Proposal Web

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TBMM 2063










SESSION 2 2022/2023

1.0 TITTLE............................................................................................................................................ 1
2.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 1
3.0 PROBLEM STATEMENT ............................................................................................................ 1
4.0 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................. 1
5.0 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................. 1
6.0 INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................... 2
7.0 PROCESS / STAGE OF WEB DEVELOPMENT ...................................................................... 3
8.0 HARDWARE / SOFTWARE ........................................................................................................ 6
9.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 6

1.0 Tittle

Far’s Website

2.0 Introduction

The project that I want to implement is to make it easier for someone to find a job or to
be able to introduce themselves indirectly through cyberspace. Having a personal website is an
important thing in this day. The personal website is not like other social media for
entertainment but a personal website gives a wider space in showing of each individual’s talents
and not only that a personal website also can be seen by the public easily.

3.0 Problem statement

The reason for this project was to improve the personal website. This is because I often
see most people buy magazines to see the progress of people they are interested in. This will
make it difficult for youself and other parties to keep the paper and need to trade the paper from
damage. In addition, through a personal website we can reduce the use paper, because nowdays
most people use internet because it can save our time.

4.0 Objectives

1. Help to introduce our talent

2. Reduce printing costs
3. Facilitate the search for identification

5.0 Scope

This project is to focus on a person to introduce himself and it also helps a person to
introduce the product. This project more focused on people to start career. This is in line,with
the needs of today’s era where technology is preferred over the old ways.

6.0 Information architecture


About Blog ( food ) Section

Myself Contact
Categories Recipes information

product are used Chocolate dessert chat

Cookies Coment about

essentials website


7.0 Process / stage of web development

1) Collect information
The first and most crucial step for website development is understanding the
purpose. This is where you’ll figure out the requirements and expectations of the client
from the website
Before you start working on website, you should know the audience that the
business wants to attract to its site and the content needed for them. These kinds of
questions help you make better strategy for your website. Once you have to answer to
your question, you can get onto the next step stage ang plan the website creation.

2) Website planning
Having a well-described and detailed plan before starting website development
can help you save many resources like time and money. “Every minute you spend in
planning saves 10 minutes in execution; this gives you a 1000 percent return on
energy!” – Brain Trac.
So, after collecting all the necessary information, the developers can start
planning the website. As a part of their planning for website development, the
developers aim to meet their mission with the client’s vision of the website. If you plan
and create a site map, you can build a website that will work great and get you closer
to your business objectives.
Having a wireframe visually describes the site showing all the functions and
features needed like login, email subscription, admin, live chat, etc. Once you have a
concrete website plan, you should discuss and get it approved by the client before you
start to code or even work on any design. Once everything looks fine to them, you can
get on to the next step of website development.

3) Website design
It’s time to start designing and adding visual elements to give your website a
shape. The visual elements like the logo and brand colors strengthen the brand identity.
The web design should be created keeping the client and their interests in mind
as it determines the success of your online business. The designers can create one or
more prototypes for the website. Having clickable prototypes lets the client have a final

look and feel of the website before it’s developed. The design layout is then reviewed
by the customer, who sends you the feedback.

4) Content creation
Once the landing page and other designs are approved, it’s time to start creating
written and visual content for your landing page. You must have real content to work
on before the development phase of the website begins.
Content that clearly communicates your business, service, and product enriches
your website’s user experience. The content should be guided by keyword research and
SEO rules. Search engines quickly pick up well-written, informative, and keyword-rich
content, making the site easier to find.

5) Development
After careful planning, we reach the most important phase of the website
development process. At this step, you can create the website itself. Usually, the first
page is created, then all the sub-pages are added. Frameworks and CMS should be
applied to ensure that the server can handle all the installations and set them up
efficiently and effectively. The developers define the technologies, functionalities, and
integrations required for backend and frontend development. Development occurs in
two phases-

a) frontend development
Once the clients approve the designs for the website, they are turned into live digital
experiences using unique animations and effects. The developers ensure they build a
user-friendly website that’s responsive on all devices using HTML, CSS, and

b) backend development
he backend developers follow the high-quality standards and processes and use the
selected technologies to create a backend code on Microsoft .NET and Node.js, that
enables user-side and server-side interaction, interfacing the whole website.

It might not appear to the end-user, but the backend developers are responsible for
creating high-performance and scalable websites, taking care of the technical SEO,
security, and user experience.

6) Testing
After the Development phase, it’s time to test the website. The quality assurance
team thoroughly tests the website’s elements, including speed to responsiveness and
other design elements, integrations, security, etc. Testing is essential before the website
goes live.
Test every link to ensure that there are no broken ones among them. You need to
check every script and form and run a spelling check to find out any possible typing
After testing the website for content, functionality, and design, upload the files
to the server. Once you upload the files to the server, review and re-check your website.
This ensures that all the files are correctly uploaded, and the website is working right
before the official launch.

7) Launch and maintenance

Once the website is delivered, you must ensure that everything works okay, and
everyone is satisfied. You should always be ready to make any necessary changes. The
feedback option will tell you what problems users face and what you need to fix. Do
not forget to keep updating your website from time to time.
It’s all about finding the right balance between structure and function. You need
to use the correct elements like the right fonts, colors, and design motifs to let people
navigate and experience your site to the best.

8.0 Hardware / software

• Computer
• Internet
• Mobile devices
• Canva / wix

9.0 References

• Https://

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