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Republic of the Philippines

Deparment of Education
Tuboran National High School

Name: _______________________________ Year/Section: ________________ Date: _________ Score: ______

I. Define the following terms.

1. Data –
2. Descriptive statistics –
3. Inferential statistics –
4. Continuous variable –

II. The set of phrases talks about the application of statistics, give the right field applying its usage.
1. The analysing the data of a certain specimen in the experiment. –
2. The score of an athletes. –
3. Tax of the teacher. –
4. Number of enrolee of the university. –
5. Descendant of Maria. –
6. The behaviour of Rey on a certain occasion. –
7. The number of the population on a certain barangay. –
8. The number of raw materials produce on a certain company. –
9. Analysing the score of the basketball team on a tournament. –
10. Effectiveness of a certain goods in the market. –
11. Grades of a student on a certain grading period. –
12. Descendant of Maria is richer than the descendant of Marcos. –
13. The effectiveness of a certain drug to the patient. –
14. Meme is polite than Maya. –
15. Successive goal of Ronaldo on the soccer game. –

III. Solve the following accordingly.

1. ∑ x

2. ∑m
m = 2 , 15 ,19, 3, 5, 6, 7, 25, 17, 28, 10, 19
3. ∑ x
x=2 (1)

4. A municipality planning office is conducting a survey on the adequacy of the services provided by the
local health clinic. There are a total of 1 500 households in the municipality subdivided into a class A, B,
C, and E. A sample of 120 households will be obtained by stratified sampling. How large a sample must
be taken from each stratum or class?

Level Number of households

A 60

B 100

C 200

D 410

E 730

IV. Compute the Central Tendency of the data.

1. Class mark on a test.

56, 53, 48, 27, 58, 60, 25, 27, 40, 45, 55, 57, 26

2. The height of the high school students in centimetres.

157, 151, 153, 153, 161, 155, 158, 166, 172, 151

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