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First version:


Task-based activities provide numerous benefits for both ESL learners and ESL
instructors. First, task-based activities enable pupils to improve their ability to
communicate in a second language. According to Willis (1996), this teaching
strategy boosts learners' confident and independence, allowing them to achieve
communicative goals. Nunan (2018) discovered that task-based learning help
students actively engage with language in an authentic context, thereby challenging
them to construct dialogues and turning them into autonomous learners. In addition ,
implementing task-based activities in classrooms serves as useful for ESL teachers
in current language pedagogy (Solares, 2006). A task-based approach, which is
student-centered, is likely to allow teachers to see if students are developing the
ability to communicate in a second languge. Because of its interactive nature,
students have more opportunities to use English in the classroom in the same way as
they use their native languages daily, allowing teachers to make proper assessments
(Lao & Krashen, 2018). In conclusion, task-based activities facilitates language
acquisition in term of improving students' communicative competence and allow
instructors to assess students' second language communication skill.

Willis, J. (1996). A flexible framework for task-based learning. Challenge and

Change in Language Teaching, 52–62.

Nunan, D. (2018). Teaching Speaking to Young Learners. The TESOL

Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, 1–8.

Lao, C., & Krashen, S. (2018). Language acquisition without speaking and without
study. Journal of Bilingual Education Research and Instruction, 16(1), 215–221.

Solares, K. (2006). A critical analysis of task-based learning. Kastamonu Journal

of Education. 18(3), 19–17.
Peers’ feedback

Duong Thuy
12:32 PM Today

My suggest for this sentence :

Nunan (2018) found that task-based learning helps students actively engage with language in a
realistic context,thereby challenging them to develop dialogues and turning them into self -
directing learners.

Duong Thuy
12:33 PM Today

Replace: “term” with “terms”

Duong Thuy
12:28 PM Today

Replace: “help” with “helps”

Duong Thuy
12:32 PM Today

Replace: “languge” with “language”

Duong Thuy
12:37 PM Today

Format: alignment

Thanh Vy Lê
12:41 AM Today

spelling "language"

Thanh Vy Lê
12:35 AM Today

Thanh Vy Lê
12:42 AM Today

pl "facilitate"

Thanh Vy Lê
12:37 AM Today

i think it should be shorter :"Benefits of Using Task-Based Activities for Second Language

Oanh Lê
7:01 PM Today

ask-based approach, which is student-centered, is likely to allow teachers to see if students are
developing the ability to communicate in a second languge.

Phương pháp tiếp cận dựa trên nhiệm vụ, lấy học sinh làm trung tâm, có thể cho phép giáo viên
xem liệu học sinh có đang phát triển khả năng giao tiếp bằng ngôn ngữ thứ hai hay không.

nên bỏ từ is likely, vì phương pháp này thật sự giúp đỡ học sinh, chứ không phải '' có thể''

Oanh Lê
6:58 PM Today

According to Willis (1996), this teaching strategy boosts learners' confident and independence,
allowing them to achieve communicative goals

Theo Willis (1996), chiến lược giảng dạy này nâng cao sự tự tin và tính độc lập của người học, cho
phép họ đạt được mục tiêu giao tiếp

Câu mở đầu của ý đầu tiên, là việc các hoạt động sẽ giúp học sinh nâng cao khả năng giao tiếp
(improve their ability to communicate_ , mình nghĩ là bạn nên rút gọn lại, chỉ cần ''Theo Willis
(1996), chiến lược giảng dạy này nâng cao sự tự tin và tính độc lập của người học'', sau đó chốt
thêm là sự tự tin và tính độc lập sẽ giúp người học giao tiếp hiệu quả hơn, thì nó sẽ đúng với câu
chủ đề hơn
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Oanh Lê
7:00 PM Today

Nunan (2018) discovered that task-based learning help students actively engage with language in
an authentic context, thereby challenging them to construct dialogues and turning them into
autonomous learners.

Nunan (2018) phát hiện ra rằng học tập dựa trên nhiệm vụ giúp học sinh tích cực tương tác với
ngôn ngữ trong bối cảnh đích thực, từ đó thách thức họ xây dựng các cuộc đối thoại và biến họ
thành những người học tự chủ.

tương tự như câu trích dẫn này, bạn nên rút ra được là sự tương tác tích cực, sự tự chủ của người
học sẽ giúp được gì cho sự giao tiếp của họ khi học ngôn ngữ thứ 2. Nên bỏ cụm challenging
them to đi để bài viết ngắn gọn hơn
Show more

Oanh Lê
7:03 PM Today

A task-based approach, which is student-centered, is likely to allow teachers to see if students

are developing the ability to communicate in a second languge.

Laguage : sai chính tả

Oanh Lê
7:08 PM Today

In conclusion, task-based activities facilitates language acquisition in term of improving students'

communicative competence and allow instructors to assess students' second language
communication skill.

Tóm lại, các hoạt động dựa trên nhiệm vụ tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho việc tiếp thu ngôn ngữ về
mặt nâng cao năng lực giao tiếp của học sinh và cho phép người hướng dẫn đánh giá kỹ năng
giao tiếp ngôn ngữ thứ hai của học sinh.

Phần này nên viết gắn gọn lại 1 chút

In conclusion, task-based activities facilitates students' communicative competence and allow

instructors to assess students' second language communication skill.
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Oanh Lê
6:51 PM Today

Their ability should be their abilities because I think pupil have many abilities, not just one

Oanh Lê
6:55 PM Today

First, task-based activities enable pupils to improve their ability to communicate in a second
language ( 15 từ)

có thể viết ngắn gọn hơn

First, through task-based learning, students can advance their proficiency in speaking a second
language. - 14 từ
Show less
Second version


Task-based activities provide numerous benefits for both ESL learners and ESL
instructors. First, through task-based learning, students can advance their
proficiency in speaking a second language. According to Willis (1996), this teaching
strategy boosts learners' confidence and independence through actively engaging
with language in an authentic context, enabling them to improve their speaking skills.
In addition, implementing task-based activities in classrooms serves as useful for
ESL teachers in current language pedagogy (Solares, 2006). A task-based approach,
which is student-centered, allows teachers to see if students are developing the
ability to communicate in a second language. Because of its interactive nature,
students have more opportunities to use English in the classroom in the same way as
they use their native languages daily, allowing teachers to make proper assessments
(Lao & Krashen, 2018). In conclusion, task-based activities facilitate students'
communicative competence and allow instructors to assess students' second
language communication skills.
Willis, J. (1996). A flexible framework for task-based learning. Challenge and
Change in Language Teaching, 52–62.

Lao, C., & Krashen, S. (2018). Language acquisition without speaking and without
study. Journal of Bilingual Education Research and Instruction, 16(1), 215–221.

Solares, K. (2006). A critical analysis of task-based learning. Kastamonu Journal

of Education. 18(3), 19–17.

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