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Jacob Wood, Woocheol Kim(2022) A related query relates to human resource

development (HRD) professionals who aim to support companies in achieving
their corporate objectives as well as employees in finding a work-life balance. We
evaluate a corpus of research in this article that looks at the connection between
work-life balance and engagement at work. We have identified and compiled the
results of 37 empirical studies that look into the connection between work-life
balance and engagement at work. The results illustrated the different mediators,
moderators, and antecedents that characterise the connections between work-
life balance and work engagement.
2. Pravin Bhende, Nandakumar Mekoth(2023) This article's goal is to identify the
factors that affect work-life balance and quality of work life, as well as the
relationship between the two. Convenience sampling was used to collect data
from 89 managers of Indian public and private sector banks. Principal component
analysis and multiple regression analysis were then used for analysis. Work-life
balance and work-life characteristics are multifaceted concepts.
3. Edward Hoang(2023), The study found that work-life balance, work stress, and remote
work all significantly impact job satisfaction, both directly and indirectly. For
Indonesian workers, working from home as a new pace of work can maintain job
satisfaction as the current work environment. When it comes to the collectivist
environment, working from home can be a symptom that the organisation should take
note of.
4. A Gragnano, S Simbula, M Miglioretti (2021), Finally, we looked at how worker
characteristics—age, gender, parental status, and work ability—affect the impact
of the WFB and the WHB on job satisfaction. A questionnaire was completed
online by 318 workers who participated in this study. Using a t-test, the
significance of the nonworking domains was compared. Multiple and moderated
regression analyses were used to examine the impact of the WFB and the WHB
on work satisfaction.
5. Rocco Palumbo (2019 ) This comes from the overlapping between private life
and work, which leads to greater contamination of personal concerns and work
duties. Work engagement lessens the perceptions of work-life unbalance. The
increased work-related fatigue triggered by remote working may produce a
physical and emotional exhaustion of home-based teleworkers.
6. V. Sumathi & Dr. K. Dr.K. Gunadundari, (2016) "Work Life Balance of Women
Employees in Selected Service Sector with Reference to Coimbatore District," there
are currently many highly qualified women who have lost their jobs for a variety of
reasons. This issue has to be addressed. While there are a number of issues at
hand, the fact that maternity and family obligations are the primary cause of the
"break in their careers" is noteworthy. Organisations that appreciate the importance
of work-life balance for all employees and have a strong knowledge of their business
rationale are the ones that sustain work-life policies the best.
7. Panisoara and Serban(2019) looked at how marital status affects work-life
balance. 132 employees provided data, which were gathered using the
convenience sample method. Differentiating non-work related factors (such as
having a spouse or significant other, or a minor or large child) while maintaining a
constant work environment (such as the common employment status among all
four participant groups) may indicate that the demands of taking on household or
childcare responsibilities diversify demands and do not always translate into a
significant shift in the degree of work-life balance experienced by single
8. K.Santhana Lakshmi (2018), educational institutions should handle work-life
balance-related concerns among their employees, especially women. They
should also adopt a comprehensive approach to handle, develop, and implement
strategies to support the teaching staff in managing their work-life balance.
9. Kumari.K.Thriveni (2019) has taken into account and dissected the significant
correlation between the demographic factors and WLB. According to Shalini and
Bhawna's (2019) research, associations use the nature of work life as a crucial
tool to entice and retain representatives, and more importantly, to support them
in maintaining work-life parity with equal respect for performance and duty at
10. Selahattin Kanten and Omer Sadullah (2018), The objective of the study is to
compare the quality of work life perceptions of blue collar employees with white collar
employees in a large scale marble firm. The results showed that there was a
significant relation between dimensions of quality of work life. It indicates that positive
emotions are the key factors for organizational performance and commitment. Quality
of work life facilitates employees to manage their personal life. This study indicates
that the human resources specialists in marble firms should improve each factor that
affects the quality of work life, especially with blue collar employees.
11. Dr. Meenakshi Gupta, Parul Sharama (2021), The quality of work life affects the
satisfaction level of employees. There is a high level of satisfaction among the
employees regarding the quality of work life in the organization where adequate
income and fair compensation, safe and healthy working conditions, constitutionalism
in work organization and Social relevance of work exist. These factors are positively
correlated with the quality of work life.
12. M Aarthy, & Dr. M Nandhini (2016), Influence of the Demographic Factors on the
Engineering College Faculty Members' Quality of Work Life in the Coimbatore District
The faculty members' quality of work life has a significant impact on the institutions
as well as the students who will make up the future foundation of the country. The
current study comes to the conclusion that faculty members have a modest level of
quality of work life.
13. A. K. Pathak, P. Dubey, Deepak singh (2019), The profitability and productivity of
organization depends on the performance and commitment of its employees. Every
employee has a personal and professional life; both of these are very difficult to
separate. If an organization wishes to have better productivity and more commitment
from employees then they have to be committed and satisfied. This can be achieved
by an individual when have a fulfilled life inside and outside and his work and is
accepted and respected for the mutual benefit of the individual and the organization.
Organizations are social systems where human resources are the most important
factors for effectiveness and efficiency and need effective managers and employees
to achieve their objectives.
14. According to Clark (2022), separating work and family life strengthens family
dynamics and workplace executives; yet, combining work and family life leads to
advancements that are simpler. He also discovered that there can frequently be
less family-work conflict when there is less penetrability and more flexibility
between the home and the workplace.
