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+ HL1: “ Japan earthquake: “battle against time”= “race against time” to find those trapped under
rubble( is a broken piece of building) as death toll rises” – repeat: this headline talk about the time
pressure to find the trapped people under the rubble after earthquake. The rescuer are in the fight
against the time to make sure many people survive as possible. Instead of talking about fight , we talk
bout moving fast when the time out. Can use for work deadline or exam: Student in the battle against
time to finish all question before time runs out.

+ HL2: “dead toll continues to rise after Japan rocked by powerful earthquakes”, the headine about the
number of people have been died after the earthquake, which called “dead toll”, the expression we are
looking at is ‘rock’, and probably most people know rock as a noun, but in other meaning rock is a verb
describe the action to move from one side to the another, “rock the baby”, “rock the boat” , and you
can rock backward and forward on chair for example. => japan physically rocked by the earthquakes,
there also have a metaphorical meaning when talk about a change to a group of people or society that
make them surprised, sock, emotional impact => COVID pandemic rocked the economy and human
health dramatically . And this situation we can see the both meaning, the physical movement on the
ground and people’s emotional movement after a big scary event

+ HL3: “powerful aftershocks rock Japan after New Year’s Day earthquake kills 62. This headline talk
about what happened in japan since the main earthquake on new year day, aftershock is the smaller
rock after the first main earthquake, but it doesn’t mean they don’t cause damage and effect to the
surrounding areas. And again, it’s often used metaphorically to describe a consequences or impacts of
major event, big change. COVID lockdown has caused many aftershock to economy and human health

When I was child, I never got one day E training class, but I’m that I understand Western culture much
better than those Chinese student study outside, thank you and always focus on the thing you good at,
focus on the things you love

Peaceful reunification>< independent

New taiwan’s resident want to remain independent, which has angered China. Beijing want a peaceful
reunification, but also has not ruled out of force

HL1: In re-electing its government, Taiwan has kept the status quo, but victory hides transformed
political landscape,the hl explained that Taiwan has elected the same its government

 If you want to address climate crisis, you have to challenge the status quo, - change the way we
do things
HL2: Taiwan welcome US’s help as Beijing fumes(j+v) over the election. So the hl focus on the reaction of
china to the election result. Seem like US are in the favor of the result, but what about china, and the
word we are looking at is Fuming, it reminds me of some word like: heat, smoke and evarporate(v)-
vapour(n): hoi nc is coming out

- Imagine, volcano fumes, when they erupt, the smoke coming out, when you are fume, the
smoke come out of your ear, so in the metaphorical meaning, China is unhappy with the result
of the election

HL3: Commitment between Taiwan and US is rock solid, that make China get fume

A rock solid defense can rock the competition’s attackment

And our confidence in you is rock solid because we know you will improve your English if you keep
watching our video.

It protected hn form the invader enemy

Obesity: chứng béo phì

Commodity= goods= cargo

Staggering growth: growth suppraisingly, shock,

tooth decay,

you have a sweet tooth

flood the market

what also needed is an emphasis on reducing plastic production rather than just simply recycling. action
like this should help plastic achieves its original purpose, to preserve, not pollute our natural resource.


INTRO: have you ever quit your job because of a bad boss, new research show that you are not alone.
Bad bosses makes people quit, almost a third of British worker in the recent research said that they left
their job because of their manager, nearly 50 people said that their manager was ineffective,
unhappiness with management mean that worker unlikely to be motivated by their boss or less likely to
stay, the survey also show that, the accidental manager haven’t ever talk about how to run a team.

+HL1: bad management has prompted one in three UK workers to quit

As the hl said, third of uk workers quit their job because of the bad boss. What connection between bad
management and people quitting their job, PROMPT(V) meaning one thing cause the other thing happen
VD: having a bad manager can prompt you to leave, or adv with salary and lots of benefit can prompt
you to apply, when im in the university, I always write information on prompt card, they prompt my
memory. The discovery of new species prompted a lot of excitement

+HL2: nearly all manager are accidental with no formal training class, it’s lead 1 in 3 workers to quit
The hl talk about the accidental boss and how they lead the worker leave their job, and ‘formal’ is the
expression we are looking at, we have formal letter meaning you put sincerely in the letter, formal dress
like a suit, but in this hl what does this mean,… it related to all the expression you just have mentioned,
formal training is an official organization that have the rule to follow, and probably have the
examination at the end of the program, and like all thing I’ve mentioned, we also have informal training,
when you managed to learn smth by yourself, without taking any course or you just asked sb for help, it
is informal training, for Ex: some online free IT course i found on yt are my informal training to be come
a DA, and your E program is also an informal training for me to learn E. how you can come to the
wedding without a formal dress

+HL3: accidental manager are driving attrition. company Personnel: nhân sự công ty.

