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A Quantitative Study on Assessing the Prevalence and Impact of Academic Stress

among the Students in Guindaruhan National Highschool

A Research Proposal Presented to Senior Highschool Faculty of Guindaruhan

National Highschool, Guindaruhan,Minglanilla,Cebu, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject Practical Research 2

Manlakat Rowina
Mantalaba Richard
Potenciando Kharlo
Rafaela Triske
Sanchez Mariejane
Tapdasan Daisy
Guindaruhan National Highschool.

January 2023

This presents the systematic operating procedures, processes and

appropriate treatment used for gathering data on the research. A thorough
discussion on research design, flow of the study, environment, respondents,
instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment are stated on each
component of research methodology

Research Design

This study will use qualitative descriptive research design which Collects
and analyzes lived experiences by people. This research collects Data to assess
people’s knowledge by using open-ended questions which Will be interpreted and
analysed. This study will evaluate the “Prevalence and Impact of Academic Stress
among the students in Guindaruhan National Highschool. Figure 1 below shows
the flow of the study.

Assessing the

Prevalence and Impact

Quantitative The output of this
of Academic Stress
Quantitative Study will
Descriptive Design
among the Students in
be a report or research
Data Gathering
Guindaruhan National
paper that presents the
Highschool Data Interruption
findings from data

Data Analysis analysis

Figure 1. Flow of the study


Research Environment

This study be conducted at the basic of Guindaruhan National Highschool

located at Guindaruhan, Minglanilla, Cebu.For academic track, the school offers

the following strands : GAS ( General Academic Stand).

Research Respondents

The students of Guindaruhan National Highschool who are currently enrolled

this first grading of school year 2023-2024 will be taken on the respondents of the

students for they are the one who had experienced the physical classroom of the

students. The actual respondents will be selected through a convenience sampling


Research Instrument

This study will use a researcher-made interview questions which are referred

from the review of related literature of this study. Interview will be conducted

among the respondents through a google meet link.


Research Procedures

Gathering of Data. The process will begin with the submission of letter to

the principal to conduct the study and upon approval of the said request, the

researchers will proceed in sending the questionnaire to the respondents. This will

be done by sending the link of the Google Form to the respondents. Before

answering the survey, the respondents must sign first the consent form that is

being provided by the researchers to ensure that the respondents participated in

this survey whole-heartedly. After the respondents will answer the questionnaire,

all the responses will be collected, tabulated, and analyse using appropriate

statistical tools.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the frequency of academic stress experienced by

the students of Guindaruhan National Highschool, and to understand it’s Influence

on their overall well-being and academic performance.Moreover,this sought to

answer the following;

1. How often do you experience stress related to your academic performance?

2. On a scale of 1-5, rate the level of stress you feel during exams or major


3. What are the main sources of academic stress for you?

4. Have you ever experienced physical symptoms due to academic stress? If

so, please describe.

5.On a scale of 1-5, rate the impact of academic stress on your mental well-



Understanding the prevalence and impact of academic stress is crucial for

developing effective interventions and support systems. This study aims to assess

the prevalence and impact of academic stress among students and identify the

potential benefits for various stakeholders.

Students.This study will directly benefit students by providing insights into

the prevalence and impact of academic stress. By understanding the factors

contributing to academic stress, students can develop strategies to cope with

stress effectively. The findings will also help students identify resources and

support systems available to manage and alleviate academic stress, ultimately

promoting their overall well-being and academic success.

Educational institutions. Including schools, colleges, and universities, will

benefit from this study. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of the

prevalence and impact of academic stress, institutions can tailor their support
services and interventions to address the specific needs of their students. This

may include implementing stress management

Programs, providing counseling services, and creating a conducive learning

environment that fosters student well-being

Parents and guardians. Play a crucial role in supporting their children’s

education. This study will provide parents and guardians with valuable insights

into the prevalence and impact of academic stress. Armed with this knowledge,

they can offer appropriate guidance and support to their children, helping them

navigate through stressful academic periods and promoting their mental health.

Teachers and educators. Are on the front lines of student education and

can play a significant role in mitigating academic stress. This study will equip

teachers and educators with a deeper understanding of the factors contributing to

academic stress among students. With this awareness, they can implement

pedagogical strategies that reduce stress levels, create a supportive classroom

environment, and promote healthy learning habits.

Policy makers and educational researchers. Can utilize the findings of this

study to inform and guide policy development in the education sector. By

understanding the prevalence and impact of academic stress, policy makers can

design interventions and initiatives that address this issue effectively.



The scope of this quantitative study is to assess the prevalence and impact

of academic stress among the 30 students of Guindaruhan National Highschool .

The study will aim to gather data from a representative sample of students across

different grade levels, using a structured questionnaire or survey instrument. The

study will explore various dimensions of academic stress, such as its causes,

symptoms, and its impact on students’ mental and physical health, academic

performance, and overall well-being. The delimitation of the study includes

focusing solely on Guindaruhan National Highschool and not including students

from other schools or educational institutions. Additionally, the study will not

address stress factors outside the academic domain, such as personal or family-

related stressors.
findings underline the importance of addressing academic stress and promoting

students’ overall mental health and life satisfaction.(Remes,et al.,2019)

Investigated the effects of workplace stress on alcohol use disorder

symptoms among human service workers. Although the study was not specific to

academic stress, it highlighted the potential link between stress and maladaptive

coping mechanisms such as alcohol use. This research provides insights into the

importance of identifying and addressing effective coping strategies to mitigate

the negative impact of academic stress on students’ well-being.(Rospenda et


Provides a comprehensive understanding of stress and its effects on

individuals. Although not specific to academic stress among students, Selye’s work

lays the foundation for understanding the general physiological and psychological

responses to stress. This foundational knowledge can be applied in the context of

academic stress and the development of appropriate interventions to mitigate its

impact. (Selye’s book “Stress Without Distress”,1974)

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