Raised Welding Ring and
End Groove Face End Groove

2 7 8?\l 7?\l
2Yz 7Yz 9Yz 8
3 8 11 Ys 8Yz
4 !J l~ 9Yz
6 15Yz 18 16 10?\l 15% 11
8 18 20?\l 18Yz 11Yz 16Yz 12
10 21 22 21?\l 13 18 13Yz
12 21 25 24~ 14 19% 14%
14 27 30 27Yz
16 30 33 30Yz
18 34 36 34%
20 36 39 361!.
24 42 45 42%
26 45 49
28 49 53
30 51 55
32 54 60
34 58 64
36 60 68
Class 300
2 8Yz 8Yz 9Ys
2}f O)~ 0/2 10%
3 11 Ys 11 Ys 11%
4 12 12 12%
6 15% 18 16?\l
8 19% 20Y. 20% 16Y., 1Il Y., 17y"
10 22% 22 23 18 18 18%
12 25?\l 25 .26Ys 19% 19% 20%
14 30 30 30%
16 33 33 33%
18 36 36 36%
20 39 39 39%
22 43 43 43'l{;
24 45 45 45%
96 4.9 19 50
28 53 53 54
30 55 55 56
82 60 60 61 Ys
34 64 64 65 Ys
36 68 68 69Ys

Tolerance: ±1/16 in. on sizes 10 in. and smaller. ±l/8 in. on sizes 12 in. and larger.
tValve size is same as nominal pipe size.
Spec 6D: Pipeline Valves (Gate, 'plug, Bali, and Check Valves) 21
TABLE 4.3 (Continued)

VRJVI> FuI) Bore

Size Raised Welding Ring and
t Face End Groove

4 16 16 16Ys
6 19)-2 1972 19%
8 23)-2 23 72 23%
10 26 72 26}~ 26%
12 30 30 30Ys
14 32)-2 32)-2 32%
16 35 72 35 72 35%
18 38}!i 38 12 38%
20 41 72 41 72 41%
22 45 45 45%
24 48)-2 48 72 48%
2G Gl% G1}'2 52
28 55 55 5572
30 60 60 6072
32 65 65 65%
34 70 70 70%
36 74 74 74%

2 11% 11}'2 11%

272 13 13 13Ys
3 14 14 14Ys
4 17 17 17Ys
6 22 ~~ ~~Ys
8 26 26 26Ys
10 31 31 31Ys
12 33 33 33Ys
14 30 35 35Ys
16 39 39 39Ys
18 43 43 43Ys
20 47 47 47~
~~ 51 51 51%
24 55 55 55%
26 57 57 5772
28 61 61 6172
30 65 65 65)-2
32 70 70 70%
34 76 76 76%
36 82 82 82%

Tolerance: ±1/16 in. on sizes 10 in. and smaller. ±1/8 in. on sizes 12 in. and larger.
tValve size is same as nominal pipe size.
VAI.V"~ 'l'VP''~~ ANIl '~A'I'''~f-,a'RI''~~ 1........ ti ....... ,O
1 2 3 4
Valve Full..Bore
Size Raised Welding Ring and
t Face End Groove
InQhos A B C

2 14% 14% 14%

2}2 16}2 16}2 16%
3 15 15 15Ys
4 18 18 18Ys
6 24 24 24Ys
8 29 29 29Ys
10 33 33 33Ys
12 38 38 38Ys
14 40ll" 40ll" 40%
16 44% 44% 44%
18 48 48 48%
20 52 52 52%
24 61 61 61%

2 14Yz 14Yz 14%

2l{ 16~~ 16/j! 16')8
3 18Yz 18Yz 18%
4 21% 21Yz 21%
6 27% 27% 28
ti ;)~% ::l~% ::l::lYs
10 39 39 39%
12 44% 44Yz 45Ys
14 49Y. 49Yz 50Y.

2 17% 17% 17%

2% 20 20 21Y.
3 22% 22% 23
4 26Yz 26Yz 26%
6 36 36 36%
8 40~ 40y' 40%
10 50 50 50%
12 56 56 56%
- .-
Tolerance: ±1/16 in. on sizes 10 in. and smaller. :tl/8 in. on size!> 12 in. and larg~';'
tValve size is same as nominal pipe size.


(For illustration purpmles on\y) (For illustration purposes on Iv)

1. Cover studs and nuts 4. Dise
2. Cover 5. Seat ring
3. Body 6. Support ribs or legs
24 American PetroleUlll Institute
Face-to-Face (Al, and End-to-End (B and G) Dimensions.
AlI dimensions in inches.
See Figures 4.5 and 4.6.
(Ref. Metric Table B4.4)

Class 150
Glass 300
.. , .
Glass 400 Glass .600
Valve Raised Welding Ring and Raised Welding Ring and Raised Welding Ring and' Raised Welding Ring and
Size Face End Groove Face End Groove Face End Groove Face End Groove

2 8 8 8Yz 10Yz 10l':Z Il Ys 11l':Z 11l':Z 11% 11l':Z 11l':Z 11%

2l':Z 8l':Z 8l':Z 9 1ll':Z 11Yz 12% 13 13 13 18 13 13 1318
3 9Yz 9l':Z 10 12Yz 12l':Z 13Ys 14 14 14Ys 14 14 14Ys
4 11Yz 11Yz 12 14 14 14% 16 16 16% 17 17 17%
6 14 14 14~ 17~ 17l':Z 18Ys 19~ 19l':Z 19% 22 22 22%
8 19Yz 19Yz 20 21 21 21% 23Yz 23Yz 23% 26 26 26%
10 24Yz 24Yz 25 24Yz 24l':Z 25% 26Yz 26Yz 26% 31 31 31Ys
12 27l':Z 27Yz 28 28 28 28% 30 30 30Ys 33 33 33%
14 31 31 31Yz 33 33 33% 35 35 35% 35 35 35Ys
16 34 34 34Yz 34 34 34% 35)-2 35Yz 35% 39 39 3918
18 38Yz 38Yz 39 38Yz 38Yz 39Ys 40 40 40Ji 43 43 43Ji
20 38Yz 38Yz 39 40 40 40% 41)-2 41l':Z 41% 47 47 471;,;
22 42 42 42Yz 44 44 4418 45 45 40% 51 51 51%
24 51 51 51)-2 53 53 53% 55 55 55% 55 55 55%
26 51 51 53 53 54 55 55 55Yz 57 57 57l':Z
28 57 57 59 59 60 63 63 63l':Z 63 63 63l':Z
30 60 60 62% 62% 63% 65 65 65Yz 65 65 65Yz
36 77 77 82 82 82 82 82 82

TABLE 4.4 (Continued)

Class 900 . Class 1500 Class 2500
Valve Raised Welding Ring and Raised Welding Rind and Raised Welding Ring and
Size Face End Groove Face End Groove Face End Groove
lnches A B C A B C A B C
2 14l':Z 14Yz 14% 14l':Z 14Yz 14% 17% 17% 17%
2Yz 16)-2 16l':Z 16% 16Yz 16l':Z Hi% 20 20 20\14
3 15 15 15% 18l':Z 18Yz 18% 22% 22% 23
4 18 18 18% 21Yz 21l':Z 21% 26l':Z 26l':Z 26%
fi 24 24 ~W/g 27%: 27% 28 ~fi 36 36~
8 29 29 29Ys 32% 32% 33Ys 4()~t.I 40~ 40%
10 33 33 33Ys 39 39 39% 50 50 50%
12 38 38 38Ys 44l':Z 44)-2 45% 56 56 56%
14 40l':Z 40l':Z 40% 49Y:! 49l':Z 50\14
16 44Yz 44l':Z 44% 54l':Z 54l':Z 55%
18 48 48 48l':Z 60l':Z 60l':Z 61%
20 52 52 52l':Z 65l':Z 65l':Z 66%
24 61 61
Tolerance: ±1/16 in. on sizes 10 in.