15. Vanitha (2021) states that her research indicates that during economic
downturns, businesses reduce their workforce, but they do not hire more staff
while business is expanding. Many workers are required to work weekends as
well as lengthy 14-hour days. When there are extended pauses between
projects, training courses are scheduled for personnel to attend in order to keep
them busy. which ultimately gives the impression to the staff that they lack the
abilities and competence to carry out their jobs.
16. Umer and Rehman (2023), working women's life happiness is significantly
impacted by work-life imbalance. The growth of a higher standard of living for
families and society as a whole depends on the involvement and engagement of
women in industry and business. The majority of the time, women's work-life
imbalance is brought about by their family duties, which can cause friction and
ultimately lead to discontent. As a result, companies ought to take the initiative
and implement programmes to support female employees in maintaining a work-
life balance, which will ultimately assist working women in increasing their level
of life satisfaction.
17. Tewathia (2019), the ability to work from home and the practice of flexible work
schedules can all contribute to improving the work-life balance of workers in their
respective industries. Women workers in the vicinity of their workplace also need
child care facilities. Employees who have work-life conflict spend less time with
their families and may experience lower quality family time due to work-related
stress. She goes on to say that while work-life balance concerns in wealthy
western nations are similar to those in India, they are not the same in those
18. Rife and Hall (2020), the degree to which employees' needs and feelings are
met in both their personal and professional lives is indicated by their work-life
balance. The study goes on to say that workers who can successfully manage
their personal and professional lives behave in ways that benefit their employers,
such as fewer turnover and absenteeism.
19. Mohanty and Jena (2019), men's concerns about work-life balance are
disregarded while women's issues are the main focus of research on this topic. In
addition, as more and more women join the workforce, it is becoming clear that
fathers have responsibilities outside of just raising their children. According to
recent studies in the sector, fathers in dual-earner households spend more time
with their kids than do women in families with a single breadwinner. According to
a study, husbands of working women also report higher rates of role stress and a
variety of neurotic disorders than spouses whose wives are either unemployed or
only work part-time.
20. According to Narendra et al. (2018), many IT companies are switching from the
traditional 8 hours of operation per day to 24 hours per day, seven days a week.
Because of this, workers at these organisations operate under strain, and many
of them even experience depression as a result. Such a measure will result in
decreased efficiency, employee turnover, absenteeism, low motivation and
inventiveness, and alcoholism in addition to job discontent. The distinction
between work and family life is muddied by this.
21. Divya and Suryanarayana (2017), employees are the foundation of any
organisation, and in order to support them in striking a balance between their
personal and professional lives, the organisation should take proactive
measures. Organisations should implement programmes like flexible scheduling,
part-time work, parental and paternity leave, paid time off for emergency
attendance, and childcare facilities. These are some investments that help the
organisations increase employee productivity and job satisfaction.
22. Aveline and Kumar (2017), employee engagement is significantly impacted by
work-life balance. Additionally, workers with shift jobs typically face with family
issues because they are unable to spend quality time with their families. The
majority of companies have allowed their workers to work in shifts from home,
particularly women, as it helps them avoid wasting time travelling and allows
them to finish household tasks during that time. These family-friendly policies
implemented by businesses assist employees in striking a balance between their
personal and professional obligations and increasing their level of engagement at
23. Grady et al. (2018) state that the phrase "balance between serious and fun
activities" is generally more comprehensive and includes "family, amusement,
local area, and individual time."
24. Rife and Hall (2019), the degree to which employees' needs and feelings are
met in both their personal and professional lives is indicated by their work-life
balance. Additionally, the study shows that workers who can successfully
manage their personal and professional lives behave in ways that benefit their
employers, such as fewer turnover and absenteeism.
25. Rife (2022), is a measure of how well individuals believe their needs and feelings
are addressed in both their personal and professional lives. The study goes on to
say that workers who can successfully manage their personal and professional
lives behave in ways that benefit their employers, such as fewer turnover and
26. Johnson (2018) he mentions that a work environment which is supportive enables
the employee to have a healthy balance between their work and professional life,
which helps in strengthening the employees loyalty and improve their productivity. In
the competitive business environment of today’s era, organization are well informed
about the demoralized employees cost implications and its impact on their
productivity and performance. High return on investment, legislation, retention and
recruitment, cost and labor unions are seen as one the major reason behind
organizations introducing the work life balance practices.
27. Fisher and layle(2019) Examine three different sets of metrics related to work-life
balance: the percentage of free time, the overlap between work and other aspects of
life, and the amount of time spent with others. A number of reviews have brought
attention to other matters that are equally important, such as citizenship, age, gender,
lifecycle, stage, and childcare arrangements.
28. BURKE(2018) Men are more content when they do more at work, even if it means
neglecting their families. Women, on the other hand, emphasise that although both
work and family are sources of fulfilment, they place greater value on the former.
29. HYMAN(2019) It has been noted that organisational pressure and a lack of work
centrality cause work to intrude into employees' personal lives; these intrusions
frequently take varied forms depending on the degree of autonomy and
organisational support.
30. SINGH(2018) Due to variations in how women and men see household duties,
women continue to conduct the majority of domestic work and childrearing. As a
result, employees must constantly strike a balance between their personal and
professional lives. The job selection is frequently influenced by the work that is truest
to the simple and sociable life of other times without fenceless constraints.

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