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Design: planning the overall training program for airline reservation clerks,

including training objectives, and delivery methods (how long? Who? Skill =>
method?), setting learning objectives following SMART

Skill: Proficient in using reservation software and computer systems

Training objectives:
 Proficiency in Reservation Software: Ensure clerks can navigate, utilize, and
troubleshoot reservation software effectively.
 Booking Management: Equip clerks with the ability to efficiently manage
bookings, including creating, modifying, and canceling reservations.
 Flight and Seat Management: Familiarize clerks with flight schedules and seat
assignment procedures.
 Fare Rules and Pricing: Understand fare structures, apply discounts, and calculate
ticket prices accurately.
 System Integration: Integrate reservation systems with other airline operations
such as check-in and baggage handling.

Reasons for choosing the behavior modeling method:

 Clear Demonstration of Procedures: Behavior modeling allows trainers to visually
demonstrate the step-by-step procedures for using the reservation software. This
clear demonstration helps clerks understand the correct methods and workflows.
 Effective Learning through Observation: People often learn best by observing
others. Behavior modeling provides clerks with the opportunity to observe
experienced trainers or colleagues using the software proficiently, which can
enhance their understanding and retention of the material.
 Identification of Best Practices: By observing behavior modeling sessions, clerks
can identify and adopt best practices in using the reservation software.
 Visualization of Complex Procedures: Reservation software and computer systems
can involve intricate procedures and interfaces. Behavior modeling provides a
visual demonstration of these processes, making it easier for trainees to understand
and replicate.

Trainer: Training Manager

Reasons for choosing training manager:
 Expertise in Training: They have experience in understanding the learning needs
of employees and tailoring training methods to meet those needs. Their expertise
can ensure that the behavior modeling sessions are structured, engaging, and
conducive to learning.
 Understanding of Company Policies and Procedures: Training managers have a
comprehensive understanding of company policies, procedures, and standards.
They can ensure that the behavior modeling sessions align with the organization's
objectives and adhere to industry regulations. This helps to instill best practices
and compliance with company guidelines from the outset.

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