(For illustration purposes only)
1. Body 5. Hinge Pin
2. Closure Plate-Stud 6. Hinge Pin Retainers
Assembly 7. Seat Ring
8. llearing Spacers




(Fur illu~Lratiun purposei:l only)
1. Body 6. Plate Lug Bearings
2. Closure Plate 7. Body Lug Bearings
3. Stop Pin 8. Stop Pin Retainers
4. Spring 9. Hinge Pin Retainers
5. Hinge Pin 10. Spring Bearings
26 American Petroleum Institute

l ,Iô\ 1
i 00---_// ~ i
~.,/// :
i ~<Ç>/ 1
1 ~ 1
" -.
_ ________ J1
-~ ---'

-l.. ___
-- r--t-
JL. ___ r-'


1)11"0"'10» OF FLOW

(For illustration purposes only)
1. Body 4. Clapper Seal
2. Clapper 5. Body Seal
3. Pin 6. Lifting Eye

Pace-to-Pace Dimen3ion3.
AlI dimensions in inches.
See 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9.
1 Table B4.5)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15·
150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500
r-----A---. ~ ,.....--...I\--,.---A---.. ,----'\------,,...---J'---,~
Valve Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long
Size Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt.

2 % 2% % 2% % 2% % 2% % 2% % 2% * 2%
2~ % 2% % 2% % 2% % 2% % 3?{ % 3?i * 3?i
3 2% 2% 2% % 2% 3?{ 3?{ ... 3%
% % % % %
4 % 2% % 2% % 3Ys % 3% % 4 1?i 4 * 4%
6 % 3% % 3% 1 5% lYs 5% 1% 6?i 1% 6;";; ... 6?i
8 1% 5 lYs 5 1?i 6~ 1~ 6~ 1% 8% 2l{ 8% ... 8Ys
10 lYs 5% IY. 5% 2 8% 21J. 8% 2Y. 9Y. 2% 9% * 10
12 1~ 7Ys 2 7% 2?i 9 2% 9 * 11~
... 12 ... 12
14 1% 71J. 2 8% 2~ l()l% 2% 10% * 14 ... 14
16 2 7Ys 2 9% 2~ 12 2% 12 * 15% ... 15Ys
18 2% 8 3 10% 3% 14% 3% 14/4 " 17%
187/ 1H
20 2Y2 8% 31J. 11~ 3Y2 14Y2 3% 14Y2 17% 21
24 ... 8% 12Y2 ... 15Ys ... 171J. 19~
... 22

*Dimensions to be established.
Tolerance: ±1/16 in. on sizes 10 in. and smaller. ±1/8 in. on sizes 12 in. and larger.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--==~r:_y 60: Pipeline Valves (Gate, Plug, Bali, and Check Valves) 27
5.1 Pressure Tests. Each valve shaH be tested as set e. Cheek Valves. Apply hydrostatic test pressure to
out in this section prior to shipment from the the appropriate end of the valve per Paragraphs
manufacturers works. These tests shan be performed in 5.3a and 5.3b.
accordance with the manufacturers written procedures.
The manufacturer shaH complete shen pressure tests 5.4 Haekseat Tests. Backseat tests of valves that have
before painting the valves. Tests shaH be made in the this feature shaH be made by applying pressure inside
sequence shown in the following paragraphs. Additional the assembled valve with the valve ends closed, the
t.est.s snch as t.hos~ in App~ndix C may be performed by valve in the back seat position (valve open or closed) and
the manufacturer, alter the tests in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 the area downstream of the back seat vented to
below unleaa otherwise noted in Appendix C. atmosphere to check for leakage.

5.2 Shell Test. Valves shall be subjected to a This test may be performed immediately following the
hydrostatic shell test. There ahaH be no visible leakage shelI test. Test pressures and duration shal! be as specified
under the test pressure when both ends are blanked and in Table 5.3 and 5.4 respectively. No visible leakage is
the gate, plug, baIl or check element is partially open. permitted.
For standard flanged end and standard weld end valves, CAUTION! The successful completion of this backseat
the test pressure shaH be no less than that specified in test shall not be considered as a recommendation by the
Table 5.1. For alternate valves, the test pressure shall be valve manufacturer or API that the valve packing gland
not less than 1.5 times the 100°F pressure rating as may be repacked, or the packing replaced, while the valve
dctcrmincd in PW'agraph 2.2b and 2.2c. The duration of is pressunzed.
the shell test shaH be no less than that specified in Table
5.2. 5.5 Ail pressure tests shaH be made with the baIl, gate
5.3 Hydrostatic Seat Test. Valves shaH be tested as or plug and aIl seats free of any sealant except where the
sealant is the primary means of sealing. If necessary for
foHows and there shall be no visible leakage at the test
assembly, a lubricant such as SAE lOW single grade
motor oil or similar viscosity industrial oil may be used.
a. Test Préssures. Valves with ratcd prcssurc classes
listed in Table 5.1 shaH be tested at pressures TABLE 5.1
specified in Table 5.1. For alternate valves, the SCHEDULE OF TEST PRESSURES FOR
hydrostatic test pressure shall not be less than 1.1 STANDARD FLANGED END AND STANDARD
times the 100 degree F pressure rating determined
(Ref. Metrie Table B5.1)
in accordance with Paragraphs 2.2b and 2.2c.
1 2 3
b. Test Durations. Seat test duration times shaH be
Valve PreRRUJ'p. Minimum 'l'est Pressures, psig
as specified in Table u.2. Class Shell Hydrostatic Seat Hydrostatic
c. Block Valves. 150 425 300
300 1100 800
1) Unidirectional. Clotle vulve uud upply pretl!:iure 400 1450 1060
to the appropriate end of the valve per 600 2175 1600
Paragraphs 5.3a and 5.3b. 900 3250 2400
1500 5400 4000
2) Dlr"ctlunal. Cluse valve and apply pressure 2500 9000 6600
successively to each end of the valve per The test pressures listed are NOT valve operating pressure
Paragraphs 5.3a and 5.3b. ratings.
d. Double Block and Bleed Valves. The test sequence TABLE 5.2
is optional, however, both of the following tests shaH MINIMUM DURATION OF
1) Close valve, open body vent, appJy seat test
pressure to one end of the valve per Paragraphs Valve Shell test Seat Test
5.3a and 5.3b. Release pressure and repeat test Size duration duration
for the other end of the valve.
2) Close valve, open body vent, apply seat test 2 thru 4 (50 thru 100) 2 2
pressure simultaneously to both enda of the valve 6 thru 10 (150 thru 250) 5 5
per Paragraphs 5.3a and 5.3b. 12 thru 18 (300 thru 450) 15 5
and ;jU 5
28 American Petroleum In~titute
(Ref. Metric Table B5.3) Valve
High Low Size Duration
Pressure Pressure
Valve Backseat Backseat Air Seat 2 thru 4 (50 thru 100) 2
6 and larger (lGO and largtlc) 5

150 300 80 80
300 800 80 80
400 1060 80 80
600 1600 80 80
900 2400 80 80
1500 4000 RO 80
2500 6000 80 80

6.1 Marking. Valves furnished in conformance to this

specification shaH be marked as shawn in Table 6.1.


