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Nhóm 6
Lớp HP: 231_ENTH1611_48
Giáo viên: Đào Phương Linh

Hà Nội, tháng 10 năm 2023

1. Introduction
1.1.What is the definition of the storm?
1.2. How do storms form?
2. The impact of storms
2.1 How does Noru storm work?
2.2.How does Noru storm affect human life?
3. Conclusion
3.1. What is the consequence of Noru storm in human life?
3.2.How to repair damage from the storm?
1.1.What is the definition of the storm?
A storm is a state of atmospheric disturbance and is a type of extreme weather. A storm is
a tropical cyclone structured by a mass of hot, humid air with a powerful updraft around
the eye of the storm, creating a system of clouds and rain swirling into the storm's center.
This cyclone is hundreds of kilometers in diameter and forms over tropical waters in the
northern hemisphere.

1.2. How do storms form?

Storms form in tropical regions because this natural phenomenon requires a stream of
boiling water, at least 26 degrees at a depth of at least 50 meters underwater.
Hot water creates strong evaporation, which is the fuel of storms. This very moist air
mass will rise up to 15 kilometers high. In there, the gas will become cold, be condensed,
and cause unstable storm clouds to become larger.
When the cold air descends, it absorbs the hot, moist air again. And it is sucked at a very
high speed into the rising air tube. The reason for this phenomenon is that the pressure
here is lower than in other places. This explains why clouds roll around this chimney.
Last year, a superstorm hit the south of our country and it caused heavy damage to our
country, which was called Noru.
2.1 How does Noru storm work?
Noru storm was the 4th storm since the beginning of 2022. The name Noru was given by
South Korea. The storm was predicted to have very strong destructive power, taking on
the form of a superstorm in the past 20 years since storm Xangsane in 2006 landed
directly in Da Nang City.

Noru storm operated according to the principles of a tropical cyclone system. This system
consisted of a central area of low pressure, surrounded by clouds and swirling winds.
Vortex winds were caused by the pressure difference between the center of the storm and
its surroundings. Storm Noru's activities included the process of forming, strengthening,
making landfall, weakening, and dissipating.

Noru storm formed from a low-pressure area off the coast of the Philippines on
September 22, 2022. This low-pressure area moved northwest and strengthened into a
tropical depression on the 23rd. The tropical depression continued to strengthen and
became a storm on the 24th

On the afternoon of the 25th, the eye of the storm was in the Polillo archipelago. Early on
the morning of the 26th, storm Noru crossed the Philippine island of Luzon and entered
the East Sea. The strongest wind near the center of the storm was level 12-13, gusting to
level 14. At 4:00 a.m. On the 27th, storm Noru operated in the southeast sea of the Hoang
Sa archipelago. The strongest wind was level 13, gusts were level 15

Landing: At dawn on the 28th, storm Noru officially made landfall in the Central region,
the storm's center was between the border of Da Nang City and Quang Nam province. At
the time of landfall, the storm had strong winds of level 14 and gusts of level 16.

Weakening: After making landfall, storm Noru moved southwest and gradually weakened
due to the influence of terrain. Storm Noru has weakened into a tropical depression with
the strongest winds near the center of the tropical depression at level 6, gusting to level 7.
After weakening, storm Noru continued to cause widespread heavy rain in many central

2.2. How does Noru storm affect human life?

One of the storms that affected Central Vietnam most severely in the last 20 years was
Typhoon Noru. This was an uncommon storm that traveled at lightning speed, intensified
quickly, and had a peak intensity comparable to that of a superstorm. Evolution was still
quite complex, and it had significant destructive potential. Both the sea and land were
affected in extremely harmful ways.
Storms with a Category four risk of a natural disaster could seriously harm humans and
livestock, cause significant property damage, economic stagnation, and environmental
destruction, and have long-term negative effects that were unlikely to be reversed.
On September 26, the storm's center was located in the East Sea and within the next three
days, it moved mainly westward, entering the mainland in the Central area before
weakening into a tropical depression.
Due to the impact of Typhoon Noru, the southern waters of the North East Sea and the
middle of the East Sea had storms and strong winds, with high and violent waves. Strong
winds, large waves, and tornadoes affected all boats, aquaculture areas, and activities at
coastal locations.
On the mainland, there were many flash floods, landslides, and inundations, as well as
heavy rain, strong winds, and flooding in certain central provinces. Numerous areas
experienced significant flooding as a result of heavy rain, seriously affecting both life and
productivity. Rapidly rising floodwaters blocked access to numerous roads, making it
difficult for students to get to school. Strong winds also caused numerous trees to fall, as
well as buildings to collapse and roofs to be blown off of stores, homes, and


3.1 What is the consequence of the Noru storm in human life?

Storm Noru, a super typhoon that hit Vietnam in September 2022, had devastating
consequences for human life. The storm caused widespread damage to infrastructure,
crops, and livestock. It also killed at least 10 people and displaced over 100,000 people.
The immediate human cost of Storm Noru was significant. The storm caused widespread
flooding and landslides, which destroyed homes and businesses. It also caused power
outages and disruptions to transportation and communication. As a result, many people
were left without shelter, food, or water.
In addition to the immediate human cost, Storm Noru was also expected to have long-
term consequences for human life in Vietnam. The storm caused significant damage to
infrastructure, which would take time and resources to repair. This would make it difficult
for people to rebuild their lives and livelihoods.
The storm also caused significant damage to crops, which would lead to food shortages.
According to the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the storm
destroyed over 50,000 hectares of crops, worth an estimated 1 trillion dong. This included
rice, corn, vegetables, and other fruits. This was a major concern in Vietnam, where a
large proportion of the population relied on agriculture for their livelihoods.
Storm Noru also significantly impacted the mental and emotional health of many
Vietnamese people. The storm caused widespread damage to homes and infrastructure
and displaced millions of people. This can be a very traumatic experience, and it can lead
to a range of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic
stress disorder
The consequences of Storm Noru were a reminder of the devastating impact that natural
disasters could have on communities. Governments and communities should have to
invest in disaster preparedness and mitigation measures to reduce the impact of future

3.2.How to repair damage from the storm?

Specifically, first, resolutely, decisively, and consistently mobilizing and moving people
out of dangerous places is the decisive factor in avoiding loss of life.
Second, firmly grasp developments, closely follow the situation, and mobilize the
combined strength of the entire political system, people, and businesses to prevent and
combat storms promptly and effectively.
Third, proactively develop storm prevention scenarios and plans appropriate to the
situation, regularly organize drills, update, complete, and when situations arise, operate
these scenarios and plans according to the appropriate method, "4 spots".
Fourth, leadership and direction are drastic, proactive, positive, and closely following the
situation, from early on, from afar, and from the grassroots.
Fifth, information is clear, comprehensive, and complete, and provides timely guidance
for party committees, authorities, businesses, and people to proactively respond.
Sixth, localities have promoted a proactive spirit, always upholding the spirit of vigilance,
absolutely not being negligent, subjective, confused, or losing composure in responding to
natural disasters. Party committees, authorities, and people at all levels have been
proactive and brave, promoting the spirit of self-reliance, experience, knowledge, the
leadership role of the Party, the management of the state, and mobilizing the involvement
of the entire political system, the participation of the people in the spirit of solidarity,
love, and mutual support to respond to natural disasters.

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