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The film "The Monuments Men" demonstrates the functions and importance of the arts to

people and society. The arts reflect our culture, history, and major events over time, as well as who and
what we are as a society at any given time. People and society are defined by art. Also, without those
arts, there would be no evidence of such magnificent masterpieces that society admires. It's also
possible that a significant piece of history is being lost. Art encourages self-expression and creativity, and
it allows us to communicate with one another. Art also attracts tourists; some people travel to different
places because of art. Art is everywhere; everything we see around us was created for a reason, and arts
play many roles in our lives and societies, which is why they are so important and serve so many
purposes for us and our society. That is why, in the film, some of the characters risk their lives because
these arts have evolved into more than just works of art and are now a source of national pride. It would
have been a huge loss without the monuments men; the loss of those thousands of works of art would
have been a great loss of a significant piece of history. The works of art they discovered belonged to
other people and institutions, and reclaiming those works of art was a honorable response to conserve
and return the works of art to their rightful owners. The Monuments Men entered the conflict because
art is so important.

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