1. Manufacturer's name or trademark ............................... .. On both body and name plate.

2. API monogram 1 ................................................................. . On name plate.
3. API class designation for standard valves give API
class number only. For alternate valves, give API
class number followed by the letters ALT ...................... . On both body and name plate except for alternate
valve letters ALT need not appear on body.
4. 6D4 ..................................................................................... . On name plate of valves with lengths in accordance
with Paragraph 2.4c.
5. For standard valves, the API maximum operating
pressure rating at 100°F foHowed by the letters MOP.
For alternate valves, the maximum operating
pressure rating at 100°F followed by the letters MOP
Rnd the mR"imum opl?rl' prO?!'l!'ll1rp l'It. 9.50°1" fol-
lowed by 250°F. For valves having a minimum
design temperature below minus 20°F (Ref. Par. 3.7)
mark the impact test temperature ................................. .. On name plate.
6. Body mutcrial designution: 2
1. Material symbol (ASTM, MSS, ASME, AlSI or
Proprietary Material Designation) On both body and name plate. Melt identification, if
made of alloy steel, on body only.
7. Tl'im idt:utification; Symbol;s indicating the
material of stem, and sealing faces of the closure
members if of different material than the body.
(Consult MSS SP-25.) ...................................................... .. On name plate.
8. Nominal Valve size
1. Full Opening Valves, nominal valve size ................... . pn body or name plate or bath.
2. Reduced OpeningValves shaH be
marked as specified in Par. 2.3 ................................... . On body or name plate or both.
9. Ring-joint designation: The letter H, and number
indicating the size of ring ............................................... .. On valve flange edge.
10. Flow direction .................................................................. . On body ofunidirectional valves only.
11. Face-to-face or end-to-end dimension ........................... .. On name plate of 6D4 valves.
12. SeriaI numbers 3 .............................................................. .. On body and name plate.
13. 16.47B, on Alt. ASME B16.47 Series B Flanges ............ .. On flange O.D.
14. Date of manufacture (month and year) .......................... . On name plate.
15. Double Block and Bleed Valves
shall be marked "DBB" .................................................... .. On name plate.
16. 6D ...................................................................................... .. On name plate.
IAPI Licensees only. Contact API for information on licensing.
"When ùuùy i:; fll.ùrÏl:lI.(.eù ur mUl"e Lhll.l1 une LYl'e uf :;Leel, el1ù \.:ul1m,cLiull 1ll1l.Lel"ill.ll;;UVenUl WlI.dUl1l;;.
3Each valve shall have a unique seriaI number for accountability and traceability purposes.
30 American Petroleum Institute

6.2 Marking Exampie. An 8-in. 6D4 carbon-steel gate 1440 MOP (Item 5: API maximum operating
valve with ring-joint and flanges, 30 in. face-to-face pressure rating)
dimension, API maximum operating pressure rating of
WCB (Item 6: body material)
1440 psi and 13 per cent chromium steel trim
manufactured in September of 1990 should be marked in Stem CRIS (Item 7: trim identification,
conformance with Table 6.1 as follows: Dise CRl3 13 per cent
1. On Body Seat CRIS chromium steel.
nr 8:ymbols may bu
AHt.:O (Item 1:manu{acturerJ CRI3 CRIS CRIS given in any of the
600 (Item 3: API valve class) or three ways
WCB (Item 6: body mate rial) CRl3 illustrated.J
8 (Item 8: nominal value size. CRI3
May be on body or
name plate, or both, (Item 8: nominal value size.)
at the option of the
manufacturer.) 8 (Full opening valve)
R49 (Item 9: ring joint identification 16 x 12 (Reduced bore valve)
on valve edge)
16R or 16 R (Reduced port valve)
(Item 10: flow direction, for check
valves only) 30 (Item 11: face-to-face dimension of
SeriaI No. (Item 12: seriaZ number) valves with lengths in
12345 accordance with Sect.
16.47B (Item 13: on alternate ANSI
B16.47 Series B {langes) Seriai No.
2. On Name Plate 12345 (Item 12: SeriaI number)
ABCO (Item 1: manufacturer) 9-90 or 9/90 (Item 14: date of manufacture)
4> (Item 2: API monogram)
DBB (Item 15: Double Block and
API 600 <Item 3: API valve class) Blued Valves)
6D4 (Item 4: For valves with length in 6D (Item 16: This spec. #)
accordance with Sect.
Soee 6D: Pioeline Valves (Gate. Pluil. Bail. and Check Valves) 31


7.1 General. The purpose of this section is to specify d. Other Personnel. AU personnel performing other
the quality control requirements for parts and equipment quality control activities directly affecting material
manufactured to this specification. and product quality shall be qualified in accordance
wit.h mlln11far.tllrpr';: nor.llmpntprl rpqllil'pmpnt!o1_
7.2 Measuring and Testing Equipment.
a. General. Equipment used to inspect, test or examine 7.4 General Quality Control Requirements.
material or other equipment shaH be identified, a. Quality Control Instruction. AlI quality control
mnt.l'ollArI, p.fllihrlÜAcI Ilnd adjustp.d at specified instructions shaH be documentéd and shall include
intervals in accordance with documented appropria te methodology and acceptance criteria.
manufacturer instructions and consistent with
referenced industry standards to maintain the b. Non-Conforming Material. The manufacturer
::!l"l'lll'::!t'y l'pI'J.11irprl hy this sppcificlltion_ shan have a documented procedure for controlling
materials, parts and products which do not contorm
b. Dimensional Measuring Equipment. with API 6D specifications and manufacturer's
Dimensional measuring equipment shall be written specifications.
controlled and calibrated hy the methods specified
in the manufacturer's written specification or al> c. Repair Welda
specified in the applicable sections ofMIL-STD·120 1) AIl repair welds, shaH be .exam ined using methods
to maintain the accuracies specified by API and the and acceptance criteria in accordance with the
manufacturer's specification. manufacturer's written procedures.
c. Pressure Measuring Deviees: 7.5 Quality Control for Specific Products and
1) Type and Accuracy. Test pressure measuring Parts.
devices shall he either pressure gages or pressure a. Closure Bolting
transducers and l>ha11 Le accur-aLt:: Lu aL leatst
±2.0% of full scale rating. 1) Closure Bolting shaH conform to the requirements
of this specification and the manufacturer's
2) Size and Range. Pressure measurements shall
written specification.
he made at not less than 25% nor more than 75%
of the full pressure span of the gage. b. Other Parts
3) Calibration Procedure. Pressure measuring 1) Other parts shaH be identified and conform to
devices shaH be periodically recalibrated with a the requirements of this specification and the
master pressure measuring device ur a ùeaù manufacturer's written specification.
weight tester at 25%, 50% and 75% of scale.
c. Assembled Equipment
4) Calibration Intervals. Intervals shaH be
pst::!hliRhpn fol' r.lllihmtinnR haRPorl on rppeatability 1) General. The quality control requirements for
and degree or usage and be part of the assembled equipment include the pressure tests
manufacturer's procedures. in accordance with Section 5_

d. Temperature Measuring Deviees. 2) Serialization. Serialization i8 required on aU

assembled equipment_
1) When temperature charts are used, the
temperature range shall be capable ofindicating 7.6 Records Requirements
2°F (1°C) fluctuations. a. Records Required
7.3 Quality l::ontrol Personnel Qualifications. 1) Weld Procedure Specification
a. NDE Personnel. NDE Personnel shaH be qualified 2) Weld Procedure Qualification Record
in accordance with requirements specified in SNT-
TC lA. 3) Welder Qualification Record
b. Visual Examination Personnel. Personnel 4) NDE Personnel Qualification Records
performing visual examinations shaH have an annual 5) Design Documentation
eye examination in accordance with SNT-TC-1A.
b. Records l::ontrol
c. Welding Inspectors. Personnel performing visu al
inspection ofwelding operations and completed welds 1) Records required by this specification shaH be
shan be qualified and certified as follows: legible, identifiable, retrievable and protected
From damage, détérioration, or loss_
1) AWS certified welding inspector, or
2) AWS certified associate welding inspector, or 2) Records required by this specification shaH be
3) Welding inspector certified by the manufacturer's retained by the manufacturer for a minimum of
documented training program. five (5) years following the date of manufacture.

