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Sure, prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other words

in a sentence. Here's an overview with definitions and examples:

1. **Location/Position Prepositions**: Describe where something is in relation to something else.

- Examples: on, in, at, under, over, above, below, beside, between, among

- Example sentences: The book is on the table. She lives in New York. The cat is under the bed.

2. **Direction Prepositions**: Indicate the direction of movement.

- Examples: to, into, onto, toward, through, across, along

- Example sentences: He walked to the store. The bird flew into the cage. She jumped onto the bed.

3. **Time Prepositions**: Indicate when something happens.

- Examples: before, after, during, at, since, until, by, for

- Example sentences: We'll meet after the movie. She has been waiting for hours. The party starts at 7

4. **Agentive Prepositions**: Show the doer of the action in passive sentences.

- Examples: by, with

- Example sentences: The book was written by the author. The meal was prepared with care.

5. **Possessive Prepositions**: Indicate ownership or possession.

- Examples: of

- Example sentences: The pages of the book are torn. The tail of the dog wagged.

6. **Purpose Prepositions**: Show the reason or purpose for something.

- Examples: for, because of

- Example sentences: He went to the store for milk. She cried because of the sad news.

7. **Manner Prepositions**: Indicate how something is done.

- Examples: with, like

- Example sentences: He writes with a pen. She sings like an angel.

8. **Prepositional Phrases**: Groups of words that function as single prepositions.

- Example: in front of, on top of, by means of

- Example sentences: The cat is in front of the door. The picture hangs on top of the fireplace.

Prepositions are essential for indicating relationships between words in sentences and are crucial for
conveying precise meanings and structures.

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