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States of Matter JEE Main 2023 (April) Chapter-wise Qs Bank

Questions with Solutions MathonGo


Three bulbs are filled with CH4, CO2 and Ne as shown in the picture. The bulbs are connected through pipes of zero volume. When the stopcocks are opened
and the temperature is kept constant throughout, the pressure of the system is found to be______ atm. (Nearest integer).
[2023 (08 Apr Shift 1)]
2. Arrange the following gases in increasing order of van der Waals constant 'a'
(A) Ar
(B) CH 4

(C) H 2

(D) C 6 H6

Choose the correct option from the following.

[2023 (08 Apr Shift 2)]
(1) D, C, B and A
(2) B, C, D and A
(3) C, D, B and A
(4) A, B, C and D
3. At constant temperature, a gas is at a pressure of 940. 3 mm Hg . The pressure at which its volume decreases by 40% is ______ mm Hg . (Nearest integer)
[2023 (10 Apr Shift 1)]
4. At 600 K, the root mean square (rms) speed of gas X (molar mass = 40) is equal to the most probable speed of gas Y at 90 K. The molar mass of the gas Y is
_____ g mol
. (Nearest integer)
[2023 (12 Apr Shift 1)]
5. A certain quantity of real gas occupies a volume of 0. 15 dm
at 100 atm and 500 K when its compressibility factor is 1. 07. Its volume at 300 atm and 300 K
(When its compressibility factor is 1. 4) is ______ × 10 −4
(Nearest integer)
[2023 (13 Apr Shift 1)]

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States of Matter JEE Main 2023 (April) Chapter-wise Qs Bank
Questions with Solutions MathonGo

1. (3) 2. (4) 3. (1567) 4. (4) 5. (392)

1. (3)

The total number of moles remains constant.

n1 + n2 + n3 = n f

n1 , n2 , n3 moles of gases in the individual containers. n is resultant moles.f

Using ideal gas equation PV = nRT, we van write as

P 1 V1 P 2 V2 P 3 V3 P f Vf
+ + =

P 1 V1 + P 2 V2 + P 3 V3 = P f Vf

2 × 2 + 4 × 3 + 3 × 4 = Pf × 9

Pf = ≈ 3

2. (4)

The van der Waals' constant 'a' is directly proportional to the intermolecular force of attraction; hence, the gas with greater value of 'a' can be
most easily liquefied.The values of Vander Waal's constant 'a' for the given gases are:
Gases Vander Waal's Constant 'a'
A. Ar 1. 35 L
atm mol 2

B. CH 4 2. 25L
atm mol

C. H 2
O 5. 536L
atm mol 2

D. C 6 H6 18. 57L
atm mol 2

∴ Increasing order of 'a' for the given gases

A < B < C < D

3. (1567)

From Boyle's Law,

P 2 V2 = P 1 V1

P1 = 940. 3 mm of Hg
P2 = Pressure at which volume is reduced by 40%
V2 = Volume decreased by 40%
(V2 = V1 − 0. 4 V1 = 0. 6 V1 )

Then,P 2 =

= 1567. 16

≈ 1567 mm Hg

4. (4)
The root mean square velocity V
3 RT
= √

The most probable speed V mp = √

2 RT

T = Temperature in Kelvin
M = Molar mass
Vrms of X 3TX MY
= √
Vmp of Y 2TY MX

3×600×MY MY
1 = √ = √
2×90×40 4

MY = 4 gm mol

5. (392)
The compressibility factor (Z) is given as:
Z =
n =

Z1 = 1. 07, P1 = 100 atm, V1 = 0. 15L, T1 = 500K

Z2 = 1. 4, P1 = 300 atm, V2 =?, T2 = 300K

Z1 P1 V1 ×T2
Z2 T1 ×P2 V2

1.07 100×0.15×300
1.4 500×300×V2

V2 = 0. 03925 dm

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