8.1 Painting. AIl finished non corrosion resistant valves protected with a rust preventative which will not become
shan be primed and/or painted. fluid and run at a temperature less than 125°F.
8.2 Draining. After testing and before shipment, valves
shaH be drained of test t1uid and lubricated. 8.4 Sealing Surface Protection. Exposed sealing
8.3 Corrosion Prevention. Prior to shipment, parts surfaces shaH be protected from mechanical damage for
and equipment shan have exposed bare metallic surfaces shipping.

Al. General. This appendix provides recommended full open or closed position. When these valve types are
guidelines for inquiry and purchase of API 6D valves. used in liquid service, high internaI pressures can result
The guidelines are intended to assist the purchaser in from the thermal expansion of the liquid trapped in
decisions he must make, as weIl as assuring that adequate these confined areas. Therefore, if the valve has no self-
information is communicated ta the manufacturer. relieving design provisions, pressure relief fittings must
A2. Data Sheet. The following pages contain questions be installed in the valve body per Section 2.10 of this
and information that can be used to select valvea. It i3 specification. These fittings may be specified by the
recommended that a11 the information in the data sheet purchaser or the manufacturer.
be given ta the manufacturer. A5. Scrapers and Spheres. When ordering valves
AS. Field Testing. Valve field test pressure should required ta pass scrapers, and check valves required ta
not exceed the maximum operating pressure of the valve pass spheres, examme the partlcular valve design to
by more than 50% when the valve is partiaHy open, or determine that your needs will be met.
by 10% if the pressure is applied to one side of a closed A6. Fire Test. The design of fire tested valves shaH be
valve. qualified by fire te5ting as specified in API Spec OFA,
A4. Pressure Relief. Certain valve designs will trap Fire Test for Valves, or API Standard 607, Fire Test for
pressure in the valve body cavity when the valve is in the Soft Seated Quarter-Turn Valves, Third Edition.
Specifications required: API 6D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
API Monogram required? Yes ________ No ________
Valve location and function ___________________________________
Valve nominal size ______________________________________
Maximum operating pressure
Maximum field test pressure (see Paragraph A3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Valve pressure class
Maximum service temperature __________________________________
Minimum service tempe rature
Liquid or gas service ______________________________________
Flow medium composition: ___________________________________

Special flow requirements: Blowdown. solids. pigs. etc. (see Paragraph A5): _________________
Type of valve: Gate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Plug _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ball _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Check _ _ _ _ _ __
Design type(s) See Section 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Full round opening required? ______________ Min. bore or Cv ______________
Upstream pipe: OD ID Material ___________
Flange? Yes No _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Plain raised face or ring joint?
If ring joint. fiat or raised face? ______________________________
Size and pressure class, per AN SI B16.5 or MSS-SP44 or ASME B16.47, SerÏcs B
Ring gasket or other gasket type and size ___________________________
NOTE: Gaskets are not furnished as a part of the valve.
Weld end? Yes No _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Attach specifIcations for weld end confIguratIOn.
Downstream pipe: OD ID Material _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Flange? Yes No _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Plain raised face or ring joint? ________________________________
If ring joint, fiat or raised face? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Size and pressure class, per ANSI B16.5 or MSS-SP44 _ _ or ASME B16.47, Series B
Ring gasket or other gasket type and size ___________________________
NOTE: Gaskets are not Îurnishéd as a part oÎ thé valvé.
Weld end? Yes No _ _ _ _ _ __
Attach specifications for weld end configuration.
Length: Any special requirements for end-to-end or face-to-face dimensions?
Are extended operating gear required? If so, indicate one:
For a handwheel on a horizontal shaft. the distance {rom the centerline of the valve opening to the centerline of the
handwheel: in.
Or, for a handwheel on a vertical shaft, the distance from the centerline of the valve opening to the center of the rim
of the handwheel: in.
NOTE: For plug val1)es having loose wrenches, wrenches must be ordered .qeparately.
Wrl'nl'h rl'f111irl'li'!
Locking device required? Type _________________
Are support ribs or legs required?
Supplemental tests (Ref. Appendix C) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Fire tested design? (Ref. Paragraph A6) Yes No _ _ _ _ _ __
NACE MROl-75 Yes No _ _ _ _ _ __
Pressure relief: If pressure relief devices are required. do you have special requirements for these devices'{ See Para-
graph A4.
Drain connections: Any requirements? _______________________________
Bypass connections: Any reauirements? _______________________________
Documentation required
Third-party witness or processesjtests: _______________________________
Painting or coating required? ___________________________________
Spec 60: Pipeline Valves (Gate, Plug, Bali, and Check Valves) 33


Al. General. This appendix provides recommended full open or closed position. When these valve types are
guidelines for inquiry and purchase of API 6D valves. used in liquid service, high internaI pressures can result
The guidelines are intended to assist the purchaser in from the thermal expansion of the liquid trapped in
decisions he must make. as weIl as assuring that adequate these confined areas. Therefore. if the valve has no self·
information is communicated to the manufacturer. relieving design provisions, pressure relief fittings must
M. Data Sheet. The following pages contain questions be installed in the valve body per Section 2.10 of this
and information that can be used to select valves. It is specification. These fittings may be specified by the
recommended that aIl the il1.fol"matiol1. il1. the data I5heet Ilurchaser or the manufacturer.
be given to the manufacturer. AS. Scrapers and Spheres. When ordering valves
A3. Field Testing. Valve field test pressure should required to pass scrapers, and check valves required to
not exceed the maximum operating pressure of the valve pass spheres, examine the particular valve design to
by more than 50% when the valve is partially open, or determme that your needs will be met.
by 10% if the pressure IS applied to one side of a closed AG. Fire Test. The design of fire tested valves shaH be
valve. qualified by fire testing as specified in API Spec 6FA,
A4. Pressure Relief. Certain valve de5ign5 will trap Fire Test for Values, or ArI Standard 007, File Test for
pressure in the valve body cavity when the valve is in the Soft Seated Quarter-Turn Valves, Third Edition.
34 American Petroleum lnstitute
APPENDIX A (continued)


