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(S - 18)

1) Write a procedure to check whether two linked list are equal or not.
2) Draw generalized list for the following expression:

3) Discuss the methods of dynamic memory allocation.

(S - 19)

4) Write a procedure to check whether two linked list are equal or not.
5) Write insertion and deletion procedure of linked list.
6) Explain linked list and its type.
7) Give suitable representation for polynomial and write an algorithm to add two polynomial.

(W - 17)

8) Given a singly linked test L, formulate separate routines / algorithms to

a) Insert an element X after a position P in the list.

b) Delete the first occurrence of an element Y from the list.

9) Explain dynamic memory allocation with example.

10) Write an algorithm to add two polynomials using a linked list. 6

11) Explain with an algorithm and diagrammatic illustrations how insertions and deletions can

be performed on a doubly linked list.

(W - 18)

12) Write an algorithm for addition of two polynomials.

13) Write a C function to perform the following operation on singly linked list

i) insert a node at the beginning

ii) search the elements

iii) count the number of nodes.

14) What is doubly linked list? Write an function to perform following operation on doubly linked list.

i) insert a node at the end

ii) display the nodes

15) Write a short note on : i) Circular linked list

ii) Dynamic memory allocation.

(W -19)

16) Explain with example - i) Circular linked list

ii) Doubly linked list iii) Single link list


17) Write a procedure to check whether two linked list are equal or not.

18) Discuss dynamic memory allocation state advantages & disadvantages of it.

19) Write a 'C' function to perform the operation to traverse in singly linked list.

(W - 22)

20) Discuss the methods of dynamic memory allocation . state their advantages and disadvantages .

21) write a Menu Driven Program for various operation of singly linked list.

22) Write an algorithm for insertion in the doubly linked list. :- i) Insertion at beginning

ii) Insertion at end

iii) Insertion at specific location

23) write a ”C” function to perform the operation to traverse in singly link list.

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