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GEE 8- DEBATE NOTES (Science Technology and Society)

Let us first define what a robot is.

 According to the Robot Institute of America: A robot is a programmable, multifunction

manipulator, designed to move material, parts, tools, or specific devices through variable
programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.

What are robots made of?

 According to the book entitled: Artificial Intelligence (A modern approach): Robot is an active,
artificial agent whose environment is the physical rules out pure software agents or softbots.

This Article contends that an argument can be made for robot criminal liability, provided that the
robot satisfies three threshold conditions set out in Part I. These conditions provide that the
robot must be (1) equipped with algorithms that can make nontrivial morally relevant decisions;
(2) capable of communicating its moral decisions to humans; and (3) permitted to act on its
environment without immediate human supervision.

If an individual is charged with making the ultimate moral decision,

Calo defines robots as machines that can sense their environment, process the information they
sense, and act directly upon their environment.25 He focuses on machines that are “embodied,
physically, in the real world.”26 Balkin takes a more inclusive view of robots, which encompasses
“material objects that interact with their environ

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