Specifications required; API 6D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
API Monogram required? Yes ________ No _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Valve location and function _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Valve nominal size _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Maximum operating pressure _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Maximum field test pressure (see Paragraph A3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Valve p .. t:55ure class _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Maximum service temperature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Minimum service temperature
Liquid or gas service _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Flow medium composition: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Special flow requirements; Blowdown, solids, pigs, etc. (see Paragraph A5); _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Type of valve: Gate Plug Bali Check _ _ _ _ _ __
Design type(s) See Section 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Full round opening required? Min. bore or Cv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Upstream pipe: OD ID Material _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Flange? Yes No _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Plain raised face or ring joint? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
If ring joint, flat or raised face? ______________________________
1 Size and pressure class, per ANSI B16.5 or MSS-SP44 _ _ or ASME B16.47, Series B _ _
Ring gaskel or other gasket type and size _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
NOTE: Gaskets are not furni5hed as a part of the valve.
Weld end? Yes No _ _ _ _ _ __
Attach specificatioUl\ for weld end configuration.
Downstream pipe: OD ID Material _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Flange? Yes No _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Plain raised face or ring joint? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
If ring joint, t'lat or rai.ed face?
1 Size and pressure class, per ANSI B16.5 MSS-SP44 or ASME B16.47, Series B
Ring gasket or other gasket type and size _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
NOTE: Gaskets are not furnished as a part of the valve.
Weld end? Yes No _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Attach specifications for weld end configuration.
Length; Any special requirements for end-to-end or face-to-face dimensions?
Are extended operating gear required? If 50, indicate one:
For a handwheel on a horizontal shaft, the distance from the centerline of the valve opening to the centerline of the
handwheel: in.
Or, for a handwheel on a vertical shaft, the distance from the centerline of the valve opening to the center of the rim
of the handwheel: in.
NOTE: ro'r plug valves having loose wrenches. wrenches 'must be orden;d sepu'rfJ-lely.
Wrench required?
Locking device required? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Type __________'
Are support db" or legs requircd? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Supplemental tests (Ref. Appendix C) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Fire tested design? (Ref. Paragraph A6) Yes No _ _ _ _ _ _ __
NACE MROI·75 y,,~ No
Pressure relief; If pressure relief devices are required, do you have special requirements for these devices? See Para-
graphA4. _____________________________________________________________
Drain connections: Any requirements? _______________________________
Bypass connections: Any reQuirements? _______________________________
Documentation required
Third-party witness or processes/tests: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Painting or coating required? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

BI. English units are preferred in aU cases and shaH METRIC TABLE B2.1
be standard in this specification. Tables 2.2, 3.7, 5.2 and MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE
5.4 in the text of this specification include metric RATINGS FOR STANDARD FLANGED
conversions in parentheses, e.g., 6 in. (152,4 mm), and aIl END AND STANDARD WELD END VALVES
other tables containing English units are reproduced in (Ref. Table 2.1)
the metric system in this appendix. The following factors
PN 20 50 68 100 150 250 420
are from API Std 2564:
1'pmpPl"Atnrp Rating. bar
LENGTH: 1 inch (in) 20,4 millîmeters oC
-29 ta 38 19,0 49,6 66,2 99,3 149 248 414
PRESSURE; 1 pound per square = 0,06894757 bar* 50 18,8 49,2 65,6 98,5
;nl'h (p!':;) 148 246 411
66 113,6 413,6 64,8 97,6 146 244 407
STRESS; 1 pound per square;;;;; 0,006894757 75 18,4 47,9 63,9 96,0 144 240 400
inch (psi) Megapascals (MPa) 93 17,9 46,5 62,1 93,1 140 233 388
ENERGY: 1 foot-pound (ft-lb) = 1,355818 Joule (J) 100 17,7 46,4 61,8 92,7 139 232 387
121 16,9 45,9 61,0 91,7 138 229 382
TORQUE: 1 foot-pound (ft-lb) = 1,355818 Newton- NOTE: For temperatures below -29°C the rating shall
meter (N-m)
be no greater than the rating shawn for -29°C.
MASS: 1 pound mass = 0,4535924 kilo-
gram (kg) METRIC TABLE B4.0
may be used to convert degrees Fahrenheit (OF) ta degrees DIAMETERS
AlI dimensions in millimeters.
Tolerance", -2mm (Ref
B2. In addition ta the above conversions, the (Ref. Table 4.0)
designations PN for nominal pressure and DN for nominal Pre:s:sure Cla:s:s, PN
diameter are sometimes used in the designation ofvalves. Valve
For the purposes ofthis specification, the PN designations Size 20 150 250 420
relate to the pressure classes, and the DN designations t
ndaLe Lu NPS, ur Humiual pipe "izelS, aIS fulluwlS;
Class 150 PN 20 Class 300 PN 50 50 51 51 51 44
Class 400 = PN 64 Class 600 = PN 100 65 64 64 64 54
Class 900 = PN 150 Class 1500 = PN 250 80 76 76 76 64
Class 2500 = PN 420 100 102 102 102 89
NPS 2 ;;;;; DN 50 NPS 21/2 ;; DN 65 150 152 152 146 133
NPS 3 = DN 80 NPS 4 ;; DN 100 200 203 203 194 181
250 254 254 241 225
For NPS 4 and greater listed sizes, multiply the NPS by 300 305 305 289 267
25 to obtain the DN. 350 337 324 318
*1 bar 100 KN/m2 100 kPa 400 387 375 362
450 438 425
500 489 473
550 540 524
600 591 572
650 635 619
700 686 667
750 737 714
800 781 762
850 832 810
900 876 857
950 927
1000 978
1050 1022
1200 1168
1400 1314
1500 1461
tValv" :siz" i", ""uu" a", uuu1Îual J.liJ.l" "i«".
36 American Petroleum Institute
A'D'D1l'1I<.TnTV 'D f ___ ":_,,_,,1\


Face-to-Face (A), and End-to-End (B and C) Dimensions.
AlI dimAns.ions. in millimet.ers.
(Ref. Table 4.1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PN 20 PN 5U
Valve " Ring
Size Raised Welding and Raised Welding Ring and
t Face End Groove Face End Groove

50 178 216 191 216 216 232

65 191 241 203 241 241 257
80 203 283 216 283 283 298
100 229 305 241 305 305 321
150 267 403 279 403 403 419
200 292 419 305 419 419 43G
250 330 457 343 457 457 473
300 356 502 368 502 502 518
350 381 572 394 762 762 778
400 406 610 419 838 838 854
450 432 660 445 914 914 930
500 457 711 470 991 991 1010
550 1092 1092 1114
600 008 813 521 1143 1143 1165
650 559 864 1245 1245 1270
700 610 914 1346 1346 1372
750 610* 914 1397 1397 1422
800 711 965 15:.::!4 15:.::!4 1553
850 762 1016 1626 1626 1654
900 711** 1016 1727 1727 1756

PN 64 PN 100
Valve Ring
Size and Raised Welding Ring and
Groove Face End Groove

50 292 292 295 292 292 295

65 330 330 333 330 330 333
80 356 356 359 356 356 359
100 406 406 410 432 432 435
150 495 495 498 559 559 562
200 597 597 600 660 660 664
250 673 673 676 787 787 791
300 762 762 765 838 838 841
350 826 826 829 889 889 892
400 902 902 905 991 991 994
4.FiO !l7H !l7H 9Hl 109? 1092 1095
500 1054 1054 1060 1194 1194 1200
550 1143 1143 1153 1295 1295 1305
600 1232 1232 1241 1397 1397 1407
650 1308 1308 1321 1448 1448 1461
700 1397 1397 1410 1549 1549 1562
750 1524 1524 1537 1651 1651 1664
800 1651 1651 1667 1778 1778 1794
850 1778 1778 1794 1930 1930 1946
900 1880 1880 1895 2083 2083 2099
Tolerance: ± 2mm on sizes DN 250 and smaller. ± 3mm on sizes DN 300 and larger.
tValve size is same as nominal pipe size.
"Conduit valves shaH be 660 mm.
**Conduit valves shall be 813 mm.
Spec SD: Pipeline Valves (Gate. Plu!!. Bail. and Check VRlvp.R) ~7

