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Datta Gangji 21510027 T2 Batch

Assignment 1

Title: Installation, configuration & testing of MySQL

Objective: To install MySQL Workbench, CLI Client and Server on PC and
test the working of it.
Datta Gangji 21510027 T2 Batch

MySQL is an open-source relational database system. Key concepts
include the relational model, normalization, SQL for querying, various
data types, indexes for performance, transaction support with ACID
properties, joins for combining data from multiple tables, stored
procedures/functions, triggers, and security features. Understanding
these is crucial for effective database design and management.
1. Open Source:
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system,
meaning that it is freely available for use, modification, and distribution.
This contributes to its widespread adoption and a large supportive

2. Scalability:
MySQL is designed to scale efficiently, allowing users to handle
growing amounts of data and increasing demands on the system. It
supports various scaling strategies, including vertical scaling (upgrading
hardware) and horizontal scaling (adding more servers).
Datta Gangji 21510027 T2 Batch

3. Performance Optimization:
MySQL provides various tools and features for optimizing
performance, such as indexing mechanisms, caching strategies, and the
ability to configure and fine-tune the database engine based on specific
workload requirements.

4. ACID Compliance:
MySQL adheres to the ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency,
Isolation, Durability), ensuring the reliability and integrity of transactions.
This is crucial for maintaining data consistency in applications with
concurrent database operations.

5. Security Features:
MySQL offers robust security features, including user
authentication, access control, encryption, and auditing. Users can define
fine-grained access permissions to restrict unauthorized access and
protect sensitive data.

These features make MySQL a powerful and reliable choice for managing
databases, particularly in web applications, enterprise systems, and
various other data-driven scenarios.

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