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2024 16:10 Course: How To Get A Tech Job Without A Degree - Ascetus


Course: How To Get A Tech Job Without A Degree


persianmagi 15 +
2 years ago 5 8 1

I’ve got a couple of posts in mind for my Learn to Code series. One will be on the learning path
for web development and then how to find a job in web development.

Those posts will be very specific to that niche. Until I churn those out, I thought I’d share a
broader resource that will give you an insight into tech careers as a whole.

This course is by a guy who worked at Google and now builds his own SaaS companies. I’ve
DM’d him before regarding a SaaS idea I have and he gave me good feedback.

I followed him because he just sounded like a developer at first, then I realized he actually put
out good value regarding building SaaS companies, which is something I want to ultimately take
a stab at.

I’m sharing an old course of his below. It used to be a paid one, but it’s now free.

Here is the original sales page. It’s a bit over the top with the copy as you can tell.

The course starts off by putting you on the path to certifications that turn you into a support
specialist. Then it puts you on the path to coding jobs. I personally don’t think you need to go
down the support route and my posts will cover that.

The Career Progression video is a bit like my niche article but you get his perspective.

He even touches on Tech Sales as a niche - I’ll try and hash out a post on it at some point based
on research. Would be really cool if anyone knows someone in that space who we can leverage.

Here’s the video list from the course:

1. Get A Tech Job Without A Degree

2. Career Progression
3. Cyber Security
4. Software Development
5. Applying For Jobs
6. Resume Review
7. Bonus Module

The first 6 videos are about 1 hr 45 minutes. 1/2
15.01.2024 16:10 Course: How To Get A Tech Job Without A Degree - Ascetus

The bonus module is 42 minutes. It’s just him shooting the shit regarding the job situation
during rona and a few bonus websites he recommends. Very likely going to shill one of those
bonus websites in one of my next two posts.

Additionally, there is a resources folder that contains a few documents, especially regarding
certifications, referenced in the videos.

To get the course, use this link. Click on Download as zip and watch it offline.

If you want to get it off Gumroad yourself and watch it online, just go here and enter 0 as the
price to get access to it.

Edit (09/28): He’s charging $99 for it again so you might want to download it instead now lol.

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faramith 2 years ago 4 +

Thank you for this post. You are saving us from lots of searching and all we have to do is to
work hard and follow the steps.
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