METRIC TABLE B4.1 (Continued)


4 5 6 7
PN 150 PN 250
Nominal "
Valve Ring
Silltl RailSd Welding and Raised Welding Ring and
t Face End Groove Face End Groove

50 368 368 371 368 368 H71

65 419 419 422 419 419 422
80 381 381 384 470 470 473
100 457 457 460 546 546 549
150 610 610 613 705 705 711
200 737 737 740 832 832 841
250 838 838 841 991 991 1000
300 965 965 968 1130 1130 1146
350 1029 1029 1038 1257 12fi7 1?7fl
400 1130 1130 1140 1384 1384 1407
450 1219 1219 1232 1537 1537 1559
500 1321 1321 1334 1664 1664 1686
600 1549 1549 1568 1943 1943 1972

PN 420
Valve Ring
Size Raised Welding and
t Fa\.:tl End Gruove
50 451 451 454
65 508 508 514
80 578 578 584
100 673 673 683
150 914 914 927
200 1022 1022 1038
250 1270 1270 1292
300 1422 1422 1445
Tolerance: 2mm on sizes DN 250 and smaller. ± 3mm on sizes DN 300 and larger.
tValve size is same as nominal pipe size.
38 Ameriean Petroleum Institute


Face-to-Face (A) and End-to-End (B and C) Dimensions.
AlI dimensions in millimeters.
See Figure 4.3.
(Ref. Table 4.2)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Short Pattern Venturi Round-Port. Full-Bore
Size Raised Welding Ring and Raised Welding Ring and Raised Welding Ring and Raised Welding Ring and
t Face End Groove Face End Groove Face End Groove Face End Groove
A 1J A

50 178 267 191 267 279

65 191 305 203 298 311
80 203 330 216 343 356
100 229 356 241 432 445
150 267 457 279 394 406 546 559
200 292 521 305 457 470 622 635
21i0 330 GG9 343 533 546 533 55D 546 660 673
300 356 635 368 610 622 610 635 622 762 775
350 686 686 699
400 762 762 775
450 864 864 876
500 914 914 927
600 1067 1067 1080
PN 50
50 216 267 232 283 283 298
65 241 305 257 330 330 346
80 283 330 298 387 387 403
100 305 356 321 457 457 473
150 403 457 419 403 419 403 457 419 559 559 575
200 419 521 435 502 518 419 521 435 686 686 702
250 457 559 473 568 584 457 559 473 826 826 841
300 502 635 518 502 635 518 965 965 981
350 762 762 778
4UU 838 838 854
450 914 930 914 914 930
500 991 1010 991 991 1010
550 1092 1114 1092 1092 1114
600 1143 1165 1143 1143 11(1)
650 1245 1270 1245 1245 1270
700 1346 1372 1346 1346 1372
750 1397 1422 1397 1397 1422
800 1524 1553 1524 1524 1553
850 16:l6 1604 1626 1626 1654
1727 1756 1727 1727 1756

50 292 292 295 330 333

65 330 330 333 381 384
80 356 356 359 445 448
100 406 406 410 483 559 486
150 495 495 498 495 495 498 610 711 613
200 597 597 600 5~7 5!:17 6UU '['J'{ ~45 '(4U
250 673 673 676 673 673 676 889 889 892
300 762 762 765 762 762 765 1016 1016 1019
350 826 826 829
400 002 902 905
450 978 978 981
500 1054 1054 1060
550 1143 1143 1153
600 1232 1232 1241
650 1308 1308 1321
700 1397 1397 1410
750 1524 1524 1537
800 1651 1651 1667
8GO 1778 1778 17D4
900 1880 1880 1895
Tolerance: ± 2mm on sizes DN 250 and smaller. ± 3mm on sizes DN 300 and larger.
tValve size is same as nominal pipe size.
Spec 6D: Pipeline Valves (Gate, Plug, Bali, and Check Valves) 39
APPENDIX B (continued)

METRIC TABLE B4.2 (Continued)

1 5 6 7 8 9 ·10 11 12 13

Regular Venturi Round-Port, Full-Bore

Valve .. ,, \
Size Raised Welding Ring and Raised Welding Ring and Raised Welding Ring and
t Face End Groove Face. End Groove Face End Groove
DN .1 B C .1 B C Â 8 c:
PN 100
50 292 292 295 330 333
65 330 330 333 381 384
80 356 356 359 445 448
100 432 432 435 508 559 511
150 559 559 562 559 559 562 660 711 664
200 660 660 664 660 660 664 794 845 797
250 787 787 791 787 787 791 940 1016 943
300 838 838 841 1067 1067 1070
350 889 889 892
400 991 991 994
450 1092 1092 1095
500 1194 1194 1200
550 1295 1295 1305
600 1397 1397 1407
650 1448 1448 1461
750 1651 1651 1664
800 1778 1778 1794
850 1930 1930 1946
900 2083 2083 2099
PN 150
50 368 371 381 384
65 419 422 432 435
80 381 381 384 470 473
100 457 457 460 559 562
150 610 610 613 610 610 613 737 740
200 737 737 740 737 737 740 813 816
250 838 838 841 838 838 841 965 968
300 965 96b 968 1118 1121
400 1130 1130 1140

PN 250
50 368 371 391 394
65 419 422 454 457
80 470 470 473 524 527
100 546 546 549 625 629
150 705 705 711 705 705 711 787 794
200 832 832 841 832 832 841 889 899
250 991 991 1000 991 991 1000 1067 1076
300 1130 1130 1146 1130 1130 1146 1219 1235
PN 420
50 451 454
65 508 514
80 578 584
100 673 683
150 914 927
200 1022 1038
250 1270 1292
300 1422 1445

Tolerance: ± 2mm on slzes DN 250 and smaller. ± 3mm on sizes DN 300 and larger.
tValve size lS same as nominal pipe size.
40 American Petroleum Institute
Face-to-Face (A), and End-to-End (B and C) Dimensions.
AlI dimensions in millimeters.
See FigurA 4_4_
(Ref. Table 4.3)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Full Bore & Reduced Bore Short Pattern, Full and Reduced Bore
Valve A

Size ( Raised Welding Ring and ' Raised ""

Welding Ring and
t Face End Croove Face Enù Groovtl
PN 20
50 178 216 191
65 191 241 203
80 203 283 216
100 229 305 241
150 394 457 406 267 403 279
200 4157 1521 470 292 4UJ 305
250 533 559 546 330 457 343
300 610 635 622 356 502 368
350 686 762 699
400 762 B3B 775
450 864 914 876
500 914 991 927
600 1067 1143 1080
650 1143 1245
700 1245 1346
750 1295 1397
800 1372 1524
8150 1473 1626
900 1524 1727

50 216 216 232

65 241 241 257
80 283 283 298
100 305 305 321
150 403 457 419
200 502 521 518 419 419 435
250 568 559 584 457 457 473
300 64B 635 664 502 502 518
350 762 762 778
400 838 838 854
450 914 914 930
500 991 991 1010
550 1092 1092 1114
600 1143 1143 1165
650 1245 1245 1270
700 1346 1346 1372
7GO 1397 1397 1422
800 1524 1524 1553
850 1626 1626 1654
900 1727 1727 1756

Tolerance: ± 2mm on sizes DN 250 and smaller. ± 3mm on sizes DN 300 and larger.
tValve size is same as nominal pipe size.
Svec 6D;~Yf~lwr:~·
" ,
R(~ Anf!. r.h,,~k V.. l"",')
" . 9 .onbnued)

1 2 3 4
Full Bore
Size Raised Welding Ring and
Face Groovp.

