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Hello Diana,

I certainly understand how concerning this is for you.

There is likely chance that you need to restart the product to factory setting. To do this you can visit and
follow instruction on this link (

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Yani Wulandari

2. Hi Ryan,

Thank you for your interest in purchasing our bulb.

I am very sorry that for now we are out of stock. We have contacted our supplier regarding this matter.
We will have bulbs ready in our store in a few days.

In the meantime, feel free to contact us should you have any further concern.


Yani Wulandari

3. Hello Andi,

I am sorry for the problem you are facing regarding the theme you’ve purchased.

Wordpress has set that the log in button is only visible for visitor. At the theme demo I show the
website as how visitor would see it.

Thank you for your email regarding this matter. I will fix the missing log in button so that people can still
see it when they are logged in.


Yani Wulandari
4. Hi Arthur,

Thank you for purchasing the theme.

You can certainly customize your theme. However, to make sure that you will not lose future update I
suggest you to use child theme. Using child theme let you customize your site separately from parent
theme function.

You can find further information regarding child theme on the site below:

Thank you for your email. Should you need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.


Yani Wulandari

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