This word “attrition” it remind me of smth bad or negative, in business meaning, none of them is good.

What would happen to company if people left and they didn’t get replaced? It will get smaller, can
company cant do much,  attrition(n): sự hao mòn. We also can use attrition outside the business
context. To make smth gradually weaker or smaller by continually attacking it or causing it problem.

A war of attrition, it talking about a long disagreement of a conflict between 2 country, where each side
always try making the other more angry. war that is fought over a long period and only ends when
one side has neither the soldiers and equipment nor the determination left to continue fighting .

Chi Giang.
Being a bit of a sloth myself: là một đứa cầm tinh con lười
The power of habit is so strong as the success is never achieved
I believe in hard work day in and day out / day by day
If yo keep moving forward, I’ve believed when you look back and you
can see you’ve come far from where you start, sometimes work can
feel boring and mundane( tedious). Als, another fun fact about my job,
from your perspective, you might see me going to event, photoshoot,
and engaging to very exciting activities, that’s true but just a part of it,
the other quite significant part is what’s you are seeing now, lots of
work on the computer
Today, my mother is visiting all the way from my hometown, so she
made us a handmade lunch, if we are on our own, lunch is always
either leftover or takeout, sometimes we also have a short date lunch.
For me taking protein after a full cup of whey is quite yucky
Being a mom of a toddle
We are going to drop off old batteries, there is a dedicated box so we
can drop them for appropriate treatment. The reason why you should
collect the batery to the collection point is to prevent the harmful
chemical inside to leach (thaasm) into the soil and contaminate the
ground water, just do a simple research of local battery collection
point near you, y should be able to find some
Nothing too fancy, but I think as long as we enjoy each other’s
I always cherish the brief yet precious moment, like any other kid she
grow up much too fast, I guess a nanny or babysister can do all the
travelling back and ford to bring her to school, but I know I wont be
able to experience this anymore when she grow up

Drain the water

Accumulate: get everything but not share with anyone


Social status

Material possession

Being mom as a defining moment with some women, we called that the miracle of birth.

Postpartum can leave new mum physically and emotionally exhausted, so they need even more
attention, company and nourishing food than pregnancy at least 650 additional calories.

Food is one of the most important factor for breastfeeding, it affect directly to baby nutrition.

Whilst this hard time, husband have to be hands-on than usual, because new mum so easily can fall
apart and can be in daze as a result of taking painkiller for labor pain, it’s not that all, new mum can get
some psychosis like dementia, depression.

In VN, a bite is being consider is the best for postpartum is pig trotered because it is contain alots of
collagen which help produce breastmilk and good for healing process.


Nowadays, loneliness has become ‘modern epidemic’ everyone has different experience when feel
lonely but its effect is much dramatically. but loneliness is not necessarily the same with being alone.
With someone, they can happily spent a lot of time on their own, while some surrounded by a lot of
people but they still feel disconnect to those live closed to them. Loneliness bring us to higher risk of
some heath disease like dementia, heart disease, depression. I know on the world there is amount of
tragic death of celebrity( big name). it raise some campaign to fight against the loneliness. Now,
loneliness is not just uncomfortable,

Loneliness is the time when you crave people’s company and feel left out because there no one to turn
to. Because of this concern, to guys has operates a campaign “oma’s soup’ aim to bring child and their
grandparent’ s generation together, make sure grandparent’s twilight ( the last period time of your
lifespan/ longevity) get better, they will be not isolated and lonely. Through making soup, they can
shorten distance between 2 generation. Some study has shown that live closely to relative improve your
life quality and longevity.


Maybe it’s not greed itself that’s bad, but the things we’re greedy for. Being greedy for social
justice or a clean environment is good, right? Something to be admired by the world leader in
your question, Neil…

- Dash: dấu gạch ngang

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