PN 64

100 406 406 410
150 495 495 498
:wo 597 597 600
250 673 673 676
300 762 762 765
350 826 826 829
400 !::lU:.! 902 905
450 978 978 981
500 1054 1054 1060
550 1143 1143 1153
600 1:l(l:.! 1232 1241
650 1308 1308 1321
700 1397 1397 1410
750 1524 1524 1537
800 1651 1651 1667
850 1778 1778 1794
900 1880 1880 1895

50 292 292 295

65 330 330 333
80 356 356 :-lfi~
100 432 432 435
150 559 559 562
200 660 660 664
250 787 787 791
300 838 838 841
350 889 889 892
400 991 991 994
450 1092 1092 1095
500 1194 1194 1200
550 1295 1295 1305
600 1397 1397 1407
650 1448 1448 1461
700 1549 1549 1562
750 1651 1651 1664
800 1778 1778 1794
850 1930 1930 1946
900 2083 2083 2099
Tolerance: ± 2mm on sizes DN 250 and smaller. ± 3mm on sizes DN 300 and larger.
tValve size is same as nominal pipe size.

1 2 3 4
Full Bore
Bize Raised Welding Ring and
1 Face End Groove
PN 150
50 368 368 371
65 419 419 422
80 381 381 384
100 d!l7 d57 160
150 610 610 613
200 737 737 740
250 838 838 841
300 965 9M 968
350 1029 1029 1038
400 1130 1130 1140
450 1219 1219 1232
500 1321 1321 1334
600 1549 1549 1568
PN 250
50 368 368 371
65 419 419 422
80 470 470 473
100 546 546 fi4.9
150 705 705 711
200 832 832 841
250 991 991 1000
300 1130 1130 1140
350 1257 1257 1276
PN 420
50 451 451 454
65 508 508 540
80 578 578 584
100 673 673 683
150 914 914 927
200 1022 1022 1038
250 1270 1270 1292
300 1422 1422 1445
Tolerance: ± 2mm on sizes DN 250 and smaller. ± 3mm on sizes DN 300 and larger.
tValv", sb,,,, is sam", as nominal pipe size.
80ec 60: Pipeline Valves (Gate. Plul[. Bail and Check V"lv,,~) 4.3



Face-ta-Face (A) and End-to-End (B and C) Dimensions.
AlI dimensions in millimeters.
See Figures 4.5 and 4.6.
(Ref. Table 4.4)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
PN 20 PN 5U ./:'N 64 PN 100

Valve Raised Welding Ring and Raised Welding Ring and Raised Welding Ring and Raised Welding Ring and
Size Face End Groove Face End Groove F.'I(!p. Rnrl Cirnnvp. Face End Groovê
50 203 203 216 267 267 283 292 292 295 292 292 295
65 216 216 229 292 292 308 330 330 333 330 330 333
80 241 241 254 318 318 333 3::;0 3lJO SM 356 356 359
100 292 292 305 356 356 371 406 406 410 432 432 435
150 356 356 368 445 445 460 495 495 498 559 559 562
200 495 495 508 533 533 549 597 597 600 660 660 664
2fiO fi22 fi?2 fi::lfi fi?? 6?? fl::lR 673 673 676 787 787 791
300 699 699 711 711 711 727 762 762 765 838 838 841
350 787 787 800 838 838 854 889 889 892 889 889 892
400 864 864 876 864 864 879 902 902 905 991 991 994
450 978 978 991 978 978 994 1016 1016 1019 1092 1092 1095
500 978 978 991 1016 1016 1035 1054 1054 1060 1194 1194 1200
550 1067 1067 1080 1118 1118 1140 1143 1143 1153 1295 1295 1305
600 1295 1295 1308 1346 1346 1368 1397 1397 1407 1397 1397 1407
650 1295 1295 1346 1346 1372 1397 1397 1410 1448 1448 1461
700 1448 1448 1499 1499 11)24 1600 1600 1613 1600 1600 1613
750 1524 1524 1594 1594 1619 1651 1651 1664 1651 1651 1664
900 1956 1956 2083 2083 2083 2083 2083 2083

METRIC TABLE B4.4 (Continued)


1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
PN,.1 5O PN "-250 PN,.420
Ring and
. \
Valve ( Raised Welding Ring and 1 / Raised Welding 1 Raised Welding Rmg and
Size Face End Groove Face End Groave Face End Groove
50 368 368 371 368 368 371 451 451 454
65 419 419 422 419 419 422 508 508 514
80 381 381 384 470 470 473 578 578 584
100 457 457 4fiO 1146 Mfl I)4Çj 1'\7::1 673 683
150 610 610 613 705 705 711 914 914 927
200 737 737 740 832 832 841 1022 1022 1038
250 838 838 841 991 991 1000 1270 1270 1292
300 965 965 968 1130 1130 1116 1122 1122 1115
350 1029 1029 1038 1257 1257 1276
400 1130 1130 1140 1384 1384 1407
450 1219 1219 1232 1537 1537 1559
500 1321 1321 1334 1664 1664 1686
600 1549 1549 1568 1943 1943 1972
Tolerance: ± 2mm on sizes DN 250 and smaller. ± 3mm on sizes DN 300 and larger.
Face-to-Face Dimensions.
AlI dimensions in millimeters.
See Figures 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9.
(Ref. Table 4.3)
2 3 4 6 7
~, .
PN 50
Valve Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long
Size Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt. Patt.

50 19 60 19 60 19 60 19 60 19 70 19 70 * 70
65 19 67 19 67 19 67 19 67 19 83 19 83 * 83
80 19 73 19 73 19 73 19 73 19 83 22 83 * 86
100 19 73 19 73 22 79 22 79 22 102 32 102 * 105
150 19 98 22 98 25 137 29 137 35 159 44 159 * 159
200 29 127 29 127 32 165 38 165 44 206 57 206 * 206
29 51 213 57 213 57 24.1 24.8 250
300 38
181 57 229 60 229 292
* * 305 305
350 44 184 51 222 64 273 67 273 * 356 * 356
400 51 191 51 232 64 305 73 305 * 384 * 384
450 60 203 76 264 83 362 83 362 * 451 * 468
500 64 219 83 292 89 368 92 368 451 * 533
600 * 222 * 318 * 394 * 438 * 495 * 559

*Dimensions to be established.
Tolerance: ± 2mm on sizes DN 250 and smaller. ± 3mm on sizes DN 300 and larger.


