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PA Cardio


Atheroma yang dilingkarin biru

Plaque buildup in arteries.

Asymptomatic but when ruptured, will block bloodflow.


Jaringan ikat longgar yang dilingkari hijau

-Squamous epithelial cells (external hemorrhoid, biasanya

sakit banget)

-Columnar epithelial cells (internal hemorrhoid, biasanya ga


Acute tubular necrosis : death of tubular epithelial cells that

form the renal tubules of the kidneys


Adanya kalsifikasi pada jaringan yang ijo

Penipisan pada pembuluh darah yang biru

Aneurism : aneurysm is an outward bulging, likened to a

bubble or balloon, caused by a localized, abnormal, weak
spot on a blood vessel wall

Treatment : surgery to prevent rupture. (pasang sten yang

nutup jadinya kyk ada “selang” dalem p.darahnya, biar darah
lewat gabisa masuk ke bagian yang menggelembung)

Dateng ke klinik : karena severe pain pada chest/back, typical

angina, headache (kalo di otak)

Artery & Venous malformation

Artery (ijo muda)

Vein (ijo tua)

abnormal connection between arteries and veins, bypassing

the capillary system. This vascular anomaly is widely known
because of its occurrence in the central nervous system

Symptoms : seizure, headache on 1 area, muscle weakness in

the body, vision loss, difficult to speak, unsteadiness

Pyelonefritis Kronis

- renal inflammation and scarring induced by

recurrent or persistent renal infection,
vesicoureteral reflux, or other causes of urinary tract

Catetan uda di pic hehe

Presentation :
- Fever
- Lethargy
- Nausea and vomiting
- Flank pain or dysuria
- Hypertension
- Failure to thrive in young children
- Flank tenderness

Hemangioma kapiler

Adanya kapiler yang menebal (banyak si sebenernya hehe)

A benign tumor of the capillary. abnormal proliferation of

blood vessels in one area of the body
Case presentation :

Ada jendolan

Hemangioma cavernosa

type of blood vessel malformation or hemangioma, where a

collection of dilated blood vessels form a lesion

Mirip bentuk tanduk rusa (?)

Case presentation :

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