WELD END VALVES (Ref. Table 5.3)
(Ref. Table 5.1) High Law
1 2 3 Pressure Pressure
Valve Pressure Minimum Test Pressures, bar Valve Backseat Backseat Air Seat
PN Shell Hydrostatic Seat Hydrastatic Pressure bar bar bar
20 29 21
50 76 135 20 21 6 6
68 100 73 50 55 6 6
100 150 l10 68 73 6 6
150 224 166 100 110 6 6
250 372 276 150 166 6 6
420 621 455 250 276 6 6
The test pressures listed are NOT valve operating pressure 420 414 6 6
.n.r .c .L:.f.L"l LI LA. \.1


Cl. General. The requirements in this section are ball and on the downstream side of the check. Test
optional and are to he provided by the manufacturer pressure and duration shall be as specified in Table 5.3
when specifically requested hy the purchaser. These tests and 5.4 respectively.
shaH he pcrformcd in accordance with the manufacturer'a C4. Operational Torque Test. The torque required
written procedures which shaH be made available to the to open a baIl, gate, or plug valve shaH be measured by
purchaser or his representative upon request. the manufacturer. Torque shan be measured at the full
rated pressure differential at normal ambient
C2. Hydrostatic Tests. Hydrostatic test at a higher temperature conditions, or at other pressure and/or
pressure than specified in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 or for temperature conditions specified by the user. Torque
longer times than specified in Table 5.2 shall he performed values shaH be obtained with the baIl, gate or plug and
in accordance with the manufacturer's written procedures. seats free of any sealant except where the sealant is the
No visible leakage or harmful inelastic deformation are primary means of sealing. If necessary for assembly, a
permissible. lubricant may be used provided that viscosity does not
exceed that of SAE 10W motor ail or equivalent. The
cs. Air Seat Te5b. Valves suhjAl!ted tn an air l'leat torque teFlt shaH be performed subl'lequent ta the
test shaH show no siens of leakaae. Test pressures shaH hydrostatic sheH test and prior to any hydrostatic seat
350 44 184 51 222 64 273 67 273 * 356 * 356
400 51 191 51 232 64 305 73 305 * 384 * 384
450 60 203 76 264 B3 362 B3 362 * 151 * 468
500 64 219 83 292 89 368 92 368 * 451 * 533
600 * 222 * 318 * 394 * 438 * 495 * 559

*Dimensions to be established.
Tolerance: ± 2mm on sizes DN 250 and smaller. ± 3mm on sizes DN 300 and larger.


WELD END VALVES (Ref. Table 5.3)
High Law
1 2 3 Pressure Pressure
Valve Pressure Minimum Test Pressures, bar Valve Backseat Backseat Air Seat
PN SheH Hydrostatic Seat Hydrostatic Pressure bar bar bar
20 29 21
riO 70 üü 20 21 6 6
68 100 73 50 55 6 6
100 150 110 68 73 6 6
150 224 166 100 110 6 6
250 372 276 150 166 6 6
420 621 455 250 276 6 6
The test pressures listed are NOT valve operating pressure 420 414 6 6
46 American Petroleum Institute


ANSI B1.20.1 Pipe Threads, General Purpose ASTMA 333 Spec. for Seamless and Welded Steel
ANSI B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings Pipe for Law-Temperature Service
ANSI B16.34 Valves - FlangAi! Rni! Rntt WAli!ing ASTMA 350 Spec. for Forged or Rolled Carbon
and Alloy Steel J:<'1anges, J:<'orged
Fittings, and Valves and Parts for
ANSI B18.3 Socket Cap, Shoulder and Set Screws Low-Temperature Service
ANSI B91.4 Liquid Petroleum Transportation ASTMA 351 Spec. for Austenitic Steel Castings
Piping Systems for High Temperature Service
ANSI B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution ASTMA 352 Spec. for Ferritic Steel Castings for
Piping Systems Pressure Containing Parts Suitable
for Law-Temperature Service
ASTM A 36 Spec. for Structural Steel
ASTM A 354 Quenched and Tempered AUoy Steel
ASTM A 105 Spec. for Forged or Rolled Steel Pipe BoIts and Studs with Suitable Nuts
Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves
and Parts for High-Temperature ASTM A:nn Spec. for M.etal-Arc- Welded Steel
Service Pipe for Use with High-Pressure
Transmission Systems
ASTM A 106 Spec. for Seamless Carton Steel Pipe
[VI' High-Telllpel'aLul'tl Stll'vice ASTM A 441 Spec. for High Strength Law-AIloy
Structural Manganese Vanadium
ASTM A 181 Spec. for Forged or Rolled Steel Pipe Steel
Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves
Rnd Parts for GenF~rPlI RArvi~p.
ASTMA 487 Spec. for Low-Alloy Steel Castings
Suitable for Pressure Service
ASTM A 182 Spec. for Forged or Rolled Steel Pipe
Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves ASTM A 515 Spec. for Carbon Steel Plates for
and Parts for High-Temperature Pressure Vessels for Intermediate
and Higher Tempcraturc Scrvice
ASTM A 516 Spec. for Carbon Steel Plates for
ASTM A 193 Alloy Steel Bolting Material for High
Pressure Vessels for Moderate and
Temperature Service
Lower Temperature Service
ASTM A 194 Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts ASTMA 537 Spec. for Carbon-Manganese-Silicon
for High Pressure and High Steel Plates, Heat Treated, for
Temperature Service Pressure Vessels
ASTM A 203 Spec. for Nickel Alloy Steel Platee; ASTM A 541 Spec. tOI' Quenched and Tempered
for Pressure Vessels Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for
ASTM A 216 Spec. for Carbon-Steel Castings Pressure Vessel Components
Suitable for Fusion Wei ding for High- ASTM A 633 Spoc. for Normo.lillcd High-Strength
Temperature Service Low-AUoy Structural Steel
ASTM A 217 Spec. for AUoy Steel Castings for ASTM A 707 Spec. for Flanges, Forged, Carbon and
Pressure-Containing Parts Suitable AUoy Steel for Law-Temperature
for High-Temperature Service Service
ASTMA 225 Spec. for Manganese-Vanadium ASTMA 710 Spec. for Low Carbon Age Hardening
Alloy-Steel Plates for Pressure Nicke 1- C 0 p per- Ch ro mi u m-
Vessels Molybdenum-Columbium and Nickel-
ASTM A 240 Spec. for Heat-Resisting Chromium Copper-Columbium Alloy Steels
and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel ASTM A 757 Spec. for Ferritic and Martensitic
Plate, Sheet and Strip for Fusion- Steel Castings for Pressure Con-
Welded Unfired Pressure Vessels taining and Other Applications for
ASTM A 242 Spec. for High Strength Law Alloy Law-Temperature Service
Structural Steel API Spec 5L Spec. for Line Pipe
ASTM A 285 Spec. for Low and Intermediate API Std 5B Threading Gaging and Thread
Tensile Strength Carbon-Steel Plates Inspection of Casing and Line Pipe
of Flange and Firebox Qualities for Threads
Pressure Vessels MSS-25 Standard Marking System. for Valves,
ASTM A 320 Alloy Steel Bolting Materials for Law Fittings, Flanges and Unions
Temperature Service MSS-44 Steel Pipe Line Flanges
NACE MR·Ol·75 Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant ASME B16.47 Large Diameter Steel Flanges
Equipment SECT. IX - Welding and Brazing Qualifications


BS 1501·224·490 Steels for fired and unfired pres- BS 970709 M 40T Wrought steels for mechanical and
LT Grade sure vesseIs: Plates. Part 1. Specifi- allied engineering purposes. Part 1.
cation for carbon and carbon man- General inspection and testing
ganese steels. procedures and specifie require-
ments for carbon, carbon manga-
BS 4360·50B·50D Weldable structural steels nese, alloy and stainless steels.

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